10 research outputs found

    Graph learning under sparsity priors

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    Graph signals offer a very generic and natural representation for data that lives on networks or irregular structures. The actual data structure is however often unknown a priori but can sometimes be estimated from the knowledge of the application domain. If this is not possible, the data structure has to be inferred from the mere signal observations. This is exactly the problem that we address in this paper, under the assumption that the graph signals can be represented as a sparse linear combination of a few atoms of a structured graph dictionary. The dictionary is constructed on polynomials of the graph Laplacian, which can sparsely represent a general class of graph signals composed of localized patterns on the graph. We formulate a graph learning problem, whose solution provides an ideal fit between the signal observations and the sparse graph signal model. As the problem is non-convex, we propose to solve it by alternating between a signal sparse coding and a graph update step. We provide experimental results that outline the good graph recovery performance of our method, which generally compares favourably to other recent network inference algorithms

    A graph learning approach for light field image compression

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    In recent years, light field imaging has attracted the attention of the academic and industrial communities thanks to its enhanced rendering capabilities that allow to visualise contents in a more immersive and interactive way. However, those enhanced capabilities come at the cost of a considerable increase in content size when compared to traditional image and video applications. Thus, advanced compression schemes are needed to efficiently reduce the volume of data for storage and delivery of light field content. In this paper, we introduce a novel method for compression of light field images. The proposed solution is based on a graph learning approach to estimate the disparity among the views composing the light field. The graph is then used to reconstruct the entire light field from an arbitrary subset of encoded views. Experimental results show that our method is a promising alternative to current compression algorithms for light field images, with notable gains across all bitrates with respect to the state of the art

    Graph Laplacian Mixture Model

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    Graph learning methods have recently been receiving increasing interest as means to infer structure in datasets. Most of the recent approaches focus on different relationships between a graph and data sample distributions, mostly in settings where all available data relate to the same graph. This is, however, not always the case, as data is often available in mixed form, yielding the need for methods that are able to cope with mixture data and learn multiple graphs. We propose a novel generative model that represents a collection of distinct data which naturally live on different graphs. We assume the mapping of data to graphs is not known and investigate the problem of jointly clustering a set of data and learning a graph for each of the clusters. Experiments demonstrate promising performance in data clustering and multiple graph inference, and show desirable properties in terms of interpretability and coping with high dimensionality on weather and traffic data, as well as digit classification

    GOT: An Optimal Transport framework for Graph comparison

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    We present a novel framework based on optimal transport for the challenging problem of comparing graphs. Specifically, we exploit the probabilistic distribution of smooth graph signals defined with respect to the graph topology. This allows us to derive an explicit expression of the Wasserstein distance between graph signal distributions in terms of the graph Laplacian matrices. This leads to a structurally meaningful measure for comparing graphs, which is able to take into account the global structure of graphs, while most other measures merely observe local changes independently. Our measure is then used for formulating a new graph alignment problem, whose objective is to estimate the permutation that minimizes the distance between two graphs. We further propose an efficient stochastic algorithm based on Bayesian exploration to accommodate for the non-convexity of the graph alignment problem. We finally demonstrate the performance of our novel framework on different tasks like graph alignment, graph classification and graph signal prediction, and we show that our method leads to significant improvement with respect to the-state-of-art algorithms

    fGOT: Graph Distances Based on Filters and Optimal Transport

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    Graph comparison deals with identifying similarities and dissimilarities between graphs. A major obstacle is the unknown alignment of graphs, as well as the lack of accurate and inexpensive comparison metrics. In this work we introduce the filter graph distance. It is an optimal transport based distance which drives graph comparison through the probability distribution of filtered graph signals. This creates a highly flexible distance, capable of prioritising different spectral information in observed graphs, offering a wide range of choices for a comparison metric. We tackle the problem of graph alignment by computing graph permutations that minimise our new filter distances, which implicitly solves the graph comparison problem. We then propose a new approximate cost function that circumvents many computational difficulties inherent to graph comparison and permits the exploitation of fast algorithms such as mirror gradient descent, without grossly sacrificing the performance. We finally propose a novel algorithm derived from a stochastic version of mirror gradient descent, which accommodates the non-convexity of the alignment problem, offering a good trade-off between performance accuracy and speed. The experiments on graph alignment and classification show that the flexibility gained through filter graph distances can have a significant impact on performance, while the difference in speed offered by the approximation cost makes the framework applicable in practical settings

    GOT: An Optimal Transport framework for Graph comparison

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    We present a novel framework based on optimal transport for the challenging problem of comparing graphs. Specifically, we exploit the probabilistic distribution of smooth graph signals defined with respect to the graph topology. This allows us to derive an explicit expression of the Wasserstein distance between graph signal distributions in terms of the graph Laplacian matrices. This leads to a structurally meaningful measure for comparing graphs, which is able to take into account the global structure of graphs, while most other measures merely observe local changes independently. Our measure is then used for formulating a new graph alignment problem, whose objective is to estimate the permutation that minimizes the distance between two graphs. We further propose an efficient stochastic algorithm based on Bayesian exploration to accommodate for the non-convexity of the graph alignment problem. We finally demonstrate the performance of our novel framework on different tasks like graph alignment, graph classification and graph signal prediction, and we show that our method leads to significant improvement with respect to the-state-of-art algorithms

    Wasserstein-Based Graph Alignment

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    Forward-Backward Splitting for Optimal Transport Based Problems

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    Optimal transport aims to estimate a transportation plan that minimizes a displacement cost. This is realized by optimizing the scalar product between the sought plan and the given cost, over the space of doubly stochastic matrices. When the entropy regularization is added to the problem, the transportation plan can be efficiently computed with the Sinkhorn algorithm. Thanks to this breakthrough, optimal transport has been progressively extended to machine learning and statistical inference by introducing additional application-specific terms in the problem formulation. It is however challenging to design efficient optimization algorithms for optimal transport based extensions. To overcome this limitation, we devise a general forward-backward splitting algorithm based on Bregman distances for solving a wide range of optimization problems involving a differentiable function with Lipschitz-continuous gradient and a doubly stochastic constraint. We illustrate the efficiency of our approach in the context of continuous domain adaptation. Experiments show that the proposed method leads to a significant improvement in terms of speed and performance with respect to the state of the art for domain adaptation on a continually rotating distribution coming from the standard two moon dataset

    Dynamics of functional network organization through graph mixture learning

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    Understanding the organizational principles of human brain activity at the systems level remains a major challenge in network neuroscience. Here, we introduce a fully data-driven approach based on graph learning to extract meaningful repeating network patterns from regionally-averaged timecourses. We use the Graph Laplacian Mixture Model (GLMM), a generative model that treats functional data as a collection of signals expressed on multiple underlying graphs. By exploiting covariance between activity of brain regions, these graphs can be learned without resorting to structural information. To validate the proposed technique, we first apply it to task fMRI with a known experimental paradigm. The probability of each graph to occur at each time-point is found to be consistent with the task timing, while the spatial patterns associated to each epoch of the task are in line with previously established activation patterns using classical regression analysis. We further on apply the technique to resting state data, which leads to extracted graphs that correspond to well-known brain functional activation patterns. The GLMM allows to learn graphs entirely from the functional activity that, in practice, turn out to reveal high degrees of similarity to the structural connectome. The Default Mode Network (DMN) is always captured by the algorithm in the different tasks and resting state data. Therefore, we compare the states corresponding to this network within themselves and with structure. Overall, this method allows us to infer relevant functional brain networks without the need of structural connectome information. Moreover, we overcome the limitations of windowing the time sequences by feeding the GLMM with the whole functional signal and neglecting the focus on sub-portions of the signals