43 research outputs found

    On the choice of multiscale entropy algorithm for quantification of complexity in gait data

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    The present study aimed at identifying a suitable multiscale entropy (MSE) algorithm for assessment of complexity in a stride-to-stride time interval time series. Five different algorithms were included (the original MSE, refine composite multiscale entropy (RCMSE), multiscale fuzzy entropy, generalized multiscale entropy and intrinsic mode entropy) and applied to twenty iterations of white noise, pink noise, or a sine wave with added white noise. Based on their ability to differentiate the level of complexity in the three different generated signal types, and their sensitivity and parameter consistency, MSE and RCMSE were deemed most appropriate. These two algorithms were applied to stride-to-stride time interval time series recorded from fourteen healthy subjects during one hour of overground and treadmill walking. In general, acceptable sensitivity and good parameter consistency were observed for both algorithms; however, they were not able to differentiate the complexity of the stride-to-stride time interval time series between the two walking conditions. Thus, the present study recommends the use of either MSE or RCMSE for quantification of complexity in stride-to-stride time interval time series

    Sampling frequency influences sample entropy of kinematics during walking

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    Sample entropy (SaEn) has been used to assess the regularity of lower limb joint angles during walking. However, changing sampling frequency and the number of included strides can potentially affect the sample entropy. The present study investigated the effect of sample frequency and the number of included strides on the calculations of SaEn in joint angle signals recorded during treadmill walking. Eleven subjects walked at their preferred walking speed for 10 minutes, and SaEn was calculated on sagittal plane hip, knee and ankle angle signals extracted from 50, 100, 200, 300 and 400 strides at sampling frequencies of 60, 120, 240 and 480Hz. Increase in sampling frequency decreased the SaEn significantly for the three joints. The number of included strides had no effect on the SaEn calculated on the hip joint angle and only limited effect on the SaEn calculated on the knee and ankle joint signals. The present study suggests that the number of data points within each stride to a greater extent determines the size of the SaEn compared to the number of strides and emphasizes the use of a fixed number of data points within each stride when applying SaEn to lower limb joint angles during walking

    Dynamics of Stride Interval Characteristics during Continuous Stairmill Climbing

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    It has been shown that statistical persistence in stride intervals characteristics exist during walking, running and cycling and were speed- dependent among healthy young adults. The purpose of this study was to determine if such statistical persistence in stride time interval, stride length and stride speed also exists during self-paced continuous stairmill climbing and if the strength is dependent on stepping rate. Stride time, stride length, and stride speed were collected from nine healthy participants during 3 min of stairmill climbing at 100, 110, and 120% of their preferred stepping rate (PSR) and 5 min of treadmill walking at preferred walking speed (PWS). The amount of variability (assessed by standard deviation and coefficient of variation) and dynamics (assessed by detrended fluctuation analysis and sample entropy) of the stride time, stride length, and stride speed time series were investigated. The amounts of variability were significantly higher during stairmill climbing for the stride time, stride length, and stride speed and did only change with increased stepping rate for stride speed. In addition to a more irregular pattern during stairmill climbing, the detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) revealed that the stride length fluctuations were statistical anti-persistent for all subjects. On a group level both stride time and stride speed fluctuations were characterized by an uncorrelated pattern which was more irregular compared to that during treadmill walking. However, large inter-participant differences were observed for these two variables. In addition, the dynamics did not change with increase in stepping rate

    On the Calculation of Sample Entropy Using Continuous and Discrete Human Gait Data

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    Sample entropy (SE) has relative consistency using biologically-derived, discrete data \u3e500 data points. For certain populations, collecting this quantity is not feasible and continuous data has been used. The effect of using continuous versus discrete data on SE is unknown, nor are the relative effects of sampling rate and input parameters m (comparison vector length) and r(tolerance). Eleven subjects walked for 10-minutes and continuous joint angles (480 Hz) were calculated for each lower-extremity joint. Data were downsampled (240, 120, 60 Hz) and discrete range-of-motion was calculated. SE was quantified for angles and range-of-motion at all sampling rates and multiple combinations of parameters. A differential relationship between joints was observed between range-of-motion and joint angles. Range-of-motion SE showed no difference; whereas, joint angle SE significantly decreased from ankle to knee to hip. To confirm findings from biological data, continuous signals with manipulations to frequency, amplitude, and both were generated and underwent similar analysis to the biological data. In general, changes to m, r, and sampling rate had a greater effect on continuous compared to discrete data. Discrete data was robust to sampling rate and m. It is recommended that different data types not be compared and discrete data be used for SE

    Economy, Movement Dynamics, and Muscle Activity of Human Walking at Different Speeds

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    The complex behaviour of human walking with respect to movement variability, economy and muscle activity is speed dependent. It is well known that a U-shaped relationship between walking speed and economy exists. However, it is an open question if the movement dynamics of joint angles and centre of mass and muscle activation strategy also exhibit a U-shaped relationship with walking speed. We investigated the dynamics of joint angle trajectories and the centre of mass accelerations at five different speeds ranging from 20 to 180% of the predicted preferred speed (based on Froude speed) in twelve healthy males. The muscle activation strategy and walking economy were also assessed. The movement dynamics was investigated using a combination of the largest Lyapunov exponent and correlation dimension. We observed an intermediate stage of the movement dynamics of the knee joint angle and the anterior-posterior and mediolateral centre of mass accelerations which coincided with the most energy-efficient walking speed. Furthermore, the dynamics of the joint angle trajectories and the muscle activation strategy was closely linked to the functional role and biomechanical constraints of the joints

    Quantifying Asymmetry in Gait: The Weighted Universal Symmetry Index to Evaluate 3D Ground Reaction Forces

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    Though gait asymmetry is used as a metric of functional recovery in clinical rehabilitation, there is no consensus on an ideal method for its evaluation. Various methods have been proposed to analyze single bilateral signals but are limited in scope, as they can often use only positive signals or discrete values extracted from time-scale data as input. By defining five symmetry axioms, a framework for benchmarking existing methods was established and a new method was described here for the first time: the weighted universal symmetry index (wUSI), which overcomes limitations of other methods. Both existing methods and the wUSI were mathematically compared to each other and in respect to their ability to fulfill the proposed symmetry axioms. Eligible methods that fulfilled these axioms were then applied using both discrete and continuous approaches to ground reaction force (GRF) data collected from healthy gait, both with and without artificially induced asymmetry using a single instrumented elbow crutch. The wUSI with a continuous approach was the only symmetry method capable of identifying GRF asymmetry differences in different walking conditions in all three planes of motion. When used with a continuous approach, the wUSI method was able to detect asymmetries while avoiding artificial inflation, a common problem reported in other methods. In conclusion, the wUSI is proposed as a universal method to quantify three-dimensional GRF asymmetries, which may also be expanded to other biomechanical signals

    Movement Behavior of High-Heeled Walking: How Does the Nervous System Control the Ankle Joint during an Unstable Walking Condition?

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    The human locomotor system is flexible and enables humans to move without falling even under less than optimal conditions. Walking with high-heeled shoes constitutes an unstable condition and here we ask how the nervous system controls the ankle joint in this situation? We investigated the movement behavior of high-heeled and barefooted walking in eleven female subjects. The movement variability was quantified by calculation of approximate entropy (ApEn) in the ankle joint angle and the standard deviation (SD) of the stride time intervals. Electromyography (EMG) of the soleus (SO) and tibialis anterior (TA) muscles and the soleus Hoffmann (H-) reflex were measured at 4.0 km/h on a motor driven treadmill to reveal the underlying motor strategies in each walking condition. The ApEn of the ankle joint angle was significantly higher (p<0.01) during high-heeled (0.38±0.08) than during barefooted walking (0.28±0.07). During high-heeled walking, coactivation between the SO and TA muscles increased towards heel strike and the H-reflex was significantly increased in terminal swing by 40% (p<0.01). These observations show that high-heeled walking is characterized by a more complex and less predictable pattern than barefooted walking. Increased coactivation about the ankle joint together with increased excitability of the SO H-reflex in terminal swing phase indicates that the motor strategy was changed during high-heeled walking. Although, the participants were young, healthy and accustomed to high-heeled walking the results demonstrate that that walking on high-heels needs to be controlled differently from barefooted walking. We suggest that the higher variability reflects an adjusted neural strategy of the nervous system to control the ankle joint during high-heeled walking

    Entropy Analysis in Gait Research: Methodological Considerations and Recommendations

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    The usage of entropy analysis in gait research has grown considerably the last two decades. The present paper reviews the application of different entropy analyses in gait research and provides recommendations for future studies. While single-scale entropy analysis such as approximate and sample entropy can be used to quantify regularity/predictability/probability, they do not capture the structural richness and component entanglement characterized by a complex system operating across multiple spatial and temporal scales. Thus, for quantification of complexity, either multiscale entropy or refined composite multiscale entropy is recommended. For both single- and multiscale-scale entropy analyses, care should be made when selecting the input parameters of tolerance window r, vector length m, time series length N and number of scales. This selection should be based on the proposed research question and the type of data collected and not copied from previous studies. Parameter consistency should be investigated and published along with the main results to ensure transparency and enable comparisons between studies. Furthermore, since the interpretation of the absolute size of both single- and multiscale entropy analyses outcomes is not straightforward, comparisons should always be made with a control condition or group