20 research outputs found

    Virtual Interactive Walk through Scenery

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou modelování krajiny v OpenGL. Obsahuje teoretický princip vykreslování ve 3D pomocí funkcí OpenGL a popis některých technologií sloužících k modelování realistických objektů a efektů. Tyto technologie jsou demonstrovány na aplikaci modelující interaktivní procházku krajinou, která je nakonec otestována pomocí dotazníků, vyplněných skupinou dobrovolníků.This bachelor's thesis describes the issues of modelling a scenery in OpenGL. It contains theoretical principle of 3D displaying with OpenGL functions and description of some of the technologies made for realistic objects and efects modelling. These technologies are demonstrated on an application modelling an interactive walk through scenery, which is eventually tested with questionnaires, filled by a group of volunteers.

    Entry to reconstruction of potential natural vegetation of forest fragments in Českomoravská vrchovina highlands

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    The biodiversity and the forest vegetation structure are important instruments for the reconstruction of the potential nature landscape situation. One of the basis to explain actual biodivesity may be an attempt to the reconstruction of the potential nature vegetation of the forest fragments. Landscape history, methods of the forest and agricultural management are very important. The actual biodiversity of the forest fragments need not respond to abiotic conditions only but also to the changes of whole landscape

    Potential of the restoration of the halophyte vegetation lower course of the Trkmanka river floodplain

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    One of the most important areas with halophyte vegetation in the Czech Republic represents lower course of the Trkmanka river floodplain. This vegetation is a small rest of the origin distribution. Plant species structure has changed in context of historical and recent management. Many plant species became extinct due to destruction of biotops, hydrological regime changes and leaving of extensive management too. The chance to survive of the halophyte plant species will exist due to specific feature of halomorphic soil and competitive advantage of halophyte plant species if management of the rare biotops is right

    Building of dam on the Libochovka river near Tišnov and interpretation of disturbances of environment

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    Projected building of dam on river Libochůvka would stand for weighty a disturbance to landscape Českomoravská vrchovina highlands

    Ecosystem monitoring in uranium ore mining and processing area of interest (ore deposit Rožná) and in the Bukovský brook creek basin in 2020

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    Periodic (annual) monitoring of ecosystems takes place on 24 areas of the Rožná deposit and on 5 comparison areas of the Bukovský brook. The effects of the uranium industry (and its accompanying activities) on biodiversity and landscape structure are identified and evaluated

    Historické využívání krajiny a její vliv na složení bylinného patra kulturních lesů se zvláštním zřetelem na ekotony

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    Generic composition of herb layer of forests can reflect changes of ecological conditions. These conditions have been modified by the instrumentality of human being – forest management and agriculture already several centuries. Cultural forests reflect complicated history of incidence of human being throughout the country

    Ecosystem monitoring in uranium ore mining and processing area of interest (ore deposit Rožná) and in the Bukovský brook creek basin in 2021

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    Periodic (annual) monitoring of ecosystems takes place on 24 areas of the Rožná deposit and on 5 comparison areas of the Bukovský brook. The effects of the uranium industry (and its accompanying activities) on biodiversity and landscape structure are identified and evaluated

    Ecotons as a dynamic part of floodplain landscape

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    Varied mosaic of diverse biocoenoses and ecotons rises by natural fluvial processes in alluvium. Dynamic development of vegetation cover was studied in years 1997 – 2007 in flood river bed of Bečva river. Variable mosaic of biocoenoses and ecotons of Bečva river floodplain is considerably varier than regulated and flood undisturbed riverine landscape of Trkmanka river

    Entry to metodology of research of diversity and function of ecotone associations on model forest edges

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    The aim of this article is to summarize some of the new information about function and biodiversity of ecotonal societes, especially societes of forest edges. Use of a few methods for analysing gradients of ecological factors and plant diversity changes is showed on examples of two transects from non-forest to forest vegetation in Stredomoravske Karpaty Hills. The method mentioned above seems to be a good device to understand the function of plant societes on ecological boundaries