2,741 research outputs found

    Inverse transition in the two dimensional dipolar frustrated ferromagnet

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    We show that the mean field phase diagram of the dipolar frustrated ferromagnet in an external field presents an inverse transition in the field-temperature plane. The presence of this type of transition has recently been observed experimentally in ultrathin films of Fe/Cu(001). We study a coarse-grained model Hamiltonian in two dimensions. The model supports stripe and bubble equilibrium phases, as well as the paramagnetic phase. At variance with common expectations, already in a single mode approximation, the model shows a sequence of paramagnetic-bubbles-stripes-paramagnetic phase transitions upon lowering the temperature at fixed external field. Going beyond the single mode approximation leads to the shrinking of the bubbles phase, which is restricted to a small region near the zero field critical temperature. Monte Carlo simulations results with a Heisenberg model are consistent with the mean field results.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Microscopic approach to orientational order of domain walls

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    We develop a fully microscopic, statistical mechanics approach to study phase transitions in Ising systems with competing interactions at different scales. Our aim is to consider orientational and positional order parameters in a unified framework. In this work we consider two dimensional stripe forming systems, where nematic, smectic and crystal phases are possible. We introduce a nematic order parameter in a lattice, which measures orientational order of interfaces. We develop a mean field approach which leads to a free energy which is a function of both the magnetization (density) and the orientational (nematic) order parameters. Self-consistent equations for the order parameters are obtained and the solutions are described for a particular system, the Dipolar Frustrated Ising Ferromagnet. We show that this system has an Ising-nematic phase at low temperatures in the square lattice, where positional order (staggered magnetization) is zero. At lower temperatures a crystal-stripe phase may appear. In the continuum limit the present approach connects to a Ginsburg-Landau theory, which has an isotropic-nematic phase transition with breaking of a continuous symmetry.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, revised and expanded, published versio

    Effect of symmetry distortions on photoelectron selection rules and spectra of Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_{8+ delta}

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    We derive photoelectron selection rules along the glide plane in orthorhombic Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_{8+\delta} (Bi2212). These selection rules explain the reversed intensity behavior of the shadow and the main band of the material as a natural consequence of the variating representation of the final state as a function of k_\parallel. Our one-step simulations strongly support the structural origin of the shadow band but we also introduce a scenario for detecting antiferromagnetic signatures in low doping.Comment: AMS-LaTeX, 5 pages, 4 figure

    Coarse grained models of stripe forming systems: phase diagrams, anomalies and scaling hypothesis

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    Two coarse-grained models which capture some universal characteristics of stripe forming systems are stud- ied. At high temperatures, the structure factors of both models attain their maxima on a circle in reciprocal space, as a consequence of generic isotropic competing interactions. Although this is known to lead to some universal properties, we show that the phase diagrams have important differences, which are a consequence of the particular k dependence of the fluctuation spectrum in each model. The phase diagrams are computed in a mean field approximation and also after inclusion of small fluctuations, which are shown to modify drastically the mean field behavior. Observables like the modulation length and magnetization profiles are computed for the whole temperature range accessible to both models and some important differences in behavior are observed. A stripe compression modulus is computed, showing an anomalous behavior with temperature as recently reported in related models. Also, a recently proposed scaling hypothesis for modulated systems is tested and found to be valid for both models studied.Comment: 9 pages, 13 figure

    The nematic phase in stripe forming systems within the self consistent screening approximation

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    We show that in order to describe the isotropic-nematic transition in stripe forming systems with isotropic competing interactions of the Brazovskii class it is necessary to consider the next to leading order in a 1/N approximation for the effective Hamiltonian. This can be conveniently accomplished within the self-consistent screening approximation. We solve the relevant equations and show that the self-energy in this approximation is able to generate the essential wave vector dependence to account for the anisotropic character of two-point correlation function characteristic of a nematic phase.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Step-induced unusual magnetic properties of ultrathin Co/Cu films: ab initio study

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    We have performed ab initio studies to elucidate the unusual magnetic behavior recently observed in epitaxial Co films upon absorption of submonolayers of Cu and other materials. We find that a submonolayer amount of Cu on a stepped Co/Cu (100) film changes dramatically the electronic and magnetic structure of the system. The effect is mainly due to hybridization of Co and Cu dd-electrons when copper forms a ``wire'' next to a Co step at the surface. As a result, a non-collinear arrangement of magnetic moments (switching of the easy axis) is promoted. [PACS 75.70.Ak,75.70.-i]Comment: 10 pages, RevTeX 3.0, 4 PostScript figures available on request from A. Bratkovsky at [email protected]
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