10 research outputs found

    Bande dessinĂ©e et immigrations : un siĂšcle d’histoire(s)

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    Le MusĂ©e national de l’histoire de l’immigration prĂ©sente jusqu’en septembre 2020 une exposition itinĂ©rante, Bande dessinĂ©e et immigrations : un siĂšcle d’histoire(s), consacrĂ©e aux croisements entre l’histoire de l’immigration et l’histoire de la bande dessinĂ©e

    Bande dessinĂ©e et immigrations : un siĂšcle d’histoire(s)

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    Le MusĂ©e national de l’histoire de l’immigration prĂ©sente jusqu’en septembre 2020 une exposition itinĂ©rante, Bande dessinĂ©e et immigrations : un siĂšcle d’histoire(s), consacrĂ©e aux croisements entre l’histoire de l’immigration et l’histoire de la bande dessinĂ©e

    L’écomusĂ©e de Fresnes : retour sur un engagement prĂ©coce

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    Hommes & Migrations : Pourriez-vous nous rappeler briĂšvement l’objet de l’écomusĂ©e du Val-de-BiĂšvre ? Juliette Spire : Depuis sa crĂ©ation en 1978, l’écomusĂ©e du Val-De-BiĂšvre, situĂ© Ă  Fresnes dans la banlieue sud de Paris, s’est fixĂ© pour objectif d’ĂȘtre le reflet d’une sociĂ©tĂ© urbaine contemporaine, de rĂ©flĂ©chir avec la population Ă  son propre devenir, mais aussi de rendre compte de la mĂ©moire collective. Françoise Wasserman, conservatrice du patrimoine et directrice de l’écomusĂ©e jusqu’à 1..

    La « fabrique » des expositions sur les migrations

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    PortĂ© par des initiatives pionniĂšres dĂšs les annĂ©es 1980, le traitement musĂ©ographique des questions migratoires rĂ©vĂšle une dimension collaborative croissante dans la conception des expositions. Ces projets d’expositions ont ainsi Ă©laborĂ© leur propre mĂ©thodologie permettant de rĂ©unir des chercheurs, des institutions patrimoniales et des associations. En recueillant les tĂ©moignages et les traces des parcours migratoires, il s’agit Ă  la fois de faire connaĂźtre et reconnaĂźtre des histoires de vie Ă  l’échelle locale et de verser ces mĂ©moires au patrimoine commun. Une double tĂąche sur laquelle repose une vĂ©ritable dĂ©mocratie patrimoniale

    Real time high frequency monitoring of water quality in river streams using a UV-visible spectrometer: interest, limits and consequences for monitoring strategies

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    International audienceStream water chemistry is highly variable in space and time, therefore high frequency water quality measurement methods are likely to lead to conceptual advances in the hydrological sciences. Sub-daily data on water quality improve the characterization of pollutant sources and pathways during flood events as well as during long-term periods [1]. However, real time, high frequency monitoring devices needs to be properly calibrated and validated in real streams. This study analyses data from in situ monitoring of a stream water quality. During two hydrological years (2010-11, 2011-12), a submersible UV-visible spectrometer (Scan Spectrolyser) was used for surface water quality measurement at the outlet of a headwater catchment located at Kervidy-Naizin, Western France (AgrHys long-term hydrological observatory, http://www.inra.fr/ore_agrhys/). The spectrometer is reagentless and equipped with an auto-cleaning system. It allows real time, in situ and high frequency (20 min) measurements and uses a multiwavelengt spectral (200-750 nm) for simultaneous measurement of nitrate, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and total suspended solids (TSS). A global calibration based on a PLS (Partial Least Squares) regression is provided by the manufacturer as default configuration of the UV-visible spectrometer. We carried out a local calibration of the spectrometer based on nitrates and DOC concentrations analysed in the laboratory from daily manual sampling and sub-daily automatic sampling of flood events. TSS results are compared with 15 min turbidity records from a continuous turdidimeter (Ponsel). The results show a good correlation between laboratory data and spectrometer data both during basis flows periods and flood events. However, the local calibration gives better results than the global one. Nutrient fluxes estimates based on high and different low frequency time series (daily to monthly) are compared to discuss the implication for environmental monitoring strategies. Such monitoring methods can therefore be interesting for designing monitoring strategy of environmental observatory and provide dense time series likely to highlight patterns or trends using appropriate approaches such as spectral analysis [2]. 1. Wade, A.J. et al., HESS Discuss., 2012. 9(5), p.6458- 6506. 2. Aubert, A. et al., submitted to EGU 2013-4745 vol. 15

    Are there more than two end-members contributing to storm-events in small head-water catchments?

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    International audienceStream water chemistry at catchment outlets is commonly used to infer the flowpaths of water through the catchment and to quantify the relative contributions of various flowpaths and/or end-members during, e.g., storm events. For this purpose, the number and nature of these flowpaths or end-members are commonly defined a priori as part of the experimental design and previous knowledge, and their contributions are calculated based on the dynamics of the stream chemistry, with the inherent assumptions and uncertainties of this approach. Here, we present a methodology, which inverts this classical approach. We use the variability of the stream chemistry data to determine the minimum number of end-members needed and, more specifically, whether two end-members would be sufficient. In this methodology, we analysed the concentration-concentration relationships of several major ion combinations on the storm-event scale for multiple events, using a multi-year, high-frequency (< 60 minutes) timeseries of the major cations and anions from the outlet of two small (0.8 – 5 kmÂČ) french catchments with contrasting land-use (forest and mixed farming-cropping productions). The results indicate that a large number of storm-events (up to 92%) could be interpreted as the result of only two end-members, depending on the catchment and the ion combination used. These findings might help to revise some of the perceptual understandings of flowpath or end-member contributions in catchments during storm-events. In addition, they might stimulate the discussion about the definition of end-members or flowpaths in catchments, especially with regard to variable hydrological contributions

    Beneficial effects of citrulline enteral administration on sepsis-induced T cell mitochondrial dysfunction

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    International audienceSevere sepsis induces a sustained immune dysfunction associated with poor clinical behavior. In particular, lymphopenia along with increased lymphocyte apoptosis and decreased lymphocyte proliferation, enhanced circulating regulatory T cells (Treg), and the emergence of myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) have all been associated with persistent organ dysfunction, secondary infections, and late mortality. The mechanisms involved in MDSC-mediated T cell dysfunction during sepsis share some features with those described in malignancies such as arginine deprivation. We hypothesized that increasing arginine availability would restore T cell function and decrease sepsis-induced immunosuppression. Using a mouse model of sepsis based on cecal ligation and puncture and secondary pneumonia triggered by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus inoculation, we demonstrated that citrulline administration was more efficient than arginine in increasing arginine plasma levels and restoring T cell mitochondrial function and proliferation while reducing sepsis-induced Treg and MDSC expansion. Because there is no specific therapeutic strategy to restore immune function after sepsis, we believe that our study provides evidence for developing citrulline-based clinical studies in sepsis

    Exposer les migrations

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    A travers un panel d'expositions réalisées depuis 1980 sur les migrations, leurs histoires, leurs mémoires et les regards artistiques contemporains, ce dossier analyse les modalités de mise en oeuvre de l'exposition des migrations, les collaborations engagées avec les populations concernées, des acteurs (partrimoniaux, scientifiques, culturels, mais aussi associatifs) et des artistes. Les articles questionnent ainsi le processus de patrimonialisation de l'immigration et l'inscription des migrations dans le développement des territoires

    Femmes et migrations

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    Ce dossier compare des travaux sur les migrations féminines dans plusieurs pays européens et montre comment les femmes migrantes sont passées de l’invisibilité à une plus grande visibilité dans l’espace public. Il interroge cette réalité de la féminisation des flux migratoires et explique le traitement des migrantes comme une catégorie des politiques publiques, comme une cible des représentations sociales sur l’immigration dans les débats. Les pratiques associatives et culturelles de ces femmes sont une des manières possibles pour elles de renverser les images stigmatisées qui leur sont accolées