159 research outputs found

    Biology of Turtles

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    Developmental habitat.

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    70 p. : ill., maps ; 26 cm.The existence of ontogenetic shifts in habitat by marine turtles, and of immature-dominated assemblages in "developmental habitat," were important concepts first proposed by Archie Carr in 1956. Results of long-term, in-water capture programs in Caribbean Panama (17 yr) and Bermuda (37 yr) allow the testing and refinement of these ideas, in particular the developmental habitat hypothesis for Chelonia mydas, Eretmochelys imbricata, and Caretta caretta. A literature survey reviews worldwide studies on these species, and also incorporates Lepidochelys kempii. The studies in Panama and Bermuda reported in this paper use netting, mark/recapture, laparoscopy, and satellite telemetry to investigate size distributions, maturity status, residency, site fidelity, and developmental migrations of three species of sea turtles at three study sites. Characteristics of benthic developmental habitat of C. mydas, E. imbricata, L. kempii, and, to a lesser extent, C. caretta in the Atlantic Ocean usually include benthic feeding; exclusive or nearly exclusive occupation by immature animals; seasonal or multiyear residency and site fidelity in specific areas; developmental migration from the habitat before maturation; and high genetic diversity. Variation of these traits worldwide, contradictory evidence regarding the concept of developmental habitat, and evolution of this life stage are presented. Laparoscopic data provide information concerning the process of sexual maturation; mean size and size range are presented for three maturity stages of C. mydas from Panama and Bermuda, and for size at onset of puberty and maturity for Eretmochelys and Caretta in the West Atlantic. Nicaragua is the primary site of recovery of immature green turtles tagged in Bermuda, representing a developmental migration of at least 2800 km. To the extent that tag returns and stranding data represent good proxies for mortality, transitions between life stages appear to be periods of decreased survivorship

    Families Bothremydidae, Euraxemydidae, and Araripemydidae.

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    698 p. : ill. (some col.), maps (1 col.) ; 26 cm.Includes bibliographical references (p. 657-672).Although pleurodires have been considered significantly less diverse than their sister group, the cryptodires, current discoveries show that pleurodires had a more complex and extensive evolutionary history than had been realized. Previously unknown radiations, particularly in the near-shore marine realm, are revealed by taxa with diverse cranial morphology, indicating many different feeding and sensory strategies. The pleurodire group that is changed the most by the new discoveries is its largest group, the hyperfamily Pelomedusoides. The hyperfamily Pelomedusoides now consists of the families Pelomedusidae, Podocnemididae, Bothremydidae, Araripemydidae, and Euraxemydidae, new family. The families Bothremydidae, Araripemydidae, and Euraxemydidae, new family, are documented with descriptions of skulls, lower jaws, and shells. The relationships of the family Podocnemididae to its sister taxa Hamadachelys and Brasilemys are recognized by placing them in the epifamily Podocnemidinura. The epifamily Podocnemidinura is the sister group to the family Bothremydidae, and together they form the superfamily Podocnemidoidea. The family Araripemydidae consists of one taxon, Araripemys barretoi, from the Aptian-Albian of Brazil. Description of new cranial material suggests that it is the sister group to all other Pelomedusoides or the sister group to the Pelomedusidae, but these relationships are only weakly supported. There is strong support for a multichotomy of Araripemys, Pelomedusidae, and remaining Pelomedusoides. Araripemys is characterized by very thin triturating surfaces and by a shell that lacks mesoplastra and has the first costals reaching the shell margin. The new family Euraxemydidae consists of two new genera: Euraxemys essweini, n. gen. et sp., from the Albian Santana Formation of Brazil, and Dirqadim schaefferi, n. gen. et sp., from the Cenomanian Kem Kem beds of Morocco. Members of the Euraxemydidae are united by the unique possession of a medial process of the quadrate partially covering the prootic and narrowly contacting a ventral process of the exoccipital, in contrast to all other pleurodires, which have either complete exposure or complete covering of the prootic ventrally. Furthermore, members have a ventral process of the exoccipital that is exposed at the lateral margin of the basioccipital in an elongate foot. The Euraxemydidae is hypothesized as the sister group to the superfamily Podocnemidoidea. The family Bothremydidae and the epifamily Podocnemidinura (consisting of the family Podocnemididae, Hamadachelys, and Brasilemys) are united as the superfamily Podocnemidoidea based on the possession of a quadrate-basioccipital contact, the complete or nearly complete ventral covering of the prootic, and the extension of the pectoral scales onto the entoplastron. The family Bothremydidae is a large and diverse group extending from the Albian to the Eocene in North and South America, Europe, Africa, and India. Its monophyly is supported by the presence of a wide exoccipital-quadrate contact, a eustachian tube separated from the incisura columellae auris usually by bone to form a bony canal for the stapes, absence of a fossa precolumellaris, a supraoccipital--quadrate contact (except in the tribe Taphrosphyini), and a posterior enlargement of the fossa orbitalis. Although there is a diversity of triturating surfaces within the family, primitively bothremydids have a posteriorly wide triturating surface with a significant palatine contribution in the upper jaw. The family Bothremydidae consists of four newly recognized, monophyletic groups: the tribes Kurmademydini, Cearachelyini, Bothremydini, and Taphrosphyini. The tribe Kurmademydini consists of two taxa: Kurmademys kallamedensis, from the Maastrichtian Kallamedu Formation of India, and Sankuchemys sethnai, from the Maastrichtian Intertrappean beds of India. The tribe Kurmademydini is characterized by extensive temporal and cheek emargination, a large fossa precolumellaris, and a small, anterior exposure of the prootic on the ventral surface. The tribe Kurmademydini is the sister group to the subfamily Bothremydinae (consisting of the tribes Cearachelyini, Bothremydini, and Taphrosphyini). Members of the subfamily Bothremydinae all possess a foramen stapedio-temporale that faces anteriorly. The tribe Cearachelyini consists of Cearachelys placidoi, from the Albian Santana Formation of Brazil, and Galianemys emringeri and Galianemys whitei, both from the Cenomanian Kem Kem beds of Morocco. The tribe Cearachelyini is characterized by a jugal retracted from the orbital margin and a fenestra postotica formed into a short slit. The tribe Cearachelyini is the sister group to the infrafamily Bothremydodda (consisting of the tribes Bothremydini and Taphrosphyini). The infrafamily Bothremydodda is characterized by a quadrate shelf formed below the cavum tympani, a foramen stapedio-temporale and foramen nervi trigemini that are very close together on the anterior face of the otic chamber, and a condylus occipitalis and occipital neck that are formed only by the exoccipitals. The tribe Bothremydini consists of Foxemys mechinorum, from the Campanian-Maastrichtian of France; Polysternon provinciale, from the Campanian of Europe; Zolhafah bella, from the Maastrichtian Dakla Formation of Egypt; Rosasia soutoi, from the Campanian-Maastrichtian of Portugal; Araiochelys hirayamai, n. gen. et sp., from the Danian phosphates of Ouled Abdoun Basin, Morocco; Bothremys cooki, from the Maastrichtian Navesink Formation of New Jersey; Bothremys maghrebiana, n. sp., from the Danian phosphates of Ouled Abdoun Basin, Morocco; Bothremys kellyi, n. sp., from the Ypresian phosphates of Ouled Abdoun Basin, Morocco; Bothremys arabicus, from the Santonian of Jordan; Chedighaii hutchisoni, n. gen. et sp., from the Campanian Kirtland Formation of New Mexico; and Chedighaii barberi, n. gen., from the Campanian of Arkansas, Alabama, Kansas, and New Jersey. The tribe Bothremydini is the sister group to the tribe Taphrosphyini. The tribe Taphrosphyini is characterized by the presence of a jugal-quadrate contact, the absence of a maxilla-quadratojugal contact, and the absence of a supraoccipital-quadrate contact. Members of the tribe Taphrosphyini have a considerable variety of triturating surfaces but they lack the wide, triangular surfaces typical of the other bothremydids. The tribe Taphrosphyini consists of Taphrosphys sulcatus, from the Danian Hornerstown Formation of New Jersey; Taphrosphys congolensis, from the Paleocene of Cabinda, west Africa; Taphrosphys ippolitoi, n. sp., from the Danian phosphates of the Ouled Abdoun Basin, Morocco; Labrostochelys galkini, n. gen. et sp., from the Danian phosphates of the Ouled Abdoun Basin, Morocco; Phosphatochelys tedfordi, from the Ypresian phosphates of the Ouled Abdoun Basin Morocco; Ummulisani rutgersensis, n. gen. et sp., from the Ypresian phosphates of the Ouled Abdoun Basin, Morocco; Rhothonemys brinkmani, n. gen. et sp., from the Paleogene phosphates of the Ouled Abdoun Basin, Morocco; Azabbaremys moragjonesi, from the Paleocene Teberemt Formation of Mali; Nigeremys gigantea, from the Maastrichtian of Niger; and Arenila krebsi, from the Maastrichtian Dakla Formation of Egypt. Among the Bothremydidae, the Taphrosphyini is the most diverse morphologically. The triturating surfaces show a wide range of variation. The long, narrow skull of Labrostochelys differs significantly from the very short skull of Phosphatochelys. Other genera, such as Azabbaremys and Arenila, have large and massive skulls, but without broadly expanded triturating surfaces, while Ummulisani has very narrow and deep labial ridges. The nasal regions of Taphrosphyini also show wide diversity. Rhothonemys has nasal openings and cavities more than twice the size of the orbits, but the nasal openings in Labrostochelys are smaller than the relatively small orbits. This diversity of Taphrosphyini skull morphology is mostly evident in the Paleogene of North Africa. A phylogenetic analysis of the core dataset of 41 taxa, 122 cranial characters, and 52 postcranial characters relies on comparative descriptions of these taxa. The analysis using PAUP results in one most parsimonious cladogram of 382 steps with a consistency index of 0.6. A Bremer decay analysis shows that the family Bothremydidae is strongly supported at five steps: the tribes Kurmademydini and Cearachelyini have an index of 2, and the tribe Taphrosphyini has an index of 3. The tribe Bothremydini becomes unresolved at one step and is the most weakly supported of these groups. The addition of selected shell-only taxa with low missing data values to the core dataset results in one equally parsimonious cladogram that is resolved as: (Proterochersis (Platychelyidae (Dortoka (Chelidae (Pelomedusidae + Araripemys) (Euraxemydidae (Teneremys (Podocnemididae + Hamadachelys + Brasilemys (Bothremydidae)))))))). A partitioned dataset consisting only of cranial characters (excluding all shell-only taxa) results in one equally parsimonious cladogram identical to the most parsimonious cladogram resulting from the whole dataset; however, a partitioned dataset consisting only of postcranial characters (excluding all skull-only taxa) resulted in 2704 trees, the consensus of which lacks resolution for nearly all Pelomedusoides, but which does resolve more basal pleurodires. When the skull morphology of the Bothremydidae is placed in the context of all other turtles, it becomes apparent that this family has the greatest range of skull forms of any turtle family yet known. In fact, the skull morphologies of many turtle families seem remarkably uniform in comparison (e.g., Testudinidae, Kinosternidae, Pelomedusidae, Trionychidae, Carettochelyidae)...There are other turtle families with bizarre skull morphologies (e.g., Nanhsiungchelyidae; Meiolaniidae) but these are not taxonomically diverse, at least as they are now known. In no other family do we see the extremes exemplified by the skulls of forms like Cearachelys, Bothremys, Labrostochelys, Azzabaremys, Rhothonemys, and Phosphatochelys. It is this remarkable variation in skull morphology that has allowed us to formulate a strong hypothesis of bothremydid relationships in spite of the presence in Pelomedusoides of remarkably uniform shells"--P. 6-8

    Families Bothremydidae, Euraxemydidae, and Araripemydidae.

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    698 p. : ill. (some col.), maps (1 col.) ; 26 cm.Includes bibliographical references (p. 657-672).Although pleurodires have been considered significantly less diverse than their sister group, the cryptodires, current discoveries show that pleurodires had a more complex and extensive evolutionary history than had been realized. Previously unknown radiations, particularly in the near-shore marine realm, are revealed by taxa with diverse cranial morphology, indicating many different feeding and sensory strategies. The pleurodire group that is changed the most by the new discoveries is its largest group, the hyperfamily Pelomedusoides. The hyperfamily Pelomedusoides now consists of the families Pelomedusidae, Podocnemididae, Bothremydidae, Araripemydidae, and Euraxemydidae, new family. The families Bothremydidae, Araripemydidae, and Euraxemydidae, new family, are documented with descriptions of skulls, lower jaws, and shells. The relationships of the family Podocnemididae to its sister taxa Hamadachelys and Brasilemys are recognized by placing them in the epifamily Podocnemidinura. The epifamily Podocnemidinura is the sister group to the family Bothremydidae, and together they form the superfamily Podocnemidoidea. The family Araripemydidae consists of one taxon, Araripemys barretoi, from the Aptian-Albian of Brazil. Description of new cranial material suggests that it is the sister group to all other Pelomedusoides or the sister group to the Pelomedusidae, but these relationships are only weakly supported. There is strong support for a multichotomy of Araripemys, Pelomedusidae, and remaining Pelomedusoides. Araripemys is characterized by very thin triturating surfaces and by a shell that lacks mesoplastra and has the first costals reaching the shell margin. The new family Euraxemydidae consists of two new genera: Euraxemys essweini, n. gen. et sp., from the Albian Santana Formation of Brazil, and Dirqadim schaefferi, n. gen. et sp., from the Cenomanian Kem Kem beds of Morocco. Members of the Euraxemydidae are united by the unique possession of a medial process of the quadrate partially covering the prootic and narrowly contacting a ventral process of the exoccipital, in contrast to all other pleurodires, which have either complete exposure or complete covering of the prootic ventrally. Furthermore, members have a ventral process of the exoccipital that is exposed at the lateral margin of the basioccipital in an elongate foot. The Euraxemydidae is hypothesized as the sister group to the superfamily Podocnemidoidea. The family Bothremydidae and the epifamily Podocnemidinura (consisting of the family Podocnemididae, Hamadachelys, and Brasilemys) are united as the superfamily Podocnemidoidea based on the possession of a quadrate-basioccipital contact, the complete or nearly complete ventral covering of the prootic, and the extension of the pectoral scales onto the entoplastron. The family Bothremydidae is a large and diverse group extending from the Albian to the Eocene in North and South America, Europe, Africa, and India. Its monophyly is supported by the presence of a wide exoccipital-quadrate contact, a eustachian tube separated from the incisura columellae auris usually by bone to form a bony canal for the stapes, absence of a fossa precolumellaris, a supraoccipital--quadrate contact (except in the tribe Taphrosphyini), and a posterior enlargement of the fossa orbitalis. Although there is a diversity of triturating surfaces within the family, primitively bothremydids have a posteriorly wide triturating surface with a significant palatine contribution in the upper jaw. The family Bothremydidae consists of four newly recognized, monophyletic groups: the tribes Kurmademydini, Cearachelyini, Bothremydini, and Taphrosphyini. The tribe Kurmademydini consists of two taxa: Kurmademys kallamedensis, from the Maastrichtian Kallamedu Formation of India, and Sankuchemys sethnai, from the Maastrichtian Intertrappean beds of India. The tribe Kurmademydini is characterized by extensive temporal and cheek emargination, a large fossa precolumellaris, and a small, anterior exposure of the prootic on the ventral surface. The tribe Kurmademydini is the sister group to the subfamily Bothremydinae (consisting of the tribes Cearachelyini, Bothremydini, and Taphrosphyini). Members of the subfamily Bothremydinae all possess a foramen stapedio-temporale that faces anteriorly. The tribe Cearachelyini consists of Cearachelys placidoi, from the Albian Santana Formation of Brazil, and Galianemys emringeri and Galianemys whitei, both from the Cenomanian Kem Kem beds of Morocco. The tribe Cearachelyini is characterized by a jugal retracted from the orbital margin and a fenestra postotica formed into a short slit. The tribe Cearachelyini is the sister group to the infrafamily Bothremydodda (consisting of the tribes Bothremydini and Taphrosphyini). The infrafamily Bothremydodda is characterized by a quadrate shelf formed below the cavum tympani, a foramen stapedio-temporale and foramen nervi trigemini that are very close together on the anterior face of the otic chamber, and a condylus occipitalis and occipital neck that are formed only by the exoccipitals. The tribe Bothremydini consists of Foxemys mechinorum, from the Campanian-Maastrichtian of France; Polysternon provinciale, from the Campanian of Europe; Zolhafah bella, from the Maastrichtian Dakla Formation of Egypt; Rosasia soutoi, from the Campanian-Maastrichtian of Portugal; Araiochelys hirayamai, n. gen. et sp., from the Danian phosphates of Ouled Abdoun Basin, Morocco; Bothremys cooki, from the Maastrichtian Navesink Formation of New Jersey; Bothremys maghrebiana, n. sp., from the Danian phosphates of Ouled Abdoun Basin, Morocco; Bothremys kellyi, n. sp., from the Ypresian phosphates of Ouled Abdoun Basin, Morocco; Bothremys arabicus, from the Santonian of Jordan; Chedighaii hutchisoni, n. gen. et sp., from the Campanian Kirtland Formation of New Mexico; and Chedighaii barberi, n. gen., from the Campanian of Arkansas, Alabama, Kansas, and New Jersey. The tribe Bothremydini is the sister group to the tribe Taphrosphyini. The tribe Taphrosphyini is characterized by the presence of a jugal-quadrate contact, the absence of a maxilla-quadratojugal contact, and the absence of a supraoccipital-quadrate contact. Members of the tribe Taphrosphyini have a considerable variety of triturating surfaces but they lack the wide, triangular surfaces typical of the other bothremydids. The tribe Taphrosphyini consists of Taphrosphys sulcatus, from the Danian Hornerstown Formation of New Jersey; Taphrosphys congolensis, from the Paleocene of Cabinda, west Africa; Taphrosphys ippolitoi, n. sp., from the Danian phosphates of the Ouled Abdoun Basin, Morocco; Labrostochelys galkini, n. gen. et sp., from the Danian phosphates of the Ouled Abdoun Basin, Morocco; Phosphatochelys tedfordi, from the Ypresian phosphates of the Ouled Abdoun Basin Morocco; Ummulisani rutgersensis, n. gen. et sp., from the Ypresian phosphates of the Ouled Abdoun Basin, Morocco; Rhothonemys brinkmani, n. gen. et sp., from the Paleogene phosphates of the Ouled Abdoun Basin, Morocco; Azabbaremys moragjonesi, from the Paleocene Teberemt Formation of Mali; Nigeremys gigantea, from the Maastrichtian of Niger; and Arenila krebsi, from the Maastrichtian Dakla Formation of Egypt. Among the Bothremydidae, the Taphrosphyini is the most diverse morphologically. The triturating surfaces show a wide range of variation. The long, narrow skull of Labrostochelys differs significantly from the very short skull of Phosphatochelys. Other genera, such as Azabbaremys and Arenila, have large and massive skulls, but without broadly expanded triturating surfaces, while Ummulisani has very narrow and deep labial ridges. The nasal regions of Taphrosphyini also show wide diversity. Rhothonemys has nasal openings and cavities more than twice the size of the orbits, but the nasal openings in Labrostochelys are smaller than the relatively small orbits. This diversity of Taphrosphyini skull morphology is mostly evident in the Paleogene of North Africa. A phylogenetic analysis of the core dataset of 41 taxa, 122 cranial characters, and 52 postcranial characters relies on comparative descriptions of these taxa. The analysis using PAUP results in one most parsimonious cladogram of 382 steps with a consistency index of 0.6. A Bremer decay analysis shows that the family Bothremydidae is strongly supported at five steps: the tribes Kurmademydini and Cearachelyini have an index of 2, and the tribe Taphrosphyini has an index of 3. The tribe Bothremydini becomes unresolved at one step and is the most weakly supported of these groups. The addition of selected shell-only taxa with low missing data values to the core dataset results in one equally parsimonious cladogram that is resolved as: (Proterochersis (Platychelyidae (Dortoka (Chelidae (Pelomedusidae + Araripemys) (Euraxemydidae (Teneremys (Podocnemididae + Hamadachelys + Brasilemys (Bothremydidae)))))))). A partitioned dataset consisting only of cranial characters (excluding all shell-only taxa) results in one equally parsimonious cladogram identical to the most parsimonious cladogram resulting from the whole dataset; however, a partitioned dataset consisting only of postcranial characters (excluding all skull-only taxa) resulted in 2704 trees, the consensus of which lacks resolution for nearly all Pelomedusoides, but which does resolve more basal pleurodires. When the skull morphology of the Bothremydidae is placed in the context of all other turtles, it becomes apparent that this family has the greatest range of skull forms of any turtle family yet known. In fact, the skull morphologies of many turtle families seem remarkably uniform in comparison (e.g., Testudinidae, Kinosternidae, Pelomedusidae, Trionychidae, Carettochelyidae)...There are other turtle families with bizarre skull morphologies (e.g., Nanhsiungchelyidae; Meiolaniidae) but these are not taxonomically diverse, at least as they are now known. In no other family do we see the extremes exemplified by the skulls of forms like Cearachelys, Bothremys, Labrostochelys, Azzabaremys, Rhothonemys, and Phosphatochelys. It is this remarkable variation in skull morphology that has allowed us to formulate a strong hypothesis of bothremydid relationships in spite of the presence in Pelomedusoides of remarkably uniform shells"--P. 6-8


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    101 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.Includes bibliographical references (p. 96-101)."Phylogenetic analysis of 113 characters of the osteology of the 22 living species of trionychid turtles and representatives of all other living turtle families, provides abundant evidence on the relationships of soft-shelled turtles to other turtles and on the interrelationships within the family. These data suggest that the family Trionychidae shares a unique common ancestor with the Dermatemydidae, Kinosternidae, and Carettochelyidae, and that the Kinosternidae share a unique common ancestor with the Trionychidae and Carettochelyidae. Furthermore, it appears that the staurotypine kinosternids are most closely related to the Trionychidae and Carettochelyidae. Carettochelyids and trionychids share numerous unique features and clearly constitute a monophyletic group. Within the Trionychidae, the subfamilies Cyclanorbinae and Trionychinae are recognized as monophyletic clades. Recognition of three cyclanorbine genera, Cycloderma, Cyclanorbis, and Lissemys, is warranted. Within the Trionychinae, four distinct clades are recognized. The Trionyx cartilagineus group includes Chitra indica and Pelochelys bibroni, on the basis of the unique location of the foramen posterior canalis carotici interni, and features of the trigeminal region. The North American group includes T. triunguis, T. euphraticus, T. swinhoei, T. ferox, T. spiniferus, and T. muticus, and can be recognized by the presence of eight or fewer neurals (first and second are fused), deeply emarginate prefrontals, and a large contribution by the parietal to the processus trochlearis oticum. The Indian group includes four species: T. gangeticus, T. hurum, T. leithii, and T. nigricans; all exhibit a free first neural, five plastral callosities, and intermediately extended epiplastra. Lastly, the T. steindachneri group, which includes T. steindachneri, T. sinensis, and T. subplanus, is diagnosed by a descending spine of the opisthotic that divides the fenestra postotica in most specimens. Two equally parsimonious arrangements of the Trionychinae differ in the placement of the North American clade. In one, this clade is the sister group of the T. cartilagineus clade; in the other, it is the sister group of the T. steindachneri clade. In both, the Indian group is paraphyletic and gives rise to the T. steindachneri clade. A revised classification of the family Trionychidae is provided. The use of 2 subfamilies, 6 tribes, and 14 genera is recommended. This expanded taxonomy will more completely reflect the hierarchical relationships that reflect recency of common ancestry as determined by the cladistic analyses"--P. 4

    Dietary plasticity linked to divergent growth trajectories in a critically endangered sea turtle

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    Foraging habitat selection and diet quality are key factors that influence individual fitness and meta-population dynamics through effects on demographic rates. There is growing evidence that sea turtles exhibit regional differences in somatic growth linked to alternative dispersal patterns during the oceanic life stage. Yet, the role of habitat quality and diet in shaping somatic growth rates is poorly understood. Here, we evaluate whether diet variation is linked to regional growth variation in hawksbill sea turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata), which grow significantly slower in Texas, United States versus Florida, United States, through novel integrations of skeletal growth, gastrointestinal content (GI), and bulk tissue and amino acid (AA)-specific stable nitrogen (δ15N) and carbon (δ13C) isotope analyses. We also used AA δ15N ΣV values (heterotrophic bacterial re-synthesis index) and δ13C essential AA (δ13CEAA) fingerprinting to test assumptions about the energy sources fueling hawksbill food webs regionally. GI content analyses, framed within a global synthesis of hawksbill dietary plasticity, revealed that relatively fast-growing hawksbills stranded in Florida conformed with assumptions of extensive spongivory for this species. In contrast, relatively slow-growing hawksbills stranded in Texas consumed considerable amounts of non-sponge invertebrate prey and appear to forage higher in the food web as indicated by isotopic niche metrics and higher AA δ15N-based trophic position estimates internally indexed to baseline nitrogen isotope variation. However, regional differences in estimated trophic position may also be driven by unique isotope dynamics of sponge food webs. AA δ15N ΣV values and δ13CEAA fingerprinting indicated minimal bacterial re-synthesis of organic matter (ΣV < 2) and that eukaryotic microalgae were the primary energy source supporting hawksbill food webs. These findings run contrary to assumptions that hawksbill diets predominantly comprise high microbial abundance sponges expected to primarily derive energy from bacterial symbionts. Our findings suggest alternative foraging patterns could underlie regional variation in hawksbill growth rates, as divergence from typical sponge prey might correspond with increased energy expenditure and reduced foraging success or diet quality. As a result, differential dispersal patterns may infer substantial individual and population fitness costs and represent a previously unrecognized challenge to the persistence and recovery of this critically endangered species

    A three-dimensional model of wave attenuation in the marginal ice zone

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    Extent: 17p.A three-dimensional model of wave scattering by a large array of floating thin elastic plates is used to predict the rate of ocean wave attenuation in the marginal ice zone in terms of the properties of the ice cover and the incoming wavefield. This is regarded as a small step toward assimilating interactions of ocean waves with areas of sea ice into oceanic general circulation models. Numerical results confirm previous findings that attenuation is predominantly affected by wave period and by the average thickness of the ice cover. It is found that the shape and distribution of the floes and the inclusion of an Archimedean draft has little impact on the attenuation produced. The model demonstrates a linear relationship between ice cover concentration and attenuation. An additional study is conducted into the directional evolvement of the wavefield, where collimation and spreading can both occur, depending on the physical circumstances. Finally, the attenuation predicted by the new three-dimensional model is compared with an existing two-dimensional model and with two sets of experimental data, with the latter producing convincing agreement.L. G. Bennetts, M. A. Peter, V. A. Squire, and M. H. Meyla
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