496 research outputs found

    Double-Pole Approximation in Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory

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    A simple approximate solution to the linear response equations of time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) is given. This extends the single-pole approximation (SPA) to two strongly-coupled poles. The analysis provides both an illustration of how TDDFT works when strong exchange-correlation effects are present and insight into such corrections. For example, interaction can cause a transition to vanish entirely from the optical spectrum.Comment: 7 pages, 11 figure

    Correlated non-perturbative electron dynamics with quantum trajectories

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    An approach to electron correlation effects in atoms that uses quantum trajectories is presented. A comparison with the exact quantum mechanical results for 1D Helium atom shows that the major features of the correlated ground state distribution and of the strong field ionization dynamics are reproduced with quantum trajectories. The intra-atomic resonant transitions are described accurately by a trajectory ensemble. The present approach reduces significantly the computational time and it can be used for both bound and ionizing electrons.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Momentum distributions in time-dependent density functional theory: Product phase approximation for non-sequential double ionization in strong laser fields

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    We investigate the possibility to deduce momentum space properties from time-dependent density functional calculations. Electron and ion momentum distributions after double ionization of a model Helium atom in a strong few-cycle laser pulse are studied. We show that, in this case, the choice of suitable functionals for the observables is considerably more important than the choice of the correlation potential in the time-dependent Kohn-Sham equations. By comparison with the solution of the time-dependent Schroedinger equation, the insufficiency of functionals neglecting electron correlation is demonstrated. We construct a functional of the Kohn-Sham orbitals, which in principle yields the exact momentum distributions of the electrons and the ion. The product-phase approximation is introduced, which reduces the problem of approximating this functional significantly.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, RevTeX

    Violation of the `Zero-Force Theorem' in the time-dependent Krieger-Li-Iafrate approximation

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    We demonstrate that the time-dependent Krieger-Li-Iafrate approximation in combination with the exchange-only functional violates the `Zero-Force Theorem'. By analyzing the time-dependent dipole moment of Na5 and Na9+, we furthermore show that this can lead to an unphysical self-excitation of the system depending on the system properties and the excitation strength. Analytical aspects, especially the connection between the `Zero-Force Theorem' and the `Generalized-Translation Invariance' of the potential, are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    The generator coordinate method in time-dependent density-functional theory: memory made simple

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    The generator coordinate (GC) method is a variational approach to the quantum many-body problem in which interacting many-body wave functions are constructed as superpositions of (generally nonorthogonal) eigenstates of auxiliary Hamiltonians containing a deformation parameter. This paper presents a time-dependent extension of the GC method as a new approach to improve existing approximations of the exchange-correlation (XC) potential in time-dependent density-functional theory (TDDFT). The time-dependent GC method is shown to be a conceptually and computationally simple tool to build memory effects into any existing adiabatic XC potential. As an illustration, the method is applied to driven parametric oscillations of two interacting electrons in a harmonic potential (Hooke's atom). It is demonstrated that a proper choice of time-dependent generator coordinates in conjunction with the adiabatic local-density approximation reproduces the exact linear and nonlinear two-electron dynamics quite accurately, including features associated with double excitations that cannot be captured by TDDFT in the adiabatic approximation.Comment: 10 pages, 13 figure

    Time-dependent density functional theory for strong electromagnetic fields in crystalline solids

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    We apply the coupled dynamics of time-dependent density functional theory and Maxwell equations to the interaction of intense laser pulses with crystalline silicon. As a function of electromagnetic field intensity, we see several regions in the response. At the lowest intensities, the pulse is reflected and transmitted in accord with the dielectric response, and the characteristics of the energy deposition is consistent with two-photon absorption. The absorption process begins to deviate from that at laser intensities ~ 10^13 W/cm^2, where the energy deposited is of the order of 1 eV per atom. Changes in the reflectivity are seen as a function of intensity. When it passes a threshold of about 3 \times 1012 W/cm2, there is a small decrease. At higher intensities, above 2 \times 10^13 W/cm^2, the reflectivity increases strongly. This behavior can be understood qualitatively in a model treating the excited electron-hole pairs as a plasma.Comment: 27 pages; 11 figure

    The correlation potential in density functional theory at the GW-level: spherical atoms

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    As part of a project to obtain better optical response functions for nano materials and other systems with strong excitonic effects we here calculate the exchange-correlation (XC) potential of density-functional theory (DFT) at a level of approximation which corresponds to the dynamically- screened-exchange or GW approximation. In this process we have designed a new numerical method based on cubic splines which appears to be superior to other techniques previously applied to the "inverse engineering problem" of DFT, i.e., the problem of finding an XC potential from a known particle density. The potentials we obtain do not suffer from unphysical ripple and have, to within a reasonable accuracy, the correct asymptotic tails outside localized systems. The XC potential is an important ingredient in finding the particle-conserving excitation energies in atoms and molecules and our potentials perform better in this regard as compared to the LDA potential, potentials from GGA:s, and a DFT potential based on MP2 theory.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure

    Time-dependent density functional theory: Past, present, and future

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    Time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) is presently enjoying enormous popularity in quantum chemistry, as a useful tool for extracting electronic excited state energies. This article discusses how TDDFT is much broader in scope, and yields predictions for many more properties. We discuss some of the challenges involved in making accurate predictions for these properties.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure
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