79 research outputs found

    Spectral Irradiance Calibration in the Infrared. XIII. "Supertemplates" and On-Orbit Calibrators for SIRTF's Infrared Array Camera (IRAC)

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    We describe the technique used to develop on-orbit calibrators for IRAC and validate the method for either K0-M0III or A0-A5V stars. For SIRTF, the approach uses all available optical, NIR, and MIR photometry, and yields absolute spectra from UV to MIR. One set of stars is from Landolt's network of optical standards, the other from Carter-Meadows IR standards. Traceability to the Cohen-Walker- Witteborn framework of absolute photometry and spectra is assured. The method is based on using either "supertemplates" to represent the intrinsic shapes of the spectra of K0-M0IIIs from 1150A to 35 um, or Kurucz synthetic spectra for A0-5V stars. Each supertemplate/model is reddened according to a star's extinction and normalized by characterized optical photometry. This paper tests our ability to predict NIR (JHK) magnitudes from supertemplates or models constrained by Hippa- rcos/Tycho or precision ground-based optical data. We offer absolute calibrated spectra of 33 optical standards to demonstrate the viability of this technique for a set of IR calibrators 100-1000 times fainter than we have previously publ- ished. We calculate the absolute uncertainties associated with predicting IRAC mags for the faintest cool giant and hot dwarf in this new set of calibrators.Comment: 53 pages, Latex, AASTEX5 macro

    Allergic Rhinitis and its Associated Co-Morbidities at Bugando Medical Centre in Northwestern Tanzania; A Prospective Review of 190 Cases.

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    Allergic rhinitis is one of the commonest atopic diseases which contribute to significant morbidity world wide while its epidemiology in Tanzania remains sparse. There was paucity of information regarding allergic rhinitis in our setting; therefore it was important to conduct this study to describe our experience on allergic rhinitis, associated co-morbidities and treatment outcome in patients attending Bugando Medical Centre. This was descriptive cross-sectional study involving all patients with a clinical diagnosis of allergic rhinitis at Bugando Medical Centre over a three-month period between June 2011 and August 2011. Data was collected using a pre-tested coded questionnaire and analyzed using SPSS statistical computer software version 17.0. A total of 190 patients were studied giving the prevalence of allergic rhinitis 14.7%. The median age of the patients was 8.5 years. The male to female ratio was 1:1. Adenoid hypertrophy, tonsillitis, hypertrophy of inferior turbinate, nasal polyps, otitis media and sinusitis were the most common co-morbidities affecting 92.6% of cases and were the major reason for attending hospital services. Sleep disturbance was common in children with adenoids hypertrophy (Ο‡2 = 28.691, P = 0.000). Allergic conjunctivitis was found in 51.9%. The most common identified triggers were dust, strong perfume odors and cold weather (P < 0.05). Strong perfume odors affect female than males (Ο‡2 = 4.583, P = 0.032). In this study family history of allergic rhinitis was not a significant risk factor (P =0.423). The majority of patients (68.8%) were treated surgically for allergic rhinitis co morbidities. Post operative complication and mortality rates were 2.9% and 1.6% respectively. The overall median duration of hospital stay of in-patients was 3 days (2 - 28 days). Most patients (98.4%) had satisfactory results at discharge. The study shows that allergic rhinitis is common in our settings representing 14.7% of all otorhinolaryngology and commonly affecting children and adolescent. Sufferers seek medical services due to co-morbidities of which combination of surgical and medical treatment was needed. High index of suspicions in diagnosing allergic rhinitis and early treatment is recommended

    Professional conceptualisation and accomplishment of patient safety in mental healthcare: an ethnographic approach

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>This study seeks to broaden current understandings of what patient safety means in mental healthcare and how it is accomplished. We propose a qualitative observational study of how safety is produced or not produced in the complex context of everyday professional mental health practice. Such an approach intentionally contrasts with much patient safety research which assumes that safety is achieved and improved through top-down policy directives. We seek instead to understand and articulate the connections and dynamic interactions between people, materials, and organisational, legal, moral, professional and historical safety imperatives as they come together at particular times and places to perform safe or unsafe practice. As such we advocate an understanding of patient safety 'from the ground up'.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>The proposed project employs a six-phase data collection framework in two mental health settings: an inpatient unit and a community team. The first four phases comprise multiple modes of focussed, unobtrusive observation of professionals at work, to enable us to trace the conceptualisation and enactment of safety as revealed in dialogue and narrative, use of artefacts and space, bodily activity and patterns of movement, and in the accomplishment of specific work tasks. An interview phase and a social network analysis phase will subsequently be conducted to offer comparative perspectives on the observational data. This multi-modal and holistic approach to studying patient safety will complement existing research, which is dominated by instrumentalist approaches to discovering factors contributing to error, or developing interventions to prevent or manage adverse events.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>This ethnographic research framework, informed by the principles of practice theories and in particular actor-network ideas, provides a tool to aid the understanding of patient safety in mental healthcare. The approach is novel in that it seeks to articulate an 'anatomy of patient safety' as it actually occurs, in terms of the networks of elements coalescing to enable the conceptual and material performance of safety in mental health settings. By looking at <it>how </it>patient safety happens or does not happen, this study will enable us to better understand how we might in future productively tackle its improvement.</p

    Comprehensive study of the CuF<inf>2</inf> conversion reaction mechanism in a lithium ion battery

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    Conversion materials for lithium ion batteries have recently attracted considerable attention due to their exceptional specific capacities. Some metal fluorides, such as CuF2, are promising candidates for cathode materials owing to their high operating potential, which stems from the high electronegativity of fluorine. However, the high ionicity of the metal–fluorine bond leads to a large band gap that renders these materials poor electronic conductors. Nanosizing the active material and embedding it within a conductive matrix such as carbon can greatly improve its electrochemical performance. In contrast to other fluorides, such as FeF2 and NiF2, good capacity retention has not, however, been achieved for CuF2. The reaction mechanisms that occur in the first and subsequent cycles and the reasons for the poor charge performance of CuF2 are studied in this paper via a variety of characterization methods. In situ pair distribution function analysis clearly shows CuF2 conversion in the first discharge. However, few structural changes are seen in the following charge and subsequent cycles. Cyclic voltammetry results, in combination with in situ X-ray absorption near edge structure and ex situ nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, indicate that Cu dissolution is associated with the consumption of the LiF phase, which occurs during the first charge via the formation of a Cu1+ intermediate. The dissolution process consequently prevents Cu and LiF from transforming back to CuF2. Such side reactions result in negligible capacity in subsequent cycles and make this material challenging to use in a rechargeable battery.We acknowledge the funding from the U.S. DOE BES via funding to the EFRC NECCES, an Energy Frontier Research Center funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences under Award Number DE-SC0001294 (support for Rosa Robert and Lin-Shu Du) and EPSRC via the β€œnanoionics” programme grant (support for Xiao Hua). Use of the National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS), Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886. Use of the Advanced Photon Source, an Office of Science User Facility operated for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science by Argonne National Laboratory, was supported by the U.S. DOE under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357.This is the final published version of the article. It first appeared at http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jp503902z and is posted here under the terms of ACS's Editors' Choice scheme (http://pubs.acs.org/page/policy/authorchoice_termsofuse.html)

    Integration of robotic surgery into routine practice and impacts on communication, collaboration, and decision making: A realist process evaluation protocol

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    Background: Robotic surgery offers many potential benefits for patients. While an increasing number of healthcare providers are purchasing surgical robots, there are reports that the technology is failing to be introduced into routine practice. Additionally, in robotic surgery, the surgeon is physically separated from the patient and the rest of the team, with the potential to negatively impact teamwork in the operating theatre. The aim of this study is to ascertain: how and under what circumstances robotic surgery is effectively introduced into routine practice; and how and under what circumstances robotic surgery impacts teamwork, communication and decision making, and subsequent patient outcomes. Methods and design: We will undertake a process evaluation alongside a randomised controlled trial comparing laparoscopic and robotic surgery for the curative treatment of rectal cancer. Realist evaluation provides an overall framework for the study. The study will be in three phases. In Phase I, grey literature will be reviewed to identify stakeholders' theories concerning how robotic surgery becomes embedded into surgical practice and its impacts. These theories will be refined and added to through interviews conducted across English hospitals that are using robotic surgery for rectal cancer resection with staff at different levels of the organisation, along with a review of documentation associated with the introduction of robotic surgery. In Phase II, a multi-site case study will be conducted across four English hospitals to test and refine the candidate theories. Data will be collected using multiple methods: the structured observation tool OTAS (Observational Teamwork Assessment for Surgery); video recordings of operations; ethnographic observation; and interviews. In Phase III, interviews will be conducted at the four case sites with staff representing a range of surgical disciplines, to assess the extent to which the results of Phase II are generalisable and to refine the resulting theories to reflect the experience of a broader range of surgical disciplines. The study will provide (i) guidance to healthcare organisations on factors likely to facilitate successful implementation and integration of robotic surgery, and (ii) guidance on how to ensure effective communication and teamwork when undertaking robotic surgery

    Quantitative Models of the Mechanisms That Control Genome-Wide Patterns of Transcription Factor Binding during Early Drosophila Development

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    Transcription factors that drive complex patterns of gene expression during animal development bind to thousands of genomic regions, with quantitative differences in binding across bound regions mediating their activity. While we now have tools to characterize the DNA affinities of these proteins and to precisely measure their genome-wide distribution in vivo, our understanding of the forces that determine where, when, and to what extent they bind remains primitive. Here we use a thermodynamic model of transcription factor binding to evaluate the contribution of different biophysical forces to the binding of five regulators of early embryonic anterior-posterior patterning in Drosophila melanogaster. Predictions based on DNA sequence and in vitro protein-DNA affinities alone achieve a correlation of ∼0.4 with experimental measurements of in vivo binding. Incorporating cooperativity and competition among the five factors, and accounting for spatial patterning by modeling binding in every nucleus independently, had little effect on prediction accuracy. A major source of error was the prediction of binding events that do not occur in vivo, which we hypothesized reflected reduced accessibility of chromatin. To test this, we incorporated experimental measurements of genome-wide DNA accessibility into our model, effectively restricting predicted binding to regions of open chromatin. This dramatically improved our predictions to a correlation of 0.6–0.9 for various factors across known target genes. Finally, we used our model to quantify the roles of DNA sequence, accessibility, and binding competition and cooperativity. Our results show that, in regions of open chromatin, binding can be predicted almost exclusively by the sequence specificity of individual factors, with a minimal role for protein interactions. We suggest that a combination of experimentally determined chromatin accessibility data and simple computational models of transcription factor binding may be used to predict the binding landscape of any animal transcription factor with significant precision

    RNAseq analysis of bronchial epithelial cells to identify COPD-associated genes and SNPs

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    Abstract Background There is a need for more powerful methods to identify low-effect SNPs that contribute to hereditary COPD pathogenesis. We hypothesized that SNPs contributing to COPD risk through cis-regulatory effects are enriched in genes comprised by bronchial epithelial cell (BEC) expression patterns associated with COPD. Methods To test this hypothesis, normal BEC specimens were obtained by bronchoscopy from 60 subjects: 30 subjects with COPD defined by spirometry (FEV1/FVC < 0.7, FEV1% < 80%), and 30 non-COPD controls. Targeted next generation sequencing was used to measure total and allele-specific expression of 35 genes in genome maintenance (GM) genes pathways linked to COPD pathogenesis, including seven TP53 and CEBP transcription factor family members. Shrinkage linear discriminant analysis (SLDA) was used to identify COPD-classification models. COPD GWAS were queried for putative cis-regulatory SNPs in the targeted genes. Results On a network basis, TP53 and CEBP transcription factor pathway gene pair network connections, including key DNA repair gene ERCC5, were significantly different in COPD subjects (e.g., Wilcoxon rank sum test for closeness, p-value = 5.0E-11). ERCC5 SNP rs4150275 association with chronic bronchitis was identified in a set of Lung Health Study (LHS) COPD GWAS SNPs restricted to those in putative regulatory regions within the targeted genes, and this association was validated in the COPDgene non-hispanic white (NHW) GWAS. ERCC5 SNP rs4150275 is linked (D’ = 1) to ERCC5 SNP rs17655 which displayed differential allelic expression (DAE) in BEC and is an expression quantitative trait locus (eQTL) in lung tissue (pΒ = 3.2E-7). SNPs in linkage (D’ = 1) with rs17655 were predicted to alter miRNA binding (rs873601). A classifier model that comprised gene features CAT, CEBPG, GPX1, KEAP1, TP73, and XPA had pooled 10-fold cross-validation receiver operator characteristic area under the curve of 75.4% (95% CI: 66.3%–89.3%). The prevalence of DAE was higher than expected (pΒ = 0.0023) in the classifier genes. Conclusions GM genes comprised by COPD-associated BEC expression patterns were enriched for SNPs with cis-regulatory function, including a putative cis-rSNP in ERCC5 that was associated with COPD risk. These findings support additional total and allele-specific expression analysis of gene pathways with high prior likelihood for involvement in COPD pathogenesis.https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/142723/1/12890_2018_Article_603.pd
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