795 research outputs found

    Extending Foster Care to Age 21: Weighing the Costs to Government against the Benefits to Youth

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    The Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008 allows states to claim federal reimbursement for the costs of caring for and supervising Title IV-E eligible foster youth until their 21st birthday. This issue brief provides preliminary estimates of what the potential costs to government and the benefits to young people would be if states extend foster care to age 21. The analysis focuses on the increase in postsecondary educational attainment associated with allowing foster youth to remain in care until they are 21 years old and the resulting increase in lifetime earnings associated with postsecondary education. Researchers estimate that lifetime earnings would increase an average of two dollars for every dollar spent on keeping foster youth in care beyond age 18

    Morning Cy! : Barn Dance

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    Morning, Cy!: Barn Dance

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    What Future for Soil Insecticides?

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    Use of soil insecticides to prevent excessive loss from soil insect damage is an accepted part of corn production. But needs vary from field to field on the same farm, and application methods and materials to use change, too

    Faculty Recital: Alan Peters, Bass-Baritone; Harold Gray, Piano; October 11, 1970

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    Capen AuditoriumOctober 11, 19703:00 p.m

    Faculty Recital: Alan Peters, Bass-Baritone; Harold Gray, Piano; October 3, 1971

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    Capen AuditoriumSunday EveningOctober 3,19718:15 p.m

    Insect Control in 1967

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    Advances in chemical control and farming procedures will let you win the battle agaisnt the bugs, but many questions concerning these measures need to be answered for you

    The Insect Situation in 1968

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    What happened last year will have some influence on insect conditions in 1968. The authors provice some suggestions on what to look for, and how to handle both crop and livestock insect problems

    Insect and Rodent Prospects for 1962

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    What insects will we have this year? Insect problems depend a lot on weather conditions. Keeping this in mind and looking at the problems in 1961, here are the prospects for 1962 - and what to do about them