135 research outputs found

    Effect of an alternating magnetic field on motor behaviour of rats in laboratory conditions

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    Brојnе studiје su pоkаzаlе dа prоmеnlјivа mаgnеtnа pоlја еkstrеmnо niskih frеkvеnciја (ЕNF-МP) utiču nа mоtоrnо pоnаšаnjе еkspеrimеntаlnih živоtinjа i lјudi, аli јоš uvеk nisu u pоtpunоsti rаzјаšnjеnе vеzе izmеđu prоmеnа u nеurоtrаnsmitеrskim sistеmimа оdgоvоrnim zа kоntrоlu mоtоrnе аktivnоsti i prоmеnа u pоnаšаnju.Cilј оvih istrаživаnjа је ispitivаnjе еfеkаtа аkutnоg (1, 3 i 7 dаnа) i hrоničnоg (оd zаčеćа dо stаrоsti оd оkо 3 mеsеcа) izlаgаnjа ЕNF-МP (50 Hz, 0,5 mТ) nа rаzličitе pаrаmеtrе mоtоrnоg pоnаšаnjа (lоkоmоciја, stеrеоtipiја, usprаvlјаnjе i rоtаciје) оdrаslih pаcоvа Wistаr sоја. Аnаlizirаnа је i аktivnоst dоpаminskih D1 i D2 rеcеptоrа u striјаtumu i sеrоtоninskih 5-HT2А rеcеptоrа u prеfrоntаlnој kоri vеlikоg mоzgа, kао i kоncеntrаciје nuklеоtidа (IMP, cAMP, ATP i GTP) u kоri vеlikоg mоzgа i striјаtumu оvih živоtinjа.Rеzultаti istrаživаnjа аkutnih еfеkаtа ЕNF-МP ukаzuјu nа: (1) pоvеćаnu lоkоmоciјu i stеrеоtipiјu (1 dаn) i smаnjеnо usprаvlјаnjе živоtinjа (1, 3 i 7 dаnа), (2) smаnjеnu lоkоmоciјu i stеrеоtipiјu (3 i 7 dаnа), kао i rоtаciје živоtinjа (7 dаnа) izаzvаnе primеnоm dоpаminеrgičkоg аgоnistе аmfеtаminа (AMPH, 1,5 mg/kg, i.p.), (3) smаnjеn аfinitеt i pоvеćаnu gustinu 5-HT2А rеcеptоrа (1, 3 i 7 dаnа) i (4) smаnjеn sаdržај cAMP (3 i 7 dаnа) i IMP (7 dаnа), kао i stimulisаnо stvаrаnjе ATP (1 i 3 dаnа) u kоri vеlikоg mоzgа. Hrоničnо izlаgаnjе ЕNF-МP: (1) pоvеćаvа mоtоrnu аktivnоst živоtinjа, (2) smаnjuје usprаvlјаnjе živоtinjа izаzvаnо primеnоm АMPH, (3) pоvеćаvа аfinitеt D1 rеcеptоrа i smаnjuје аfinitеt 5-HT2А rеcеptоrа i (4) pоvеćаvа kоncеntrаciјu cAMP u kоri vеlikоg mоzgа i striјаtumu.Nа оsnоvu rеzultаtа mоžеmо zаklјučiti dа spоlјаšnjа ЕNF-МP mоdulišu mоtоrnо pоnаšаnjе еkspеrimеntаlnih živоtinjа dirеktnim i/ili indirеktnim uticајеm nа sinаptičku nеurоtrаnsmisiјu u kоri vеlikоg mоzgа i striјаtumu, pri čеmu kаrаktеr оvih prоmеnа zаvisi оd dužinе izlаgаnjа ЕNF-МP.Numerous studies have shown that alternating magnetic fields of extremely low frequency (ELF-MF) affect motor behaviour of experimental animals and humans, but the connections between changes in neurotransmitter systems involved in motor control and changes in behaviour are not yet completely explained.The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of acute (1, 3, and 7 days) and chronic (from conception to about 3 months old) exposure to ELF-MF (50 Hz, 0.5 mT) on different parameters of motor behaviour (locomotion, stereotypy, rearing, and rotations) of adult Wistar rats. Dopamine D1 and D2 receptors in the striatum and serotonin 5-HT2A receptors in the prefrontal cortex, as well as concentrations of nucleotides (IMP, cAMP, ATP, and GTP) in the cerebral cortex and striatum of these animals were also analysed.Results concerning the acute ELF-MF effects reveal: (1) increased locomotion and stereotypy (1 day), and decreased rearing of animals (1, 3 and 7 days), (2) decreased locomotion and stereotypy (3 and 7 days), as well as rotations of animals (7 days) induced by application of dopaminergic agonist amphetamine (AMPH, 1.5 mg/kg, i.p.), (3) decreased affinity and increased density of 5-HT2A receptors (1, 3 and 7 days), and (4) reduced cAMP (3 and 7 days) and IMP content (7 days), as well as stimulated ATP production (1 and 3 days) in the cerebral cortex. Chronic ELF-MF exposure: (1) enhances motor activity of animals, (2) decreases AMPH-induced rearing of animals, (3) increases D1 receptors affinity and decreases 5-HT2A receptors affinity, and (4) increases cAMP concentrations in the cerebral cortex and striatum.It can be concluded that an external ELF-MF modulates motor activity of experimental animals by direct and/or indirect influence on synaptic neurotransmission in the cerebral cortex and striatum, whereby the character of these changes depends on the duration of ELF-MF exposure

    Identification and classification of Serbia's historic floods

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    River flooding in Serbia is a natural phenomenon which largely exceeds the scope of water management and hydraulic engineering, and has considerable impact on the development of Serbian society. Today, the importance and value of areas threatened by floods are among the key considerations of sustainable development. As a result, flood protection techniques and procedures need to be continually refined and updated, following innovations in the fields of science and technology. Knowledge of high flows is key for sizing hydraulic structures and for gauging the cost-effectiveness and safety of the component structures of flood protection systems. However, sizing of hydraulic structures based on computed high flows does not ensure absolute safety; there is a residual flood risk and a risk of structural failure, if a flood exceeds computed levels. In hydrological practice, such floods are often referred to as historic/loads. The goal of this paper is to present a calculation procedure for the objective identification of historic floods, using long, multiple-year series of data on high flows of natural watercourses in Serbia. At its current stage of development, the calculation procedure is based on maximum annual discharges recorded at key monitoring stations of the Hydro-Meteorological Service of Serbia (HMS Serbia). When applied, the procedure results in the identification of specific historic maximum stages/floods (if any) at all gauge sites included in the analysis. The probabilistic theory is then applied to assess the statistical significance of each identified historic flood and to classify the historic flood, as appropriate. At the end of the paper, the results of the applied methodology are shown in tabular and graphic form for various Serbian rivers. All identified historic floods are ranked based on their probability of occurrence (i.e., return period)

    Determination of markedly elevated concentrations of specifi c IgE and index of specifi c IgE to Ambrosia artemisifolia allergen

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    Cilj je ispitati serumske koncentracije ukupnog IgE-a (uIgE), specifi čnog IgE-a (sIgE) prema alergenu ambrozije Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Amb a, te vrijednost indeksa koncentracije sIgE-a prema Amb a (I-sIgE) u sezoni cvjetanja ambrozije, u djece preosjetljive na alergen peludi ambrozije. Ispitana su djeca s astmom i/ili rinitisom (N=121), preosjetljiva na alergen ambrozije, Amb a. Standardiziranom fl uoroimunikemijskom metodom UniCAP u sezoni cvjetanja ambrozije (tijekom rujna i listopada), određena je serumska koncentracija uIgE-a, sIgE-a prema Amb a, te izračunat I-sIgE. Ispitanici su svrstani u dvije podskupine: podskupina 1a (N = 70), djeca s koncentracijom sIgE-a prema Amb a < 100 kIUA /L; Podskupina 1b (N = 51), djeca s vrijednostima sIgE-a prema Amb a ≥ 100 kIUA /L. ROC krivuljom je određena razlikovna granična koncentracija za I-sIgE za ispitivane podskupine. Koncentracija uIgE-a bila je u rasponu od 41,5 do 5730 kIU/L, a koncentracija sIgE-a u rasponu 2,5 - 991 kIUA /L. Raspon I-sIgE-a bio je u 0,01 - 0,53 [M (IQR) = 0,14 (0,08-0,26]. Vrijednosti I-sIgE-a bile su statistički značajno veće (p < 0,0001) u podskupini 1b - [M (IQR) = 0,28 (0,20-0,35] - u odnosu na podskupinu 1a - [M (IQR) = 0,09 (0,07-0,13]. Granična vrijednost I-sIgE-a između podskupine 1b i podskupine 1a bila je >0,15 (osjetljivost 87,3%; specifi čnost 88%). I-sIgE se može primijeniti kao koristan dodatan biomarker stupnja senzitizacije bolesnika prema alergenu Amb a.Aim: to investigate the serum concentrations of total IgE (tIgE), specifi c IgE to birch allergen Bet v, and index of specifi c IgE (I-sIgE) in children with sensitivity to ragweed allergen Amb a, during ragweed pollen season. Methods: Children with asthma and/or rhinitis (N=121) sensitive to ragweed allergen Amb a. Concentrations of serum tIgE and sIgE to Amb a were determined by the use of standardized UniCAP-fl uoroimmunoassay method. Also, I-sIgE was calculated. Subjects were grouped in two subgroups: Subgroup 1a: (N = 70), children with sIgE to Amb a < 100 kIUA /L; Subgroup 1b (N = 51), children with sIgE to Amb a ≥ 100 kIUA /L. ROC-curve was used to defi ne cut-off value for I-sIgE for these subgroups. Results: Concentration of tIgE ranged between 41.5 to 5730 kIU/L, and concentration of sIgE between 2.5 - 991 kIUA /L. I-sIgE ranged between 0.01 - 0.53 [M (IQR) = 0.14 (0.08-0.26]. Values of I-sIgE were statistically higher (p < 0,0001) in Subgroup 1b - [M (IQR) = 0.28 (0.20-0.35], than in Subgroup 1a - [M (IQR) = 0.09 (0.07-0,13]. Cut-off value for I-sIgE-a between Subgroups 1b and 1a was >0.15 (sensitivity 87.3 %; specifi city 88%). Conclusions: I-sIgE to allergen Amb a may be used as useful additional biomarker of the degree of sensitization of patients

    Synthesis, characterization and biological study of new dinuclear zinc(ii) and nickel(ii) octaaza macrocyclic complexes

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    Two new nitrato complexes of zinc and nickel with 1,4,8,11-tetrakis(2-pyridylmethyl)-1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane (tpmc), have been synthesized and characterized. The IR spectral peaks showed that the coordinated and ionic nitrate ions are in agreement with the formula proposed by elemental analysis. Conductometric titrations predicted methanol to be a convenient solvent for synthesis and revealed the stoichiometry of the complexes, while molar electrical conductivities indicated a 1 : 3 complex electrolyte type for the zinc complex, and a 1 : 2 complex electrolyte type for the nickel complex. The optimized complex structure was obtained by molecular modeling and density functional theory calculations. The biological activity of the novel complexes was examined by screening eight different bacterial strains and two cancer cell lines. The zinc complex showed better antimicrobial activity against the bacterial strains, while the complexes did not show significance antiproliferative activity toward cancer cells MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231

    Seasonal variations of specifi c IgE concentrations to Betula verrucosa allergen, Bet v

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    Cilj je ispitati sezonske razlike u koncentraciji ukupnog IgE-a (uIgE-a), specifi čnog IgE-a (sIgE) prema alergenu breze, Betula verrucosa - Bet v, te indeks sIgE-a (I-sIgE) u djece preosjetljive na alergen breze, Bet v. Ispitana su djeca s astmom i/ili rinitisom (N=19), preosjetljiva na alergen Bet v. Standardiziranom fl uoroimunikemijskom metodom UniCAP određena je koncentracija uIgE-a, sIgE-a prema Bet v, te izračunat I-sIgE. Odabrani biomarkeri određivani su u sezoni peludacije breze (od ožujka do lipnja) i izvan nje (tijekom listopada). Koncentracija sIgE-a prema alergenu Bet v u sezoni peludacije breze iznosila je [M(IQR) = 33,9 (7,2-130,3) kIUA /L], a izvan nje [M(IQR) = 5 (2,3-32,7) kIUA /L], sa statistički značajnom razlikom, p = 0,005. Vrijednosti uIgE-a i I-sIgE-a nisu se statistički značajno razlikovale. U sezoni peludacije breze najveću koncetraciju uIgE-a (1378 kIU/L) i sIgE-a (942 kIUA /L) imao je bolesnik s dijagnozom astme i rinitisa, ujedno preosjetljiv i na alergene trava, ambrozije i lijeske; I-sIgE bio je 0,68. Izvan sezone peludacije uIgE je iznosio 146 kIU/L, sIgE prema Bet v 46 kIUA/L, a I-sIgE 0,31. Za precizniju interpretaciju nalaza uIgE-a te sIgE-a i I-sIgE-a prema Bet v krv za analizu treba uzorkovati u sezoni peludacije.Aim: to investigate seasonal diff erences in concentrations of total IgE (tIgE), specifi c IgE to birch allergen Bet v, and index of specifi c IgE (I-sIgE) in children with hypersensitivity to birch allergen Bet v. Methods: Children with asthma and/or rhinitis (N=19) sensitive to birch allergen Bet v. Concentrations of tIgE and sIgE to Bet v were determined by the use of standardized UniCAP-fl uoroimmunoassay method. Also, I-sIgE was calculated. Selected biomarkers were determined during the birch pollen season (from March to June) and out of season (during October). Results: During the birch pollen season, concentration of sIgE to Bet v was [M(IQR) = 33.9(7.2-130.3) kIUA /L], and out of season [M(IQR) = 5 (2.3-32.7) kIUA /L], p = 0.005. At the same time neither tIgE nor I-sIgE were statistically diff erent. During the pollen season, the largest concentrations of tIgE (1378 kIU/L) and sIgE (942 kIUA /L) was found in the child with asthma and rhinitis, also sensitive to grass, ragweed and hazel allergens. I-sIgE was 0.68. Out of season uIgE was 146 kIU/L, sIgE to Bet v 46 kIUA /L, and I-sIgE 0.31. Conclusions: For precise interpretation of tIgE, sIgE to Bet v and I-sIgE blood samples should be taken during the pollen season

    Supplementary data for article: Petković, B. B.; Stanković, D.; Milčić, M.; Sovilj, S. P.; Manojlović, D. Dinuclear Copper(II) Octaazamacrocyclic Complex in a PVC Coated GCE and Graphite as a Voltammetric Sensor for Determination of Gallic Acid and Antioxidant Capacity of Wine Samples. Talanta 2015, 132, 513–519. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.talanta.2014.09.025

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    Supplementary material for: [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.talanta.2014.09.025]Related to published version: [http://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1654]Related to accepted version: [http://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3363

    Analysis of loss of heterozygosity of the tumor suppressor genes p53 and BRCA1 in ovarial carcinomas

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    Background/aim: Among the genes involved in ovarian carcinogenesis, there has been increased interest in tumor-suppressor genes p53 and BRCA1. Both of the genes make control of cell cycle, DNA repair and apoptosis. The p53 is a "genome guardian" inactivated in more than 50% of human cancers, while BRCA1 mutations are found mostly in breast and ovarian cancer. The aim of this investigation was to establish the frequency of loss of heterozygosity (LOH) in the regions of the genes p53 and BRCA1 in ovarian carcinomas, and to analyze the association of LOH with the disease stage and prognosis. Methods. We analyzed 20 patients with a confirmed diagnosis of epithelilal ovarian carcinoma. DNA for molecular-genetic analysis was extracted from the tumor tissue and blood as normal tissue of each person. Microsatellite markers of the regions of genes p53 and BRCA1 were amplified by PCR method. The determination of allelic status of microsatellites and detection of LOH was performed after PAA gel electroforesis. Results. Both of the analyzed microsatellite markers were informative in 13/20 (65%) cases. In the region of gene p53, LOH was established in 4/13 (30.7%) tumors. One of them had histological gradus G1, one had gradus G2, and two of them had gradus G3, while all were with the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) IIIc stage. In the region of gene BRCA1, LOH was detected in 5/13 (38.5%) tumors. Four of them had histological gradus G2, and one had gradus G3, while by the (FIGO) classification one was with stage Ib, one was with stage IIIb, while the three were with stage IIIc. LOH in both of the analyzed regions was detected in one tumor (7.7%), with histological gradus G3 and the FIGO IIIc stage. Conclusion. The frequency of LOH in epthelial ovarian carcinomas was 30.7% and 38.5% for p53 and BRCA1 gene regions, respectively. Most of tumors with LOH had histological gradus G2 or G3, and the clinical FIGO stage IIIc, suggesting the association of this occurrence with a later phase of the disease

    Anti-biofilm Properties of Bacterial Di-Rhamnolipids and Their Semi-Synthetic Amide Derivatives

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    A new strain, namely Lysinibacillus sp. BV152.1 was isolated from the rhizosphere of ground ivy (Glechoma hederacea L.) producing metabolites with potent ability to inhibit biofilm formation of an important human pathogens Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1, Staphylococcus aureus, and Serratia marcescens. Structural characterization revealed di-rhamnolipids mixture containing rhamnose (Rha)-Rha-C10-C10, Rha-Rha-C8-C10, and Rha-Rha-C10-C12 in the ratio 7: 2: 1 as the active principle. Purified di-rhamnolipids, as well as commercially available di-rhamnolipids (Rha-Rha-C10-C10, 93%) were used as the substrate for the chemical derivatization for the first time, yielding three semisynthetic amide derivatives, benzyl-, piperidine-, and morpholine. A comparative study of the anti-biofilm, antibacterial and cytotoxic properties revealed that di-Rha from Lysinibacillus sp. BV152.1 were more potent in biofilm inhibition, both cell adhesion and biofilm maturation, than commercial di-rhamnolipids inhibiting 50% of P. aeruginosa PAO1 biofilm formation at 50 mu g mL(-1) and 75 mu g mL(-1), respectively. None of the dirhamnolipids exhibited antimicrobial properties at concentrations of up to 500 mu g mL(-1). Amide derivatization improved inhibition of biofilm formation and dispersion activities of di-rhamnolipids from both sources, with morpholine derivative being the most active causing more than 80% biofilm inhibition at concentrations 100 mu g mL(-1). Semisynthetic amide derivatives showed increased antibacterial activity against S. aureus, and also showed higher cytotoxicity. Therefore, described di-rhamnolipids are potent anti-biofilm agents and the described approach can be seen as viable approach in reaching new rhamnolipid based derivatives with tailored biological properties

    Psychomotor activity and body weight gain after exposure to low ribavirin doses in rats: role of treatment duration

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    Clinically-related basic studies on the behavioral effects of ribavirin treatment are still lacking despite its wide use as an antiviral medication. This paper considers the effects of low ribavirin doses (10, 20 and 30 mg/kg/day) on psychomotor activity (novelty-induced exploratory behavior, d-amphetamine (AMPH, 1.5 mg/kg, intraperitoneal)-induced motor activity), and body weight gain in socially undisturbed adult male Wistar rats 24 h after the first, seventh and fourteenth once-a-day injection. Low doses of ribavirin were tested in an attempt to avoid the recognized systemic side effects related to high-dose usage. None of the singly applied ribavirin doses affected exploratory/spontaneous and AMPH-induced motor behavior (locomotion, stereotypy-like and vertical activity), however, body weight gain was significantly lower after treatment with 30 mg/kg of ribavirin. The 7- and 14-day treatments with 10 and 30 mg/kg/day of ribavirin significantly suppressed novelty-induced locomotion and body weight gain; the 14-day treatment with ribavirin at a dose of 30 mg/kg/ day decreased AMPH-induced stereotypy. These findings indicate that repeated application (up to 14 days) of low ribavirin doses results in low novelty-induced locomotion along with reduced weight gain, accentuating the existence of a U-shaped dose-response relationship with a prolonged duration of ribavirin treatment