14 research outputs found

    Towards understanding the nature and diversity of small planets in the universe : discovery and initial characterization of Wolf 503 b and LP 791-18 d

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    Avec la découverte de milliers de nouvelles planètes au cours des vingt dernières années, une nouvelle population complexe de planètes plus petites que Neptune et plus grandes que la Terre a été découverte. Ces planètes se divisent en deux groupes : les plus grandes sub-Neptunes avec des atmosphères étendues dominées par H, et les plus petites super-Terres qui ont tout au plus des atmosphères minces. Cette division peut être expliquée par une variété de mécanismes, y compris la photoévaporation, la perte de masse alimentée par le noyau, et la formation de gaz pauvres et vides : la population de petites planètes est probablement façonnée par une combinaison de ces mécanismes qui peut dépendre du type stellaire. Dans ce travail, nous décrivons la découverte de deux nouvelles planètes qui sont bien adaptées à l'étude de la nature de la population des petites planètes : Wolf 503 b et LP 791-18 d. Wolf 503 b est une planète de 2.030.07+0.08R2.03^{+0.08}_{-0.07} R_{\oplus} orbitant autour de l'étoile brillante (J=8.32J=8.32 mag), proche (D=44.5D=44.5 pc) à mouvement propre élevé K3.5V Wolf 503 (EPIC 212779563). Nous confirmons que la signature du transit K2 est planétaire en utilisant à la fois des images d'archives et des images d'optique adaptative à haut contraste de l'observatoire Palomar. Son rayon place Wolf 503b directement entre les populations de super-Terre et de sub-Neptune, un rayon auquel les planètes sont rarement trouvées et la composition de masse attendue est ambiguë, et la luminosité de l'étoile hôte fait de Wolf 503b une cible de choix pour le suivi des vitesses radiales et la spectroscopie de transit. La deuxième planète que nous présentons est une planète de taille terrestre orbitant autour de la naine froide M6 LP 791-18. La nouvelle planète d rejoint un système bien aligné avec au moins deux autres planètes, la plus externe étant une sous-Neptune, offrant une occasion unique à ce jour d'étudier un système avec une planète de taille terrestre tempérée et une sous-Neptune qui a conservé son enveloppe gazeuse ou volatile. La découverte de LP 791-18d permet de mesurer la masse du système grâce aux variations du temps de transit, et nous trouvons une masse de 9.31.4+1.5M {9.3_{-1.4}^{+1.5}\,M_\oplus} pour la sub-Neptune LP 791-18c et une masse de 0.80.4+0.5M {0.8_{-0.4}^{+0.5}\,M_\oplus} pour l'exo-Terre LP 791-18d (<2.3M{<2.3 M_{\oplus}} à 3σ {\sigma}). La planète est également soumise à un fort réchauffement continu par les marées, ce qui peut entraîner une activité géologique et un dégazage volcanique. Pour l'avenir, LP 791-18d et Wolf 503b offrent des opportunités uniques d'étudier les origines et la conservation des atmosphères des petites planètes.With the discovery of thousands of new planets in the past twenty years, a new and complex population of planets has been discovered which are smaller than Neptune and larger than the Earth. These planets are split into two groups: the larger sub-Neptunes with extended H-dominated atmospheres, and the smaller super-Earths which have at most thin atmospheres. This division can be explained by a variety of mechanisms, including photoevaporation, core-powered mass-loss, and gas-poor and gas-empty formation: the small-planet population is likely shaped by a combination of these which may depend on stellar type. In this work we describe the discovery of two new planets which are well-suited to investigating the nature of the small planet population: Wolf 503b and LP 791-18d. Wolf 503 b is a 2.030.07+0.08R2.03^{+0.08}_{-0.07} R_{\oplus} planet orbiting the bright (J=8.32J=8.32 mag), nearby (D=44.5D=44.5 pc) high proper motion K3.5V star Wolf 503 (EPIC 212779563). We confirm that the K2 transit signature is planetary using both archival images and high-contrast adaptive optics images from the Palomar observatory. Its radius places Wolf 503 b directly between the populations of super-Earths and sub-Neptunes, a radius at which planets are rarely found and the expected bulk composition is ambiguous, and the brightness of the host star makes Wolf 503b a prime target for radial velocity follow-up and transit spectroscopy. The second planet we introduce is an Earth-sized planet orbiting the cool M6 dwarf LP 791-18. The new planet d joins a well-aligned system with at least two more planets, the outermost being a sub-Neptune, providing a to-date unique opportunity to investigate a system with a temperate Earth-sized planet and a sub-Neptune that retained its gas or volatile envelope. The discovery of LP 791-18d makes the system amenable to mass measurements via transit timing variations, and we find a mass of 9.31.4+1.5M {9.3_{-1.4}^{+1.5}\,M_\oplus} for the sub-Neptune LP 791-18c and a mass of 0.80.4+0.5M {0.8_{-0.4}^{+0.5}\,M_\oplus} for the exo-Earth LP 791-18d (<2.3M {<2.3 M_{\oplus}} at 3σ {\sigma}). The planet is also subject to strong continued tidal heating, which may result in geological activity and volcanic outgassing. Looking forward, LP 791-18d and Wolf 503b offer unique opportunities to study the origins and retention of small-planet atmospheres

    A 2 Earth Radius Planet Orbiting the Bright Nearby K-Dwarf Wolf 503

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    Since its launch in 2009, the Kepler telescope has found thousands of planets with radii between that of Earth and Neptune. Recent studies of the distribution of these planets have revealed a rift in the population near 1.5-2.0RR_{\bigoplus}, informally dividing these planets into "super-Earths" and "sub-Neptunes". The origin of this division is not well understood, largely because the majority of planets found by Kepler orbit distant, dim stars and are not amenable to radial velocity follow-up or transit spectroscopy, making bulk density and atmospheric measurements difficult. Here, we present the discovery and validation of a newly found 2.030.07+0.08 R2.03^{+0.08}_{-0.07}~R_{\bigoplus} planet in direct proximity to the radius gap, orbiting the bright (J=8.32J=8.32~mag), nearby (D=44.5D=44.5~pc) high proper motion star Wolf 503 (EPIC 212779563). We classify Wolf 503 as a K3.5V star and member of the thick disc population. We determine the possibility of a companion star and false positive detection to be extremely low using both archival images and high-contrast adaptive optics images from the Palomar observatory. The brightness of the host star makes Wolf 503b a prime target for prompt radial velocity follow-up, HST transit spectroscopy, as well as detailed atmospheric characterization with JWST. With its measured radius near the gap in the planet radius and occurrence rate distribution, Wolf 503b offers a key opportunity to better understand the origin of this radius gap as well as the nature of the intriguing populations of "super-Earths" and "sub-Neptunes" as a whole

    WASP-107b’s Density Is Even Lower: A Case Study for the Physics of Planetary Gas Envelope Accretion and Orbital Migration

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    With a mass in the Neptune regime and a radius of Jupiter, WASP-107b presents a challenge to planet formation theories. Meanwhile, the planet's low surface gravity and the star's brightness also make it one of the most favorable targets for atmospheric characterization. Here, we present the results of an extensive 4 yr Keck/HIRES radial-velocity (RV) follow-up program of the WASP-107 system and provide a detailed study of the physics governing the accretion of the gas envelope of WASP-107b. We reveal that WASP-107b's mass is only 1.8 Neptune masses (M_b = 30.5 ± 1.7 M_⊕). The resulting extraordinarily low density suggests that WASP-107b has a H/He envelope mass fraction of >85% unless it is substantially inflated. The corresponding core mass of <4.6 M_⊕ at 3σ is significantly lower than what is traditionally assumed to be necessary to trigger massive gas envelope accretion. We demonstrate that this large gas-to-core mass ratio most plausibly results from the onset of accretion at gsim1 au onto a low-opacity, dust-free atmosphere and subsequent migration to the present-day a_b = 0.0566 ± 0.0017 au. Beyond WASP-107b, we also detect a second, more massive planet (M_c sin i = 0.36 ± 0.04MJ ) on a wide eccentric orbit (e _c = 0.28 ± 0.07) that may have influenced the orbital migration and spin–orbit misalignment of WASP-107b. Overall, our new RV observations and envelope accretion modeling provide crucial insights into the intriguing nature of WASP-107b and the system's formation history. Looking ahead, WASP-107b will be a keystone planet to understand the physics of gas envelope accretion

    A 2 R_⊕ Planet Orbiting the Bright Nearby K Dwarf Wolf 503

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    Since its launch in 2009, the Kepler telescope has found thousands of planets with radii between that of Earth and Neptune. Recent studies of the distribution of these planets have revealed a gap in the population near 1.5–2.0 R⊕, informally dividing these planets into "super-Earths" and "sub-Neptunes." The origin of this division is difficult to investigate directly because the majority of planets found by Kepler orbit distant, dim stars and are not amenable to radial velocity follow-up or transit spectroscopy, making bulk density and atmospheric measurements difficult. Here, we present the discovery and validation of a newly found 2.03^(+0.08)_(-0.07) R⊕ planet in direct proximity to the radius gap, orbiting the bright (J = 8.32 mag), nearby (D = 44.5 pc) high proper motion K3.5V star Wolf 503 (EPIC 212779563). We determine the possibility of a companion star and false positive detection to be extremely low using both archival images and high-contrast adaptive optics images from the Palomar observatory. The brightness of the host star makes Wolf 503b a prime target for prompt radial velocity follow-up, and with the small stellar radius (0.690 ± 0.025R⊙), it is also an excellent target for HST transit spectroscopy and detailed atmospheric characterization with JWST. With its measured radius near the gap in the planet radius and occurrence rate distribution, Wolf 503b offers a key opportunity to better understand the origin of this radius gap as well as the nature of the intriguing populations of "super-Earths" and "sub-Neptunes" as a whole

    A TESS Dress Rehearsal: Planetary Candidates and Variables from K2 Campaign 17

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    We produce light curves for all ∼34,000 targets observed with K2 in Campaign 17 (C17), identifying planet candidates, eclipsing binaries, and other periodic variables. The forward-facing direction of the C17 field means follow-up can begin immediately now that the campaign has concluded and interesting targets have been identified. The C17 field has a large overlap with C6, so this latest campaign also offers an infrequent opportunity to study a large number of targets already observed in a previous K2 campaign. The timing of the C17 data release, shortly before science operations begin with the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), also lets us exercise some of the tools and methods developed for identification and dissemination of planet candidates from TESS. We find excellent agreement between these results and those identified using only K2-based tools. Among our planet candidates are several planet candidates with sizes <4 R ⊕ and orbiting stars with Kp ≲ 10 (indicating good RV targets of the sort TESS hopes to find) and a Jupiter-sized single-transit event around a star already hosting a 6 day planet candidate

    A Super-Earth and Sub-Neptune Transiting the Late-type M Dwarf LP 791-18

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    Planets occur most frequently around cool dwarfs, but only a handful of specific examples are known to orbit the latest-type M stars. Using TESS photometry, we report the discovery of two planets transiting the low-mass star called LP 791-18 (identified by TESS as TOI 736). This star has spectral type M6V, effective temperature 2960 K, and radius 0.17 R o, making it the third-coolest star known to host planets. The two planets straddle the radius gap seen for smaller exoplanets; they include a 1.1R ⊕ planet on a 0.95 day orbit and a 2.3R ⊕ planet on a 5 day orbit. Because the host star is small the decrease in light during these planets' transits is fairly large (0.4% and 1.7%). This has allowed us to detect both planets' transits from ground-based photometry, refining their radii and orbital ephemerides. In the future, radial velocity observations and transmission spectroscopy can both probe these planets' bulk interior and atmospheric compositions, and additional photometric monitoring would be sensitive to even smaller transiting planets