265 research outputs found

    Biological applications of synchrotron radiation infrared spectromicroscopy.

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    Extremely brilliant infrared (IR) beams provided by synchrotron radiation sources are now routinely used in many facilities with available commercial spectrometers coupled to IR microscopes. Using these intense non-thermal sources, a brilliance two or three order of magnitude higher than a conventional source is achievable through small pinholes (<10 mu m) with a high signal to-noise ratio. IR spectroscopy is a powerful technique to investigate biological systems and offers many new imaging opportunities. The field of infrared biological imaging covers a wide range of fundamental issues and applied researches such as cell imaging or tissue imaging. Molecular maps with a spatial resolution down to the diffraction limit may be now obtained with a synchrotron radiation IR source also on thick samples. Moreover, changes of the protein structure are detectable in an IR spectrum and cellular molecular markers can be identified and used to recognize a pathological status of a tissue. Molecular structure and functions are strongly correlated and this aspect is particularly relevant for imaging. We will show that the brilliance of synchrotron radiation IR sources may enhance the sensitivity of a molecular signal obtained from small biosamples, e.g., a single cell, containing extremely small amounts of organic matter. We will also show that SR IR sources allow to study chemical composition and to identify the distribution of organic molecules in cells at submicron resolution is possible with a high signal-to-noise ratio. Moreover, the recent availability of two-dimensional IR detectors promises to push forward imaging capabilities in the time domain. Indeed, with a high current synchrotron radiation facility and a Focal Plane Array the chemical imaging of individual cells can be obtained in a few minutes. Within this framework important results are expected in the next years using synchrotron radiation and Free Electron Laser (FEL) sources for spectro-microscopy and spectral-imaging, alone or in combination with Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy methods to study the molecular composition and dynamic changes in samples of biomedical interest at micrometric and submicrometric scales, respectively. (c) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Identification des principaux partenaires d'interaction de la cycline D2 tronquée de souris

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    Annuellement, la vie de millions de personnes est bouleversĂ©e suite Ă  un diagnostic de cancer. Cette maladie est caractĂ©risĂ©e par une prolifĂ©ration cellulaire anormale au sein d'un tissu ou d'un organe au point de menacer la vie du patient. Une multitude de gĂšnes sont connus pour leur implication dans le cancer. Toutefois les protĂ©ines rĂ©gulatrices du cycle cellulaire, les cyclines, sont les principaux responsables du dĂ©rĂšglement cellulaire. Les cyclines D contrĂŽlent l'entrĂ©e et la progression de la cellule en phase G1. La dĂ©couverte d'un site commun d'intĂ©gration du rĂ©trovirus murin Graffi en amont du gĂšne de la cycline D2 (D2) a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© l'existence d'un nouvel isoforme, la cycline D2 tronquĂ©e (D2Trc). La D2Trc se distingue par l'utilisation d'un site donneur d'Ă©pissage alternatif localisĂ© dans le second intron. Il en rĂ©sulte un exon 2 allongĂ© et l'apparition d'un codon stop aprĂšs le 156e acide aminĂ©. Par rapport Ă  la D2, 133 acides aminĂ©s sont manquants dont les 21 derniers de la boĂźte cycline. Les 20 acides aminĂ©s terminaux diffĂšrent de la D2. L'altĂ©ration de la sĂ©quence gĂ©nĂšre une protĂ©ine cytosolique contrairement Ă  la D2 qui est nuclĂ©aire. Il a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©montrĂ© que la D2Trc dĂ©tient un pouvoir immortalisant supĂ©rieur Ă  la D2. Cette Ă©tude vise Ă  identifier les principaux partenaires d'interaction de la D2Trc chez la souris par co-immunoprĂ©cipitation. Des fibroblastes de souris (NIH/3T3) ont Ă©tĂ© transfectĂ©s par le vecteur pCMV contenant l'ADNc murin de la D2 ou la D2Trc en phase avec l'Ă©pitope Myc Ă  l'extrĂ©mitĂ© N-terminale. La D2 et la D2Trc ont Ă©tĂ© co-immunoprĂ©cipitĂ©es Ă  l'aide d'un anticorps dirigĂ© contre l'Ă©pitope Myc associĂ© Ă  de billes de protĂ©ine G sĂ©pharose. Les complexes protĂ©iques ont Ă©tĂ© dissociĂ©s de l'anticorps par compĂ©tition avec le peptide Myc. Les extraits ont Ă©tĂ© sĂ©parĂ©s sur un gel de polyacrylamide puis colorĂ©s au nitrate d'argent. Les interactions entre l'anticorps et la forme native de la D2 et la D2Trc ont Ă©tĂ© observĂ©es in situ par colocalisation. Les rĂ©sultats indiquent que l'anticorps peut se lier Ă  l'Ă©tiquette Myc des protĂ©ines tant dans la forme native que linĂ©aire, toutefois cette liaison serait faible. Les lavages s'avĂšrent suffisants pour briser le lien entre la protĂ©ine et l'anticorps. L'Ă©tiquette serait difficilement accessible dĂ» Ă  une congestion engendrĂ©e par les partenaires d'interaction et/ou une nouvelle conformation causĂ©e par des interactions entre l'Ă©tiquette et la protĂ©ine. L'utilisation d'une mĂ©thode alternative telle que le double hybride chez la levure ou l'utilisation du vecteur TAP serait Ă  envisager.\ud ______________________________________________________________________________ \ud MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Colocalisation, Co-immunoprĂ©cipitation, Cycle cellulaire, Cycline D2, Cycline D2 tronquĂ©e, Interactions protĂ©ine-protĂ©ine

    Utilisation de la spectro-imagerie IR-TF pour le développement d'une anatomo-pathologie moléculaire des tumeurs cérébrales

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    Les gliomes sont des tumeurs agressives de mauvais pronostic, trÚs angiogéniques et infiltrantes ce qui rend leur exérÚse particuliÚrement difficile. Vu les limites des techniques actuelles d imagerie, nous avons proposé la spectro-imagerie Infrarouge à Transformée de Fourier (IRTF), d une résolution spatiale de 6 m, pour apporter une information moléculaire à l examen histologique actuel des gliomes. Nos travaux ont été fondés sur la recherche de paramÚtres moléculaires des vaisseaux sanguins, notamment sur la base des contenus de leur membrane basale. Celle-ci subit des altérations dûes au stress angiogénique tumoral. Nous avons mis en évidence des altérations de la structure secondaire des protéines (tels les collagÚnes) des vaisseaux sanguins au cours de la croissance de la tumeur. Nous avons aussi évalué les modifications des chaines d acides gras des phospholipides membranaires, qui révélent un degré d insaturation plus important pour les vaisseaux tumoraux. Ensuite, sur un modÚle de gliome murin, nous avons établi une méthode efficace de classification des capillaires sanguins sur la base d absorptions de leurs contenus glucidiques et lipidiques, permettant de discriminer totalement les capillaires sains et tumoraux. La combinaison de ces paramÚtres a été mise à profit pour assurer une histopathologie moléculaire des gliomes humains. Nos résultats ont démontré qu il est possible de différencier entre la vasculature saine et tumorale sur ces gliomes humains, ce qui permet une bonne délimitation des zones tissulaires correspondantes. Cette technique pourrait devenir un outil analytique fiable, rapide d une durée compatible avec la chirurgie et donc trÚs utile pour les neurochirurgiens.Malignant gliomas are very aggressive tumors with poor prognosis, highly angiogenic and invasive into the surrounding brain parenchyma, making their resection very difficult. Regarding the limits of current imaging techniques, we have proposed Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectro-imaging, with a spatial resolution of 6 m, to provide molecular information for the histological examination of gliomas. Our work was based on the research of molecular parameters of blood vessels, notably on the basis of the contents of their basement membrane, which undergoes changes due to tumor angiogenic stress. We have identified alterations of the secondary structure of proteins (such as collagen) in blood vessels during tumor growth. We have also assessed the changes in fatty acyl chains of membrane phospholipids, which revealed a higher unsaturation level in tumor vessels. Then, on a murine glioma model, we have established an efficient method of blood vessels classification based on their carbohydrates and fats contents, allowing the differentiation between healthy and tumor blood vessels. The combination of these parameters was used to provide a molecular histopathology for the study of human gliomas. Our results have demonstrated the feasibility of differentiating between healthy and tumor vasculature in these human gliomas, which help delimitating areas of corresponding tissue. This technique could become a reliable and fast analytical tool, with duration compatible with the surgery and thus very useful for neurosurgeons.BORDEAUX1-Bib.electronique (335229901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    High resolution FTIR imaging of fibers / cell interactions for the study of the pathological effect of asbestos

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    Les maladies pulmonaires tel que l amiantose ou le mésotheliome proviennent de l interaction entre les fibres d amiantes et les cellules humaines. L hétérogénéité morphologique et chimique des fibres nous oblige à disposer de moyens analytique capable d analyser l interaction organique inorganique. Nos travaux ont pour but de développer une méthodologie d'imagerie infrarouge couplé avec le rayonnement synchrotron. Grùce à cette technique, nous pourrons analyser les effets des fibres d'amiantes sur une cellule unique. La méthodologie a été testée sur des cellules cultivées directement sur des substrats transparents à l'infrarouge. Les expériences réalisées ont été étendu à l'imagerie Raman in vitro de cellule individuelle vivante en interaction avec différents types de fibres afin de mieux évaluer l'effet pathogÚne de celle ci sur les cellules pulmonaire.Lung disease as asbestosis and mesothelioma come from the interaction between asbestos fibers and human cells. The morphological and chemical heterogeneity of these fibers leads us to use analytical techniques capable of analyzing the organic/inorganic interaction. Our work aims the development of FTIR method couple with the synchrotron radiation. Thanks to that technique, we could analyse the effects of the asbestos fibers on a lung human cell. These technique has been developped on cultured cells directly on IR transparent substrates. The experimentation have been developped to in vitro RAMAN imaging of individual living cell in interaction with different types of fibers. The goal was a better understanding of the pathological effect of the asbestos fibers on the human lung cells.BORDEAUX1-Bib.electronique (335229901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Facing the challenge of biosample imaging by FTIR with a synchrotron radiation source

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    FTIR synchrotron radiation microspectroscopy is a powerful molecular probe of biological samples at cellular resolution. Here it is discussed how an optimized combination of IR instrumentation (FPA detectors) and SR optical systems could reach the expected advantages of a SR-based system

    Facing the challenge of biosample imaging by FTIR with a synchrotron radiation source

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    Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) synchrotron radiation (SR) microspectroscopy is a powerful molecular probe of biological samples at cellular resolution (10 microm). As the brilliance of SR is 100-1000 times higher than that of a conventional Globar source, FTIR microscopes are now available in almost all advanced SR facilities around the world. However, in spite of this superior performance, the expected advances in IR SR microscopy have not yet been realised, particularly with regard to bio-analytical studies of single cells and soft tissues. In recent decades solid-state array detectors have revolutionized the fields of molecular spectroscopy and chemical imaging, and now new IR focal plane array detectors implemented at ultra-bright SR facilities will extend the performance and overcome the existing limitations, possibly allowing IR SR instrumentation to achieve the highest sensitivity and resolution of molecular imaging. The impact of IR imaging on large tissue area and the complexity of the analysis are discussed. In view of the high brilliance of SR sources, a comparison of published microscope images is given. Finally, it is briefly outlined how an optimized combination of IR instrumentation and SR optical systems could reach the expected advantages of a SR-based FTIR imaging system

    Gold nanoparticles as high-resolution X-ray imaging contrast agents for the analysis of tumor-related micro-vasculature

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Angiogenesis is widely investigated in conjunction with cancer development, in particular because of the possibility of early stage detection and of new therapeutic strategies. However, such studies are negatively affected by the limitations of imaging techniques in the detection of microscopic blood vessels (diameter 3-5 ÎŒm) grown under angiogenic stress. We report that synchrotron-based X-ray imaging techniques with very high spatial resolution can overcome this obstacle, provided that suitable contrast agents are used.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We tested different contrast agents based on gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) for the detection of cancer-related angiogenesis by synchrotron microradiology, microtomography and high resolution X-ray microscopy. Among them only bare-AuNPs in conjunction with heparin injection provided sufficient contrast to allow <it>in vivo </it>detection of small capillary species (the smallest measured lumen diameters were 3-5 ÎŒm). The detected vessel density was 3-7 times higher than with other nanoparticles. We also found that bare-AuNPs with heparin allows detecting symptoms of local extravascular nanoparticle diffusion in tumor areas where capillary leakage appeared.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Although high-Z AuNPs are natural candidates as radiology contrast agents, their success is not guaranteed, in particular when targeting very small blood vessels in tumor-related angiography. We found that AuNPs injected with heparin produced the contrast level needed to reveal--for the first time by X-ray imaging--tumor microvessels with 3-5 ÎŒm diameter as well as extravascular diffusion due to basal membrane defenestration. These results open the interesting possibility of functional imaging of the tumor microvasculature, of its development and organization, as well as of the effects of anti-angiogenic drugs.</p

    Quantitative analysis of nanoparticle internalization in mammalian cells by high resolution X-ray microscopy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Quantitative analysis of nanoparticle uptake at the cellular level is critical to nanomedicine procedures. In particular, it is required for a realistic evaluation of their effects. Unfortunately, quantitative measurements of nanoparticle uptake still pose a formidable technical challenge. We present here a method to tackle this problem and analyze the number of metal nanoparticles present in different types of cells. The method relies on high-lateral-resolution (better than 30 nm) transmission x-ray microimages with both absorption contrast and phase contrast -- including two-dimensional (2D) projection images and three-dimensional (3D) tomographic reconstructions that directly show the nanoparticles.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Practical tests were successfully conducted on bare and polyethylene glycol (PEG) coated gold nanoparticles obtained by x-ray irradiation. Using two different cell lines, EMT and HeLa, we obtained the number of nanoparticle clusters uptaken by each cell and the cluster size. Furthermore, the analysis revealed interesting differences between 2D and 3D cultured cells as well as between 2D and 3D data for the same 3D specimen.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We demonstrated the feasibility and effectiveness of our method, proving that it is accurate enough to measure the nanoparticle uptake differences between cells as well as the sizes of the formed nanoparticle clusters. The differences between 2D and 3D cultures and 2D and 3D images stress the importance of the 3D analysis which is made possible by our approach.</p

    Mechanisms of murine cerebral malaria: Multimodal imaging of altered cerebral metabolism and protein oxidation at hemorrhage sites.

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    Using a multimodal biospectroscopic approach, we settle several long-standing controversies over the molecular mechanisms that lead to brain damage in cerebral malaria, which is a major health concern in developing countries because of high levels of mortality and permanent brain damage. Our results provide the first conclusive evidence that important components of the pathology of cerebral malaria include peroxidative stress and protein oxidation within cerebellar gray matter, which are colocalized with elevated nonheme iron at the site of microhemorrhage. Such information could not be obtained previously from routine imaging methods, such as electron microscopy, fluorescence, and optical microscopy in combination with immunocytochemistry, or from bulk assays, where the level of spatial information is restricted to the minimum size of tissue that can be dissected. We describe the novel combination of chemical probe-free, multimodal imaging to quantify molecular markers of disturbed energy metabolism and peroxidative stress, which were used to provide new insights into understanding the pathogenesis of cerebral malaria. In addition to these mechanistic insights, the approach described acts as a template for the future use of multimodal biospectroscopy for understanding the molecular processes involved in a range of clinically important acute and chronic (neurodegenerative) brain diseases to improve treatment strategies
