9 research outputs found

    An in vitro nuclear disassembly system reveals a role for the RanGTPase system and microtubule-dependent steps in nuclear envelope breakdown

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    During prophase, vertebrate cells disassemble their nuclear envelope (NE) in the process of NE breakdown (NEBD). We have established an in vitro assay that uses mitotic Xenopus laevis egg extracts and semipermeabilized somatic cells bearing a green fluorescent protein–tagged NE marker to study the molecular requirements underlying the dynamic changes of the NE during NEBD by live microscopy. We applied our in vitro system to analyze the role of the Ran guanosine triphosphatase (GTPase) system in NEBD. Our study shows that high levels of RanGTP affect the dynamics of late steps of NEBD in vitro. Also, inhibition of RanGTP production by RanT24N blocks the dynamic rupture of nuclei, suggesting that the local generation of RanGTP around chromatin may serve as a spatial cue in NEBD. Furthermore, the microtubule-depolymerizing drug nocodazole interferes with late steps of nuclear disassembly in vitro. High resolution live cell imaging reveals that microtubules are involved in the completion of NEBD in vivo by facilitating the efficient removal of membranes from chromatin

    Nuclear envelope localization of human UNC84A does not require nuclear lamins

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    AbstractThe SUN proteins are a conserved family of proteins in eukaryotes. Human UNC84A (Sun1) is a homolog of Caenorhabditis elegans UNC-84, a protein involved in nuclear anchorage and migration. We have analyzed targeting of UNC84A to the nuclear envelope (NE) and show that the N-terminal 300 amino acids are crucial for efficient NE localization of UNC84A whereas the conserved C-terminal SUN domain is not required. Furthermore, we demonstrate by combining RNA interference with immunofluorescence and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching analysis that localization and anchoring of UNC84A is not dependent on the lamin proteins, in contrast to what had been observed for C. elegans UNC-84

    Multiple pathways contribute to nuclear import of core histones

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    Nuclear import of the four core histones H2A, H2B, H3 and H4 is one of the main nuclear import activities during S-phase of the cell cycle. However, the molecular machinery facilitating nuclear import of core histones has not been elucidated. Here, we investigated the pathways by which histone import can occur. First, we show that core histone import can be competed by the BIB (β-like import receptor binding) domain of ribosomal protein L23a suggesting that histone import is an importin mediated process. Secondly, affinity chromatography on immobilized core histones revealed that several members of the importin β family of transport receptors are able to interact with core histones. Finally, we demonstrate that at least four known and one novel importin, importin 9, can mediate nuclear import of core histones into the nuclei of permeabilized cells. Our results suggest that multiple pathways of import exist to provide efficient nuclear uptake of these abundant, essential proteins

    Modulation of Nuclear Pore Topology by Transport Modifiers

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    The nuclear pore complex (NPC) represents the only pathway for macromolecular communication between the nuclear and cytoplasmic compartments of the cell. Nucleocytoplasmic transport requires the interaction of transport receptors with phenylalanine–glycine (FG)-repeats that line the transport pathway through the NPC. Here we examine the effects of transport receptors and amphipathic alcohols on NPC topology using scanning force microscopy. We show that transport receptors that irreversibly bind FG-repeats increase NPC vertical aspect, whereas transport receptors that weakly interact with FG-repeats increase NPC diameter. Interestingly, small polar alcohols likewise increase NPC diameter. These opposing effects agree with the inhibition or enhancement of nuclear transport, respectively, previously ascribed to these agents

    Role of importin-β in the control of nuclear envelope assembly by Ran

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    Compartmentalization of the genetic material into a nucleus bounded by a nuclear envelope (NE) is the hallmark of a eukaryotic cell. The control of NE assembly is poorly understood, but in a cell-free system made from Xenopus eggs, NE assembly involves the small GTPase Ran [1, 2]. In this system, Sepharose beads coated with Ran induce the formation of functional NEs in the absence of chromatin [2]. Here, we show that importin-β, an effector of Ran involved in nucleocytoplasmic transport and mitotic spindle assembly, is required for NE assembly induced by Ran. Concentration of importin-β on beads is sufficient to induce NE assembly in Xenopus egg extracts. The function of importin-β in NE assembly is disrupted by a mutation that decreases affinity for nucleoporins containing FxFG repeats. By contrast, a truncated protein that cannot interact with importin-α is functional. Thus, importin-β functions in NE assembly by recruiting FxFG nucleoporins rather than by interaction through importin-α with karyophilic proteins carrying classical nuclear localization signals. Importin-β links NE assembly, mitotic spindle assembly, and nucleocytoplasmic transport to regulation by Ran and may coordinate these processes during cell division