12 research outputs found

    Propojení atmosferické chemie/aerosolů s regionálními klimatickými modely

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    Title: Coupling atmospheric chemistry/aerosols to regional climate models Author: Peter Huszár Department: Department of Meteorology and Environment Protection Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Tomáš Halenka, CSc. Supervisor's e-mail address: [email protected] Abstract: In this thesis, the connections between air quality and climate are studied. For this purpose, regional climate model RegCM3 and chemistry transport model CAMx has been coupled offline with one- and two-way interaction. Our work represents a first attempt to connect RegCM3 not only with CAMx, but with any other chemistry transport model. As a first step, an offline one way couple of RegCM3 and CAMx has been developed, meaning that the climate model drives the transport, emission, chemical transformation and deposition of species while the radiative feedbacks of gases and aerosols are not considered. A meteorological interface has been developed at our department in order to convert the meteorological data generated by RegCM3 to fields required by CAMx. For those parameters that are essential for CAMx but the regional climate model does not supply them, diagnostic methods were implemented into this interface. Further, it is used to calculate biogenic emissions. Regarding anthropogenic emissions, a simple utility has been developed to...Název: Propojení atmosferické chemie/aerosolů s regionálními klimatickými modely Autor: Peter Huszár Katedra: Katedra meteorologie a ochrany prostředí Vedoucí disertační práce: doc. RNDr. Tomáš Halenka, CSc. E-mailová adresa vedoucího práce: [email protected] Abstrakt: V této disertační práci jsme se zabývali vazbami mezi klimatem a čistotou ovzduší. Pro tento účel jsme vytvořili tzv. offline propojení regionálního klimatického modelu RegCM3 a chemického transportního modelu CAMx s jednosměrnou a obousměrnou interakcí. Naše práce představuje první pokus o propojení nejenom těchto dvou modelů, ale o propojení jakéhokoliv chemického transportního modelu s modelem RegCM3 vůbec. V prvním kroku jsme vytvořili jednosměrné offline propojení těchto modelů. To znamená, že horizontální a vertikální transport, emise, chemická transformace a depozice jsou řízeny klimatickým modelem, přičemž radiační vlivy plynů a aerosolů se nezohledňují. Pro konverzi meteorologických dat generovaných modelem RegCM3 do dat, jež jsou vyžadovány modelem CAMx, jsme vyvinuli meteorologické rozhraní. Pro ty údaje, které RegCM3 neposkytuje, jsme do tohoto rozhraní zahrnuli diagnostické postupy. Dále je rozhraní využíváno pro výpočet biogenních emisí uhlovodíků. Pro antropogenní emise jsme...Katedra fyziky atmosféryDepartment of Atmospheric PhysicsFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakult

    Coupling atmospheric chemistry/aerosols to regional climate models

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    Title: Coupling atmospheric chemistry/aerosols to regional climate models Author: Peter Huszár Department: Department of Meteorology and Environment Protection Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Tomáš Halenka, CSc. Supervisor's e-mail address: [email protected] Abstract: In this thesis, the connections between air quality and climate are studied. For this purpose, regional climate model RegCM3 and chemistry transport model CAMx has been coupled offline with one- and two-way interaction. Our work represents a first attempt to connect RegCM3 not only with CAMx, but with any other chemistry transport model. As a first step, an offline one way couple of RegCM3 and CAMx has been developed, meaning that the climate model drives the transport, emission, chemical transformation and deposition of species while the radiative feedbacks of gases and aerosols are not considered. A meteorological interface has been developed at our department in order to convert the meteorological data generated by RegCM3 to fields required by CAMx. For those parameters that are essential for CAMx but the regional climate model does not supply them, diagnostic methods were implemented into this interface. Further, it is used to calculate biogenic emissions. Regarding anthropogenic emissions, a simple utility has been developed to..

    Vznik sekundárních organických aerosolů z těkavých organických látek v atmosféře - modelový experiment =Formation of Secondary Organic Aerosols from volatile organic compounds in atmosphere - model experiment

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    V tomto článku je stručně popsán vznik formaldehydu v atmosféře z emisí metanu, alkanů, alkenů a izoprénu. Emise biogenních těkavých organických látek spočtené modelem MEGAN jsou použity jako vstupní data pro model atmosférických chemických reakcí CAMx. Výstupy modelových odhadů obsahu formaldehydu ve vertikálních sloupcích atmosféry takto získané z modelu CAMx jsou prezentovány a pilotně porovnány s výsledky družicových měření obsahu formaldehydu v atmosféře.In this article the Secondary Organic Aerosols (SOA) in atmosphere are characterized. Basic ways and reactions in connections with transformation of volatile organic compounds to SOA are mentioned and shortly described. Preliminary model results of SOA production using model CAMx are presented for European region and also for the Czech Republic.12913

    Srovnání modelových odhadů obsahu formaldehydu ve sloupci atmosféry s družicovým měřením - pilotní studie =Comparison between model estimations of formaldehyde contents in atmospheric columns and satellite measurement - pilot study

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    V tomto článku je stručně popsán vznik formaldehydu v atmosféře z emisí metanu, alkanů, alkenů a izoprénu. Emise biogenních těkavých organických látek spočtené modelem MEGAN jsou použity jako vstupní data pro model atmosférických chemických reakcí CAMx. Výstupy modelových odhadů obsahu formaldehydu ve vertikálních sloupcích atmosféry takto získané z modelu CAMx jsou prezentovány a pilotně porovnány s výsledky družicových měření obsahu formaldehydu v atmosféře.Atmospheric formation of formaldehyde from methane, alkanes, alkenes and isoprene is briefly described in this article. Surface emissions of biogenic volatile organic compounds calculated by means of model MEGAN are used as input data for model of atmospheric chemical reactions CAMx. Results of model estimations of the formaldehyde contents in atmospheric columns obtained from the model CAMx are outlined then. Preliminary comparison of these model outputs with results of satellite measurements is presented in connection with emissions of biogenic volatile organic compounds.11011

    High Resolution Air Quality Forecasting over Prague within the URBI PRAGENSI Project: Model Performance during the Winter Period and the Effect of Urban Parameterization on PM

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    The overall impact of urban environments on the atmosphere is the result of many different nonlinear processes, and their reproduction requires complex modeling approaches. The parameterization of these processes in the models can have large impacts on the model outputs. In this study, the evaluation of a WRF/Comprehensive Air Quality Model with Extensions (CAMx) forecast modeling system set up for Prague, the Czech Republic, within the project URBI PRAGENSI is presented. To assess the impacts of urban parameterization in WRF, in this case with the BEP+BEM (Building Environment Parameterization linked to Building Energy Model) urban canopy scheme, on Particulate Matter (PM) simulations, a simulation was performed for a winter pollution episode and compared to a non-urbanized run with BULK treatment. The urbanized scheme led to an average increase in temperature at 2 m by 2 ∘ C, a decrease in wind speed by 0.5 m s − 1 , a decrease in relative humidity by 5%, and an increase in planetary boundary layer height by 100 m. Based on the evaluation against observations, the overall model error was reduced. These impacts were propagated to the modeled PM concentrations, reducing them on average by 15–30 μ g m − 3 and 10–15 μ g m − 3 for PM 10 and PM 2.5 , respectively. In general, the urban parameterization led to a larger underestimation of the PM values, but yielded a better representation of the diurnal variations