15 research outputs found

    Foreign direct investment in the economic development of Serbia in the transitory period

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    Foreign direct investment, in terms of globalization and the new economic order, give the important role of the engine of economic development. Technology, management skills, access to foreign markets are just some of the advantages to foreign direct investment. The economy of the Republic of Serbia at the beginning of the new millennium, faced a major problem of economic development, which is reflected in the lack of capital, without which it cannot solve the key developmental issues. Deep economic crisis, as a result of ten years of war and isolation, outdated technology and a lack of domestic capital, impose the need to attract foreign investment in order to ensure economic development. Such a state of Serbian economy suggests that foreign capital is an important means of its recovery

    Competitiveness enhancing as the incentive for the investment in the city of Kragujevac

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    Regardless numerous theories and explanations upon regional competitiveness factors, the most systematic way explains regional competitiveness throughout the perspective of life standard quality rising, and measure it throw regional product, labor productivity and (un)employment rate. The factors of regional competitiveness can be defined as factors of urban competitiveness and contain economic and strategic factors. The regions characterized by development and presence of larger number of different factors (high-quality human capital, strong support provided by formal and un-formal institutions, convenient geographic location, developed infrastructure), have stronger competitive position. The city of Kragujevac is an administrative center of Sumadija district, but also the political, economical, cultural, health and educational center. Counting more than 180.000 of citizens, the city of Kragujevac belongs to the group of larger cities in Serbia, and its relevance on the national level it has primarily deserved as the center of the Automotive industry and as the University center. Those facts are important for active economical development of the city, but also for the continuous monitoring by both domestic and foreign investors. In accordance to this, the future development of the city of Kragujevac, besides economical and political factors, requires focus on increasing and developing of competitiveness of its economy and economic entities

    Exploring the Interrelationship between Scientific Knowledge and Economic Growth in Serbia: Empirical Insights

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    The primary objective of this study is to examine the nature of the relationship between the production of scientific knowledge and economic growth in Serbia during the period 1996-2022. For this purpose, the Vector Autoregression approach, along with the impulse response function and forecast error variance decomposition, was employed. Results suggest an impact of economic growth on the production of scientific knowledge, while no impact in the opposite direction is detected. The Serbian government should persist in investing in science and work closely with the scientific community to overcome barriers to scientific knowledge's full contribution to economic prosperity

    Openness of the economy as a determinant of economic growth: The panel analysis of the Western Balkans region countries

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    The openness of the economy and its intensive involvement in international trade and economic flows has an important role in stimulating economic growth and development of a national economy. The aim of the research is to determine the degree of impact and effects of exports, imports and foreign direct investment (FDI) on economic growth. The applied research methodology is a panel regression analysis on the example of six countries in the Western Balkans region in the period from 2000 to 2018. Three hypotheses were tested in this paper. H1: Exports have a positive effect on economic growth; H2: Imports contribute to GDP growth; H3: FDI has a positive impact on economic growth. The results show that all three variables have a positive, statistically significant impact on GDP. The greatest effect on economic growth in the analyzed sample has exports, which implies the conclusion of the inevitability of more intensive participation of these economies in international trade flows

    Significance of fiscal policy for economic development and agriculture

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    With the latest global economic crisis (2007-2009) the importance of fiscal policy as a part of economic policy is growing. Its significance extends from the experience of the Great Depression of the 1930s. In this paper, with the help of the ARIMA model, the influence of fiscal policy instruments on macroeconomic fiscal indicators and some selected indicators of economic development in the context of countries of Southeast Europe have been explored. Friedman's test has shown that the countries have not yet recovered from the global economic crisis. The results shows that fiscal policy can act on the individual's standard of living, but only responsible implementation will have the same effect on public finances and the overall sustainable development of a country. Also, fiscal policy is an important measure of agricultural policy and is increasingly being used as a directional development factor.Publishe


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    Newborn size at birth is an important indicator of fetal health, neonatal health, infant survival and childhood morbidity. The aim of our study was to assess and identify factors that significantly influence birth weight, length, and head circumference by performing a post hoc analysis of the data collected during the retrospective-prospective observational cohort study which was conducted at the Clinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics at the University Clinical Centre Kragujevac, Serbia. The influence of potential factors on birth weight, length, and head circumference was evaluated by multiple linear regression analysis. The study included 320 pregnant women and 332 newborns. Four factors had a significant negative effect on birth weight: smoking, twin pregnancy, use of methyldopa and corticosteroids during pregnancy. Smoking, twin pregnancy and corticosteroid use also had a significant negative effect on birth length. Negative effect on fetal head circumference at birth had smoking, use of corticosteroids and antibiotics during pregnancy. Maternal height and gestational age at birth showed a positive influence on fetal anthropometric measurements. Clinicians should pay attention to pregnant women with lower body height, twin pregnancy, who smoke and use corticosteroids, methyldopa and antibiotics

    Poland - Serbia : the challenges of the scientific cooperation

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    Foreword: "This book contains the collection of 21 academic articles (arranged alphabetically according to the names of the Authors) dedicated to Professor Iliija Rosić, former Rector of Kragujevae University and the Dean of the Faculty of Economics, who died on January 11,2008.The book contains the preface, a biographical note including a complete list of acadcmic achievements, as well as the outline of Professor Rosic’s scholarly, academic and organizational activities in Poland."(...


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    West Balkan region gathering Serbia, Montenegro, Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina is a region with more then 14 millions inhabitants. In past twenty years this region had dramatic changes, from central-planned, communist regimes toward democratic societies. Unfortunately these changes were followed by civil war in former Yugoslavia, leaving problems of poverty and social exclusion very visible. The region of the West Balkans contains more than 2 million unemployed, while the total number of the poor has been on the increase since the second half of 2008. The aim of this paper is to present the scale of poverty and its causes together with the current situation and trends in the West Balkans area


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    A fall in the populations living standard and the growth of poverty in Serbia are, first of all, the consequence of a significant decrease in the economic activity. The problem of poverty and social exclusion is additionally intensified and made bigger by the world economic crisis influence. The subject of the paper is the analysis of the current situation, which is crucially significant for solving the stated problems, i.e. suppressing negative phenomena which are the cause of poverty and social exclusion. The paper is aimed at gaining an insight into basic causes responsible for poverty in Serbia as the basis for the determination of necessary measures and activities for problem solving. The poverty indicators used in the analysis are the poverty rate, poverty depth and severity. Solving poverty problems is the priority task Serbia has to deal with on its way to integrate into the EU and it requires reaching new strategies for reducing poverty as well as its efficient implementation


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    In Serbia, as well as the worldwide economic crisis is certainly there. Stage of the crisis has reached the level where emergency measures are necessary for its resolution. With a view to determine the effects of economic crisis on the Serbian companies, the number of 80 businesses of various sizes and forms of ownership. Results indicate that the fear of crisis and decline in sales of products and services. The deterioration in business conditions are mostly influential external factors or in conjunction with the internal. Since environmental factors are most influential in the deterioration of business conditions throughout the economy and reduced purchasing power, and the internal error management