93 research outputs found

    Behavioral Similarities And Differences Among Symptoms Of Emetophobia, Disordered Eating, And Disgust

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    Emetophobia, also known as the specific phobia of vomiting (SPOV), is a clinical disorder with severe symptomatology and chronicity. However, there remains a significant lack of knowledge in overall conceptualization and etiological understanding. Recent literature has described this disorder within the context of abnormal eating disorders, despite the essential difference in symptom function between SPOV and disordered eating (Keyes & Veale, 2018; Volpe et al., 2015). Therefore, the present study sought to further the conceptualization and delineation of symptoms of emetophobia and disordered eating, as well as their potential relation with disgust. More specifically, it was hypothesized that symptoms of emetophobia and disordered eating would be positively correlated with the overall emotion of disgust. Further, it was hypothesized that disordered eating symptoms would no longer be associated with emetophobia symptoms when controlling for disgust. It was also hypothesized that females would endorse more symptoms of disordered eating and emetophobia than males. Finally, it was hypothesized that the subscales of the EAT-26 would differentially be associated with SPOV symptoms. Using an archival data sample, 184 participants completed self-report measures to assess symptoms of emetophobia, disordered eating, and disgust. Demographics were as follows: 74.0% female and 71.4% White (Mage= 19.1, SD= 1.70). Results found a significant association between symptoms of emetophobia and overall disordered eating symptoms. Further, SPOV symptoms were positively associated with the subscales of dieting and bulimia and food preoccupation but were not associated with the subscale of oral control. Among all participants (N= 184), there were no sex differences found between emetophobia or disordered eating symptoms. However, among participants who endorsed clinical levels of either disordered eating or emetophobia symptoms, females reported significantly more symptoms of both disorders than males. Finally, although disgust was significantly associated with disordered eating symptoms, it was neither associated with nor predictive of symptoms of emetophobia in the current study. The current study provides preliminary research indicating emetophobia is significantly associated with disordered eating symptoms regardless of individual levels of disgust. Further, these findings suggest that the emotion of disgust may differentiate these two constructs and potentially provide predictive utility. Therefore, additional research into the conceptualization of emetophobia and disordered eating symptoms are warranted

    Mechanically transduced immunosorbent assay to measure protein-protein interactions

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    Measuring protein-protein interaction (PPI) affinities is fundamental to biochemistry. Yet, conventional methods rely upon the law of mass action and cannot measure many PPIs due to a scarcity of reagents and limitations in the measurable affinity ranges. Here, we present a novel technique that leverages the fundamental concept of friction to produce a mechanical signal that correlates to binding potential. The mechanically transduced immunosorbent (METRIS) assay utilizes rolling magnetic probes to measure PPI interaction affinities. METRIS measures the translational displacement of protein-coated particles on a protein-functionalized substrate. The translational displacement scales with the effective friction induced by a PPI, thus producing a mechanical signal when a binding event occurs. The METRIS assay uses as little as 20 pmols of reagents to measure a wide range of affinities while exhibiting a high resolution and sensitivity. We use METRIS to measure several PPIs that were previously inaccessible using traditional methods, providing new insights into epigenetic recognition

    Teknisk analys vid köp av aktier och försäljning av köp- och säljsignaler

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    Jag kommer i detta arbete att undersöka hur man kan ta hjälp av teknisk analys vid köp av aktier och huruvida privatpersoner är villiga att köpa köp- och säljsignaler som framtagits med hjälp av teknisk analys. I teoridelen beskriver jag en del av de olika instrumenten och modellerna man använder sig av inom teknisk analys och hur man ska tolka dessa. Som forskningsmetod har jag valt att använda mig av kvantitativ datainsamling. Frågeformuläret har delats genom Twitter och e-post för att få så många svar som möjligt. I resultatkapitlet kommer jag att analysera all data jag samlat in ifall människor är villiga att köpa köp- och säljsignaler vid köp av aktier. Resultatet visar att de flesta människor som deltagit i undersökningen har en viss överblick över vad teknisk analys innebär och hur det fungerar.In my thesis I will do a research on how you can use technical analysis when buying stocks and whetter people are willing to buy buy-and-sell signals based on technical analysis. In the theoretical part I will describe some of the instruments and models that you can use and how to read them. I have chosen to collect and analayze quantitative data as my research method. The questionnarie has been published via Twitter and e-mail in order to collect as many answers as possible. In the part where i present my results I will analyze the collected data on whetter people are willing to buy buy- and sell signals as a help tool when buying stocks. The result shows that most of the people that participated in the research know what technical analysis is and how it works

    Plot Twist: Vomiting is Good! Online Psychoeducational Intervention among Internet Support Group Users

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    Emetophobia is a specific phobia of vomit (SPOV) characterized by persistent and chronic symptoms with severe impairment across domains. Research on emetophobia is limited, with even fewer studies examining the impact of intervention. Available treatment studies have broadly been examined through behavioral interventions, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) of which psychoeducation is an important foundational component. The positive role of psychoeducation on symptom reduction has been examined among a variety of psychopathology, including anxiety disorders. However, to date, research has not examined the role of psychoeducation itself (psychoeducational intervention, PI) among specific phobias broadly or emetophobia specifically. Therefore, the present study piloted a single-session, individual telehealth CBT-based PI among individuals with emetophobia. Participants were recruited from social media groups or forums dedicated to individuals self-identifying as experiencing emetophobia. Individuals were randomly allocated to the active intervention condition (emetophobia focused PI) or control condition (mental health focused PI), and variables of interest (e.g., emetophobia, depression, and anxiety sensitivity) were assessed across preintervention and at post-intervention (one-month follow-up). It was hypothesized that symptoms of emetophobia would significantly decrease at the post-intervention among individuals in the active intervention. Secondly, it was hypothesized that participants in the active intervention would report decreased symptoms of emetophobia when controlling for depression and anxiety sensitivity. Finally, it was hypothesized participants at post-intervention and in the active intervention condition would report higher ratings of perceived acceptability of the PI. The final clinical sample consisted of 90 participants (Mage= 28.41, SD= 8.73; 77.8% female; 85.6% White), who completed a series of randomized self-report measures, were randomly allocated to condition, and completed the same series of self-report measures at one-month follow-up. Results demonstrated a significant main effect of time, though not condition, on the outcome variable of emetophobia symptoms. When controlling for significant covariates of anxiety sensitivity and depression, neither time nor group had a notable effect on emetophobia symptoms. Finally, all participants, irrespective of time or condition, perceived the PIs to be equally highly acceptable. Despite the null findings related to PI, the present study contributed to the literature through future areas of research and additional considerations. Null findings may be attributed to sample characteristics (e.g., clinical severity) and format of PI (e.g., individual, single session). Future research may consider adapting towards a group-based format occurring over multiple sessions with less clinically severe emetophobia symptoms. Taken together, the present study provides preliminary data related to considering PI for emetophobia

    Mechanisms Regulating DNA Methyltransferases

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    The expression of specific genes that are regulated by transcription factors and epigenetic modifications is critical for normal cellular functioning and homeostasis. DNA methylation is an epigenetic modification that in mammals is crucial for the regulation of gene expression in a specific cell type. Aberrant loss or gain of DNA methylation is linked to cancer and several epigenetic disorders. DNA methylation is established by the de novo DNA methyltransferases Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b; however, the mechanisms underlying their target specificity remain to be fully understood. Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b can be regulated through interactions with other proteins, including histone modifications, and by their catalytic properties. The N-terminal domain of Dnmt3a interacts with chromatin and can potentially regulate its specific activity. Enzymatic studies have shown that the ADD domain of Dnmt3a autoinhibits its catalytic activity, which is relieved by binding of the ADD domain to an unmethylated H3K4 histone peptide. Using embryonic stem cell differentiation as a model system to study the regulation of Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b activity, we show that Lsd1-mediated H3K4 demethylation acts as an epigenetic switch to activate Dnmt3a specifically at the enhancers of pluripotency genes during differentiation. We show that Dnmt3b had only a minor role at these sites, in agreement with the previously published work showing distinct functions of these enzymes. Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b activity is involved in the development of several cancers, including Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML). A specific mutation in the catalytic domain of Dnmt3a is highly prevalent in AML. Our studies show that this mutation (R878H) results in the loss of cooperative activity of the enzyme at multiple target sites on the DNA. To support these studies, we also developed an assay to quantify DNA methylation using the methylation dependent restriction enzyme MspJI to cleave DNA that is then used as a template for a quantitative PCR reaction. Use of MspJI increased the accuracy of this method as compared to using a traditional, methylation sensitive enzyme, HpaII. These studies contribute to our understanding of the basis of Dnmt3 target specificity and provide a framework to explain the basis of diseases with aberrant DNA methylation. They also provide both a basis to determine new therapeutic strategies and to evaluate DNA methylation as a biomarker for various disease states

    IAS 40 – Property Valuation : A study of eight Swedish listed companies' valuation to fair value

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    Syfte: Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att beskriva och analysera hur svenska noterade fastighetsbolag går tillväga vid värdering av förvaltningsfastigheter. Metod:Studien har en kvalitativ ansats. Sekundärdata i form av årsredovisningar är den huvudsakliga källan till empirin. Primärdata i form av enkäter samt en intervju har använts för att komplettera studien. Teoretisk referensram: Denna studie har sin utgångspunkt i den institutionella teorin, där begreppet isomorfism är av största vikt. Även IASB:s föreställningsram samt standarden IAS 40 är betydelsefulla för denna studie. Empiri: Utifrån de åtta fastighetsbolagens årsredovisningar år 2011 har empirin angående deras värderingsmetoder fastställts. Tabeller har även utformats för en jämförande studie över åren 2005, 2008 och 2011. I empirin har även fastighetsbolagens svar på enkäterna sammanfattats. Empirin angående de externa värderingsbolagen är inhämtad från de enkäter som besvarats samt en intervju med ett av bolagen. Slutsats: Vid värdering av förvaltningsfastigheter utgår de flesta av bolagen i denna studie från en kassaflödeskalkyl. Detta gäller även de externa bolagen som anlitats av fastighetsbolagen. Dock brukar de flesta bolag på olika sätt komplettera med ortsprismetoden vid värderingen till verkligt värde. Denna studie får stöd av den institutionella teorin då den visar att fastighetsbolagen till viss del är isoforma gällande värderingen av förvaltningsfastigheter.Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to describe and analyse the methods which Swedish listed real estate companies use when valuating to fair value. Methods: The study has a qualitative approach. Secondary data in the form of annual reports is the primary source of empirical data. Raw data in the form of surveys and an interview are used to complement the study. Theoretical framework: This study is based on the institutional theory, where the concept of isomorphism is of paramount importance. IASB's conceptual framework and IAS 40 are also significant and important for this study. Empirical: Empirical data regarding the eight real estate companies' methods of valuation has been determined by studying their annual reports of the year 2011. Tables have also been designed for a comparative study of the years 2005, 2008 and 2011. The real estate companies' responses to the survey are summarized in the empirical section. The empirical data regarding the external valuation companies was obtained from the answers from the surveys, and an interview with one of the companies. Conclusion: Most of the companies in this study base their valuation of investment properties on a cash flow statement. This also applies to external companies hired by the real estate companies. However, most companies also supplement the cash flow statement by providing a location price method. This study is supported by the institutional theory as it shows that real estate companies' to some extent are isoform regarding valuation of investment properties

    Continuous Fermentation

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    Mead is a honey-based alcohol, similar in taste profile to wine, that originated in Africa thousands of years ago. Since then, mead has been produced the same way using honey, water, and a proprietary yeast strain in a batch vessel to produce distinctive meads. That was until Dr. Garth A. Cambray created a new system that combines fluidize and packed reactor technologies for much quicker and effective mead production. This unique system was adapted by our project sponsor, Maine Mead Works, who have been producing mead with this technology for 10 years. Our research analyzed Maine Mead’s continuous fermentation system and evaluated the different fermentation media within it. The media in question was the strain of yeast and the substrate used to grow the yeast and induce flocculation, which in this case was ginger. The goal of our analysis of these two media was to understand if the type of yeast and ginger affects the growth rate of yeast in the system as well as the alcohol content. To accomplish this, a pilot scale version of Maine Mead’s packed and fluidized bed column was created in our lab. After troubleshooting the scaled down column, a matrix of mini batch reactors was assembled. These mini reactors allowed for the analysis of three different substrates (Maine Mead ginger, store bought ginger, and silica beads) and two different yeasts (Maine Mead yeast and Champagne yeast). By pairing one substrate type and one yeast type it allowed us to see how specific media types affect growth and alcohol content. After two weeks the yeast growth was quantified using a UV Spectrophotometer. At the same time the alcohol content was quantified using Gas Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry. From this it was determined that the type of yeast and substrate does not affect yeast growth as the data were very comparable. However, alcohol content was variable, with silica beads and Maine Mead ginger being the most effective substrates and Maine Mead yeast being the most effective yeast. Upon determining silica beads were effective a second column was set up containing silica beads and Maine Mead yeast. As the column ran, the yeast growth continued grow on the silica beads and the alcohol content followed a positive trend. These results proved that the column media is not unique to the process and production can be supported with other materials