95 research outputs found


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    The paper is devoted to the study of the dynamics and movement character of global investment capital flows. According to expert data and reports of EBRD, OECD, WB, IMF, UNCTAD, MIGA, Credit Suisse there was realized the analysis of direct foreign investments in countries with the developed economy and developing ones. The short-term prognoses of the movement character of global investment flows of direct and portfolio investment by regions and in the whole were estimated. The high dynamics of renewal of global direct and portfolio investment flows in 2015 and their unessential decrease by 10-15% in the short outlook was determined.The modern global investment tendencies were systematized by regions: Europe, Northern America, Eastern Europe, Asia, Latin America, Near East and Northern Africa, Southern Africa. As a result, it was determined, that the decrease of investment flows dynamics is expected in Europe and Northern America, although Europe remains the most region-investor, and the Northern America demonstrates the fourfold growth of the capital inflow. For developing countries in the middle-term prospect will be typical tendencies of portfolio investments outflow. The deceleration and essential shortening of volumes of direct and portfolio investment flows is typical mainly for Africa and Eastern Europe. Asia is the exclusion, where the dynamics of capital inflow growth returns, and China that is the third investor in the world for today.Periods of global investment flows deceleration and their modern tendencies were separated and characterized


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    The paper is devoted to the study of the dynamics and movement character of global investment capital flows. According to expert data and reports of EBRD, OECD, WB, IMF, UNCTAD, MIGA, Credit Suisse there was realized the analysis of direct foreign investments in countries with the developed economy and developing ones. The short-term prognoses of the movement character of global investment flows of direct and portfolio investment by regions and in the whole were estimated. The high dynamics of renewal of global direct and portfolio investment flows in 2015 and their unessential decrease by 10-15% in the short outlook was determined.The modern global investment tendencies were systematized by regions: Europe, Northern America, Eastern Europe, Asia, Latin America, Near East and Northern Africa, Southern Africa. As a result, it was determined, that the decrease of investment flows dynamics is expected in Europe and Northern America, although Europe remains the most region-investor, and the Northern America demonstrates the fourfold growth of the capital inflow. For developing countries in the middle-term prospect will be typical tendencies of portfolio investments outflow. The deceleration and essential shortening of volumes of direct and portfolio investment flows is typical mainly for Africa and Eastern Europe. Asia is the exclusion, where the dynamics of capital inflow growth returns, and China that is the third investor in the world for today.Periods of global investment flows deceleration and their modern tendencies were separated and characterized

    The Carpathian model of regional partnership

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    International regional partnerships are described in this paper as an efficient instrument of sustainable development. The Carpathian model is tailored sampling how to save the unique regional ecosystem

    The foreign capital expansion in the banking systems of developing countries

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    The globalization extent of national banking systems of developing countries, the foreign banks presence influence on the development and stability of their financial systems were identified

    Design and implementation of an optimizing type-centric compiler for a high-level language

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    Production compilers for programming languages face multiple requirements. They should be correct, as we rely on them to produce code. They should be fast, in order to provide a good developer experience. They should also be easy to maintain and evolve. This thesis shows how an expressive high level type system can be used to simplify the development of a compiler and demonstrates this on a compiler for Scala. First, it shows how expressive types of high level languages can be used to build internal data structures that provide a statically checked API, ensuring that important properties hold at compile time. Second, we also show how high level language features can be used to abstract the components of a compiler. We demonstrate this by introducing a type-safe layer on top of the bytecode emission phase. This makes it possible to abstract away the implementation details of the compiler frontend and run the same bytecode emission phase in two different Scala compilers. Third, it presents MiniPhases, a novel way to organize transformation passes in a compiler. MiniPhases impose constraints on the organization of passes that are beneficial for maintainability, performance, and testability. We include a detailed performance evaluation of MiniPhases which indicates that their speedup is due to improved cache friendliness and to a lower rate of promotions of objects into the old generations of garbage collectors. Finally, we demonstrate how the expressive type system of the language being compiled can be used for static analysis. We present a novel call graph construction algorithm which uses the typing context for context sensitivity. The resulting algorithm is both substantially faster and more precise than existing alternatives. We demonstrate the applicability of this analysis by extending common subexpression elimination to idempotent expression elimination

    Сучасний формат корпоративної соціальної відповідальності компаній

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    Розглянуто трансформація змісту і значення КСВ компаній, сформульовано пріоритетні напрямки та основні рекомендації щодо забезпечення її розвитку в посткризових умовах.The article deals with the transformation of content and meaning of CSR (the Corporate Social Responsibility); definition of the priority areas and general recommendations concerning its development support in post-crisis environment

    Культурний код формування вертикалей успішності етнічних груп США

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    У статті окреслені перспективи глобального економічного розвитку. Побудована еволюційна модель теоретичних досліджень феномену «культури» в контексті універсального, системного та ціннісного підходів. Подана стисла характеристика моделі культурної асиміляції «плавильного тигля». Визначені індикатори вертикальної успішності етнічних груп США та проведена їх оцінка. На основі авторської методики подана оцінка порівняльної значимості гетерогенних культурних кодів материнського (імміграційного) і приймаючого середовища США, яка дала можливість визначити фактори, що забезпечують економічний успіх етнічних груп Америки. Результати дослідження аргументують зміну традиційного вектора типології культур і підтверджують існування прогресивних культурних кодів

    Крос-культурний контекст інноваційної культури в сучасних інтеграційних процесах глобального світу

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    Розглянуті актуальні питанні крос-культурного впливу на формування інноваційної культури компаній у сучасних інтеграційних процесах глобального світу. Крос-культурний контекст передбачає різні сприйняття джерел інновації, вибір типу інновації та інноваційної моделі. Успіх інновації залежить від інтеграції ментальних культурних моделей і діяльності направленої на управління бізнес-моделями і технологіями