176 research outputs found

    Bacillus subtilis actin-like protein MreB influences the positioning of the replication machinery and requires membrane proteins MreC/D and other actin-like proteins for proper localization

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    BACKGROUND: Bacterial actin-like proteins have been shown to perform essential functions in several aspects of cellular physiology. They affect cell growth, cell shape, chromosome segregation and polar localization of proteins, and localize as helical filaments underneath the cell membrane. Bacillus subtilis MreB and Mbl have been shown to perform dynamic motor like movements within cells, extending along helical tracks in a time scale of few seconds. RESULTS: In this work, we show that Bacillus subtilis MreB has a dual role, both in the formation of rod cell shape, and in chromosome segregation, however, its function in cell shape is distinct from that of MreC. Additionally, MreB is important for the localization of the replication machinery to the cell centre, which becomes aberrant soon after depletion of MreB. 3D image reconstructions suggest that frequently, MreB filaments consist of several discontinuous helical filaments with varying length. The localization of MreB was abnormal in cells with decondensed chromosomes, as well as during depletion of Mbl, MreBH and of the MreC/MreD proteins, which we show localize to the cell membrane. Thus, proper positioning of MreB filaments depends on and is affected by a variety of factors in the cell. CONCLUSION: Our data provide genetic and cytological links between MreB and the membrane, as well as with other actin like proteins, and further supports the connection of MreB with the chromosome. The functional dependence on MreB of the localization of the replication machinery suggests that the replisome is not anchored at the cell centre, but is positioned in a dynamic manner

    Single-molecule Dynamics in Protein Interactions: Characterization of RarA and RecD2 of Bacillus subtilis

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    Maintenance of genome integrity is one of the crucial functions in life, to preserve the appropriate genetic information, being homologous recombination a key process in the DNA repair. I have used a novel technique, using slim-field microscopy to obtain single-molecule dynamics of two poorly described proteins, RarA and RecD2, in different recombination deficient mutants and conditions to characterize them. Single-molecule microscopy has been shown as a powerful method for in vivo characterization of proteins and its interactions. Together with genetics, I have added a new level of complexity in the regulation of homologous recombination as a multiway process in which many factors are involved in different avenues with partially overlapping functions depending on the kind of DNA damage generated. I have characterized RarA and RecD2 as factors involved in recombination, but also in replication of the DNA, being part of both RecA-independent and RecA-dependent replication progression, and antagonistic regulators of RecA filamentation. RarA plays its role in replication through interactions with DnaB, and in recombination as a RecA positive regulator through its interactions with RecA, RecO, RecR, RecD2 and RecU. RarA is regulated by the RecQ-like helicases RecQ and RecS. RecD2 plays a role in chromosomal segregation that becomes essential in the absence of RecG or RuvAB, and is a negative regulator in homologous recombination that interacts with RecA, RarA, RecX, RecF and PcrA

    Fluorescence staining of live cyanobacterial cells suggest non-stringent chromosome segregation and absence of a connection between cytoplasmic and thylakoid membranes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In spite of their abundance and importance, little is known about cyanobacterial cell biology and their cell cycle. During each cell cycle, chromosomes must be separated into future daughter cells, i.e. into both cell halves, which in many bacteria is achieved by an active machinery that operates during DNA replication. Many cyanobacteria contain multiple identical copies of the chromosome, but it is unknown how chromosomes are segregated into future daughter cells, and if an active or passive mechanism is operative. In addition to an outer and an inner cell membrane, cyanobacteria contain internal thylakoid membranes that carry the active photosynthetic machinery. It is unclear whether thylakoid membranes are invaginations of the inner cell membrane, or an independent membrane system.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have used different fluorescent dyes to study the organization of chromosomes and of cell and thylakoid membranes in live cyanobacterial cells. FM1-43 stained the outer and inner cytoplasmic membranes but did not enter the interior of the cell. In contrast, thylakoid membranes in unicellular <it>Synechocystis </it>cells became visible through a membrane-permeable stain only. Furthermore, continuous supply of the fluorescent dye FM1-43 resulted in the formation of one to four intracellular fluorescent structures in <it>Synechocystis </it>cells, within occurred within 30 to 60 minutes, and may represent membrane vesicles. Using fluorescent DNA stains, we found that <it>Synechocystis </it>genomic DNA is compacted in the cell centre that is devoid of thylakoid membranes. Nucleoids segregated very late in the cell cycle, just before complete closing of the division septum. In striking contrast to <it>Bacillus subtilis</it>, which possesses an active chromosome segregation machinery, fluorescence intensity of stained nucleoids differed considerably between the two <it>Synechocystis </it>daughter cells soon after cell division.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our experiments strongly support the idea that the cytoplasmic and thylakoid membranes are not directly connected, but separate entities, in unicellular cyanobacteria. Our findings suggest that a transport system may exist between the cytoplasmic membrane and thylakoids, which could mediate the extension of thylakoid membranes and possibly also protein transport from the cytoplasmic membrane to thylakoid membranes. The cell cycle studies in <it>Synechocystis </it>sp. PCC 6803 show that the multiple chromosome copies per cell segregate very late in the cell cycle and in a much less stringent manner than in <it>B. subtilis </it>cells, indicating that chromosomes may become segregated randomly and in a passive fashion, possibly through constriction of the division septum.</p

    Dynamic assembly, localization and proteolysis of the Bacillus subtilis SMC complex

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    BACKGROUND: SMC proteins are key components of several protein complexes that perform vital tasks in different chromosome dynamics. Bacterial SMC forms a complex with ScpA and ScpB that is essential for chromosome arrangement and segregation. The complex localizes to discrete centres on the nucleoids that during most of the time of the cell cycle localize in a bipolar manner. The complex binds to DNA and condenses DNA in an as yet unknown manner. RESULTS: We show that in vitro, ScpA and ScpB form different complexes with each other, among which the level of the putative 2 ScpA/4 ScpB complex showed a pronounced decrease in level upon addition of SMC protein. Different mutations of the ATPase-binding pocket of SMC reduced, but did not abolish interaction of mutant SMC with ScpA and ScpB. The loss of SMC ATPase activity led to a loss of function in vivo, and abolished proper localization of the SMC complex. The formation of bipolar SMC centres was also lost after repression of gyrase activity, and was abnormal during inhibition of replication, resulting in single central clusters. Resumption of replication quickly re-established bipolar SMC centres, showing that proper localization depends on ongoing replication. We also found that the SMC protein is subject to induced proteolysis, most strikingly as cells enter stationary phase, which is partly achieved by ClpX and LonA proteases. Atomic force microscopy revealed the existence of high order rosette-like SMC structures in vitro, which might explain the formation of the SMC centres in vivo. CONCLUSION: Our data suggest that a ScpA/ScpB sub-complex is directly recruited into the SMC complex. This process does not require SMC ATPase activity, which, however, appears to facilitate loading of ScpA and ScpB. Thus, the activity of SMC could be regulated through binding and release of ScpA and ScpB, which has been shown to affect SMC ATPase activity. The proper bipolar localization of the SMC complex depends on a variety of physiological aspects: ongoing replication, ATPase activity and chromosome supercoiling. Because the cellular concentration of SMC protein is also regulated at the posttranscriptional level, the activity of SMC is apparently regulated at multiple levels

    Bacillus subtilis SbcC protein plays an important role in DNA inter-strand cross-link repair

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    BACKGROUND: Several distinct pathways for the repair of damaged DNA exist in all cells. DNA modifications are repaired by base excision or nucleotide excision repair, while DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) can be repaired through direct joining of broken ends (non homologous end joining, NHEJ) or through recombination with the non broken sister chromosome (homologous recombination, HR). Rad50 protein plays an important role in repair of DNA damage in eukaryotic cells, and forms a complex with the Mre11 nuclease. The prokaryotic ortholog of Rad50, SbcC, also forms a complex with a nuclease, SbcD, in Escherichia coli, and has been implicated in the removal of hairpin structures that can arise during DNA replication. Ku protein is a component of the NHEJ pathway in pro- and eukaryotic cells. RESULTS: A deletion of the sbcC gene rendered Bacillus subtilis cells sensitive to DNA damage caused by Mitomycin C (MMC) or by gamma irradiation. The deletion of the sbcC gene in a recN mutant background increased the sensitivity of the single recN mutant strain. SbcC was also non-epistatic with AddAB (analog of Escherichia coli RecBCD), but epistatic with RecA. A deletion of the ykoV gene encoding the B. subtilis Ku protein in a sbcC mutant strain did not resulted in an increase in sensitivity towards MMC and gamma irradiation, but exacerbated the phenotype of a recN or a recA mutant strain. In exponentially growing cells, SbcC-GFP was present throughout the cells, or as a central focus in rare cases. Upon induction of DNA damage, SbcC formed 1, rarely 2, foci on the nucleoids. Different to RecN protein, which forms repair centers at any location on the nucleoids, SbcC foci mostly co-localized with the DNA polymerase complex. In contrast to this, AddA-GFP or AddB-GFP did not form detectable foci upon addition of MMC. CONCLUSION: Our experiments show that SbcC plays an important role in the repair of DNA inter-strand cross-links (induced by MMC), most likely through HR, and suggest that NHEJ via Ku serves as a backup DNA repair system. The cell biological experiments show that SbcC functions in close proximity to the replication machinery, suggesting that SbcC may act on stalled or collapsed replication forks. Our results show that different patterns of localization exist for DNA repair proteins, and that the B. subtilis SMC proteins RecN and SbcC play distinct roles in the repair of DNA damage

    Bacillus subtilis RarA acts as a positive RecA accessory protein

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    Ubiquitous RarA AAA+ ATPases play crucial roles in the cellular response to blocked replication forks in pro- and eukaryotes. Here, we provide evidence that absence of RarA reduced the viability of ΔrecA, ΔrecO, and recF15 cells during unperturbed growth. The rarA gene was epistatic to recO and recF genes in response to H2O2- or MMS-induced DNA damage. Conversely, the inactivation of rarA partially suppressed the HR defect of mutants lacking end-resection (ΔaddAB, ΔrecJ, ΔrecQ, ΔrecS) or branch migration (ΔruvAB, ΔrecG, ΔradA) activity. RarA contributes to RecA thread formation, that are thought to be the active forms of RecA during homology search. The absence of RarA reduced RecA accumulation, and the formation of visible RecA threads in vivo upon DNA damage. When ΔrarA was combined with mutations in genuine RecA accessory genes, RecA accumulation was further reduced in ΔrarA ΔrecU and ΔrarA ΔrecX double mutant cells, and was blocked in ΔrarA recF15 cells. These results suggest that RarA contributes to the assembly of RecA nucleoprotein filaments onto single-stranded DNA, and possibly antagonizes RecA filament disassembly

    The RecD2 helicase balances RecA activities

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    DNA helicases of the RecD2 family are ubiquitous. Bacillus subtilis RecD2 in association with the single-stranded binding protein SsbA may contribute to replication fork progression, but its detailed action remains unknown. In this work, we explore the role of RecD2 during DNA replication and its interaction with the RecA recombinase. RecD2 inhibits replication restart, but this effect is not observed in the absence of SsbA. RecD2 slightly affects replication elongation. RecA inhibits leading and lagging strand synthesis, and RecD2, which physically interacts with RecA, counteracts this negative effect. In vivo results show that recD2 inactivation promotes RecA–ssDNA accumulation at low mitomycin C levels, and that RecA threads persist for a longer time after induction of DNA damage. In vitro, RecD2 modulates RecA-mediated DNA strand-exchange and catalyzes branch migration. These findings contribute to our understanding of how RecD2 may contribute to overcome a replicative stress, removing RecA from the ssDNA and, thus, it may act as a negative modulator of RecA filament growth

    Super Resolution Fluorescence Microscopy and Tracking of Bacterial Flotillin (Reggie) Paralogs Provide Evidence for Defined-Sized Protein Microdomains within the Bacterial Membrane but Absence of Clusters Containing Detergent-Resistant Proteins

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    Biological membranes have been proposed to contain microdomains of a specific lipid composition, in which distinct groups of proteins are clustered. Flotillin-like proteins are conserved between pro—and eukaryotes, play an important function in several eukaryotic and bacterial cells, and define in vertebrates a type of so-called detergent-resistant microdomains. Using STED microscopy, we show that two bacterial flotillins, FloA and FloT, form defined assemblies with an average diameter of 85 to 110 nm in the model bacterium Bacillus subtilis. Interestingly, flotillin microdomains are of similar size in eukaryotic cells. The soluble domains of FloA form higher order oligomers of up to several hundred kDa in vitro, showing that like eukaryotic flotillins, bacterial assemblies are based in part on their ability to self-oligomerize. However, B. subtilis paralogs show significantly different diffusion rates, and consequently do not colocalize into a common microdomain. Dual colour time lapse experiments of flotillins together with other detergent-resistant proteins in bacteria show that proteins colocalize for no longer than a few hundred milliseconds, and do not move together. Our data reveal that the bacterial membrane contains defined-sized protein domains rather than functional microdomains dependent on flotillins. Based on their distinct dynamics, FloA and FloT confer spatially distinguishable activities, but do not serve as molecular scaffolds
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