135,760 research outputs found
Can type II Semi-local cosmic strings form?
We present the simplest possible model for a semi-local string defect in
which a U(1) gauged subgroup of an otherwise global SU(2) is broken to produce
local cosmic strings endowed with current-carrying properties. Restricting
attention to type II vortices for which the non current-carrying state is
unstable, we show that a condensate must form microscopically and
macroscopically evolve towards a chiral configuration. It has been suggested
that such configurations could potentially exist in a stable state, thereby
inducing large cosmological consequences based on equilibrium angular momentum
supported loop configurations (vortons). Here we show that the current itself
induces a macroscopic (longitudinal) instability: we conclude that type II
semi-local cosmic strings cannot form in a cosmological context.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure
The Indonesian Economy During the Soeharto Era: a Review
At the beginning of the 1970s it was easy to believe that the road ahead for Indonesiawas difficult. But as the decade unfolded, the changes across the Indonesian economy,and the sustained growth, surpassed all expectations. Numerous dramatic events seizedIndonesian and International attention during the 1970s including corruption issues,the 1972 rice crisis, the Malari riots of early 1974, and the impact of the first oil boomincluding the Pertamina crisis. Anne Booth and I reviewed these developments inour edited collection of articles on The Indonesian economy during the Soeharto era.Looking back, our edited volume captured the excitement of the 1970s and, perhaps,was rather too cautious in looking towards the further gains that changes in the nextfew decades would bring to Indonesia
Why is the Notion of Person also Descriptively Problematic?
Informally and on occasions formally, the notion of
person seems to be indispensable in many walks of life. In
philosophical debates, though, the notion oftentimes
appears to play a subordinate role. Other notions--subject,
self, individual, human being, or characteristic marks of
persons: mind, consciousness, rationality, (individual or
cultural) identity, autonomy, authenticity, responsibility--
occupy center stage. There are exceptions: there is the
venerable problem of personal identity through time; in
certain ethical issues, e.g., in bioethics or political
philosophy, conceptions of person figure explicitly; and
there are some treatises of the "concept of person" itself.
Yet, even here one can hear warnings, e.g., that the
concept is fraught with dilemmas and should be avoided in
bioethical debates (Birnbacher 1997), or warnings
concerning the "vagueness" (Wils 1997, 37) or the
"contemporary crisis" of the concept (Kobusch 1997,
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