134 research outputs found

    Contribuição ao estudo das reacções biologicas na cysticercose (II)

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    Les A. A. ayant en vue la difficulté de conservation de l'antigéne aqueux pour la déviation du complément dans la cysticercose, ont préparé un autigéne alcooliquc, qui a I'avantage de se conserver três logtemps. Les résultats obtenus avec l'antigéne alcoolique sont pleinements d'accord avec ceux fournis par l"Antigéne aqueux.In anbetracht der Schwierigkeit der Konservierung des aquõsen Antigens zur Bindung des Komplements hei der Zystizerkose, stellten die Autoren ein alkoholisches Antigen her, das den Vorteil hat, sich fuer laengere Zeit zu konservteren. Die mit dem alkoholischcn Antigen gewonnenen Resultate entsprachen voellig den mit dem aquosen Antigen erhaltenen Ergebnissen.Nul

    Mammals, Serra da Concórdia, state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

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    The Atlantic Forest in the state of Rio de Janeiro is extremely fragmented and reduced in its originalextension. Although there are a great number of studies related to the biome, few lists are available for this region. Thepresent study seeks to get information on the mammals of a remnant forest in Serra da Concórdia, an area from whichno information is currently available. The rapid mammal's survey was accomplished by use of pitfalls, live traps,transects, mist nets, and camera traps. We recorded 37 terrestrial species that represent 22.3 % of Rio de Janeiro statemammal species. Among the recorded species, six are endemic of the Atlantic Forest, one is endemic of the state, andeight are in the state list of threatened or presumably threatened species. The area presents great mammal richness andan increasing effort will probably reveal the presence of additional species

    An alert systemfor Seasonal Fire probability forecast for South American Protected Areas.

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    Timely spatially explicit warning of areas with high fire occurrence probability is an important component of strategic plans to prevent andmonitor fires within South American (SA) Protected Areas (PAs). In this study, we present a five-level alert system,which combines both climatological and anthropogenic factors, the two main drivers of fires in SA. The alert levels are: High Alert, Alert, Attention, Observation and Low Probability. The trend in the number of active fires over the past three years and the accumulated number of active fires over the same period were used as indicators of intensification of human use of fire in that region, possibly associated with ongoing land use/land cover change (LULCC). An ensemble of temperature and precipitation gridded output from the GloSea5 Seasonal Forecast System was used to indicate an enhanced probability of hot and dry weather conditions that combined with LULCC favour fire occurrences. Alerts from this system were first issued in August 2020, for the period ranging from August to October (ASO) 2020. Overall, 50% of all fires observed during the ASO 2017?2019 period and 40% of the ASO 2020 fires occurred in only 29 PAs were all categorized in the top two alert levels. In categories mapped as High Alert level, 34% of the PAs experienced an increase in fires compared with the 2017?2019 reference period, and 81% of the High Alert false alarm registered fire occurrence above the median. Initial feedback from stakeholders indicates that these alerts were used to inform resource management in some PAs. We expect that these forecasts can provide continuous information aiming at changing societal perceptions of fire use and consequently subsidize strategic planning andmitigatory actions, focusing on timely responses to a disaster risk management strategy. Further research must focus on the model improvement and knowledge translation to stakeholders