5 research outputs found


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    This study identifies and proposes the approach of a new intelligent system regarding stopping the phenomenon of migration of young people during the current economic crisis. We investigate the manner in which the labour market and the educational system in Romania can contribute to the option of emigration as the only saving opportunity for more and more young people. The economic crisis influences the social-economic development and has a major impact on the decision of young people to migrate from Romania to those countries that may offer a general framework optimum for their future human and professional development. The objectives refer to the assessment of the tendencies of the migration phenomenon and to the analysis of the impact for the educational system. In the end, possible solutions are searched for the identified problems, with the purpose of drawing attention to the loss of our country, due to the migration of the most important segment of the labour market in Romania: the young people. The inductors of migration among young people are the professional-educational factors motivated by the wish to attend a form of higher education and the aspiration to a profession according to their formation. The impact of this study is produced in practice, through the results and conclusions of the analysis carried out


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    International migration, together with economic and financial crisis or the different socio-economic development of Member States, is a serious threat to security in Europe. Population migration as a threatening factor, places the European Union in the face of a decision to establish clear policies for the establishment of a climate of external security, both for the migrant population and for the rest of the population. All in all, this study will centre on the following hypothesis: the better we know the challenges of international migration in the European Union and its Member States the more the European policies to mitigate negative effects of the world will be diminished. The aim is to highlight aspects pertaining to migration integration as a factor of economic, social and regional development in the European Union, and less as a factor of destabilization and insecurity. In other words, a good knowledge of the phenomenon leads to drawing up effective policies to reduce hazards, risks, threats and negative effects that happen today due to the increasing number of immigrants. Finally, the study will present a series of conclusions, including on the work hypothesis verification and some proposals related to migration integration efficiency as a factor of regional and economic development in the European Union

    Migration and Economic Development Comparative Study: Romania-Italy (English version)

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    The article „Migration and development. Comparative Study: Romania-Italy” is part of the doctoral thesis entitled Religion and migration in contemporary Romania. Case study: Romanian citizens from Italy and represents in fact the second perspective approached by the thesis, namely migration and development, the first perspective being migration and religion. Migration is the social process with increasingly high influence on the Romanian society of these days. It is selective and dynamic and therefore it requires a complex approach. Over the past years, the remittances of Romanian citizens from other countries have represented the safest external deficit financing source. After several years of constant growth and in the current context marked by social and political changes, the remittance flows decreased significantly. This evolution is based on the background of international economic and financial crisis and of the deteriorating economies of countries all over the world.The topic of this paper is the interaction between migration and development, having as starting point the information provided by various authors in the field of migration and economy, as well as statistical data, slowly progressing towards the various facets of development and migration from a wide conceptual viewpoint and the specific theory of current development and migration. The entire study is focused on the neoclassical economic theory with both macro and micro applications as well as on the current variant of international migration – transnational migration.The general premise is that the external migration of Romanian population is mainly determined by economic differences.This article was developed during the research “Supervision of Social Services from rural areas of the county of Iasi”; the research was made on behalf of Lumen Research Centre in Humanistic Science and of “Supervision and Social Planning “Master Program, from “AI Cuza” University Iasi. The research frameworks are more complex than this exposure, that’s why we limited the analysis in this article on the perceptions of members of Advisory Community Councils to modern social services and their supervision.external migration, economic development, sustainable development, remittances, transnationalism

    Romans Immigrants in Italy and the Social Costs (English version)

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    The present research intends to approach in an explicative manner the migration phenomenon, mainly to test which are the social costs of external migration in Romania. We have tried to find some answers by relating to this specific type of migration, especially to external or international circulatory migration, of to-and-fro type which registered a constant increase in Romania in the last years. Travelling for work abroad is part of a life strategy with major effects on the person/household. In this sense, the social costs of the phenomenon become ample, with effects at the national level. The present study was based on the questions: which are the reasons that determine more and more Romanians to leave for work abroad, how do they leave legally or illegally, what is the Romanians’ perception about the situation of present Romania, their perception about the emigration area, which are the costs, which are the benefits and losses of external migration? The approaching manner is mainly a qualitative one but has in view a quantitative approach of the phenomenon at the level of a community of Romanians situated in the north of Italy, in Torino. In this paper, migration is studied from a broader perspective, tackling both the persons in the hypostasis of immigration (entrance) and emigration (exit); both forms of migration are considered since any migratory act is at the same time a migration and an emigration.migration, social cost, economic capital, human capital, social capita, symbolic capital

    Research and Science Today

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