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    Inheritance Law

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    Kopp RISD Museum Bench

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    This bench in one of a pair made as result of a graduate class to design museum seating for the ancient Greek and Roman galleries in the RISD Museum. Each bench features a front seat made of bent, patinated steel that curves downward and back upward to form the back leg. The two front legs are made of resawn ash, as is the majority of the seat. The benches were installed in the RISD Museum in October 2011. 2011https://digitalcommons.risd.edu/risdmuseum_channel/1046/thumbnail.jp

    Special Topic: Chesapeake Bay Management -- Welfare Implications of Restricted Triazine Herbicide Use in the Chesapeake Bay Region

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    The United States Environmental Protection Agency has responsibility under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIERA) to formulate pesticide policies on the basis of risk-benefit analyses. To measure the benefits of pesticide use, one must look at the losses in consumer and producer surpluses that would accompany the banning of a particular pesticide. A typical scenario is one in which the banned pesticide is replaced by another that is more costly and/or less effective. The resulting decrease in supply raises the price of the crop on which the banned pesticide is used, and may alter the prices of substitute and complementary crops as well. This article presents a simulation model of com and soybean production in the Chesapeake Bay drainage area to investigate the economic implications of a local ban on triazine herbicides. It reports estimates of lost producer and consumer surplus and the effect that the ban would have on the profitability of agricultural production in the region.Environmental Economics and Policy, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Dimensions and Levels of Mentoring: Empirical Findings of the First German Inventory and Implications for Future Practice

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    A lack of evidence-based quantitative research prevents further progress in mentoring research. In particular, standardized diagnostic instruments for exploration, evaluation and structured feedback for mentors and mentees are needed. The purpose of this study is to explore factors and levels which are crucial to the process of mentoring mentees.  The study has two objectives: The first is to expand the present empirical knowledge of basic dimensions and mentoring styles by developing the first German inventory. The second is to examine how the dimensions of the inventory are related to other qualities in the process of mentoring.Conducted at three universities of education in Austria, the data were collected during the school practice of advanced student-teachers who were guided by mentor teachers. 405 future teachers serving as mentees evaluated 206 mentors. In order to gather information on mentoring dimensions, a specially developed German questionnaire with 53 items was offered to the mentees in order to assess how often certain qualities in mentoring were experienced previously.  Concerning the results, five factors could be found while conducting an exploratory factor analysis: Professional support, collegiality, levels of work, efficiency and confidence. Some of these factors have been validated by independent variables. The inventory developed is a step to facilitate two objectives:  The first is theoretical by inspiring further research concerning the complexity of mentoring processes.  The second one is a practical one concerning a tool for collaborative reflection between mentor and mentee.  The results implicate that mentoring has to be conceptualized as a professional practice with the resources of professional training and professional contexts

    Comparing light sensitivity, linearity and step response of electronic cameras for ophthalmology

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    Purpose: To develop and test a procedure to measure and compare light sensitivity, linearity and step response of electronic cameras. Methods: The pixel value (PV) ofdigitized images äs afuncüon of light intensity (I) was measured. The sensitivity was calculated from the slope ofthe P(I) fanction, the linearity was estimated from the correlation coefficient of this fiinction. To measure the step response, a short sequence of images was acquired. During acquisition, a light source was switched on and off using a fast shutter. The resulting PV was calculated for each video field ofthe sequence. Results: A CCD camera optimizedfor the near-infrared (IR) spectrum showed the highest sensitivity for both, visible andlR light. There are little differences in linearity. The step response depends on the procedure of Integration and read out

    The Influence of Conversation, Low-Dose Alcohol and Driving Experience on the Peripheral Vision System

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    The peripheral vision system plays a very important role in the orientation system. Its task is to detect information and select the relevant from the irrelevant. Many accidents happen when drivers miss important information because their visual field is reduced. One reason for such a reduction is that the driver focuses his attention on something that has nothing to do with his driving. When the cognitive system has insufficient attention at its command, it compensates by neglecting the peripheral vision system and focusing on the central field of vision. Consequently, every action which needs a high degree of attention poses a potential danger, because it reduces the visual field and may cause an accident

    Vorrichtung zur lösbaren Verbindung eines Drahtes und Verfahren zum Ausbringen des Gerätes in ein Gewässer mit der Vorrichtung

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    Die Erfindung betrifft eine Vorrichtung zur lösbaren Verbindung eines Drahtes, insbesondere eines Tiefseedrahtes (1), mit einem Gerät, insbesondere Tiefseegerät (9), wobei eine Auslöseeinheit (11) zwischen dem Draht (1) und dem Gerät (9) vorgesehen ist, die zum bedarfsweisen Lösen der Verbindung des Drahts (1) mit dem Gerät (9) unter Wasser ausgebildet ist. Erfindungsgemäß sind zumindest ein erster und ein zweiter Transponder (4, 8) vorgesehen, die zwischen dem Draht (1) und der Auslöseeinheit (11) angeordnet sind, wobei der Draht (1) über eine Verbindung mit der Auslöseeinheit (11) verbunden ist und die Verbindung eine definierte Länge aufweist. Des Weiteren betrifft die Erfindung ein Verfahren zum Ausbringen des Gerätes (9) in ein Gewässer, insbesondere in Meerwasser, vorzugsweise in die Tiefsee, mit dieser Vorrichtung


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    Im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Technologie wurde im Rahmen der Wissensmanagement-Barometer-Studie 2006 von der wissenschaftlichen Begleitforschung WINK ein internationaler Vergleich des IT-gestützten Wissensmanagements durchgeführt. Befragt wurden 42 ExpertInnen aus Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft, Verbänden, Politik, Beratung und Fachzeitschriften in den teilnehmenden Ländern Deutschland, Litauen, Hong Kong, Großbritannien, Dänemark, Frankreich und USA. Ziel des Wissensmanagement-Barometers war es, eine Pilotstudie (?) für länderspezifische Trendaussagen zu den technologischen Unterstützungstools des Wissensmanagements zu erhalten. Darüber hinaus soll ein erster Vergleich aufzeigen, wo die einzelnen Länder im Vergleich bei der Nutzung von IT-Tools im Bereich des Wissensmanagements stehen. Die Fokussierung lag dabei auf einer jeweils nationalen Trendbeschreibung des Einsatzes von IT-Tools des Wissensmanagements aus Sicht von ausgewählten ExpertInnen. Die Befragung ist nicht repräsentativ sondern explorativ angelegt. Die Einschätzungen zu den gestellten Fragen erwiesen sich (auch in den rechnerischen Dimensionen) in den sieben untersuchten Ländern als auffallend homogen
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