1,704 research outputs found

    Early Archean tonalite gneiss in the upper peninsula of Michigan

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    Geochronological results on tonalite gneiss of northern Michigan that is 3.56 Ga or slightly older is presented. Tonalitic augen gneiss and structurally overlying biotite gneiss and schist are exposed in a dome near Watersmeet. They are part of an extensive gneiss terrane of southern Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan that includes rocks of early to late Archean ages and lies south of the Wawa volcanic subprovince. Two samples of the augen gneiss and one of the biotite gneiss show zircon grains of similar shape, zoning, color, and development of crystal faces. These zircons give Pb/U isotopic ratios that plot on a chord of 3,560 + or - 40 m.y. upper intersect and of 1,250 + or m.y. lower intersect. The 3,560 m.y. number is believed to be a minimum age because analysis of one of the least discordant zircon fractions by ion microprobe that gave a nearly concordant age of 3,650 m.y. The 1,250 m.y. lower intersect is without geological significance: it is interpreted to be a result of multiple lead loss at 2.7, 1.8, and 0.5 Ga by U/Pb in zircon. Archean rocks 10 to 25 km northwest of the Watersmeet dome give a 2.75 Ga age on zircons. Quartz monzonite here is dated at 2.65 Ga

    Basking behavior of Emydid turtles (Chysemys picta marginata, Graptemys geographica, and Trachemys scripta elegans) in an urban landscape

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    Basking is common in emydid turtles and is generally accepted to be in thermoregulatory behavior. In 2004, we quantified and described the basking behavior of turtles in the Central Canal of Indianapolis. This canal system runs through an urban landscape that is dominated by fragmented woodlots, residential areas. and commercial areas. We observed that basking turtles exhibited variable basking behavior. with spatial and temporal shins in basking behavior from east-facing banks in the morning to west-facing banks in the afternoon. Turtles in the Central Canal are subject to frequent disturbance, which altered basking behavior. Many turtles forewent aerial basking on emergent substrates for aquatic basking on vegetation mats. which maintained warmer and more consistent temperatures than either emergent substrates or the surrounding water. Living in an intensively managed urban habitat, turtles in the Central Canal are susceptible to frequent anthropogenic perturbations, and future management should consider the life history and ecology of urban turtle population

    Strontium isotope systematics of mixing groundwater and oil-field brine at Goose Lake in northeastern Montana, USA

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    Groundwater, surface water, and soil in the Goose Lake oil field in northeastern Montana have been affected by Cl- rich oil-field brines during long-term petroleum production. Ongoing multidisciplinary geochemical and geophysical studies have identified the degree and local extent of interaction between brine and groundwater. Fourteen samples representing groundwater, surface water, and brine were collected for Sr isotope analyses to evaluate the usefulness of 87Sr/86Sr in detecting small amounts of brine. Differences in Sr concentrations and 87Sr/86Sr are optimal at this site for the experiment. Strontium concentrations range from 0.13 to 36.9 mg/L, and corresponding 87Sr/86Sr values range from 0.71097 to 0.70828. The local brine has 168 mg/L Sr and a 87Sr/86Sr value of 0.70802. Mixing relationships are evident in the data set and illustrate the sensitivity of Sr in detecting small amounts of brine in groundwater. The location of data points on a Sr isotope-concentration plot is readily explained by an evaporation-mixing model. The model is supported by the variation in concentrations of most of the other solutes

    Abstract P119: Non-exercise Cardiorespiratory Fitness Prediction Equations: Accuracy Over Time in Apparently Healthy Adults

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    Mortality risk predictions are improved with routine assessment of cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF). Accordingly, an American Heart Association Scientific Statement suggests routine clinical assessment of CRF in apparently healthy adults minimally using non-exercise prediction equations, which can be calculated from common health metrics. However, no study has assessed the ability of non-exercise CRF prediction equations to accurately detect longitudinal changes

    The Importance of Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Postpartum Depression

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    Postpartum depression (PPD) is a major depressive episode following childbirth that can have serious consequences affecting the family. Consequences range from marital problems and issues with child development to maternal suicide and infantcide. Depression in mothers can lead to cognitive and social impairment in the child as well as paternal postpartum depression in the father. Due to the severity of these problems, it is important to diagnose and treat mothers as soon as possible. There are several symptoms that are evident in mothers suffering from PPD that lead to diagnosis. Symptoms are similar to those of major depressive episodes, but they occur 24 hours to several months postpartum. Treatment options for PPD include psychotherapy as well as tricyclic antidepressants and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. While these medications have been shown to be the most effective pharmacological options, more research needs to be conducted to establish their effects on the infants. The possibility of preventative therapy also needs to be addressed to minimize the long-term effects of the disorder

    IFT cargo and motors associate sequentially with IFT trains to enter cilia of <i>C. elegans</i>

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    Intraflagellar transport (IFT) orchestrates entry of proteins into primary cilia. At the ciliary base, assembled IFT trains, driven by kinesin-2 motors, can transport cargo proteins into the cilium, across the crowded transition zone. How trains assemble at the base and how proteins associate with them is far from understood. Here, we use single-molecule imaging in the cilia of C. elegans chemosensory neurons to directly visualize the entry of kinesin-2 motors, kinesin-II and OSM-3, as well as anterograde cargo proteins, IFT dynein and tubulin. Single-particle tracking shows that IFT components associate with trains sequentially, both in time and space. Super-resolution maps of IFT components in wild-type and mutant worms reveal ciliary ultrastructure and show that kinesin-II is essential for axonemal organization. Finally, imaging cilia lacking kinesin-II and/or transition zone function uncovers the interplay of kinesin-II and OSM-3 in driving efficient transport of IFT trains across the transition zone
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