90 research outputs found

    Impact of job classification on employment of seasonal workers

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    Cilj je rada poboljÅ”ati postojeću organizaciju rada, Å”to bi kao rezultat trebalo pridonijeti uspjeÅ”nosti poslovnog procesa te u konačnici smanjiti troÅ”kove tvrtke. U radu je predložena promjena organizacijske strukture s ciljem boljeg i efikasnijeg koriÅ”tenja raspoloživih resursa unutar tvrtke. Budući da postojeća organizacija i sistematizacija radnih mjesta ne udovoljava vremenu u kojem živimo, postoji potreba za novom sistematizacijom koja bi obuhvatila sve promjene koje su se dogodile tijekom godina, pa i promjene koje bi uslijedile radi daljnjeg razvoja tvrtke. Organizacija i vođenje tvrtke te reorganizacija i primjena nove sistematizacije potrebna je da bi tvrtka mogla redovito prilagođavati poslovne aktivnosti jer se uvjeti u djelatnostima u kojima djeluje ubrzano mijenjaju. Novom sistematizacijom ne bi se mijenjao broj sektora, nego je potrebno postojeće kadrove pravilno rasporediti i time bi se izbjeglo zapoÅ”ljavanje prevelikoga broja sezonskih radnika. Pri određivanju nove organizacijske strukture potrebno je voditi računa o vrsti, načinu poslovanja, strukturalnim varijablama (podjela rada, jedinstvo zapovijedi, vlast i odgovornost, raspon kontrole, podjela na poslovne jedinice i dr.). Očekuje se doprinos organiziranju i sistematiziranju radnih mjesta, poboljÅ”anju kvalitete rada, brzine i učinkovitosti. Rezultat bi trebao biti organizirana tvrtka prema standardima koji su prilagođeni vremenu u kojem živimo.The paper aims to improve the existing work organization, thus improving success of business process and ultimately reducing company costs. A change in organizational structure is proposed with the objective of achieving better and more efficient use of resources available within the company. Since the existing organization and classification of jobs does not meet the requirements of the age we live in, there is a need for new classification which would address many changes that have taken place over the years, including changes that are yet to be made for the purpose of further development of the company. Organization and management of the company as well as reorganization and implementation of a new classification is necessary to make it possible for the company to perform regular adjustment of business activities, because the conditions in which the company operates are changing fast. New classification would not actually change the number of sectors. Rather, existing personnel would be allocated in a better way, which would result in reduced needs for seasonal work force. In the process of defining the new organizational structure, one should consider the type, way of doing business, structural variables (division of labour, unity of command, authority and responsibility, span of control, division in business units, etc.). Expected results include improved organization and classification of jobs, improved quality of work, speed and efficiency. It should result in a company organized according to standards that are adjusted to modern times

    Acute abdomen in a patient with Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome

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    Background. Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser (MRKH) syndrome is a malformation of female genital tract (incidence 1 in 4000 female newborn children). It appears as a result of a disorder in the development of Millerian cannals. Etiology is unknown. Syndrome MRKH is the most frequent cause of primary amenorrhoea (90%). Patients with MRKH have a normal female phenotype, with normal pubic hairness and thelarche, and female karyotype (46XX) followed by primary amenorrhoea. Hormonal status corresponds to healthy women, where the appearance of ovarian tumors and tumors on rudiment parts of uterus is possible. Case report. We presented a case of acute abdomen in a patient with previously not diagnosed MRKH. The diagnosis was done during the operation. Small pelvis and an abdominal part were filled with torquated tumor lump, where ovaries, oviducts, uterus or something resembling rudiment of uterus were not recognized through careful examination. Furthemore, the patient had a short, dead-end vagina. Tumorectomy was done and hystopathological finding showed the presence of vascular leiomyoma. Conclusion. The diagnosis of complex syndromes, such as MRKH, can, despite modern diagnostics, be absent for non-medical and psycho-social reasons. We can expect ovarian and uterine pathology on hypoplastic structures in these patients, as well as in healthy women. Vascular leiomyoma in the patients with MRKH was not found in the available literature

    Facet colouring of nestohedra

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    A proper colouring of a polytope is a surjective function from the set of facetsto a set ofmcolours such that every two facets associated with the same colour areseparated, i.e. have no vertex in common. The chromatic number of a polytope is theminimalmsuch that there exists a proper colouring of its facets inmcolours. Thistalk presents the chromatic numbers of associahedra and some others interestingmembers of the family of nestohedra

    Analysis of stress-strain state of bucket wheel excavator revolving platform structure: Fundament of efficient reconstruction

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    Rotorni bageri čine okosnicu sistema mehanizacije povrÅ”inskih kopova Njihova eksploatacija u ekstremno teÅ”kim uslovima prouzrokuje otkaze delova noseće konstrukcije (plastične deformacije, prsline, pukotine, lomovi). Kao konkretni primeri, u radu su najpre prikazani izgledi tipičnih oÅ”tećenja konstrukcija obrtnih platformi bagera TAKRAF SRs 1200Ɨ24/4 (400 kW) + VR. Potom su izloženi postupci proračuna njihove konstrukcije čiju osnovu čine dve etape: formiranje konačno elementnih mreža i analiza opterećenja. Sprovođenjem izložene procedure proračuna, oblikovano je konstrukciono reÅ”enje primenjeno prilikom rekonstrukcije obrtnih platformi dva bagera pomenutog tipa tokom 2005. godine. O valjanosti pristupa problemu i uspeÅ”nosti reÅ”enja rekonstrukcije uverljivo govori podatak da su, nakon sanacije i rekonstrukcije, bageri otkopali viÅ”e od 5 000 000 m3 otkrivke, a da pri tome, u zonama rekonstrukcije, nisu konstatovani bilo kakvi defekti konstrukcija obrtnih platformi.Bucket wheel excavators (BWE) are a part and parcel of the mechanization system in open pits. Their exploitation in heavy duty conditions causes failures of supporting structural parts (plastic deformations, cracks fractures, break-ages). As a real example, the paper first presents appearance of typical damages of revolving platform structures for BWE TAKRAF SRs 1200Ɨ24/4 (400 kW) + VR. Subsequently, techniques for calculating their structure are presented, whose basis is made in two stages: set up of finite element mesh and analysis of loads. The structural solution is developed by conducting the presented calculation procedure, and is applied during reconstruction of revolving platforms (2005) on two BWEs mentioned before. Validity of problem approach and efficiency of reconstruction solution is found in the fact that after reconstruction and repair BWE have excavated more than 5 000 000 m3 of barren soil, while at reconstruction zones no defects of revolving platform structures have been detected

    Analysis of stress-strain state of bucket wheel excavator revolving platform structure: Fundament of efficient reconstruction

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    Rotorni bageri čine okosnicu sistema mehanizacije povrÅ”inskih kopova Njihova eksploatacija u ekstremno teÅ”kim uslovima prouzrokuje otkaze delova noseće konstrukcije (plastične deformacije, prsline, pukotine, lomovi). Kao konkretni primeri, u radu su najpre prikazani izgledi tipičnih oÅ”tećenja konstrukcija obrtnih platformi bagera TAKRAF SRs 1200Ɨ24/4 (400 kW) + VR. Potom su izloženi postupci proračuna njihove konstrukcije čiju osnovu čine dve etape: formiranje konačno elementnih mreža i analiza opterećenja. Sprovođenjem izložene procedure proračuna, oblikovano je konstrukciono reÅ”enje primenjeno prilikom rekonstrukcije obrtnih platformi dva bagera pomenutog tipa tokom 2005. godine. O valjanosti pristupa problemu i uspeÅ”nosti reÅ”enja rekonstrukcije uverljivo govori podatak da su, nakon sanacije i rekonstrukcije, bageri otkopali viÅ”e od 5 000 000 m3 otkrivke, a da pri tome, u zonama rekonstrukcije, nisu konstatovani bilo kakvi defekti konstrukcija obrtnih platformi.Bucket wheel excavators (BWE) are a part and parcel of the mechanization system in open pits. Their exploitation in heavy duty conditions causes failures of supporting structural parts (plastic deformations, cracks fractures, break-ages). As a real example, the paper first presents appearance of typical damages of revolving platform structures for BWE TAKRAF SRs 1200Ɨ24/4 (400 kW) + VR. Subsequently, techniques for calculating their structure are presented, whose basis is made in two stages: set up of finite element mesh and analysis of loads. The structural solution is developed by conducting the presented calculation procedure, and is applied during reconstruction of revolving platforms (2005) on two BWEs mentioned before. Validity of problem approach and efficiency of reconstruction solution is found in the fact that after reconstruction and repair BWE have excavated more than 5 000 000 m3 of barren soil, while at reconstruction zones no defects of revolving platform structures have been detected


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    Introduction: The media have an important role in maintaining and creating social relations and social environment. This especially refers to the war and post-war period in which the media can form a part of the prevention context, i.e., the media can facilitate the process of recovery from war trauma, but they can also contribute to stigmatization and retraumatization. Our aim was to analyze Croatian newspaper reports about Croatian war veterans and to determine the differences in ways of dealing with the subject during 1996 and 2006. Methods: The data were gathered by reviewing two daily papers, Novi list and Večernji list and Globus weekly. The analysis included newspaper reports related to the subject of Croatian war veterans, published in the first six months of 1996 and 2006. Quantitative and qualitative methods were used to analyze both the form and the content of the reports. Results: A total of 538 newspaper reports were published in the above-stated periods. In the first half of 2006 the number of reports related to the subject of Croatian war veterans dropped 6.5 percent compared to the first half of 1996. Topics prevalent at the end of the war were different from those ten years later. The 1996 articles mostly reported on activities organized by various associations, medal-awarding ceremonies, military operations etc. Ten years later the topics focused on war crimes, trials of Croatian war generals and dissatisfaction with veterans\u27 rights and legislation. Moreover, articles relating to crime and reports about suicides and attempts of suicide increased significantly in 2006. Conclusion: During the ten-year period, the media image of Croatian war veterans significantly changed, which was expected owing to different social circumstances immediately after the war and ten years later. The prevalence of topics negative in tone and a lack of proactive stories reflect, but also create, a social context which can affect the process of recovery from traumatization

    Esterase and peroxidase isoforms during initial stages of somatic embryogenesis in Fritillaria meleagris L. leaf base

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    The aim of this study was to determine the enzymatic profile of esterases and peroxidases during early stages of somatic embryogenesis of Fritillaria meleagris L. Somatic embryogenesis was induced using the leaf base as explant on a medium supplemented with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). Zymography showed the presence of different moieties, six isoforms of esterases and peroxidases, during morphogenesis as compared to control explants. One isoform of esterases was detected only during the process of somatic embryogenesis, and one isoform was detected in control explants. Analysis of esterases with 1-naphthyl butyrate proved that esterases, which participate in somatic embryogenesis of F. meleagris, belong to the family of aryl esterases. For the first time it was proved that five isoforms of esterases, which are involved in morphogenesis of F. meleagris, belong to the family of aryl esterases, while two isoforms are carboxyl esterases. One isoform of carboxyl esterases was visible in control explants. This is also the first description of peroxidases during the morphogenetic process, and of the difference between aryl and carboxyl esterases. More isoforms of esterases during morphogenesis as compared to control explants are probably responsible for some early physiological process during somatic embryogenesis of F. meleagris.Archives of Biological Sciences (2017), 69(4): 619-62

    Defense Mechanisms in Alcohol Dependent Patients with Oral and Oropharinegal Cancer

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    The effects of psychological factors in alcoholics with malignant tumor of the oral cavity and oropharynx are scarcely explored. The aim of the research was to examine early family relations and investigate differences in the use of defense mechanisms in alcohol dependent patients suffering from malignant tumor of the oral cavity and oropharynx compared to alcohol dependent persons without malignant tumors and healthy controls. The research included 51 alcohol dependent patients treated for malignant tumor of the oral cavity and oropharynx at the University Hospital Center Rijeka from 2005 to 2009. The control groups corresponded to the experimental group in age, sex and education level. The research used a general demographic questionnaire, the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview and the Revised Questionnaire of Life Style and Defense Mechanisms. The research groups showed significant differences in difficult childhood (p<0.001) including abuse (p=0.004). The alcohol dependent persons suffering from malignant tumors of the oral cavity and oropharynx significantly less frequently used primitive defense mechanisms of regression (p=0.004) and displacement (p=0.013) compared to alcoholics without malignant tumors who significantly more often used neurotic defense mechanisms ā€“ compensation (p=0.005) and intellectualization (p<0.001). The earliest emotional experiences and quality of family relations affect the development of defense mechanisms. These are the psychological factors in the development of oropharyngeal cancer in alcohol addicts
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