36 research outputs found

    Analysis of Sustainable Transport for Smart Cities

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    For decades, transportation has been considered as a link to all aspects of life worldwide. In this case, the world's natural environment, social well-being and economic development all usually depend on transportation systems. In most cases, safe, clean, sustainable and equitable transport systems help countries, especially in cities and urban centers, to thrive. However, a wide range of research shows that transportation systems in most of the cities and urban areas are unsustainable. In fact, some of these transportation systems are considered to be a threat to the environmental, social and economical aspects of future generations. In this perspective, therefore, changing such trends in transportation requires the collaboration of various stakeholders at regional, national and international levels. In this paper, therefore, a wide range of definitions of sustainable transport are discussed. More so, some of the aspects of smart transport for modern cities such as cycling and the role of women in sustainable transport were explored. With the aim of getting to the core of the subject, cases of women in bicycle transport, especially in the Netherlands and Germany compared to Kenya and Uganda are equally elucidated. Although not fully outlined, the idea of smart cities and sustainable transport have heterogeneous characteristics globally as discussed herein.O

    An Analysis of Social Ties: Coffee Value Chain in Uganda

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    Uganda is among the worlds' largest coffee producers and exporters. Coffee production in Uganda has been a developing process over the last 60 years, with various players from the garden, home drying, factories, stores and exporters, and lastly at tables. This study investigates the nature and the different types of ties used for coffee development in Uganda. These ties form what is referred to as value chain which herein has been very paramount in the production and trade of coffee in Uganda. The study consisted of both qualitative and quantitative studies to find out the relationships existing between the different types of ties used in the coffee processes. The research used mutually regression and correlation approaches to analyze field data collected from the coffee farmer families, buyers and the regulators in Uganda. The findings illustrate a statistically significant relationship between family ties and coffee development, farm and firm ties, friendship ties and coffee development. The results established that weak ties are more beneficial than strong ties bearing in mind the development of coffee farming and production than the strong ties in Uganda. Further research needs to be directed on these networks in the coffee value chain, and appropriate solutions for its competitiveness and sector growth. Understanding connections which our study referred to as ties is very vital for the success of any business of sorts.O

    Intercompany Directives of the Selected Firm

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou tvorby vnitropodnikových směrnic ve společnosti VH atelier, spol. s r.o. Cílem bakalářské práce je navrhnout povinné nebo doporučené vnitropodnikové směrnice, které budou splňovat požadavky společnosti a budou se řídit platnými současnými normami a předpisy.The Bachelor‘s thesis is focused on creating internal guidelines for the VH atelier, spol. s r.o. company. Aim of this written work is to propose mandatory or recommended internal guidelines which will meet the company's requirements and will comply with current standards and regulations.

    Work Related Stress in Context of Human Resources Management

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    Import 05/08/2014Název bakalářské práce je Pracovní stres v kontextu řízení lidských zdrojů. Práce byla vypracována na Vysoké škole báňské -Technické univerzitě Ostrava na katedře managementu. Cílem této práce je stanovit, zda jsou pracovníci zkoumané organizace ohrožení stresem a pokud ano, jaké jsou nejzávažnější typy stresorů, které tento stres u zaměstnanců navozují. Cílem organizace je na základě tohoto průzkumu navrhnout vhodný postup pro snižování stresové zátěže zaměstnanců. Jako výzkumná technika byl zvolen dotazník. Na základě výsledků dotazníku byla provedena analýza a navržena opatření pro nejrizikovější oblasti v organizaci.Bachelor thesis Work Related Stress in Context of Human Resources Management was written for Vysoká škola báňská – Technická univerzita Ostrava Department of Management. The aim of this thesis is to assess the risks of work related stress of the employees of the surveyed organization and determine the most relevant stressors that induce work related stress. The aim of the organization is to determine the techniques that would help prevent work related tress of their employees. Survey technique is questionnaire. Recommendations were made, based on the results of the survey, to prevent work related stress caused by the most relevant stressors.115 - Katedra managementuvýborn

    Analytical Study for the Determination of the Energy Use Potential of Forest Dendromass in the Czech Republic

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    The European Union's current pressure on the Member States to adopt both the Green Deal and the Fit for 55 package is leading to an accelerated drive to put in place measures to meet the 2030 climate targets. At the same time, many discussions at the international bilateral meetings of EU country representatives raise the question of the realism of setting climate targets, and therefore, the ability to meet these commitments. The results elaborated in this analytical study offer a realistic picture of the possibilities of meeting strategic climate targets using the example of the use of forest dendromass. The data assess the possibility of achieving a 22% share of renewable energy sources (RES) in gross final energy consumption by 2030 in the Czech Republic. The study points out that at present, the use of forest dendromass from primary production is at its maximum and meeting the climate targets for increasing the share of RES in the energy mix represents a major problem in the long term. The findings published in this study also point to the objective threat of the increased use of dendromass in the energy sector to the maintenance of sustainable forest management and the preservation of forest quality.O

    Quantification of the influence of Písek City Forests Ltd. on the local economy of the region

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    The aim of this paper is to highlight the possible way of quantification of the impact of forest enterprise and forest management on the economic and social development of the territory by using the methodology of the local multiplier calculation and identifying potential cash flows associated with the implementation of socioeconomic functions of forest ecosystems. The economic indicators to be analysed are the local expenditures of Písek City Forests Ltd. on suppliers and employees in 2015. The local multiplier is a specific microeconomic indicator which enables quantification and evaluation of socioeconomic benefits of the selected operator for the local people and entrepreneurs. The results of the specific university research project of Mendel University in Brno with the title: Quantification of the Influence of the Selected Forestry Enterprise on the Local Economy of the Region will allow us to evaluate the effect of the special-purpose forest enterprise and forest management on the economic and social development as well as to identify the potential cash flows related to the fulfilment of socioeconomic functions of the forest ecosystems in the area of interest of Písek City Forests Ltd.O

    Willingness to Pay for Forest Existence Value and Sustainability

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    Uganda is richly endowed with flora and fauna. Until the early 2000s, most of the types of vegetation have remained natural/virgin forests and shrubs until recent years, when human activities have damaged them. Understanding the different ways that people value such endangered forest resources is very important. The main hypothesis in our study is that willingness to pay (WTP) for forest existence value and sustainability depends on the preference for the same values. In addition, we examined socioeconomic characteristics, such as sex, education, and household incomes, which could influence the WTP for forest existence value and sustainability. We carried out field questionnaire interviews with the aim of ascertaining Willingness to Pay (WTP) for forest existence. The WTP values were in a range between 1 and 200 USD based on the contingent valuation method (CVM). A sample with a size of 203 was interviewed in selected towns and villages in Uganda, and the data collected were subjected to statistical analysis. The cross-tabulation of the expressed preferences illustrates that 81.9% of the representative sample are willing to pay for forest existence value and sustainability. We concluded that the willingness to pay for forest existence significantly depends on the preference for forest existence values and sustainability. Our results equally express that the mean WTP in this region is 15 USD per year and that over 60% are willing to pay this amount. The socioeconomic determinants' results demonstrate heterogeneity and that over 90% of the respondents are willing to pay for forest existence, conservation, and sustainability.O

    Když máš práci, máš všechno

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    Po druhé světové válce nastal v komunistickém Československu rozmach těžkého průmyslu a Romové žijící ve slovenských osadách a vesnicích přicházely hromadně do českých měst za prací v továrnách, podnicích a dolech. Do procesu budování socialistického Československa tak byly zapojeny desítky tisíc romských obyvatel, jejichž životy se nikdy nestaly veřejně přiznanou součástí národní paměti. Film Když máš práci, máš všechno byl součástí projektu Paměť romských dělníků Katedry sociologie Masarykovy univerzity v Brně. Dokumentuje čtyřleté úsilí socioložky Kateřiny Janků a jejího týmu tvořeného zástupci mladé romské generace o navrácení vzpomínek romských pamětníků do povědomí české veřejnosti.After the Second World War the communist Czechoslovakia experienced the expansion of heavy industry. Roma living in Slovak settlements and villages were coming on a large scale into Czech cities for work in factories, companies and mines. Tens of thousands Roma inhabitants were engaged into the process of building the socialist Czechoslovakia, but their lives never became declared part of the memory of a nation. The movie „When you have work, you have everything“ was part of the project Memory of Roma Workers from the Department of Sociology at Masaryk university in Brno. It documents for-years endeavor of a sociologist Kateřina Janků and her team of representatives of young Roma generation to bring the memories of Roma witnesses back into the Czech public conscious

    Vrednovanje konkurentnosti drvoprerađivačke industrije

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    Wood processing industry (WPI) is a sector based on renewable natural resources of wood raw material. It can, therefore, provide sustainable growth and be competitive on the international markets. The interest of the European Union is to build economy based on renewable natural resources, meaning that it is necessary to pay increased attention to the development and support of the WPI. The aim of the article is to evaluate and compare the level and development of competitiveness of WPI in the Czech and Slovak Republics for a ten year period through the establishment of indicators based on foreign trade data of industry using mathematical and statistical methods. To reach the goal, a system of indicators measuring sectoral competitiveness was set up under the hypothesis: in the WPI the potential of competitiveness is used defi ciently. The resulting indicators have confirmed the hypothesis and shown that, despite the fact that the WPI creates active foreign trade balance and contributes to surplus balance of the country, it achieves low values of indicators implying comparative advantage with a negative, decreasing trend, consequently meaning that industry gradually loses its competitive ability. The analysis also showed that the reason for low competitive ability of WPI is low specialization of the country in the commodity group, which was confi rmed by statistical method of correlation analysis.Drvoprerađivačka industrija (WPI) industrijski je sektor koji se temelji na drvnoj sirovini kao obnovljivome prirodnom resursu, zbog čega je moguće ostvariti održivi rast i razvoj te međunarodnu konkurentsku prednost. Interes je Europske unije graditi gospodarstvo utemeljeno na obnovljivim prirodnim resursima, što će rezultirati pojačanom pozornošću prema razvoju i potpori WPI-a. Cilj ovog rada jest vrednovati i usporediti razinu razvijenosti konkurentnosti WPI-a u Češkoj i Slovačkoj Republici u razdoblju od deset godina, i to uspostavom pokazatelja utemeljenih na podacima međunarodne trgovine sektora primjenom matematičkih i statističkih metoda. Kako bi se to postiglo, uspostavili smo sustav pokazatelja kojima se mjeri sektorska konkurentnost. Postavili smo hipotezu da je potencijal konkurentnosti WPI-a nedovoljno iskorišten. Rezultati dobiveni uz pomoć tih pokazatelja potvrdili su hipotezu i pokazali da, usprkos činjenici da WPI ima pozitivnu vanjskotrgovinsku bilancu i unatoč činjenici da znatno pridonosi pozitivnoj bilanci države, još uvijek ima niske vrijednosti pokazatelja, što upućuje na negativne trendove komparativnih prednosti, a posljedica toga je gubitak komparativnih mogućnosti. Analiza je također pokazala da je razlog niske konkurentnosti WPI-a niska specijaliziranost pojedine države u pojedinoj grupaciji proizvoda, što je potvrđeno statističkom metodom korelacijske analize

    Socioeconomic Impact of Mining in the Atiwa Forest Reserve of Ghana on Fringe Communities and the Achievement of SDGs: Analysis from the Residents' Perspective

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    The Atiwa forest reserve of Ghana sits upon roughly 150 million tons of bauxite. The Government has decided to mine and use the proceeds for national infrastructure development programs. This article examines the impact of mining on the residents' livelihoods and the achievement of the SDGs from the perspective of the residents. A questionnaire was administered to 197 respondents. Per the findings, the residents around the forest reserve do not consent to the proposed mining project. Although they give credit to its possible job creation opportunities, the irreplaceable nature of the forest reserve urges them not to consent to the initiative. They depend on the rivers and streams for their livelihoods, and the affected districts are also among Ghana's major cocoa producers. These farmers depend on these water bodies for irrigation. It is necessary to preserve them in order to sustain the production of these cash crops that make a direct contribution to the country's GDP.O