26 research outputs found

    Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Bone Tissue Regeneration and Application to Bone Healing

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    This synoptic study gives a concise overview of current knowledge of bone healing, the role of mesenchymal stem cells in bone tissue regeneration and contemporary possibilities of supporting regeneration of damaged bone. Attention of research concerning the healing of fractures with extensive loss of bone tissue following trauma, the treatment of belatedly healing or non-healing fractures or the healing of segmental bone defects following tumour resection, is focused on development of three-dimensional scaffolds planted with mesenchymal stem cells that might be used for reconstruction of such large bone lesions. Presented are possibilities of transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells combined with biomaterials into bone defects, including the results of our own experimental studies dealing with the use of stem cells in the treatment of damaged tissues of the musculoskeletal system in animal models

    New semi-spherical radiofrequency energy device for liver resection: an experimental study in pigs

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    The aim of this experimental study was to verify a new semi-spherical surgical tool for bipolar radiofrequency liver ablation, which can solve some of the disadvantages of the commonly used device, such as long duration of ablation. A total of 12 pigs which were randomly divided into two groups were used. Each pig underwent resection of the two liver lobes. In group 1, pigs were treated with the commonly used device; in group 2 the newly developed semispherical device was used. During surgery and the post-surgical period, many categories were observed and later analyzed. The blood count and biochemistry were monitored on days 0, 14 and 30 from the operation. On day 14 since the liver resection, pigs underwent diagnostic laparoscopy to evaluate their condition focusing on the site of the liver lobe resection. On day 30 after operation, all pigs were euthanized and subjected to histopathological examination. Histopathological evaluation of thermal changes at the resection margin showed strong thermal alteration in both groups. Data between both groups were compared using median test for continuous variables and Fisher’s exact test for categorical variables. Statistical analyses were performed with IBM SPSS software version 18.0. Statistical analysis of collected data did not prove any significant (P < 0.05) differences between the commonly used device and the newly designed surgical tool.Web of Science84439

    Clinical results and complications of preventive laparoscopic assisted gastropexy in 17 dogs: preliminary study

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    In terms of GDV prevention, a number of non-surgical measures are recommended. However, the only truly reliable method is gastropexy, most often as part of a surgical treatment of GDV. Gastropexy may be performed preventively either during laparotomy indicated for another reason than GDV, or newly laparoscopically, as independent preventive gastropexy. Preventive laparoscopic assisted gastropexy (PLAG) was performed in 17 patients at the Department of Surgery and Orthopaedics of the Small Animal Clinic at the University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences in Brno. Clinical results and complications of PLAG were evaluated 3-12 months after surgery. The most frequent clinical finding of PLAG was a skinfold at the site of gastropexy immediately after the surgery (n = 8; 47%), or still on day 12 after the surgery (n = 1; 6%). As for PLAG complications, in one case a seroma formation was found at the site of gastropexy (6%); in two patients iatrogenic perforation of the splenic capsule (12%) occurred, which in one case gave reason to converting laparoscopy into laparotomy (6%). In none of the patients, death, gastropexy failure, GDV development, dehiscence, infection of or haemorrhage from the surgical wound were noted. Laparoscopic assisted gastropexy appears as a reliable and miniinvasive surgical method of GDV prevention and it may be recommended for high-risk breeds of dogs