27 research outputs found

    Surface reactions with participation of oxides of molybdenum and tungsten: the influence of external factors

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    This work is a continuation of the article “Surface reactions with participation of oxides of molybdenum and tungsten”, published in the previous issue of the journal. The influence of the electric field and the pressure of oxygen in the gas phase on the rate of surface reactions for the synthesis of molybdates of manganese and copper were investigated. It’s found that for the synthesis reaction of molybdate of copper the nature of the dependency of the rate of synthesis and rate of surface reactions from the external parameters are the same, indicating the crucial contribution of surface diffusion to the reactive mass transfer. For the synthesis reaction of molybdate of manganese the dependences of the rate of synthesis and of rate of surface reactions by external parameters differ, indicating that for this reaction, surface diffusion isn’t the main mechanism of mass transfer

    Electrocrystallization of phases on eutectic interphases formed by covalence-ionic oxides: morphology, structure, composition, properties

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    Проблема изучения природы и механизма взаимодействий, происходящих в оксидных композитных объектах, трудна для решения в силу очевидных инструментальных затруднений. Однако существует и иной подход - комплексное исследование систем, содержащих высокую концентрацию гетерофазных границ с последующим вычленением вклада свойств границ из суммарных свойств системы. Поскольку интерфейсы являются нанообъектами природно присущими как нано-, так и микроструктурированным системам, то получаемая информация даст сведения о химическом составе, транспортных свойствах и реакционной способности гетерофазных наноструктурированных объектов – эвтектических интерфейсов. Одним из путей образования плотных гетерофазных границ является твердофазное растекание оксидов в электрическом поле, называемое электроповерхностным переносом. Настоящий проект направлен на исследование недавно обнаруженного явления интерфейсной кристаллизации, сопровождающего электроповерхностный перенос оксидов через эвтектические интерфейсы типа WO3|Ме2/nn+WO4. В настоящем проекте методами SEM-EDA и TEM, ESCA было изучено влияние природы оксидов, характера их химической связи, поверхностной энергии и природы проводимости на природу, структуру, состав и морфологию фаз, образующихся на интерфейсах в процессе электроповерхностного переноса. Построена модель процессов, сопровождающих явление электрокристаллизации. Тематика проекта соответствует п. 2 перечня приоритетных научных направлений и пп. 15, 17 перечня критических технологий РФ и направлению «Химия твердого тела, как основа неорганического материаловедения» программы развития УрФУ.Problem of investigation of nature and mechanism of interactions that take place in oxide composite object is difficult owing to obvious experimental difficulties. Nevertheless there is and other approach – the complex study of the systems with high density of heterophase boundaries and subsequent isolation of boundaries properties contribution from summary properties of system under investigation. Since the interphases are nano-objects, then obtained information is a source of data about chemical composition and reactivity of heterophase nano-structured objects – eutectic interphases. So called electrosurface transfer – solid state spreading of oxides under electrical field application, is one of the ways of dense heterophase boundaries formation. The given project is aimed on investigation of electrosurface crystallization phenomenon, recently detected. This phenomena accompanies electrosurface transfer across the eutectic interphases of type WO3|Ме2/nn+WO4. By SEM-EDA and TEM, ESCA techniques it was studied the effect of oxides nature, character of chemical bonding, surface energy and conductivity nature on nature, composition and morphology of phases that firms on interphases during electrosurface transfer. The model of processes that accompanies electrocrystallization phenomenon was proposed. The theme of this project corresponds to p.2 of the list of priority science directions and to pp. 15, 17 of the critical technologies RF and to the direction “Solid State Chemistry as basement of inorganic material science” of UrFU program of development.Программа развития УрФУ на 2013 год (п.

    Oxygen-conducting Composites Based on Me2(WO4)3 (Me = Sm, Al)

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    Composites Sm2(WO4)3-WO3 and Al2(WO4)3-WO3 were prepared by the solid-state method and a systematic study of their electrotransport properties has been carried out. A sharp increase in the oxygen-ion conductivity is observed in composites Sm2(WO4)3–WO3 at small WO3 values (about 10 mol.%). This effect is probably caused by formation of the non-autonomous interface phase covering grain boundaries of Sm2(WO4)3. These composite O2− – electrolytes are perspective materials for high temperature fuel cells. Тhe composite effect is absent in the Al2(WO4)3–WO3 system. This is probably due to the negative thermal expansion coefficient of Al2(WO4)3, which prevents the formation of a continuous high-conducting microphase film. Keywords: composites, ionic conductivity, heterogeneous doping, microphas

    Mapping long-term spatial trends of the Taimyr wild reindeer population

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    This report presents preliminary results of mapping and analyzing wild reindeer spatial dynamics in Taimyr, Russia. We collected, spatially referenced, and systematized comprehensive aerial and land survey information spanning from 1969 to 2003, which is the most complete long-term data available about a wild reindeer herd in Eurasia. The report introduces some of the mapping products and presents a summary of our observations on spatiotemporal changes in reindeer distribution and migration. Using these data and new digital products in the GIS (Geographic Information Systems) environment, we were able to observe the long-term shift of the Taimyr Reindeer Herd's summer, winter, and calving areas to the east and south with a simultaneous expansion of the habitat. We identified and confirmed locations of large reindeer concentrations (herds) seasonally formed throughout the study period. Using the most recent summer survey data (2009) we also were able to confirm the existence of two major migration flows in the fall: eastern (most reindeer) and western

    Criminal Liability for Unlawful Actions in Bankruptcy: the Current State, Problems and Methods of Resolution

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    Bankruptcy is a legally justified mechanism of a market economy and must comply with modern social realities. Despite the fact that the legal field in this area is well developed, the existing problems in implementing the provisions of the insolvency institution make it vulnerable and subject it to criminalization. The article describes the main problems that the law enforcer could find and ways to solve them in the Russian Federation. The Authors propose to define the presence of signs of bankruptcy as identical to the situation in which the crimes committed under Part 1 and Part 2 of Art. 195 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation – “if there are signs of bankruptcy”, that is, apply a literal interpretation, guided by the provisions of Art. 3 of the Bankruptcy Law. The legislator has created conditions restricting the application of Part 3 of Art. 195 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, since it established that criminal liability can only arise in cases where the functions of the head of an organization are either assigned to an arbitration manager or to the head of the provisional administration of a credit organization. To resolve this problem, we believe that the legislator needs to state Part 3 of Art. 195 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation as amended, which takes into account the possibility for the law enforcer to involve the guilty person at all stages of the bankruptcy procedure. When assessing major damage, arbitration prejudice should be taken into account in the first place, in order to increase the preventive potential of this article, the Authors propose an exception to the category of “major damage” with the corresponding loss of force, Parts 1,2,4 of Art. 14.12 Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation. Particular attention is paid to the issues of determining the subject composition of Art. 195 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Interpretation of Part 2 of Art. 195 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation allows us to conclude that the subject of this crime can also be a creditor who exhibits dishonest behavior, whose property claims are illegally satisfied to the detriment of other creditors. The article also deals with the legal technique of the offense under of Art. 195 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and a number of novel recommendations are proposed for improving this norm and the norms that bind the institution of bankruptcy, as well as for their application

    The Historical Aspect of the Criminal Liability Rules Development for Non-violent Sexual Abuse of Minors

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    This article is devoted to the historical aspect of criminal liability rules development for non-violent sexual abuse of minors. Here are considered the key stages of gradual development of legislation in this area since the period of their formation to the present day

    Gaps in the Resolution of the Plenum of the RF Supreme Court "On Trials of Bribery and Other Corruption Crimes"

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    The article comprises interpretations of classifying corruption-related crimes provided by the Plenum of the RF Supreme Court


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    The composite materials (1-x)Eu2(WO4)3 – xWO3 (0–0.50 mol.fraction) were obtained by the solid phase method. It was shown that heterogeneous doping of europium tungstate with dispersed additive (semiconductor WO3) leads to an increase in the ionic conductivity of the resulting composite by an order of magnitude


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    Composite materials Sm2(WO4)3 – WO3 (φWO3 = 0–70 vol.%) have been obtained by a solid-phase method. Their transport properties have been examined by the electrochemical impedance technique and conductivity measurements versus oxygen partial pressure. It was shown that heterogeneous doping of the oxygen-ion conductor Sm2(WO4)3 with a semiconductor WO3 (φWO3 < 13%) led to an increase in ionic conductivity more than an order of magnitude.Авторы выражают благодарность м.н.с. Д.В. Короне

    Reversibility of electrosurface transfer through eutectic interfaces of MEWO4|WO3 (Me-Ca, Sr, Ba)

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    It is found that electrosurface transition (EST) through eutectic interfaces of (-/+)WO3|MeWO4(+/-) induced by electric field is a reversible process. In the case of the (-/+) polarity, nominally, in the "direct experiment", macro amounts of WO3 from a WO3 (-) brick are drawn in the (+) direction onto the inner surface of MeWO4 forming a two-phase {WO 3MeWO4} composite. Simultaneously, nonequivalent countertransport of Me2+ within the WO3 (-) brick occurs, which changes the color of WO3 (-) from the natural hue to dark-green. Intercalation of Me2+ into WO 3 (-) is proved by several spectroscopic methods. The key role in the EST phe-nomenon belongs to a nonautonomous electrolytic phase of MeW-s formed on the contact interface with WO3|MeWO4. The composition of MeW-s is close to W/Me ≈ 2. As a result of EST, the cell acquires a more complicated structure: (Equation presented) Ultimately, WO 3 is transported in the (+) direction (into the composite) and Me2+ penetrates under the effect of the gradient in chemical potential into WO3 (-) forming a dark-green MexWO 3 phase with its front reaching the (-) Pt electrode. After the end of the "direct experiment", the cell polarity was changed to (+/-) and the "reverse experiment" was carried out. Now, on the cathodic boundary |4 of subcell (+){WO 3MeWO4}MeWO 4 3|4WO3|Pt(-) anions (WO4)2-are generated that are discharged on boundary 3| to oxide WO3 that is intercalated into the right boundary of MeWO4 - (3), where the rightmost composite region {WO 3MeWO4} is formed. Thus, the mass of W decreases; it becomes dark-green (see above) and the mass of the MeWO 4 disk continues growing and now its structure is as follows ( MeWO4 ⋮MeWO4 ⋮MeWO4 ). It is important that the left WO3 (+) disk that was dark-green after the "direct experiment" gradually becomes lighter in the "reverse experiment" up to its natural pale green color, i.e., Me 2+ is deintercalated from it: Me2+: MexWO3 + 1/2O2 → xMe2+ + 2e + WO3. It is found that dependences of variations of disk masses Δm(Q) practically coincide for the "direct" and "reverse" experiments. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2012