9 research outputs found

    Program spremljanja bolnika s pljučnim rakom od diagnoze do terminalnega stanja

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    Mnenje za spremljanje bolnikov po preboleli covidni pljučnici

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    Pljučnica je najpogostejši vzrok za težji potek okužbe z virusom SARS-CoV-2 in s hospitalizacijo. Potek covidne pljučnice je lahko različen; infiltrati, vidni na rentgenski sliki, se lahko resorbirajo spontano, včasih pa je potrebno zdravljenje s sistemskimi glukokortikoidi. Ob odpustu iz bolnišnice zdravljenje običajno še ni končano, zato je Združenje pulmologov Slovenije v želji po enotnem obravnavanju bolnikov s covidno pljučnico izdelalo mnenje za obravnavo in sledenje bolnikov po odpustu iz bolnišnice. Zavedamo se, da ob novi bolezni ne gre za dokončno mnenje, saj bodo nova spoznanja o covidni pljučnici zanesljivo zahtevala obnavljanje mnenj


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    Background. By the bronchoscopic lavaging we obtain cytological specimen of the peripheral airways and lung parenchyma. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) examination gives us information about inflammation in the interstitial lung diseases. BALF sampling and its laboratory processing are standardized in our hospital. Quality assurance practice requires that each institution establish disease characteristic BALF profiles. The aim of this study was to find common cytological characteristics of BALF specimens in sarcoidosis, extrinsic allergic bronchoalveolitis (EABA), asbestosis and idiopathic interstitial pneumonias (IIP).Material and methods. We included 135 BALF specimens of good quality from patients with one of the mentioned entities that were diagnosed clinically, radiographically and pathologically. Based on diferential cell counts and lymphocytic phenotypisation done by immunofluorescence, BALF specimens were categorized as normal type, lymphocytic, neutrophilic, eosinophilic, macrophagic and mixed cell alveolitis. Statistical comparison was performed by the analysis of variance which was done by SAS software.Results. BALF in sarcoidosis shown in 71% lymphocytic or mixed cell (lymphocytic and neutrophilic or eosinophilic) type alveolitis with increased CD4/CD8 ratio (&gt; 3.5) in 61.4% specimens. EABA patients had lymphocytic or mixed cell (lymphocytic and neutrophilic or eosinophilic) type alveolitis in 53.3% of BALF specimens with decreased CD4/CD8 ratio (&lt; 1) in 38.5% of specimens. Macrophagic alveolitis was the most common type found in asbestosis (52.9%). CD4/CD8 ratio was usually decreased or normal. Patients with IIP had all types of alveolitis and none of them prevailed, but neutrophils were increased often (53.3%). CD4/CD8 ratio was decreased in 65.5% of BALF specimens in IIP.Conclusions. Sarcoidosis has the most characteristic BALF profile (CD4 lymphocytic alveolitis). We often see macrophagic alveolitis in asbestosis. BALF specimens in EABA and IIP have less characteristic profiles.</p

    Position on the follow-up of patients after a bout of COVID-19 pneumonia

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    Pljučnica je najpogostejši vzrok za težji potek okužbe z virusom SARS-CoV-2 in s hospitalizacijo. Potek covidne pljučnice je lahko različeninfiltrati, vidni na rentgenski sliki, se lahko resorbirajo spontano, včasih pa je potrebno zdravljenje s sistem-skimi glukokortikoidi. Ob odpustu iz bolnišnice zdravljenje običajno še ni končano, zato je Združenje pulmologov Slovenije v želji po enotnem obravnavanju bolnikov s covidno pljučnico izdelalo mnenje za obravnavo in sledenje bolnikov po od-pustu iz bolnišnice. Zavedamo se, da ob novi bolezni ne gre za dokončno priporočilo, saj bodo nova spoznanja o covidni pljučnici zanesljivo zahtevala obnavljanje priporočil.Pneumonia is the most common complication of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Covid 19 - pneumonia is a serious illness and can lead to respiratory failure. Pulmonary infiltrates often resorb spontaneouslyhowever, sometimes treatment with systemic glucocorticoids is required. Upon discharge from the hospital, treatment is usually not yet completed. The Slovenian Respiratory society made suggestions for the treatment and follow-up of patients with covid 19 pneumonia after discharge from hospital. We are aware that with new findings we will need to update these recommendations

    European Surveillance System on Contact Allergies (ESSCA):polysensitization, 2009-2014

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    Polysensitization, defined as being allergic to three or more haptens from the European baseline series, is considered to reflect increased susceptibility to developing a contact allergy, and is likely to be associated with an impaired quality of life