657 research outputs found

    Tinnitus revival during COVID‑19 lockdown: how to deal with it?

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    To the Editor, The novel Coronavirus Disease, officially designated as COVID-19 by the WHO, is a serious issue for public health. To contain the COVID-19, the Italian Government stated on March 9th 2020 the prohibition of any movement throughout the national area unless for work/health reasons and the obligation to remain as much as possible inside one’s own home. With the start of the so-called “Phase Two” on May 4th 2020, circulation within the same region was allowed again, due to the progressive slowdown of the outbreak. Therefore, since lockdown measures were relaxed and access to the emergency room or ENT clinic became less worrying for patients, specialists of Otolaryngology Units in Bari (Italy) observed an increase in the amount of subjects complaining of the revival of intense tinnitus. We attempt in this letter to focus on patients affected by chronic subjective tinnitus, that already had a diagnosis and self-stabilized without a massive treatment. Research studies have reported tinnitus wide impact on quality of life of subjects experiencing it, involving their emotional state, concentration and sleep quality; at this regard, Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI) is a self-reported tool regularly used to quantify the grade of perceived handicap as slight (0–16), mild (18–36), moderate (38–56), severe (58–76) or catastrophic (78–100) on the basis of 25 questions [1]. During the past 2 weeks, we have collected data from 16 patients among our population of chronic sufferers: THI observed was moderate in 62.5% and severe in 18.75% of cases, catastrophic in 12.5% and mild in 6.25% of subjects. Interestingly, the grade of handicap resulted increased by one-level in 12 out of 16 patients (75%); in particular, THI shifted from mild to moderate in 9 patients and from moderate to severe in 3 patients. As shown in the literature, tinnitus generation, maintenance and recrudescence are still debated. A cortical reorganization secondary to sensory deprivation has been proposed as one on the most frequent cause of tinnitus [2]. The avoidance of silence and acoustic masking have been proposed as effective measures to overcome sensory deprivation and increase masking of the symptom [3]. It is reasonable to think that, during the lockdown, the absence of environmental masking sounds from everyday life may have enhanced the tinnitus perception. Furthermore, proneness to worry and incoming stress during pandemic could be included as further potential risk factors for tinnitus worsening. As proficiently reviewed in a recent work [4], some internet/smartphone-based applications provide in tinnitus patients adequate counseling and interactive information together with sound therapy. As brain networks implicated in adaptive responses to sound stimuli and to worry are shared in many cases, an early decrease of anxiety status may release neural resources crucial for tinnitus habituation/distress perception [5]. In general, interactive platforms have been widely implemented during lockdown period due to the forced lack of real personal and working relationships; since smart-working seems to be successful for future plans, the development of smart applications and mobile services in the health care field may be promising in terms of cost-effectiveness, tolerability and simplicity of use

    A nonlinear static procedure for the tsunami design of a reinforced concrete building to the ASCE7 Standard

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    New ASCE 7-16 Chapter 6 offer a comprehensive and practical methodology for the design of structures for tsunami loads and effects. While they provide prescriptive tsunami loading and design requirements, they also allow for the use of performance-based analysis tools. However, no guidance is provided as to how the performance-based analysis should be performed. This paper presents an improved nonlinear static pushover procedure for the assessment of the nonlinear capacity of structures to tsunami, within the framework of the ASCE 7-16 provisions. For this purpose, a prototypical reinforced concrete multi-storey building exposed to high tsunami hazard in the US Northwest Pacific coast is assessed. This is a building with sufficient height to provide last-resort refuge for people having insufficient time to evacuate outside the inundation zone. Two different tsunami load discretisation methods are applied to investigate the structural capacity under tsunami systemic and component loading, respectively. The results of the nonlinear static pushover analyses show that the structural system has sufficient lateral strength to resist ASCE 7-16 prescribed tsunami loads. However, when component-based loading is considered, the seaward ground storey columns are observed to fail in shear, precipitating structural failure. This is in agreement with the ASCE 7-16 simplified systemic acceptance criteria, i.e. that the structure is unsafe for use as a refuge, and that it would require significant strengthening. However, the use of the VDPO provides information of what needs to be strengthened in order to improve the tsunami performance of the structure

    Fragility functions for a reinforced concrete structure subjected to earthquake and tsunami in sequence

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    Many coastal regions lying on subduction zones are likely to experience the catastrophic effects of cascading earthquake and tsunami observed in recent events, e.g., 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami. The influence of earthquake on the response of the structure to tsunami is difficult to quantify through damage observations from past events, since they only provide information on the combined effects of both perils. Hence, the use of analytical methodologies is fundamental. This paper investigates the response of a reinforced concrete frame subjected to realistic ground motion and tsunami inundation time histories that have been simulated considering a seismic source representative of the M9 2011 Tohoku earthquake event. The structure is analysed via nonlinear time-history analyses under (a) tsunami inundation only and (b) earthquake ground motion and tsunami inundation in sequence. Comparison of these analyses shows that there is a small impact of the preceding earthquake ground shaking on the tsunami fragility. The fragility curves constructed for the cascading hazards show less than 15% reduction in the median estimate of tsunami capacity compared to the fragility functions for tsunami only. This outcome reflects the fundamentally different response of the structure to the two perils: while the ground motion response of the structure is governed by its strength, ductility and stiffness, the tsunami performance of the structure is dominated by its strength. It is found that the ground shaking influences the tsunami displacement response of the considered structure due to the stiffness degradation induced in the ground motion cyclic response, but this effect decreases with increasing tsunami force

    Sequencing SARS-CoV-2 Genomes From Saliva

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    Genomic sequencing is crucial to understanding the epidemiology and evolution of Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Often, genomic studies rely on remnant diagnostic material, typically nasopharyngeal (NP) swabs, as input into whole-genome SARS-CoV-2 next-generation sequencing pipelines. Saliva has proven to be a safe and stable specimen for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA via traditional diagnostic assays; however, saliva is not commonly used for SARS-CoV-2 sequencing. Using the ARTIC Network amplicon-generation approach with sequencing on the Oxford Nanopore MinION, we demonstrate that sequencing SARS-CoV-2 from saliva produces genomes comparable to those from NP swabs, and that RNA extraction is necessary to generate complete genomes from saliva. In this study, we show that saliva is a useful specimen type for genomic studies of SARS-CoV-2

    Effective three-band model for double perovskites

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    We start from a six-band model describing the transition-metal t2g orbitals of half-metallic double perovskite systems, such as Sr2FeMoO6, in which only one of the transition metal ions (Fe) contains important intratomic repulsion Ufe. By eliminating the Mo orbitals using a low-energy reduction similar to that used in the cuprates, we construct a Hamiltonian which contains only effective t2g Fe orbitals. This allows to treat exactly Ufe, and most of the Fe-Mo hopping. As an application, we treat the effective Hamiltonian in the slave-boson mean-field approximation and calculate the position of the metal-insulator transition and other quantities as a function of pressure or on-site energy difference.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Mineralogical, geochemical, and isotopic characteristics of the ejecta from the 5 April 2003 paroxysm at Stromboli, Itlay: Inferences on the Preeruptive Magma Dynamics

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    The 5 April 2003 explosive eruption at Stromboli emplaced typical basaltic scoria, pumice, and lithic blocks. This paper reports a detailed set of mineralogical, geochemical, and isotopic data on the juvenile ejecta and fresh subvolcanic blocks, including micro-Sr isotope analyses and major and dissolved volatile element contents in olivine-hosted melt inclusions. The juvenile ejecta have compositions similar to those of their analogs from previous paroxysms; the 2003 pumice, however, does not contain stable high-MgO olivine, usually typical of large-scale paroxysms and has lower compatible element contents. Texture, composition, and Sr isotope disequilibrium of crystals in pumice indicate that most of them are inherited from the shallow crystal-rich magma and/or crystal mush. The most primitive magma is recorded as rare melt inclusion in olivine Fo85–86. It has a typical S/Cl (1.1) and a total volatile content of 3.1 wt % from which the total fluid pressure was evaluated ≥240 MPa. Hence, moderate pressure conditions can be envisaged for the mechanism triggering the April 2003 paroxysm. The subvolcanic blocks are shoshonitic basalts with 45–50 vol % of phenocrysts (plagioclase + clinopyroxene + olivine). The late-stage crystallization of the crystal-rich magma lead to the formation of Na-sanidine with plagioclase An60–25 + olivine Fo68–49 + Timagnetite ± apatite ± phlogopite ± ilmenite assemblage. Mineralogy, chemistry, and Sr–Nd isotopic signatures of the subvolcanic blocks indicate they represent the slowly cooled equivalents of batches of crystal-rich basaltic magma stored in the uppermost subvolcanic feeding system. Cooling might be facilitated by short breaks in the summit crater activity

    "¿Tú o vos?" : análisis de la subtitulación al español neutro de los capítulos "China" y "Todd Packer" de The Office (2005)

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    En aquest treball, analitzarem la traducció pròpia per a subtitulació a l'espanyol neutre dels capítols "Xina" i "Todd Packer" de la versió nord-americana de la sèrie The Office (2005). Alhora, compararem aquesta versió amb una possible traducció a l'espanyol de Buenos Aires amb el propòsit de destacar la importància de comptar amb una major diversitat de traduccions adaptades a la parla dels diferents països d'Amèrica Llatina pel que fa als productes audiovisuals. La comparativa s'enfocarà en els trets morfosintàctics i lèxics de totes dues varietats.En este trabajo, analizaremos la traducción propia para subtitulación al español neutro de los capítulos "China" y "Todd Packer" de la versión estadounidense de la serie The Office (2005). A su vez, compararemos esta versión con una posible traducción al español bonaerense con el propósito de destacar la importancia de contar con una mayor diversidad de traducciones adaptadas al habla de los distintos países de América Latina en lo que respecta a productos audiovisuales. La comparativa se enfocará en los rasgos morfosintácticos y léxicos de ambas variedades.This paper offers an analysis of the author's subtitling of the chapters "China" and "Todd Packer" from the American version of the television series The Office (2005) into Neutral Spanish. In turn, it compares this version with a regional translation into Buenos Aires Spanish to highlight the importance of offering a greater diversity of translations adapted to the different varieties of Latin American Spanish for audiovisual products. The focus of the comparison is on the morphosyntactic and lexical features of both varieties