92 research outputs found

    Impact of the type of anodic film formed and deposition time on the characteristics of porous anodic aluminium oxide films containing Ni metal

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    Porous anodic films containing nickel were prepared by AC electro-deposition. The porosity of the films was controlled by using different working conditions (anodisation electrolyte, voltage, and time). Then nickel was electro-deposited using an alternating voltage. The impact of the anodic film on the current density waveforms and the metal content can largely be explained by the porosity differences, while changing the deposition time caused changes due to over-oxidation of the aluminium substrate, experimentally proved by TEM. Finally, the impact of deposition time on the deposited metal was successfully fitted using an Elovich type law over a large time-span (up to 1800 s), showing the ability to achieve precise control of the metal content

    Lead Uptake, Toxicity, and Detoxification in Plants

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    Lead has gained considerable attention as a persistent toxic pollutant of concern, partly because it has been prominent in the debate concerning the growing anthropogenic pressure on the environment. The purpose of this review is to describe how plants take lead up and to link such uptake to the ecotoxicity of lead in plants. Moreover, we address the mechanisms by which plants or plant systems detoxify lead. Lead has many interesting physico-chemical properties that make it a very useful heavy metal. Indeed, lead has been used by people since the dawn of civilization. Industrialization, urbanization, mining, and many other anthropogenic activities have resulted in the redistribution of lead from the earth’s crust to the soil and to the environment. Lead forms various complexes with soil components, and only a small fraction of the lead present as these complexes in the soil solution are phytoavailable. Despite its lack of essential function in plants, lead is absorbed by them mainly through the roots from soil solution and thereby may enter the food chain. The absorption of lead by roots occurs via the apoplastic pathway or via Ca2+-permeable channels. The behavior of lead in soil, and uptake by plants, is controlled by its speciation and by the soil pH, soil particle size, cation-exchange capacity, root surface area, root exudation, and degree of mycorrhizal transpiration. After uptake, lead primarily accumulates in root cells, because of the blockage by Casparian strips within the endodermis. Lead is also trapped by the negative charges that exist on roots’ cell walls. Excessive lead accumulation in plant tissue impairs various morphological, physiological, and biochemical functions in plants, either directly or indirectly, and induces a range of deleterious effects. It causes phytotoxicity by changing cell membrane permeability, by reacting with active groups of different enzymes involved in plant metabolism and by reacting with the phosphate groups of ADP or ATP, and by replacing essential ions. Lead toxicity causes inhibition of ATP production, Lead Uptake, Toxicity, and Detoxification in Plants 131 lipid peroxidation, and DNA damage by over production of ROS. In addition, lead strongly inhibits seed germination, root elongation, seedling development, plant growth, transpiration, chlorophyll production, and water and protein content. The negative effects that lead has on plant vegetative growth mainly result from the following factors: distortion of chloroplast ultrastructure, obstructed electron transport, inhibition of Calvin cycle enzymes, impaired uptake of essential elements, such as Mg and Fe, and induced deficiency of CO2 resulting from stomatal closure. Under lead stress, plants possess several defense strategies to cope with lead toxicity. Such strategies include reduced uptake into the cell; sequestration of lead into vacuoles by the formation of complexes; binding of lead by phytochelatins, glutathione, and amino acids; and synthesis of osmolytes. In addition, activation of various antioxidants to combat increased production of lead-induced ROS constitutes a secondary defense system

    Interactions between metals and soil organic matter in various particle size fractions of soil contaminated with waste water

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    Only scarce field studies concern the consequences of natural soil organic matter (SOM) and metal interactions on SOM dynamics in soils. We investigated the interactions of four metals (Pb, Zn, Cu and Cd) with the SOM associated to five different size fractions (between 2000 μm and b2 μm) of a sandy top soil contaminated by waste water. Metal, organic carbon and nitrogen concentrations were measured and chemical extractions (with Na4P2O7 and EDTA) were also performed to assess the variations of SOM–metal interactions irrespective of the size fraction. In addition, as in that selected contaminated site, maize (C4 plant), replaced C3 crops 15 years ago, natural isotopic 13C labelling gave new insights into SOM turnover. First, the results suggest that metals influence the SOM dynamics in that sandy soil: a C3 "old carbon" enrichment was observed in the small or clay size fractions, while the "new" C4 carbon associated with sandy soil particles presents a rapid turnover. Metal accumulation in the clay fraction is attributed to particulate organic matter (poorly associated) and SOM decay which overtime accumulated metals and eventually these metal–SOM associations prevent the biological decomposition of such carbon pools. Moreover, the δ13C signals, C/N ratios and results from chemical extractions clearly showed differences in the origin, nature and reactivity of the SOM as a function of the size fraction with consequences on the metal behaviour. Differences were observed between metals studied: Zn seems to be mainly bound to SOM associated with clay particles, while Pb seems to prefer to interact directly with the mineral surfaces versus the SOM

    Particle size and metal distributions in anaerobically digested pig slurry

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    Particle size distribution and trace element patterns were studied in a full-scale anaerobic digestion plant treating pig slurry. Mass balance was established for major (N, P, K, Ca, Fe, Mg and S) and minor (Al, Cu, Mn and Zn) elements. Most of the elements were conserved through the process but part of the P, Ca, Mg and Mn was deposited as crystals lining the digester. In the dry matter of the slurry, Cu and Zn occurred at between 170 and 2600 mg kg1 due to pig diet supplements. Analyses of particle size distributions in raw and digested slurries showed a general shift in distribution towards larger sizes due to degradation of small and easily degradable particles as well as formation of large microbial filaments. Graded sieving of digested slurry showed metals to be mainly present on 3–25 lm particles. Less than 2% Cu and Zn was removed by passage through a 250 lm rotary screen

    Bioavailability of Cu and Zn in raw and anaerobically digested pig slurry

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    The impact of anaerobic digestion on the bioavailability of copper and zinc from pig slurry was assessed. Both chemical and biological approaches were used independently on raw slurry (RS) and anaerobically digested pig slurry (DS). This work, using ultracentrifugation pellets from the same pig slurry before and after an anaerobic treatment, confirmed that Cu and Zn behave differently in terms of bioavailability, and contrasting results were obtained by chemical and biological assessments. A chemical approach combined a preliminary study of the pH effect on particulate/dissolved metal partitioning, sequential extraction, and biochemical fractionation. This approach tended to show a lower mobility of metals from digested slurry (DS). A biological approach was carried out with Zea mays and Vicia faba to study Cu and Zn uptake in soil amended with RS or DS. This assay could not differentiate the two slurries

    Microbial community dynamics during composting of sewage sludge and straw studied through phospholipid and neutral lipid analysis

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    The composting process involves a succession of different communities of microorganisms that decompose the initial material, transforming it into a stable final product. In thiswork, the levels of phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA), neutral lipid fatty acid (NLFA) and sterolwere monitored in compost versus time, as indicators of the activity of various microorganisms (Gram-positive or Gram-negative bacteria, fungi, etc.). During composting, the PLFA and NLFA from Gram-negative bacteria and eukaryotes (2-OH 10; 3-OH 12; 2-OH 14; 13:0; 16:1; 18:1 trans) aswell as some sterols of plant origin (e.g. monostearin sterols) decreased until the end of composting. In contrast, the branched fatty acids with iso- and anteiso-forms (i-15:0; a-15:0; i-16; i-17) increased mainly in the thermophilic phase, but decreased right after. The PLFA 18:2 (6;9), which is used as an index of the occurrence of some fungi, rose strongly at the beginning of composting, but fell after peak heating. In contrast, the other main sterol indicative of fungi, ergosterol, decreased at the beginning of the thermophilic phase, but increased strongly by the end of composting. Accordingly, cluster and PCA analysis separated the PLFA of Gram-negative bacteria and eukaryotic cells from those of Gram-positive bacteria and long-chain fatty acids. The fungal PLFA considered, 18:2 (9, 12), was clustered more closely to iso- and anteiso-branched PLFAs. Stigmasterol, squalene and cholesterol occurred in the lower right part of the loading plot and were clustered more closely to iso-, anteiso-branched PLFAs and 18:2w6,9 suggesting their relationship to microbial activities. We also observed the tendency of resistance of fatty acid PLFAs and NLFAs of long chain (19:0 (cis-9); 20:0) and some recalcitrant sterols, e.g. sitosterol, at the end of composting. The presence of high levels of the latter in the final stage indicates their contribution to the structural stability of organic matter fractions. These recalcitrant components were more clustered and occurred in the lower right part of the loading plot

    13C NMR study of the effect of aerobic treatment of olive mill wastewater (OMW) on its lipid-free content

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    Olive mill wastewater was treated by an aerobic bio-process at different values of pH (with or without addition of lime), for 45 days on a laboratory scale, to evaluate the reduction of the organic load. The lipid content showed an appreciable change in relation to the applied treatment both for total lipids and for the different fractions (neutral lipids, monoglycerides and phospholipids). 13C NMR spectroscopy was performed on initial and final samples both raw and after lipid extraction. The main spectral differences were observed in the C-alkyl region (0–50 ppm), in the C O-alkyl/N-alkyl region (50–110 ppm), and in the C-carboxylic (160–200 ppm) region, providing information on the alterations occurring in the different biochemical entities composing this complex biomatrix (e.g. lipids and carbohydrates) according to the treatment

    Chemical and spectroscopic analysis of olive mill waste water during a biological treatment

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    The treatment of olive mill waste water was studied on the laboratory scale. Physico–chemical analyses showed the final products had a mean pH of 5.4 without neutralisation and 5.7 when lime was added to the process. Raising the pH by adding lime had a positive outcome on the degradation of phenols, whose levels were reduced by over 76%. The lime also changed the structure of the organic matter, as seen in the infra-red spectra. Combining the FT-IR and 13C NMR data showed that with addition of lime, the density of aliphatic groups decreased to the benefit of aromatic groups, indicating that polymerisation of the organic matter occurred during the bioprocess. Under our experimental conditions, the biotransformation of olive mill waste water appears to favour the stabilisation of the organic matter through mechanisms analogous to those that lead to the formation of humus in the soil

    Preparation of tantalum carbide layers on carbon using the metalliding process

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    This work concerns the preparation of tantalum carbide films on carbon based substrates using the metalliding process in LiF-NaF molten medium (60-40% mol.), containing tantalum heptafluorotantalate ions TaF72-, in the 800-900 °C temperature range. The process uses a metalliding cell symbolized as: (+) C, TaCx/LiF-NaF-K2TaF7/Ta (-) involving the dissolution of Ta at the anode and the reduction of Ta ions in TaCx at the cathode. The experiments of this process were performed with different carbon substrates as cathodic material: graphite, glassy carbon and carbon braid. Samples analysis (SEM-EDS and XRD) after metalliding showed the formation of tantalum carbides (TaC and Ta2C) at the surface of the substrate at a relatively low temperature. A kinetic study, based on the control of the cathodic reaction by the intermetallic diffusion, allowed the diffusion parameters, such as Ta-C diffusion coefficient, to be determined at several temperatures. Furthermore, the results are shown to be independent of the type of carbon substrate

    Phospholipid fatty acid analysis to monitor the co-composting process of olive oil mill wastes and organic household refuse

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    The co-composting of olive oil mill wastes and household refuse was followed for 5 months. During the thermophilic phase of composting, the aerobic heterotrophic bacteria (AHB) count, showed a significant rise with a slight regression of fungal biomass. In the same way, phospholipid fatty acids PLFAs common in bacteria, showed a significant increase of hydroxyl and branched PLFAs. The evaluation of the ratio of octadecenoic PLFAs to stearic acid (C18:1/C18:0) revealed a significant reduction while a significant rise in the length of aliphatic chains evaluated by the stearic acid to palmitic acid ratio (C18:0/C16:0) was noted during the stabilization phase. The follow-up of PLFAs, indicates the degree of biodegradation that occurs during composting, it can be regarded an indicator of the stability and maturity of the end product