4,738 research outputs found

    Pinhole cameras as sensors for atomic oxygen in orbit; application to attitude determination of the LDEF

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    Images produced by pinhole cameras using film sensitive to atomic oxygen provide information on the ratio of spacecraft orbital velocity to the most probable thermal speed of oxygen atoms, provided the spacecraft orientation is maintained stable relative to the orbital direction. Alternatively, as it is described, information on the spacecraft attitude relative to the orbital velocity can be obtained, provided that corrections are properly made for thermal spreading and a co-rotating atmosphere. The LDEF orientation, uncorrected for a co-rotating atmosphere, was determined to be yawed 8.0 minus/plus 0.4 deg from its nominal attitude, with an estimated minus/plus 0.35 deg oscillation in yaw. The integrated effect of inclined orbit and co-rotating atmosphere produces an apparent oscillation in the observed yaw direction, suggesting that the LDEF attitude measurement will indicate even better stability when corrected for a co-rotating atmosphere. The measured thermal spreading is consistent with major exposure occurring during high solar activity, which occurred late during the LDEF mission

    A Prince of Our Disorder, The Life of T.E. Lawrence

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    Refinements on the pinhole camera measurements of the LDEF attitude

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    The results from the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) pinhole camera were reanalyzed to include the effects of corotation of the atmosphere with the Earth as well as satellite oscillation. Previous results from the instrument showed that the satellite had stable attitude offsets in yaw of 8.0 deg and 1.0 deg in pitch; these offsets are unchanged by the present analysis. The primary impact zone of oxygen, i.e., the directly exposed spot on a silver detector, had a ratio of major to minor axes equal to 1.05, which was interpreted as being caused by a small oscillation of plus or minus 0.35 degrees (with precision plus or minus 0.15 degrees). The present analysis shows that the observed effect can largely be accounted for by atmospheric corotation, but that an additional oscillation in yaw of the order of a degree cannot be excluded. The sensitivity of the pinhole camera to satellite oscillations is shown to decrease nonlinearly with decreasing magnitude of the oscillation and to vary inversely with the gas temperature

    International Conflict of Laws - Title to Chattels Act of State Doctrine

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    In order to clarify the use of terms, a confiscation when used in this comment will mean an expropriation by a foreign state without compensation. This writer will not go into the question of what is considered fair compensation in international law. Nor will the present comment consider confiscations made in time of war or the question of extraterritorial expropriations

    Constitutional Law - Commerce Clause - Power of States to Levy Net Income Tax on Businesses Engaged in Soley Interstate Commerce

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    Appellant, an Iowa corporation, maintained a sales office in Minnesota and employed salesmen who solicited orders from dealers within that state, though all of its sales contracts were made at the corporation\u27s home office in Iowa. In accordance with a Minnesota statute, a state net income tax, fairly apportioned to the state\u27s share of the corporation\u27s interstate business, was levied upon appellant. In a suit brought by the state to collect this tax, appellant contended that the statute as applied violated the commerce and due process clauses of the Federal Constitution because it taxed the net proceeds of a business engaged in solely interstate commerce. The Minnesota Supreme Court sustained the trial court\u27s finding that the appellant was engaged in solely interstate commerce, but despite this finding upheld the statute and gave judgment for the state. On appeal to the United States Supreme Court, held, affirmed, three justices dissenting. A fairly-apportioned, non-discriminatory state net income tax levied upon foreign corporations engaged in solely interstate commerce does not contravene the commerce or due process clauses of the Federal Constitution if there is sufficient activity in the taxing state to justify taxation. Northwestern States Portland Cement Co. v. State of Minnesota, 79 S. Ct. 357 (1959)

    Effects on LDEF exposed copper film and bulk

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    Two forms of copper were exposed to the Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) Mission 1 environment: a copper film, initially 74.2 plus or minus 1.1 nm thick sputter coated on a fused silica flat and a bulk piece of oxygen-free, high conductivity (OFHC) copper. The optical density of the copper film changed from 1.33 to 0.70 where exposed, and the film thickness increased to 106.7 plus or minus 0.5 nm where exposed. The exposed area appears purple by reflection and green by transmission for the thin film and maroon color for the bulk copper piece. The exposed areas increased in thickness, but only increase in the thickness of the thin film sample could be readily measured. The increase in film thickness is consistent with the density changes occurring during conversion of copper to an oxide. However, we have not been able to confirm appreciable conversion to an oxide by x-ray diffraction studies. We have not yet subjected the sample to e-beams or more abusive investigations out of concern that the film might be modified

    The interaction of atomic oxygen with copper: An XPS, AES, XRD, optical transmission, and stylus profilometry study

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    The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) experiment A-0114 was designed to study the reaction of material surfaces with low earth orbits (LEO) atmospheric oxygen. The experiment contained 128 one-inch circular samples; metals, polymers, carbons, and semiconductors. Half of these samples were exposed on the front of the Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) and remaining on the rear. Among metal samples, copper has shown some interesting new results. There were two forms of copper samples: a thin film sputter-coated on fused silica and a solid piece of OFHC copper. They were characterized by x-ray and Auger electron spectroscopies, x-ray diffraction, and high resolution profilometry. Cu 2p core level spectra were used to demonstrate the presence of Cu2O and CuO and to determine the oxidation states

    Low-Spin Pseudotetrahedral Iron(I) Sites in Fe_2(μ-S) Complexes

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    Fe^I centers in iron–sulfide complexes have little precedent in synthetic chemistry despite a growing interest in the possible role of unusually low valent iron in metalloenzymes that feature iron–sulfur clusters. A series of three diiron [(L_3Fe)_2(μ-S)] complexes that were isolated and characterized in the low-valent oxidation states Fe^(II) S Fe^(II), Fe^(II) S Fe^I, and Fe^I S Fe^I is described. This family of iron sulfides constitutes a unique redox series comprising three nearly isostructural but electronically distinct Fe_2(μ-S) species. Combined structural, magnetic, and spectroscopic studies provided strong evidence that the pseudotetrahedral iron centers undergo a transition to low-spin S=1/2 states upon reduction from Fe^(II) to Fe^I. The possibility of accessing low-spin, pseudotetrahedral Fe^I sites compatible with S^(2−) as a ligand was previously unknown
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