67 research outputs found

    Dugoročna financijska analiza slovenske drvne industrije primjenom metode DEA

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    Long-term financial analysis is an important tool for assessing the financial position of a company and/or sector. The aim of the research was to analyze selected financial indicators of the Slovenian wood industry in sub-sectors C16 (wood processing – except furniture) and C31 (manufacture of furniture) for the last 10 years (from 2007-2016). The efficiency evaluation was performed by DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) window analysis. Other comparisons between two sub-sectors were performed by analysis of time series of financial indicators and by t-test. We have analyzed 40 financial indicators, 15 of which in more detail. Some models, analyzed by DEA method, show relative deterioration in efficiency in the years 2007-2010, but in most cases efficiency has increased in recent years. With this, we have proven that the efficiency of both sub-sectors is improving. For all models, the performance of the sub-sector C16 is better than that of C31. It has been proven by t-test that the difference between these two sub-sectors is statistically significant, as differences of more than half of the financial indicators between the two sub-sectors are statistically significant. Therefore, improvements in profitability ratios at the company’s level should be done and appropriate measures within the sectoral economic policies should be taken to achieve the conditions needed for greater efficiency and success.Dugoročna financijska analiza važan je alat za procjenu financijskog stanja poduzeća i/ili sektora. Cilj istraživanja bio je analizirati odabrane financijske pokazatelje slovenske drvne industrije posljednjih deset godina (2007. – 2016.) u podsektorima C16 (prerada drva – osim namještaja) i C31 (proizvodnja namještaja). Procjena učinkovitosti provedena je primjenom analize omeđivanja podataka (DEA – Data Envelopment Analysis). Ostale usporedbe dvaju podsektora obavljene su analizom vremenskih serija financijskih pokazatelja i t-testom. Analizirano je 40 financijskih pokazatelja, od kojih 15 detaljno. Neki modeli analizirani DEA metodom pokazuju relativno pogoršanje učinkovitosti u razdoblju 2007. – 2010., ali se u većini modela učinkovitost tijekom posljednjih nekoliko godina povećala. Time je dokazano da se učinkovitost obaju podsektora poboljšava. Za sve je modele učinak podsektora C16 bolji od učinka podsektora C31. Primjenom t-testa dokazana je statistički značajna razlika između dva promatrana podsektora jer su razlike statistički značajne za više od polovice financijskih pokazatelja koji se odnose na ta dva podsektora. Stoga je potrebno poboljšati omjer profitabilnosti na razini poduzeća i uvesti odgovarajuće mjere u sklopu sektorskih ekonomskih politika kako bi se postigli uvjeti za veću učinkovitost i uspjeh

    Motiviranje zaposlenih u slovenskim i hrvatskim drvoprerađivačkim poduzećima u uvjetima gospodarske krize

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    Motivating the employees is of key importance for providing their effi ciency and quality of work. This applies especially to employment in times of economic downturn, when the growth can be recognized of demotivational factors that have a negative infl uence on the motivation of employees. The aim of this research was to establish the current situation of motivation of the employees of Slovenian and Croatian wood-industry companies. It was established that the company managements pay most attention to assuring employees’ security and their mutual relations, which is without doubt of great importance in the period of increased insecurity of business and growing tension among people. Interest was also focused on differences between Slovenian and Croatian companies. It was established that there are some differences in classifi cation of different motivational factors according to their importance, but they are mostly not statistically significant.Motiviranje zaposlenih ima ključnu važnost za ostvarenje njihove učinkovitosti i kvalitete rada. To se posebice odnosi na poslovanje u uvjetima gospodarske recesije jer se bilježi porast demotivacijskih čimbenika koji negativno utječu na motiviranost uposlenika. U istraživanju nas je zanimalo trenutačno stanje motiviranja zaposlenih u slovenskim i hrvatskim drvoprerađivačkim poduzećima, pri čemu je ustanovljeno da se u poduzećima pri upravljanju najveća pozornost pridaje sigurnosti zaposlenih i njihovim međusobnim odnosima, što je u vrijeme velike nesigurnosti poslovanja i rastućih napetosti među ljudima nedvojbeno iznimno bitno. Zanimale su nas i razlike među slovenskim i hrvatskim poduzećima. Ustanovljeno je da postoje neke razlike u razvrstavanju pojedinih motivacijskih čimbenika po važnosti, koje najčešće nisu statistički značajne

    Razvrščanje strateških in operativnih ciljev trajnostnega razvoja Pohorja, Slovenija

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    The combination of participatory process and multi-criteria decision methods have proven to be effective in supporting forest management decisions, since it offers inclusion of different opinions, views, and preferences of the problem. Our study is based on the results of the NATREG project, which deals with management of Pohorje, a mountain area in Slovenia. The results define six strategic goals and appertaining operative goals, which are the outcomes of workshops with different stakeholders. The aim of our study is ranking the strategic goals according to their contribution in the implementation of the "Pohorje 2030" vision and of the operative goals according to the appertaining strategic goals. Analytic hierarchy process is applied for comparisons of goals. Geometric mean method is employed for aggregating individual judgments into group judgment. The results show that all strategic goals are important, although most attention should be devoted to the goals "Preserved cultural heritage and local tradition" and "Environmental and consumer friendly usage of natural resources".Kombinacija participatornega vključevanja deležnikov v proces odločanja in večkriterijskih metod se je pri gospodarjenju z gozdom izkazala za uspešno, saj ponuja možnost vključevanja različnih mnenj, pogledov in preferenc problema. Osnova naše raziskave je projekt NATREG, ki je potekal na Pohorju v Sloveniji in v okviru katerega so določili šest strateških ciljev in pripadajoče operativne cilje. Cilj raziskave je razvrstitev strateških ciljev glede na njihov prispevek k uresničitvi vizije ŽPohorje 2030Ž in operativnih ciljev glede na pripadajoči strateški cilj. Za primerjavo ciljev smo uporabili metodo analitičnega hierarhičnega procesa. Individualne ocene smo združili v skupno oceno z geometrijsko sredino. Rezultati kažejo, da so pomembni vsi strateški cilji, najbolj pa "Ohranjena kulturna dediščina in lokalna izročila" in "Okolju in uporabniku prijazna raba naravnih virov"

    Ranking strategic and operative goals for sustainable development of Pohorje, Slovenia

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    The combination of participatory process and multi-criteria decision methods have proven to be effective in supporting forest management decisions, since it offers inclusion of different opinions, views, and preferences of the problem. Our study is based on the results of the NATREG project, which deals with management of Pohorje, a mountain area in Slovenia. The results define six strategic goals and appertaining operative goals, which are the outcomes of workshops with different stakeholders. The aim of our study is ranking the strategic goals according to their contribution in the implementation of the “Pohorje 2030” vision and of the operative goals according to the appertaining strategic goals. Analytic hierarchy process is applied for comparisons of goals. Geometric mean method is employed for aggregating individual judgments into group judgment. The results show that all strategic goals are important, although most attention should be devoted to the goals “Preserved cultural heritage and local tradition” and “Environmental and consumer friendly usage of natural resources”

    Soft consensus model for the group fuzzy AHP decision making

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    The fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is an extension to the classical AHP that enables dealing with the impreciseness and vagueness of judgments. It has been frequently used for handling complex decision making problems that demand a group rather than a single decision maker. Group decision making aggregates the judgments of individuals into a joint decision. Although consensus is the desired result in group decision making, it is difficult to achieve due to the diversity of opinions, knowledge and experiences of the decision makers. Therefore, the concept of soft consensus can be applied. We propose a new soft consensus based model for fuzzy AHP group decision making. The judgments in the model are presented as triangular fuzzy numbers. The closeness between judgments of two decision makers is measured by the individual fuzzy consensus index which in turn is based on the compatibility index from classical AHP. In each iteration, two decision makers with the most dissimilar opinions are identified and their judgments are adapted. The process is repeated until the desired consensus level is reached. The model can also take into account the weights of importance of individual decision makers. A fuzzy extension of the geometric mean method is employed for deriving fuzzy weights from a group fuzzy pairwise comparison matrix. The application of the model is provided in an example from the literature

    Sklonosti kupaca pri donošenju odluke o kupnji namještaja

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    In a market environment where changes are constant, understanding customer buying behaviour is crucial for companies in order to operate both successfully and effectively. We analysed how different age groups and net monthly incomes per household influence consumer decisions in Slovenia, Serbia and Croatia in the case of furniture purchases, when the three main factors are material, price and service. Each factor was further divided into three levels. In the case of material, the respondents could choose between solid wood, chipboard and fibreboard or other materials. In the case of price, they could choose between a low, middle or high price range, and in the case of services, they could choose between pre-sales, sales and after-sales services. With conjoint analysis, we analysed the markets in Slovenia, Serbia and Croatia. The important differences in consumer buying behaviour in these three countries were discovered. The results of the research will serve as a useful basis for wood sector companies to design more successful marketing strategies, which will help them to achieve their goals in different target markets.Razumijevanje ponašanja kupaca u današnjemu, vrlo promjenjivom tržišnom okruženju jedan je od odlučujućih elemenata za postizanje uspješnoga i učinkovitoga poslovnog rezultata tvrtke. Osnovni je cilj ovog istraživanja bio utvrditi kako u Sloveniji, Srbiji i Hrvatskoj različita dob potrošača te mjesečni neto prihod njihova kućanstva utječu na donošenje odluke o kupnji namještaja, i to promatrajući tri osnovna faktora proizvoda – materijal od kojega je izrađen, cijenu i uslugu. Nadalje, za svaki faktor proizvoda bile su ponuđene tri mogućnosti odabira. Tako su za faktor materijal izrade proizvoda ispitanici mogli odabrati između masivnog drva i ploča iverica ili ploča vlaknatica te drugih materijala; glede faktora cijena proizvoda ispitanici su se mogli odlučiti za niski, srednji ili visoki cjenovni razred proizvoda, dok su za faktor usluga mogli odabrati između pretprodajne, prodajne i postprodajne usluge. Rezultati su pokazali kako pri kupnji namještaja među promatranim grupama ispitanika postoje razlike u donošenju odluke, i to u sve tri promatrane zemlje. Rezultati provedenog istraživanja moći će poslužiti tvrtkama drvnoindustrijskog sektora za osmišljavanje i izgradnju uspješnih marketinških strategija

    Vrednovanje činitelja u procesu donošenja odluke o kupnji namještaja primjenom AHP metode

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    There are not many wooden products that consumers would buy on pure impulse. Their decision regarding the purchase of a product normally undergoes a process of consideration – the more expensive the product, the more thorough the consideration. The consumer buying decision process consists of five stages: need recognition, search for information, alternatives evaluation, purchase decision and post-purchase behaviour. A company must establish what is important for consumers in each stage of this process. On the basis of these findings, the company must define the measures to influence consumers in individual phases. In this study, the analytic hierarchy process was used to analyse the buying behaviour of potential furniture buyers. Slovenian and Croatian marketing experts were asked about the habits, requests and needs of furniture buyers. The results of the research can serve as useful information for companies producing wooden products in the formulation of successful marketing strategies.Ne postoji mnogo proizvoda od drva koje bi kupci kupili impulzivno, bez dodatnog poticaja i razmišljanja. Odluka potencijalnog kupca s obzirom na vrstu proizvoda obično prolazi kroz proces razmatranja, i to na način da je za skuplji proizvod razmatranje detaljnije. Proces donošenja odluke o kupnji nekog proizvoda ima pet faza: prepoznavanje potrebe, potraga za informacijom, vrednovanje alternativa, odluka o kupnji i ponašanje nakon kupnje. Tvrtka mora utvrditi što je njezinim potencijalnim kupcima (potrošačima) u svakoj fazi procesa donošenja odluke o kupnji važno. Na temelju toga, tvrtka mora odrediti mjere kojima će utjecati na potrošača u pojedinim fazama procesa razmatranja. Cilj ovog rada bio je vrednovati činitelje u procesu donošenja odluke o kupnji namještaja primjenom metode analitičkoga hijerarhijskog procesa (AHP). Vrednovanje pokazatelja navika, zahtjeva i potreba kupaca namještaja proveli su suradnici iz Slovenije i Hrvatske koji se bave istraživanjima i aktivnostima u području marketinga. Rezultati istraživanja mogu pomoći proizvođačima i/ili prodavačima namještaja u procesima definiranja uspješnih marketinških strategija

    Usporedna procjena operativne učinkovitosti drvne industrije Slovenije i Hrvatske primjenom analize omeđivanja podataka i Malmquistova indeksa produktivnosti

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    The wood industry, as a traditional sector, represents a very important part of the economy in terms of ensuring a sustainable development of society and transition to a low-carbon society in both countries studied, Slovenia and Croatia. For its further development, it is crucial to know the current position of the industry. The best way to achieve this is an analysis of financial data and international comparative evaluation of its operational efficiency. The aim of the research is to compare the relative efficiency of the wood industry using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and the Malmquist Productivity Index (MI), focusing on the Slovenian and Croatian wood industry sectors (C16 and C31) for a recent five-year period (from 2013-2017). With this purpose, the combined measure DEA/MI was applied. The analysis includes only the highest rated companies with more than fi ve employees, divided into 12 clusters regarding the company size. As a result, it was established that clusters CRO-C31- micro, CRO-C16-micro and SI-C16-larger have the highest operational efficiency, due to the effects of different financial indicators, especially activity and liquidity ratios. In general, within the grouped clusters regarding country and subsector, groups SI-C16 and CRO-C31 achieve the highest values for the average of weighted score of efficiency, while CRO-C16 achieves the lowest values.Drvna industrija Sloveniji i Hrvatskoj tradicionalan je gospodarski sektor tih zemalja i vrlo važan dio gospodarstva u smislu osiguranja održivog razvoja društva i prijelaza na društvo s niskim udjelom ugljika. Za daljnji razvoj drvnoga sektora bitno je poznavati trenutačni položaj industrije, a najbolji način za to je analiza financijskih podataka i internacionalna usporedna procjena industrijske operativne učinkovitosti. Cilj istraživanja bio je usporediti relativnu učinkovitost drvne industrije uz pomoć analize omeđivanja podataka (DEA) i Malmquistova indeksa produktivnosti (MI), s naglaskom na slovenski i hrvatski drvnoindustrijski sektor (C16 I C 31) tijekom posljednjih pet godina (2013. – 2017.). Za tu je svrhu primijenjena kombinirana mjera DEA/MI. Analizom su obuhvaćene samo najbolje ocijenjene tvrtke s više od pet zaposlenih, koje su s obzirom na njihovu veličinu podijeljene na 12 klastera. Utvrđeno je da klasteri CRO-C31-mikro, CRO-C16-mikro i SI-C16-veliki zbog utjecaja različitih financijskih pokazatelja, posebice omjera aktivnosti i likvidnosti, imaju najveću operativnu učinkovitost. Općenito, unutar klastera grupiranih prema zemlji i podsektoru istraživanja, skupine SI-C16 i CRO-C31 pokazale su najviše vrijednosti za prosjek ponderirane ocjene učinkovitosti, a CRO-C16 imao je najniže vrijednosti

    Mogućnosti povećanja obnovljivih izvora energije u Hrvatskoj, Sloveniji i Slovačkoj – drvni peleti

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    Energy from renewable sources is globally a very important issue. In order to reduce pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, many countries enact laws for enhancing the consumption of renewable energy sources. Sooner or later traditional non-renewable energy sources would have to be replaced with alternative energy sources that are already used in developed countries. According to the European Commission (2018), the EU is already a global leader in the sustainable use of natural resources within an efficient bio-economy. The wood pellet industry is becoming more important and the use of wood pellets is increasing as one of the most important contributors to the renewable energy goals of the EU. Wood pellet is an environmentally acceptable product and its production contributes to desirable rural development and sustainable approach to the management of timber resources. This paper focuses on the market of wood pellets used for heating, pinpointing differences in consumers point of view, and drafting the possibilities of future consumption enhancement. Results revealed a relatively low use of wood pellets in all the three surveyed markets. The highest share of consumers of wood pellets came from the areas with less than 5,000 inhabitants. Such households were mostly over 20 years old. The most important factors to decide to use such source of energy were space (required for the heating system) followed by price of wooden pellets.Energija iz obnovljivih izvora globalno je vrlo važno pitanje. Radi smanjenja onečišćenja i emisiji stakleničkih plinova, države promiču zakone o poticanju potrošnje obnovljivih izvora energije. Prije ili kasnije tradicionalne neobnovljive izvore energije bit će potrebno zamijeniti alternativnima, koji se već koriste u razvijenim zemljama. Prema Europskoj komisiji, Europska unija (EU) lider je u održivom iskorištavanju prirodnih resursa u sklopu učinkovite bioekonomije. U tom kontekstu industrija drvnih peleta, kao i njihova upotreba, iz dana u dan postaju sve nezaobilazniji. U dijelu koji se odnosi na obnovljive izvore energije drvni su peleti jedan od važnijih elemenata koji pridonose ciljevima EU-a. Riječ je o ekološki prihvatljivom proizvodu, a njegova proizvodnja znatno pridonosi ruralnom razvoju i održivom pristupu gospodarenju prirodnim resursima. Ovim se radom želi potaknuti promišljanje kako proizvođača, tako i potrošača drvnih peleta o izrazitom tržišnom potencijalu drvnog peleta za grijanje u hrvatskim, slovenskim i slovačkim kućanstvima. Nadalje, u radu su prikazane razlike u demografskim profilima ispitanika, njihovo znanje o drvenim peletima općenito te o mogućnostima budućeg poticanja potrošnje drvnih peleta u Hrvatskoj, Sloveniji i Slovačkoj. Rezultati su pokazali da je uporaba peleta na sva tri istraživana tržišta relativno niska. Najveći udio potrošnje peleta zabilježen je među potrošačima iz manjih područja (do 5000 stanovnika), a većina stambenih objekata ispitanika stariji su od 20 godina. Najvažniji razlozi zbog kojih se potrošači odlučuju na upotrebu peleta kao izvora grijanja jest prostor potreban za instalaciju opreme za grijanje na pelete te cijena peleta

    Analiza primjene integriranih informacijskih sustava u hrvatskoj drvoprerađivačkoj industriji

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    It can be said that Integrated Information Systems (IIS) are a fundamental operating tool in modern business systems and form the basis of successful company management. The goal of our research was to determine the IT level of business operations in Croatian wood processing industry and to assess how significant it has been in enhancing its business performance. A survey method was used to collect data, which resulted in gathering predominantly small and medium-sized companies. Our results indicate an average use of IIS modalities among surveyed companies. Using cluster analysis, three types of companies were identified with respect to the degree of system implementation. Analysis of financial benefits of the IIS implementation did not find any statistically significant relationship. However, subjective impressions on non-financial indicators show that companies in all three clusters see the greatest benefit of IIS in the improved inventory efficiency and sales efficiency.Možemo reći da su integrirani informacijski sustavi (IIS) temeljni operativni alat u modernim poslovnim sustavima i čine osnovu uspješnog upravljanja poduzećem. Cilj našeg istraživanja bio je utvrditi razinu informatizacije poslovanja u hrvatskoj drvoprerađivačkoj industriji i ocijeniti koliko je ona važna za poboljšanje poslovnih rezultata poduzeća. Za prikupljanje podataka primijenjena je anketna metoda, koja je rezultirala odzivom pretežito malih i srednjih poduzeća. Naši rezultati upućuju na osrednju upotrebu modaliteta unutar IIS-a u anketiranim poduzećima. Klasterskom su analizom identificirana tri tipa poduzeća s obzirom na stupanj integracije sustava. Analiza financijskih koristi implementacije IIS-a nije se pokazala statistički značajnom. Međutim, subjektivni dojmovi o nefinancijskim pokazateljima govore da poduzeća u sva tri klastera vide najveću korist IIS-a u poboljšanju učinkovitosti upravljanja zalihama i poboljšanju učinkovitosti prodaje