11 research outputs found

    Psychometric properties of a standardized protocol of muscle strength assessment by hand-held dynamometry in healthy adults: a reliability study

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    Background Maximal isometric muscle strength (MIMS) assessment is a key component of physiotherapists’ work. Hand-held dynamometry (HHD) is a simple and quick method to obtain quantified MIMS values that have been shown to be valid, reliable, and more responsive than manual muscle testing. However, the lack of MIMS reference values for several muscle groups in healthy adults with well-known psychometric properties limits the use and the interpretation of these measures obtained with HHD in clinic. Objective To determine the intra- and inter-rater reliability, standard error of measurement (SEM) and minimal detectable change (MDC) of MIMS torque values obtained with HHD. Methods Intra and Inter-rater Reliability Study. The MIMS torque of 17 muscle groups was assessed by two independent raters at three different times in 30 healthy adults using a standardized HHD protocol using the MEDup™ (Atlas Medic, Québec, Canada). Participants were excluded if they presented any of the following criteria: 1) participation in sport at a competitive level; 2) degenerative or neuromusculoskeletal disease that could affect torque measurements; 3) traumatic experience or disease in the previous years that could affect their muscle function; and 4) use of medication that could impact muscle strength (e.g., muscle relaxants, analgesics, opioids) at the time of the evaluation. Intra- and inter-rater reliability were determined using two-way mixed (intra) and random effects (inter) absolute agreement intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC: 95% confidence interval) models. SEM and MDC were calculated from these data. Results Intra- and inter-rater reliability were excellent with ICC (95% confidence interval) varying from 0.90 to 0.99 (0.85–0.99) and 0.89 to 0.99 (0.55–0.995), respectively. Absolute SEM and MDC for intra-rater reliability ranged from 0.14 to 3.20 Nm and 0.38 to 8.87 Nm, respectively, and from 0.17 to 5.80 Nm and 0.47 to 16.06 Nm for inter-rater reliability, respectively. Conclusions The excellent reliability obtained in this study suggest that the use of such a standardized HHD protocol is a method of choice for MIMS torque measurements in both clinical and research settings. And the identification of the now known metrological qualities of such a protocol should encourage and promote the optimal use of manual dynamometry

    Relationships between lower limb muscle strength and mobility capacities in myotonic dystrophy type 1 adult and late onset phenotype

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    Résumé: But : Les objectifs étaient de 1) décrire les profils de force musculaires aux membres inférieurs (MIs) et les capacités aux déplacements des personnes présentant les phénotypes adulte classique (DM1-AC) et adulte tardif (DM1-AT) de la dystrophie myotonique de type 1 (DM1), et 2) d’explorer l’influence de la faiblesse des MIs sur les capacités aux déplacements dans cette population. Méthode : Cette étude consiste en une analyse secondaire de données issues d’une plus large recherche qui visait à identifier les déterminants de la participation sociale et de la qualité de vie de personnes atteintes de DM1 (n = 158 DM1-AC et n = 42 DM1-AT). La force de quatre groupes musculaires des MIs a été mesurée à l’aide du bilan musculaire manuel (BMM) et du bilan musculaire quantitatif (BMQ) par dynamométrie manuelle. Les capacités aux déplacements ont été évaluées à l’aide de tests standardisés (échelle d’équilibre de Berg, vitesse de marche et Timed Up & Go). Résultats : Le phénotype DM1-AT présente moins de faiblesse et d’incapacités que le phénotype DM1-AC (p < 0,001 – 0,020). Le BMM ne détecte pas de faiblesse chez le phénotype DM1-AT mais des pertes de force au BMQ de 12 % à 20 % ont été identifiées chez ce phénotype, excepté pour les fléchisseurs du genou, entrainant des limitations aux déplacements chez 22 % à 48 % de ces individus. Dans le phénotype DM1-AC, l’atteinte musculaire était légèrement plus importante en distal qu’en proximal. Selon ces résultats, les phénotypes DM1-AC et DM1-AT présentent des portraits distincts et les données relatives à chacun devraient être analysées séparément. Une progression générale de la faiblesse au BMQ et des scores aux tests fonctionnels a été observée en fonction des cotes de l’échelle Muscular Impairment Rating Scale (MIRS). Un déficit de force au BMQ (excepté pour les fléchisseurs du genou) et des incapacités fonctionnelles ont aussi été observés dès les premières cotes de la MIRS. Finalement, les dorsifléchisseurs de la cheville et les extenseurs du genou semblent être de bons indicateurs de la fonction des membres inférieurs en DM1. Conclusion : Cette étude a permis de dresser un portrait des atteintes de la force musculaire aux MIs et des capacités fonctionnelles liées aux déplacements pour chacun des phénotypes DM1-AC et DM1-AT de la DM1, ainsi que d’explorer la contribution de la faiblesse des groupes musculaires évaluées sur les capacités aux déplacements dans cette population. Ces résultats contribueront à mieux déterminer les cibles d’évaluation et d’interventions en réadaptation et à mieux définir le processus d’évaluation dans le contexte des essais thérapeutiques à venir.Abstract: Purpose: The purposes of this study were 1) to describe lower limbs muscle strength and mobility capacities, and 2) to explore the respective contribution of lower limb muscle weaknesses on mobility in the adult and late-onset phenotypes of myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1). Methods: This study is a secondary analysis of part of the results of a larger study, whose purpose was to identify social participation and quality-of-life determinants in 200 DM1 patients (158 adult and 42 late-onset). The strength of four lower limb muscle groups was assessed using manual muscle testing (MMT) and handheld dynamometry quantitative muscle testing (QMT). Mobility capacities were assessed using standardized tests (Berg balance scale, 10 Meter Walk Test and Timed Up & Go). Results: Although the late-onset phenotype showed less weaknesses and mobility limitations than the adult phenotype (p <0.001-0.020), and although MMT showed no weakness in the late-onset phenotype, quantitative strength losses of 12-20% were measured in this phenotype, with the exception of the knee flexors. These weaknesses led to mobility limitations in 22-48% of participants with the late-onset phenotype. In the adult phenotype, muscle strength impairment was slightly more important distally than proximally (2-2.5/10 and 5.8-8.2% for MMT and QMT, respectively) (p <0.001-0.002). According to those results, the adult and late-onset phenotypes show different profiles of lower limb impairment, and should not be pooled for data analysis. A general progression of quantitative muscle weakness and of mobility scores was observed according to the Muscular Impairment Rating Scale (MIRS) classification. Quantitative weaknesses, with the exception of the knee flexors, and mobility limitations were observed from the first MIRS grades. QMT is therefore definitely a more effective tool for measuring weakness in DM1. Finally, ankle dorsiflexors and knee extensors seem to be good indicators of lower limb function in DM1. Conclusion: This study allowed a better characterization of lower limb weaknesses and mobility limitations in the adult and late-onset phenotypes of DM1, and explored the contribution of lower limb weaknesses on mobility capacities in this population. These results will be useful for developing more specific rehabilitation programs and for optimizing the evaluation of these impairments in the context of the upcoming therapeutic trials. Keywords: Myotonic dystrophy type 1, phenotypes, muscle strength, mobility capacities, lower limbs, explanatory variables, physiotherapy

    Relationships between lower limb muscle strength and mobility capacities in myotonic dystrophy type 1 adult and late onset phenotype

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    Résumé: But : Les objectifs étaient de 1) décrire les profils de force musculaires aux membres inférieurs (MIs) et les capacités aux déplacements des personnes présentant les phénotypes adulte classique (DM1-AC) et adulte tardif (DM1-AT) de la dystrophie myotonique de type 1 (DM1), et 2) d’explorer l’influence de la faiblesse des MIs sur les capacités aux déplacements dans cette population. Méthode : Cette étude consiste en une analyse secondaire de données issues d’une plus large recherche qui visait à identifier les déterminants de la participation sociale et de la qualité de vie de personnes atteintes de DM1 (n = 158 DM1-AC et n = 42 DM1-AT). La force de quatre groupes musculaires des MIs a été mesurée à l’aide du bilan musculaire manuel (BMM) et du bilan musculaire quantitatif (BMQ) par dynamométrie manuelle. Les capacités aux déplacements ont été évaluées à l’aide de tests standardisés (échelle d’équilibre de Berg, vitesse de marche et Timed Up & Go). Résultats : Le phénotype DM1-AT présente moins de faiblesse et d’incapacités que le phénotype DM1-AC (p < 0,001 – 0,020). Le BMM ne détecte pas de faiblesse chez le phénotype DM1-AT mais des pertes de force au BMQ de 12 % à 20 % ont été identifiées chez ce phénotype, excepté pour les fléchisseurs du genou, entrainant des limitations aux déplacements chez 22 % à 48 % de ces individus. Dans le phénotype DM1-AC, l’atteinte musculaire était légèrement plus importante en distal qu’en proximal. Selon ces résultats, les phénotypes DM1-AC et DM1-AT présentent des portraits distincts et les données relatives à chacun devraient être analysées séparément. Une progression générale de la faiblesse au BMQ et des scores aux tests fonctionnels a été observée en fonction des cotes de l’échelle Muscular Impairment Rating Scale (MIRS). Un déficit de force au BMQ (excepté pour les fléchisseurs du genou) et des incapacités fonctionnelles ont aussi été observés dès les premières cotes de la MIRS. Finalement, les dorsifléchisseurs de la cheville et les extenseurs du genou semblent être de bons indicateurs de la fonction des membres inférieurs en DM1. Conclusion : Cette étude a permis de dresser un portrait des atteintes de la force musculaire aux MIs et des capacités fonctionnelles liées aux déplacements pour chacun des phénotypes DM1-AC et DM1-AT de la DM1, ainsi que d’explorer la contribution de la faiblesse des groupes musculaires évaluées sur les capacités aux déplacements dans cette population. Ces résultats contribueront à mieux déterminer les cibles d’évaluation et d’interventions en réadaptation et à mieux définir le processus d’évaluation dans le contexte des essais thérapeutiques à venir.Abstract: Purpose: The purposes of this study were 1) to describe lower limbs muscle strength and mobility capacities, and 2) to explore the respective contribution of lower limb muscle weaknesses on mobility in the adult and late-onset phenotypes of myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1). Methods: This study is a secondary analysis of part of the results of a larger study, whose purpose was to identify social participation and quality-of-life determinants in 200 DM1 patients (158 adult and 42 late-onset). The strength of four lower limb muscle groups was assessed using manual muscle testing (MMT) and handheld dynamometry quantitative muscle testing (QMT). Mobility capacities were assessed using standardized tests (Berg balance scale, 10 Meter Walk Test and Timed Up & Go). Results: Although the late-onset phenotype showed less weaknesses and mobility limitations than the adult phenotype (p <0.001-0.020), and although MMT showed no weakness in the late-onset phenotype, quantitative strength losses of 12-20% were measured in this phenotype, with the exception of the knee flexors. These weaknesses led to mobility limitations in 22-48% of participants with the late-onset phenotype. In the adult phenotype, muscle strength impairment was slightly more important distally than proximally (2-2.5/10 and 5.8-8.2% for MMT and QMT, respectively) (p <0.001-0.002). According to those results, the adult and late-onset phenotypes show different profiles of lower limb impairment, and should not be pooled for data analysis. A general progression of quantitative muscle weakness and of mobility scores was observed according to the Muscular Impairment Rating Scale (MIRS) classification. Quantitative weaknesses, with the exception of the knee flexors, and mobility limitations were observed from the first MIRS grades. QMT is therefore definitely a more effective tool for measuring weakness in DM1. Finally, ankle dorsiflexors and knee extensors seem to be good indicators of lower limb function in DM1. Conclusion: This study allowed a better characterization of lower limb weaknesses and mobility limitations in the adult and late-onset phenotypes of DM1, and explored the contribution of lower limb weaknesses on mobility capacities in this population. These results will be useful for developing more specific rehabilitation programs and for optimizing the evaluation of these impairments in the context of the upcoming therapeutic trials. Keywords: Myotonic dystrophy type 1, phenotypes, muscle strength, mobility capacities, lower limbs, explanatory variables, physiotherapy

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    A 9-year follow-up study of quantitative muscle strength changes in myotonic dystrophy type 1

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    Myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1) is a neuromuscular disorder presenting with major muscle impairments. However, few studies have addressed muscle strength progression using quantitative methods. The aims of this study were to document muscle strength changes in eight muscle groups among adults with DM1 over a 9-year period, and to compare this progression between phenotypes (adult and late-onset) and sex. Patients with a genetic diagnosis of DM1 with the late-onset or the adult phenotype were recruited at baseline through the clinical registry of the Saguenay Neuromuscular Clinic. The maximum isometric muscle strength was measured at baseline and 9 years later using a standardized protocol of quantitative muscle testing. Muscle groups included were shoulder abductors, elbow flexors/extensors, wrist extensors, hip flexors, knee flexors/extensors, and ankle dorsiflexors. For the whole group, a mean loss of 24.5–52.8% was observed over the 9-year period for all muscle groups, except for hip flexors which remained stable. Generally, men were stronger and showed a significant greater rate of decline of muscle strength than women. The adult and late-onset phenotypes taken separately also showed a significant and similar decline over the 9-year period, except for the wrist and knee extensors where muscle strength of participants with the adult phenotype decreased faster than in the late-onset phenotype. The similar rate of decline of muscle strength loss observed between phenotypes highlights the need to develop interventions to prevent this decline, even for patients with the late-onset phenotype who are often considered as mildly impaired, and therefore neglected by the rehabilitation services

    Strength-Training Induces Skeletal Muscle Adaptations in Patients with Myotonic Dystrophy Type I: A Case Study

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    PURPOSE: Myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1) is the most prevalent inherited neuromuscular disease in adults. This multisystemic disease is characterized by skeletal muscle impairments including muscle wasting. Slowing muscle wasting in this population using strength training seems a promising strategy, but it remains unknown if it would trigger cellular and molecular responses similar to the ones observed in healthy people. The objective of this case study is to evaluate the effect of a strength-training program on skeletal muscle adaptations in a DM1 patient. METHODS: One male with DM1 (age = 36) underwent a 12-week strength-training program, twice a week, consisting of 2 sets of 6 exercises at 6 RM supplemented by functional tasks. Vastus lateralis muscle biopsy samples were obtained pre- and post-training program. The proportion of type I and II myofibers and the cross sectional area (CSA) of each type were determined by immunohistochemistry. The percentage of centrally nucleated fibers (CNF) was obtained following staining with hematoxyline/eosine Two blinded evaluators analyzed the data. RESULTS: Following the 12-week strength-training program, the patient showed an increase in the CSA of type I myofibers evaluated at 46% (p<0.05) by evaluator #1 and 51% (p<0.05) by evaluator #2. For type II myofibers, the increase in CSA was evaluated to 24% (p<0.05) and 29% (p<0.05) by evaluator #1 and #2, respectively. A muscle fiber-type switching was also induced by the 12-week strength-training program as shown by the increase in the proportion of type II myofibers from 29% to 71% (p<0.05) noted by the evaluator #1 and the similar observation noted by evaluator #2 (28% to 72%, p<0.05). No change was observed in the percentage of CNF by both evaluators. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that skeletal muscle of patients with DM1 could undergo adaptations linked to muscle growth as demonstrated by the increase in the CSA of type I and type II myofibers. It also seems that strength-training parameters used in this study could also influence the distribution of myofibers, in favour of type II. Further studies comprising a higher number of participants are needed to validate our findings and determine to which extent and how skeletal muscles of patients with DM1 adapt to strength training stimulus