409 research outputs found

    Facile mutant identification via a single parental backcross method and application of whole genome sequencing based mapping pipelines

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    Forward genetic screens have identified numerous genes involved in development and metabolism, and remain a cornerstone of biological research. However, to locate a causal mutation, the practice of crossing to a polymorphic background to generate a mapping population can be problematic if the mutant phenotype is difficult to recognize in the hybrid F2 progeny, or dependent on parental specific traits. Here in a screen for leaf hyponasty mutants, we have performed a single backcross of an Ethane Methyl Sulphonate (EMS) generated hyponastic mutant to its parent. Whole genome deep sequencing of a bulked homozygous F2 population and analysis via the Next Generation EMS mutation mapping pipeline (NGM) unambiguously determined the causal mutation to be a single nucleotide polymorphisim (SNP) residing in HASTY, a previously characterized gene involved in microRNA biogenesis. We have evaluated the feasibility of this backcross approach using three additional SNP mapping pipelines; SHOREmap, the GATK pipeline, and the samtools pipeline. Although there was variance in the identification of EMS SNPs, all returned the same outcome in clearly identifying the causal mutation in HASTY. The simplicity of performing a single parental backcross and genome sequencing a small pool of segregating mutants has great promise for identifying mutations that may be difficult to map using conventional approaches.This work was funded by an Australian Research Council Discovery Grant DP1097150

    Exploring the source of TYLCV resistance in Nicotiana benthamiana

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    Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus (TYLCV) is one of the most devastating pathogens of tomato, worldwide. It is vectored by the globally prevalent whitefly, Bemisia tabaci, and is asymptomatic in a wide range of plant species that act as a virus reservoir. The most successful crop protection for tomato in the field has been from resistance genes, of which five loci have been introgressed fromwild relatives. Of these, the Ty-1/Ty-3 locus, which encodes an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase 3 (RDR3), has been the most effective. Nevertheless, several TYLCV strains that break this resistance are beginning to emerge, increasing the need for new sources of resistance. Here we use segregation analysis and CRISPR-mediated gene dysfunctionalisation to dissect the differential response of two isolates of Nicotiana benthamiana to TYLCV infection. Our study indicates the presence of a novel non-RDR3, but yet to be identified, TYLCV resistance gene in a wild accession of N. benthamiana. This gene has the potential to be incorporated into tomatoes

    Design and characterisation of an additive manufacturing benchmarking artefact following a design-for-metrology approach

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    We present the design and characterisation of a high-speed sintering additive manufacturing benchmarking artefact following a design-for-metrology approach. In an important improvement over conventional approaches, the specifications and operating principles of the instruments that would be used to measure the manufactured artefact were taken into account during its design process. With the design-for-metrology methodology, we aim to improve and facilitate measurements on parts produced using additive manufacturing. The benchmarking artefact has a number of geometrical features, including sphericity, cylindricity, coaxiality and minimum feature size, all of which are measured using contact, optical and X-ray computed tomography coordinate measuring systems. The results highlight the differences between the measuring methods, and the need to establish a specification standards and guidance for the dimensional assessment of additive manufacturing parts

    The Rapid Methylation of T-DNAs Upon Agrobacterium Inoculation in Plant Leaves

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    Agrobacterium tumefaciens has been foundational in the development of transgenic plants for both agricultural biotechnology and plant molecular research. However, the transformation efficiency and level of transgene expression obtained for any given construct can be highly variable. These inefficiencies often require screening of many lines to find one with consistent and heritable transgene expression. Transcriptional gene silencing is known to affect transgene expression, and is associated with DNA methylation, especially of cytosines in symmetric CG and CHG contexts. While the specificity, heritability and silencing-associated effects of DNA methylation of transgene sequences have been analyzed in many stably transformed plants, the methylation status of transgene sequences in the T-DNA during the transformation process has not been well-studied. Here we used agro-infiltration of the eGFP reporter gene in Nicotiana benthamiana leaves driven by either an AtEF1α-A4 or a CaMV-35S promoter to study early T-DNA methylation patterns of these promoter sequences. The T-DNA was examined by amplicon sequencing following sodium bisulfite treatment using three different sequencing platforms: Sanger sequencing, Ion Torrent PGM, and the Illumina MiSeq. Rapid DNA methylation was detectable in each promoter region just 2–3 days post-infiltration and the levels continued to rapidly accumulate over the first week, then steadily up to 21 days later. Cytosines in an asymmetric context (CHH) were the most heavily and rapidly methylated. This suggests that early T-DNA methylation may be important in determining the epigenetic and transcriptional fate of integrated transgenes. The Illumina MiSeq platform was the most sensitive and robust way of detecting and following the methylation profiles of the T-DNA promoters. The utility of the methods was then used to show a subtle but significant difference in promoter methylation during intron-mediated enhancement. In addition, the method was able to detect an increase in promoter methylation when the eGFP reporter gene was targeted by siRNAs generated by co-infiltration of a hairpin RNAi construct

    Are the current gRNA ranking prediction algorithms useful for genome editing in plants?

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    Introducing a new trait into a crop through conventional breeding commonly takes decades, but recently developed genome sequence modification technology has the potential to accelerate this process. One of these new breeding technologies relies on an RNA-directed DNA nuclease (CRISPR/Cas9) to cut the genomic DNA, in vivo, to facilitate the deletion or insertion of sequences. This sequence specific targeting is determined by guide RNAs (gRNAs). However, choosing an optimum gRNA sequence has its challenges. Almost all current gRNA design tools for use in plants are based on data from experiments in animals, although many allow the use of plant genomes to identify potential off-target sites. Here, we examine the predictive uniformity and performance of eight different online gRNA-site tools. Unfortunately, there was little consensus among the rankings by the different algorithms, nor a statistically significant correlation between rankings and in vivo effectiveness. This suggests that important factors affecting gRNA performance and/or target site accessibility, in plants, are yet to be elucidated and incorporated into gRNA-site prediction tools

    Research on the Cultivation of Business English Talents and the Teaching Mode of Business English in Colleges for Nationalities

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    With the development of society, the strengthening of economic globalization and the deepening of reform and open-up, Business English teaching is attracting more and more attention. But Business English teaching in colleges for nationalities is still facing many problems, hinders the improvement of Business English teaching quality and the development of Business English. Starting from the connotation of Business English, this paper reveals the common problems existing in Business English teaching, analyzes the causes and puts forward some reform measures, in order to cultivate well-educated Business English talents for the ethnic areas

    Effect of vitamin D supplementation on selected inflammatory biomarkers in older adults: a secondary analysis of data from a randomised, placebo-controlled trial

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    Observational studies have suggested that 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) levels are associated with inflammatory markers. Most trials reporting significant associations between vitamin D intake and inflammatory markers used specific patient groups. Thus, we aimed to determine the effect of supplementary vitamin D using secondary data from a population-based, randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial (Pilot D-Health trial 2010/0423). Participants were 60- to 84-year-old residents of one of the four eastern states of Australia. They were randomly selected from the electoral roll and were randomised to one of three trial arms: placebo (n 214), 750 μg (n 215) or 1500 μg (n 215) vitamin D3, each taken once per month for 12 months. Post-intervention blood samples for the analysis of C-reactive protein (CRP), IL-6, IL-10, leptin and adiponectin levels were available for 613 participants. Associations between intervention group and biomarker levels were evaluated using quantile regression. There were no statistically significant differences in distributions of CRP, leptin, adiponectin, leptin:adiponectin ratio or IL-10 levels between the placebo group and either supplemented group. The 75th percentile IL-6 level was 2·8 pg/ml higher (95 % CI 0·4, 5·8 pg/ml) in the 1500 μg group than in the placebo group (75th percentiles:11·0 v. 8·2 pg/ml), with a somewhat smaller, non-significant difference in 75th percentiles between the 750 μg and placebo groups. Despite large differences in serum 25(OH)D levels between the three groups after 12 months of supplementation, we found little evidence of an effect of vitamin D supplementation on cytokine or adipokine levels, with the possible exception of IL-6

    Proteomic identification of putative microRNA394 target genes in <em>Arabidopsis thaliana</em> identifies major latex protein family members critical for normal development

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    Expression of the F-Box protein Leaf Curling Responsiveness (LCR) is regulated by microRNA, miR394, and alterations to this interplay in <i>Arabidopsis thaliana</i> produce defects in leaf polarity and shoot apical meristem organization. Although the miR394-LCR node has been documented in Arabidopsis, the identification of proteins targeted by LCR F-box itself has proven problematic. Here, a proteomic analysis of shoot apices from plants with altered LCR levels identified a member of the Latex Protein (MLP) family gene as a potential LCR F-box target. Bioinformatic and molecular analyses also suggested that other MLP family members are likely to be targets for this post-translational regulation. Direct interaction between LCR F-Box and MLP423 was validated. Additional MLP members had reduction in protein accumulation, in varying degrees, mediated by LCR F-Box. Transgenic Arabidopsis lines, in which MLP28 expression was reduced through an artificial miRNA technology, displayed severe developmental defects, including changes in leaf patterning and morphology, shoot apex defects, and eventual premature death. These phenotypic characteristics resemble those of Arabidopsis plants modified to over-express LCR. Taken together, the results demonstrate that MLPs are driven to degradation by LCR, and indicate that MLP gene family is target of miR394-LCR regulatory node, representing potential targets for directly post-translational regulation mediated by LCR F-Box. In addition, MLP28 family member is associated with the LCR regulation that is critical for normal Arabidopsis development
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