21 research outputs found

    Composição nutricional e atividades biológicas das frutas amazônicas araçá-boi, bacaba, buriti, cajá e patauá - uma revisão da literatura

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    O consumo regular de frutas está associado a redução na mortalidade e morbidade relacionadas a doenças crônicas. A Amazonia possui frutas com propriedades ainda desconhecidas e que podem ser de interesse econômico e científico. O objetivo do estudo foi reunir estudos realizados de 2011 a 2021 sobre a composição nutricional e atividades biológicas de cinco frutas amazônicas. A busca se deu nas bases de dados Scielo, Science Direct e Google Scholar. Após análise dos trabalhos, foram incluídos 59 artigos. Os resultados sobre a composição nutricional das frutas pesquisadas incluíram os parâmetros: pH, acidez, umidade, cinzas, macronutrientes, fibras e micronutrientes. Referente às atividades biológicas das frutas amazônicas foram relacionadas 12 atividades sendo a atividade antioxidante (54,2%) a mais citadas. O levantamento realizado permitiu ampliar o conhecimento da composição nutricional e conhecer as atividades biológicas já relatadas para as frutas amazônicas estudadas

    Produção e aplicação de filtro de baixo custo com carvão ativado a partir do resíduo de caroço de açaí nativo

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    This research aimed to produce activated carbon (AC) from the seed of açaí of the native species Euterpe precatoria, as well as to perform physical analysis of the AC and verify its filtering capacity. For this, three different types of AC were carried out, two of which were carried out in the laboratory with the variation of temperature and exposure time and another type of AC carried out in the field (rural area). The AC produced, both in the laboratory and in the field, had a significant reduction in apparent mass and electron microscopy proved to be of good quality. The filter with açaí stone charcoal proved to be effective in partially removing coliforms and with a significant increase in pH, it raised alkalinity and conductivity levels, reduced hardness and improved turbidity, and proved to be a great tool that, added to the chlorination process, it can take treated water to isolated communities that do not have access to treated water, having characteristics of low cost and reuse of waste.Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo produzir carvão ativado (CA) a partir do caroço do açaí da espécie nativa Euterpe precatoria, bem como realizar análises físicas do CA e verificar a sua capacidade de filtragem. Para isso, foram realizados três diferentes tipos de CA, sendo dois feitos em laboratório com a variação de temperatura e tempo de exposição e outro tipo de CA realizado em campo (área rural). O CA produzido, tanto em laboratório, como em campo, teve significativa redução de massa aparente e a microscopia eletrônica comprovou ser de boa qualidade. O filtro com o carvão de caroço de açaí mostrou-se eficaz na remoção parcial de coliformes e com um aumento significativo do pH, elevou os níveis de alcalinidade e condutividade, reduziu a dureza e melhorou a turbidez, e provou ser uma ótima ferramenta que, somada com o processo de cloração, pode levar água tratada a comunidades isoladas que não tem acesso a água tratada, tendo características de baixo custo e reaproveitamento de resíduos

    Biochemical and histological characterization of tomato mutants

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    Biochemical responses inherent to antioxidant systems as well morphological and anatomical properties of photomorphogenic, hormonal and developmental tomato mutants were investigated. Compared to the non-mutant Micro-Tom (MT), we observed that the malondialdehyde (MDA) content was enhanced in the diageotropica (dgt) and lutescent (l) mutants, whilst the highest levels of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) were observed in high pigment 1 (hp1) and aurea (au) mutants. The analyses of antioxidant enzymes revealed that all mutants exhibited reduced catalase (CAT) activity when compared to MT. Guaiacol peroxidase (GPOX) was enhanced in both sitiens (sit) and notabilis (not) mutants, whereas in not mutant there was an increase in ascorbate peroxidase (APX). Based on PAGE analysis, the activities of glutathione reductase (GR) isoforms III, IV, V and VI were increased in l leaves, while the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) isoform III was reduced in leaves of sit, epi, Never ripe (Nr) and green flesh (gf) mutants. Microscopic analyses revealed that hp1 and au showed an increase in leaf intercellular spaces, whereas sit exhibited a decrease. The au and hp1 mutants also exhibited a decreased in the number of leaf trichomes. The characterization of these mutants is essential for their future use in plant development and ecophysiology studies, such as abiotic and biotic stresses on the oxidative metabolism

    Effect of herbicides ametrina and clomazone on bacterial antioxidant system

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    Os herbicidas ametrina e clomazone são amplamente utilizados na cultura de cana-deaçúcar, apresentam degradação essencialmente microbiana e são considerados contaminantes de solos e águas. A exposição dos microrganismos a estes xenobióticos pode resultar em dano oxidativo devido ao aumento na produção de espécies reativas de oxigênio (EROs). Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar respostas bioquímicas e fisiológicas de dois isolados bacterianos tolerantes aos herbicidas ametrina e clomazone. As bactérias foram isoladas de solos agrícolas e a partir de estudos fisiológicos, crescimento e formação de halo, foram selecionadas duas que apresentaram maior tolerância aos herbicidas. Esses microrganismos foram cultivados em meio de cultura ágar nutriente, a 30°C, por 14 horas na presença dos herbicidas ametrina (25 mM), clomazone (9 mM), e em meio composto pelos dois herbicidas: ametrina (20 mM) + clomazone (20 mM). Essas concentrações representam as dosagens utilizadas para o cultivo de cana-deaçúcar para a aplicação pré e pós-emergência. Por meio da análise filogenética baseada no gene 16S ribossômico, o isolado bacteriano CC07 mostrou-se próximo a Pseudomonas aeruginosa, enquanto que o isolado 4C07 ficou próximo à Pseudomonas fulva. A peroxidação lipídica foi observada somente para o isolado CC07 na presença dos herbicidas em mistura. O perfil protéico foi avaliado em SDS-PAGE, o qual revelou a indução de uma nova proteína de aproximadamente 60 KDa para o isolado 4C07 na presença dos herbicidas, porém, não foram observadas diferenças significativas para o isolado CC07. A enzima superóxido dismutase (SOD) apresentou aumento significativo da atividade para ambos isolados quando expostos aos herbicidas, entretanto, diferenças na atividade da enzima catalase (CAT) não foram observadas. Para o isolado 4C07 na presença dos herbicidas foi observado aumento significativo no conteúdo de glutationa reduzida (GSH), o qual foi acompanhado pela indução de uma nova isoforma de GR (I), que respondeu especificamente ao clomazone e os herbicidas em mistura. A glutationa-S-transferase (GST) também apresentou acréscimos de atividade quando o isolado 4C07 foi exposto aos herbicidas. Porém, para o isolado CC07 as enzimas GR, GST, assim, como a GSH não apresentaram respostas significativas a presença dos herbicidas. Assim, foi possível observar que o isolado 4C07 possui um sistema antioxidante mais eficaz, quando comparado com o isolado CC07. Além disso, os resultados sugerem que as enzimas SOD, GR, GST e o composto GSH podem estar relacionados com o mecanismo de tolerância do isolado 4C07 aos herbicidas ametrina e clomazone, o que pode demonstrar uma provável adaptação aos ambientes estressantes.The herbicides ametrina and clomazone are widely used in the sugar cane cultivation, showing essential microbial degradation, besides being considered contaminants of soil and water. The exposure of microorganisms to xenobiotics can result in oxidative damage due to increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). This study aimed to analyze biochemical and physiological responses of two bacterial strains tolerant to the herbicides ametrina and clomazone. The bacteria strains were isolated from agricultural soils and according to physiological studies, growth and halo formation, two of them with the most herbicide tolerance were selected. These microorganisms were grown in nutrient agar plates at 30 ° C for 14 hours in the presence of herbicides ametrina (25 mM), clomazone (9 mM), and in a medium composed by two herbicides: ametrina (20 mM) + clomazone (20 mM). These concentrations represent the concentrations used for growing sugar cane for pre and post-emergence. Through the phylogenetic analysis based on 16S ribosomal gene, the CC07 strain was close to Pseudomonas aeruginosa, while the 4C07 strain was close to Pseudomonas fulva. According to the results obtained, lipid peroxidation was only observed for CC07 strain in a medium composed by two herbicides. The protein profile was evaluated by SDS-PAGE, which revealed the induction of a new protein of approximately 60 kDa for 4C07 strain in the presence of the two herbicides, differently to that observed for CC07 strain. The activity of the enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD) increased significantly for both strains when exposed to the herbicides, however, no differences were observed for catalase (CAT) activity. The 4C07 strain showed increase in content of reduced glutathione (GSH) in the presence of the herbicides, which was accompanied by the induction of a new isoform of GR (I). Similarly, the 4C07 strain exhibited an increase in Glutathione-S-transferase (GST) activity to herbicides exposure. However, for the CC07 strain, the GR and GST enzymes, as well as the GSH content did not exhibit differences. Thus, we observed that the 4C07 strain may have an antioxidant system more effective when compared to the CC07 strain. Moreover, the results suggest that the enzymes SOD, GR, GST and GSH content may be related to the mechanism of tolerance of 4C07 strain to ametrina and clomazone herbicides, showing the tendency to deal better and adapt to stressful environments

    Uma visão mais detalhada do metabolismo de espécies reativas de oxigênio na interação cana-de-açúcar e Sporisorium scitamineum

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    Sugarcane (Saccharum spp) is an important commercial crop cultivated widely in tropical and subtropical countries. Primarily sugarcane is used to produce sugar and recently it is proven to be a valuable resource for bioethanol, biodiesel, bioplastic and bioelectricity. Smut is one of the most serious sugarcane disease and occurs in sugarcane fields all over the world. The disease is caused by the biotrophic fungus Sporisorium scitamineum. The fungus induces metabolic changes in the plant leading to the production of a whip-like structure where fungal sporogenesis take place. The objective of this study was to analyse the reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, antioxidant enzymes activity and expression of genes associated with the ROS metabolism in smut susceptible (IAC66-6) and resistant sugarcane genotypes (SP80-3280). In addition, this work assessed the relationship between antioxidant enzymes and sensitivity of S. scitamineum to exogenous hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). This thesis is presented in the format of two chapters (chapters 2 and 3). In the second chapter, the results revealed that there were variations in the antioxidant system as well as in the ROS production in resistant sugarcane genotype, whereas few changes occurred in the susceptible genotype inoculated with S. scitamineum. Microscopic analysis revealed that S. scitamineum teliospore germination and appressorium formation were delayed during early infection in the smut resistant genotype, which coincided with H2O2 accumulation. In chapter 3, the results demonstrated that S. scitamineum is highly resistant to exogenous H2O2. At 2 mM exogenous H2O2 concentration the fungus presented an effective antioxidant system in response to the secondary products of oxidative stress. Furthermore, S. scitamineum when exposed for a long time at 2 mM exogenous H2O2 concentration it can acquire an adaptive response to H2O2. The results obtained in this study contributed to increase the understanding of this very complex interaction between sugarcane and S. scitamineum and it will be helpful toward understanding which aspects are involved in the resistance to S. scitamineum. These informations are important to create strategies for improving smut resistance in sugarcane.Cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum spp) é uma importante cultura comercial amplamente cultivada em países tropicais e subtropicais. A cana-de-açúcar é principalmente utilizada para produzir açúcar e recentemente é considerada uma valiosa fonte para produção de bioetanol, biodiesel, bioplásticos e bioeletricidade. O carvão é uma das doenças mais graves da cana-de-açúcar e ocorrem em canaviais do mundo inteiro. A doença é causada pelo fungo biotrófico Sporisorium scitamineum. Este fungo induz mudanças metabólicas na planta, levando a formação de uma estrutura chamada chicote, onde ocorre a esporogênese. O objetivo desse estudo foi analisar a produção de espécies reativas de oxigênio (EROs), atividade de enzimas antioxidantes e a expressão de genes associados ao metabolismo de EROs em genótipos de cana-açúcar susceptível (IAC66-6) e resistente (SP80-3280). Além disso, este trabalho avaliou a relação entre as enzimas antioxidantes e sensibilidade de S. scitamineum a peróxido de hidrogênio (H2O2) exógeno. Esta tese está apresentada no formato de 2 capítulos (capítulos 2 e 3). No segundo capítulo, os resultados revelaram que ocorreram alterações no sistema antioxidante, bem como na produção de EROs no genótipo resistente, enquanto que poucas mudanças ocorreram no genótipo susceptível inoculado com S. scitamineum. Análises de microscopia revelaram que a germinação de teliósporos e a formação de apressórios de S. scitamineum atrasou durante o início da infeção no genótipo resistente ao carvão, coincidindo com o acúmulo de H2O2. No capítulo 3, os resultados demonstraram que S. scitamineum é altamente resistente a H2O2 exógeno. O fungo crescendo na concentração de 2 mM de H2O2 apresentou um eficiente sistema antioxidante em resposta a produtos secundários do estresse oxidativo. Além disso, quando S. scitamineum foi exposto a 2 mM de H2O2 exógeno, ele pode adquirir uma resposta adaptativa ao H2O2. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo contribuíram para aumentar o entendimento dessa complexa interação entre cana e S. scitamineum e será útil para a compreensão de quais aspectos estão envolvidos na resistência a este fungo. Estas informações são importantes para criar estratégias para o melhoramento de cana a essa doença

    Cadmium stress antioxidant responses and root-to-shoot communication in grafted tomato plants

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    Many aspects related to ROS modulation of signaling networks and biological processes that control stress responses still remain unanswered. For this purpose, the grafting technique may be a powerful tool to investigate stress signaling and specific responses between plant organs during stress. In order to gain new insights on the modulation of antioxidant stress responses mechanisms, gas-exchange measurements, lipid peroxidation, H2O2 content, proline, superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione reductase (GR), ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and guaiacol peroxidase (GPOX) were analyzed in Micro-Tom grafted plants submitted to cadmium (Cd). The results observed revealed that higher amounts of Cd accumulated mainly in the roots and rootstocks when compared to leaves and scions. Macronutrients uptake (Ca, S, P and Mg) decreased in non-grafted plants, but differed among plant parts in all grafted plants. The results showed that the accumulation of proline observed in scions of grafted plants could be associated to the lower MDA contents in the scions of grafted plants. In the presence of Cd, non-grafted plants displayed increased CAT, GR, GPOX and APX activities for both tissues, whilst grafted plants revealed distinct trends that clearly indicate signaling responses from the rootstocks, allowing sufficient time to activate defense mechanisms in shoot. The information available concerning plants subjected to grafting can provide a better understanding of the mechanisms of Cd detoxification involving root-to-shoot signaling, opening new possibilities on strategies which can be used to manipulate heavy metal tolerance, since antioxidant systems are directly involved in such mechanism.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientı´fico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Differential responses of the antioxidant system of ametryn and clomazone tolerant bacteria.

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    The herbicides ametryn and clomazone are widely used in sugarcane cultivation, and following microbial degradation are considered as soil and water contaminants. The exposure of microorganisms to pesticides can result in oxidative damage due to an increase in the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). This study investigated the response of the antioxidant systems of two bacterial strains tolerant to the herbicides ametryn and clomazone. Bacteria were isolated from soil with a long history of ametryn and clomazone application. Comparative analyses based on 16S rRNA gene sequences revealed that strain CC07 is phylogenetically related to Pseudomonas aeruginosa and strain 4C07 to P. fulva. The two bacterial strains were grown for 14 h in the presence of separate and combined herbicides. Lipid peroxidation, reduced glutathione content (GSH) and antioxidant enzymes activities were evaluated. The overall results indicated that strain 4C07 formed an efficient mechanism to maintain the cellular redox balance by producing reactive oxygen species (ROS) and subsequently scavenging ROS in the presence of the herbicides. The growth of bacterium strain 4C07 was inhibited in the presence of clomazone alone, or in combination with ametryn, but increased glutathione reductase (GR) and glutathione S-transferase (GST) activities, and a higher GSH concentration were detected. Meanwhile, reduced superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and GST activities and a lower concentration of GSH were detected in the bacterium strain CC07, which was able to achieve better growth in the presence of the herbicides. The results suggest that the two bacterial strains tolerate the ametryn and clomazone herbicides with distinctly different responses of the antioxidant systems

    GR specific activity.

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    <p>(A) and (B) Specific activity of GR, expressed as µmol min<sup>−1</sup> mg<sup>−1</sup> protein. Values are the means of three replicates ±SEM. Means with different letters are significantly different (<i>P<</i>0.05) by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey's test. (C) Activity staining for GR following non-denaturing PAGE of extracts of cultured bacterial cells. Lane M is a bovine GR standard, lanes 1, 2, 3 and 4, strain CC07 grown in the presence of 0 mM (control), 25 mM ametryn, 9 mM clomazone and 20 mM of each herbicide, respectively. Lanes 5, 6, 7 and 8, strain 4C07 grown in the presence of 0 mM (control), 25 mM ametryn, 9 mM clomazone and 20 mM of each herbicide, respectively. Arrows indicate sequentially numbered GR bands (I–VI) that are independent of the bacterial strain.</p

    GST specific activity, expressed as units mg<sup>−1</sup> protein.

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    <p>Values represent the means from three replicates ±SEM. Means with different letters are significantly different (<i>P<</i>0.05) by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey's test.</p

    Maximum-parsimony phylogenetic tree constructed from the 16S rRNA gene.

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    <p>A total of 600 bp nucleotide of <i>Pseudomonas</i> spp. from RDP database were used. <i>Burkhloderia cariophilli</i> and <i>B. plantarii</i> served as outgroup. Bootstrap values were 1000 repetitions. Bars indicate the number of evolutionary steps with diverging sequences. Strains CC07 and 4C07 are shown inside the boxes.</p