119 research outputs found

    One and All, One and All: Edward Thompson (1924-1993)

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    Tras la estela de Perry Anderson

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    Wielogłowa hydra

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    The presented text is the first Polish translation of Peter Linebaugh’s and Markus Rediker’s well-acclaimed book, The Many-Headed Hydra: The Hidden History of the Revolutionary Atlantic. The authors offer a transcontinental and transcultural collective subject of resistance against the rising capitalist system. Our translation provides an overview of proletariat structure, discusses its vital role in constructing the infrastructure that was necessary for the reproduction of capitalism and also investigates the fright and the hopes that were aroused from England to the Caribbean by a crew of sailors, fleeing slaves, heretics and female-defenders of the commons.Przetłumaczył ŁUKASZ MOLLPrezentujemy pierwsze tłumaczenie na język polski fragmentu głośnej książki Petera Linebaugha i Markusa Redikera The Many-Headed Hydra: The Hidden History of Revolutionary Atlantic. Autorzy przedstawiają w niej transkontynentalny i transkulturowy zbiorowy podmiot oporu wobec rodzącego się systemu kapitalistycznego. Przetłumaczony fragment dostarcza przeglądu struktury atlantyckiego proletariatu, zdaje sprawę z kluczowej roli, jaką odgrywał on przy konstrukcji infrastruktury niezbędnej dla reprodukcji kapitalizmu, a także omawia jednocześnie popłoch i nadzieje, jaki zgraja żeglarzy, zbiegłych niewolników, heretyków i obrończyń dóbr wspólnych wzbudzała od Anglii po Karaiby


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    A useful savagery: The invention of violence in nineteenth-century England

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    ‘A Useful Savagery: The Invention of Violence in Nineteenth-Century England’ considers a particular configuration of attitudes toward violence that emerged in the early decades of the nineteenth century. As part of a longer-term process of emerging ‘sensibilities,’ violence was, seemingly paradoxically, ‘invented’ as a social issue while concurrently relocated in the ‘civilised’ imagination as an anti-social feature mainly of ‘savage’ working-class life. The dominant way this discourse evolved was through the creation of a narrative that defined ‘civilisation’ in opposition to the presumed ‘savagery’ of the working classes. Although the refined classes were often distanced from the physical experience of violence, concern with violence and brutality became significant parts of social commentary aimed at a middle-class readership. While stridently redefining themselves in opposition to ‘brutality,’ one of the purposes of this literature was to create a new middle class and justify the expansion of state power. By the closing decades of the nineteenth century, as the working classes adopted tenets of Victorian respectability, a proliferating number of social and psychological ‘others’ were identified against which ‘civilised’ thought could define itself

    Um mundo novo no Atlântico: marinheiros e ritos de passagem na linha do equador, séculos XV-XX

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