11 research outputs found

    Location of historical mining shaft by microgravity survey

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    Foresight study - Thematic Report IV: Secondary Raw Materials (Including Mine Wastes)

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    ABSTRACT: This thematic report has been developed within the Minerals4EU project in the context of the first Foresight Study report (WP6) that comprises a central report and five thematic reports. These contributions were designed according to a well-defined structure to fit the purposes of the central Foresight Study report. The scope and targets of the first Foresight Study significantly determine the nature of the documents and may not be suited for unspecified or differing purposes.N/

    Demonstration of compliance with substantive legal conditions entitlement to VAT deduction in the NSS jurisprudence

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    v anglickém jazyce The aim of the thesis is to gain an insight into the Supreme Administrative Court's decision- making in disputes concerning the mutual position of tax subjects and tax administrators in tax proceedings when proving the right to VAT deduction. The method of the thesis is a content analysis of selected judgments of the Supreme Administrative Court. The thesis is divided into. The first three parts of the thesis serve primarily to introduce the reader to the issue and its specifics. In the next 5 parts, the expected inequality in the position of tax subjects against the tax administrator is gradually examined. The centre of gravity of the thesis is found in Part 5, which identifies the construction of the procedure for the removal of doubts as the main source of the impermissible inequality of position of the subjects in the tax proceedings. Parts 6 to 8 then deal with the sub-aspects of the unequal position and highlight the consequences of the construction of the procedure for the removal of doubts, which requires a very low level of evidential certainty for its functionality. While these sub-conclusions are not particularly problematic in isolation, taken together they create an untenable situation of unequal burden of proof between the tax authorities and the taxpayer. The..

    Geophysical survey of old mining remnants at Lukavice near Chrudim

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    Lukavice village is located in the eastern Bohemia. Historical records relating to pyrite mining at Lukavice are dated from the beginning of 17th century. The boom of mining and adjoined industrial activity came about the year 1790. Mines were abandoned in 1892. The reason was import of cheap pyrite from abroad, mainly from Spain. An unsuccessful attempt for mining restoration at Lukavice was done in the years 1951-53. Geophysical survey at the centre of Lukavice had two aims. 1) To determine thickness of near surface backfill at chosen sites. Backfill is formed by waste rock from mining and may be a source of contamination of local influent streams. We used shallow refraction seismic measurement for solving this task. 2) To find out if below communications in the centre of the village occur empty or partly filled old mine workings, which could collapse under heavy trucks loaded by gravel from the nearby quarry. For prospecting of voids under communications we used microgravity measurements. Seismic measurements showed that thickness of waste rock backfill varies between 2 and 4 m and increases towards the south. Results of microgravity measurements did not confirm occurrence of empty voids bellow communications in the centre of village. They are some distinctive negative gravity anomalies in the vicinity of historical shafts, but according to gravity modeling the measured anomalies should not be caused by the near surface empty voids

    REE-Rich Turonian Phosphates in the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin, Czech Republic: Assessment as Source of Critical Elements and Implications for Future Exploration

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    Numerous phosphate occurrences are located in the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin (BCB) of the Czech Republic, within the Cenomanian–Turonian sequences. Small phosphate occurrences have been reported in the Upper Cenomanian, Lower Turonian, and Upper Turonian marine glauconitic siliciclasts. The phosphates are generally <1 m thick, present as phosphatized hardgrounds, nodules, coprolites, skeletal remains, phosphatized shells, peloids, sponges, and tube-fills, associated with black mudstone and other siliciclasts. Only recently the critical elements have been highlighted in these phosphates. The present study covers eight of these occurrences and provides information on petrography, mineralogy, and chemical composition of major elements, trace elements, and stable isotopes. The phosphate mineralogy is comprised of carbonate-fluorapatite, associated with quartz, glauconite, smectite, kaolinite, and pyrite. Most of the phosphates are rich in organic matter. The phosphate chemistry is dominated by P2O5, CaO, F, Na2O, SO3, and CO2. Minor amounts of SiO2, Al2O3, K2O, and MgO are found, related to quartz and alumino-silicate impurities. Evidence of fossil microbial structures is revealed. The indices derived from rare earth elements (REE) indicate phosphogenesis at various redox conditions, ranging from anoxic to oxic, whereas the carbon stable isotopes of the apatite suggest generally reducing conditions. The critical and other valuable elements found in these Mid-Cretaceous phosphates include P2O5 (18.9–26.76 wt. %), F (1.67–3.25 wt. %), REE (325–1338 ppm), Y (74–368 ppm), and U (10.4–37.9 ppm). The investigation of the Turonian phosphate occurrences show that those located at the base of the Bílá Hora Formation (earliest Turonian) are the most persistent in the southern margins of the BCB, and found in localities extending for about 200 km. They were developed at the onset of the Early Turonian global transgression and are strata-bound to the base of the Bílá Hora Formation. Future exploration for marine sedimentary phosphorites should focus on thicker and better developed deposits at the base of the Turonian sediments as the main target

    REE-Rich Turonian Phosphates in the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin, Czech Republic: Assessment as Source of Critical Elements and Implications for Future Exploration

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    Numerous phosphate occurrences are located in the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin (BCB) of the Czech Republic, within the Cenomanian–Turonian sequences. Small phosphate occurrences have been reported in the Upper Cenomanian, Lower Turonian, and Upper Turonian marine glauconitic siliciclasts. The phosphates are generally 2O5, CaO, F, Na2O, SO3, and CO2. Minor amounts of SiO2, Al2O3, K2O, and MgO are found, related to quartz and alumino-silicate impurities. Evidence of fossil microbial structures is revealed. The indices derived from rare earth elements (REE) indicate phosphogenesis at various redox conditions, ranging from anoxic to oxic, whereas the carbon stable isotopes of the apatite suggest generally reducing conditions. The critical and other valuable elements found in these Mid-Cretaceous phosphates include P2O5 (18.9–26.76 wt. %), F (1.67–3.25 wt. %), REE (325–1338 ppm), Y (74–368 ppm), and U (10.4–37.9 ppm). The investigation of the Turonian phosphate occurrences show that those located at the base of the Bílá Hora Formation (earliest Turonian) are the most persistent in the southern margins of the BCB, and found in localities extending for about 200 km. They were developed at the onset of the Early Turonian global transgression and are strata-bound to the base of the Bílá Hora Formation. Future exploration for marine sedimentary phosphorites should focus on thicker and better developed deposits at the base of the Turonian sediments as the main target

    Rekultivace a management nepřírodních biotopů v České republice

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    Základními cíli projektu je zastavit pokles biologické rozmanitosti a navrhnout opatření pro podporu udržitelného užívání zdrojů a podpořit plnění Strategie udržitelného rozvoje. V rámci řešení projektu proběhnou terénní biologické a ekologické průzkumy nepřírodních biotopů v ČR, bude zhodnocena kvalita těchto biotopů a jejich významu pro ochranu biologické rozmanitosti v kulturní krajině, bude provedena srovnávací analýza vlivu klasických technických způsobů a environmentálně šetrných způsobů rekultivací. Bude zpracována "Metodika s návrhy nových ekologicky i ekonomicky efektivních a environmentálně šetrných postupů a způsobů rekultivací a managementu nepřírodních biotopů v České republice". Témata řešená v roce 2007: Kritéria pro výběr lokalit. 4. Výsypky, haldy a těžebny z geologického pohledu. Metodiky a stručné rešerše k jednotlivým skupinám zkoumaných organismů vyskytujících se v nepřírodních biotopech. Vyšší houby (Macromycetes). Cévnaté rostliny (Tracheophyta). Metodika výzkumů hmyzu a bezobratlých živočichů. Měkkýši (Mollusca). Pancířníci (Oribatei). Střevlíkovití brouci (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Motýli (Lepidoptera). Blanokřídlí žahadloví (Hymenoptera: Aculeata). Mravenci (Formicidae). Obojživelníci (Amphibia). Plazi (Reptilia). Ptáci (Aves). Savci (Mammalia). Soubor lokalit pro finální výběr nepřírodních biotopů. Analýza typů a rozsahu lokalit poškozených činností člověka. Základní charakteristika vybraných nepřírodních biotopů