25 research outputs found

    Melanomas prevent endothelial cell death under restrictive culture conditions by signaling through AKT and p38 MAPK/ ERK-1/2 cascades

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    Although melanoma progression and staging is clinically well characterized, a large variation is observed in pathogenesis, progression, and therapeutic responses. Clearly, intrinsic characteristics of melanoma cells contribute to this variety. An important factor, in both progression of the disease and response to therapy, is the tumor-associated vasculature. We postulate that melanoma cells communicate with endothelial cells (ECs) in order to establish a functional and supportive blood supply. We investigated the angiogenic potential of human melanoma cell lines by monitoring the survival of ECs upon exposure to melanoma conditioned medium (CM), under restrictive conditions. We observed long-term (up to 72 h) EC survival under hypoxic conditions upon treatment with all melanoma CMs. No such survival effect was observed with the CM of melanocytes. The CM of pancreatic and breast tumor cell lines did not show a long-term survival effect, suggesting that the survival factor is specific to melanoma cells. Furthermore, all size fractions (up to < 1 kDa) of the melanoma CM induced long-term survival of ECs. The survival effect observed by the < 1 kDa fraction excludes known pro-angiogenic factors. Heat inactivation and enzymatic digestion of the CM did not inactivate the survival factor. Global gene expression and pathway analysis suggest that this effect is mediated in part via the AKT and p38 MAPK/ ERK-1/2 signaling axis. Taken together, these data indicate the production of (a) survival factor/s (< 1 kDa) by melanoma cell lines, which enables long-term survival of ECs and promotes melanoma-induc

    Different Molecular Signatures in Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Staged Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy Muscles

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    Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) is one of the most common muscular dystrophies and is characterized by a non-conventional genetic mechanism activated by pathogenic D4Z4 repeat contractions. By muscle Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) we observed that T2-short tau inversion recovery (T2-STIR) sequences identify two different conditions in which each muscle can be found before the irreversible dystrophic alteration, marked as T1-weighted sequence hyperintensity, takes place. We studied these conditions in order to obtain further information on the molecular mechanisms involved in the selective wasting of single muscles or muscle groups in this disease

    Gene Expression Profiling of Embryonic Human Neural Stem Cells and Dopaminergic Neurons from Adult Human Substantia Nigra

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    Neural stem cells (NSC) with self-renewal and multipotent properties serve as an ideal cell source for transplantation to treat neurodegenerative insults such as Parkinson's disease. We used Agilent's and Illumina Whole Human Genome Oligonucleotide Microarray to compare the genomic profiles of human embryonic NSC at a single time point in culture, and a multicellular tissue from postmortem adult substantia nigra (SN) which are rich in dopaminergic (DA) neurons. We identified 13525 up-regulated genes in both cell types of which 3737 (27.6%) genes were up-regulated in the hENSC, 4116 (30.4%) genes were up-regulated in the human substantia nigra dopaminergic cells, and 5672 (41.93%) were significantly up-regulated in both cell population. Careful analysis of the data that emerged using DAVID has permitted us to distinguish several genes and pathways that are involved in dopaminergic (DA) differentiation, and to identify the crucial signaling pathways that direct the process of differentiation. The set of genes expressed more highly at hENSC is enriched in molecules known or predicted to be involved in the M phase of the mitotic cell cycle. On the other hand, the genes enriched in SN cells include a different set of functional categories, namely synaptic transmission, central nervous system development, structural constituents of the myelin sheath, the internode region of axons, myelination, cell projection, cell somata, ion transport, and the voltage-gated ion channel complex. Our results were also compared with data from various databases, and between different types of arrays, Agilent versus Illumina. This approach has allowed us to confirm the consistency of our obtained results for a large number of genes that delineate the phenotypical differences of embryonic NSCs, and SN cells

    Imaging atlas of the pelvic floor and anorectal diseases

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    Exciting technical advances in US, CT, and MRI over the past decade have greatly enhanced the challenging task of investigating intestinal, pelvic floor, and anorectal function and dysfunction. The goal of Imaging Atlas of the Pelvic Floor and Anorectal Diseases, edited and authored by international experts in the field, is to clearly and precisely present indications, techniques, limitations, sources of errors, and pitfalls of these imaging modalities. The concise text describes the abundant, high-quality images that show the normal anorectal anatomy as well as the pathological appearance of the all-too-common large-bowel and pelvic floor functional diseases. The use of radiopaque markers in diagnosing colonic inertia; defecography, 3D US, and MRI in investigating obstructed defecation; 3D US and MRI in differentiating between benign and malignant anorectal neoplasms; CT and MRI in assessing pelviperineal anatomy and identifying pelvic tumors and inflammatory processes; and 2D and 3D US in determining appropriate treatment for fecal incontinence are discussed in depth. One of the atlas’s strongest points is illustrating the use of 3D anorectal US with automatic scan in identifying complex anal fistula tracks, staging benign and malignant tumors, and postradiotherapy follow-up. Of particular importance is the description of novel dynamic techniques, such as dynamic transperineal US, in assessing pelvic floor functional diseases. Also importantly, this atlas demonstrates the value of a "team approach" between colorectal surgeons and radiologists for solving complex clinical disorders of the anorectum and pelvic floor

    Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Anatomic Defects in Fecal Incontinence

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    Molecular and Genomic Impact of Large and Small Lateral Dimension Graphene Oxide Sheets on Human Immune Cells from Healthy Donors.

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    Graphene oxide (GO) is attracting great interest in biomedical sciences. The impact of GO on immune cells is one fundamental area of study that is often overlooked, but critical in terms of clinical translation. This work investigates the effects of two types of thoroughly characterized GO sheets, different in their lateral dimension, on human peripheral immune cells provided from healthy donors using a wide range of assays. After evaluation of cell viability, the gene expression was analyzed, following GO exposure on 84 genes related to innate and adaptive immune responses. Exposure to GO small sheets was found to have a more significant impact on immune cells compared to GO large sheets, reflected in the upregulation of critical genes implicated in immune responses and the release of cytokines IL1β and TNFα. These findings were further confirmed by whole-genome microarray analysis of the impact of small GO sheets on T cells and monocytes. Activation in both cell types was underlined by the overexpression of genes such as CXCL10 and receptor CXCR3. Significant energy-dependent pathway modulation was identified. These findings can potentially pave the foundations for further design of graphene that can be used for immune modulation applications, for example in cancer immunotherapy.journal articleresearch support, non-u.s. gov't2016 Jan 212015 12 20importe

    Inflammatory conditions affect gene expression and function of human adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells

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    There is emerging interest in the application of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) for the prevention and treatment of autoimmune diseases, graft-versus-host disease and allograft rejection. It is, however, unknown how inflammatory conditions affect phenotype and function of MSC. Adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells (ASC) were cultured with alloactivated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) (mixed lymphocyte reaction: MLR), with proinflammatory cytokines [interferon (IFN)-γ, tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-α and interleukin (IL)-6] or under control conditions, and their full genome expression and function examined. Proinflammatory cytokines mainly increased indoleamine-2,3-dioxygenase expression, whereas ASC cultured with MLR showed increased expression of COX-2, involved in prostaglandin E 2 production. Both conditions had a stimulatory, but differential, effect on the expression of proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines, while the expression of fibrotic factors was decreased only in response to proinflam- matory cytokines. Functional analysis demonstrated that inflammatory conditions affected morphology and proliferation of ASC, while their differentiation capacity and production of trophic factors was unaffected. The immunosuppressive capacity of ASC was enhanced strongly under inflammatory c

    Neprilysin participates in skeletal muscle regeneration and is accumulated in abnormal muscle fibres of inclusion body myositis.

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    Neprilysin (NEP, EP24.11), a metallopeptidase originally shown to modulate signalling events by degrading small regulatory peptides, is also an amyloid-beta- (Abeta) degrading enzyme. We investigated a possible role of NEP in inclusion body myositis (IBM) and other acquired and hereditary muscle disorders and found that in all myopathies NEP expression was directly associated with the degree of muscle fibre regeneration. In IBM muscle, NEP protein was also strongly accumulated in Abeta-bearing abnormal fibres. In vitro, during the experimental differentiation of myoblasts, NEP protein expression was regulated at the post-transcriptional level with a rapid increase in the early stage of myoblast differentiation followed by a gradual reduction thereafter, coincident with the progression of the myogenic programme. Treatment of differentiating muscle cells with the NEP inhibitor dl-3-mercapto-2-benzylpropanoylglycine resulted in impaired differentiation that was mainly associated with an abnormal regulation of Akt activation. Therefore, NEP may play an important role during muscle cell differentiation, possibly through the regulation, either directly or indirectly, of the insulin-like growth factor I-driven myogenic programme. In IBM muscle increased NEP may be instrumental in (i) reducing the Abeta accumulation in vulnerable fibres and (ii) promoting a repair/regenerative attempt of muscle fibres possibly through the modulation of insulin-like growth factor I-dependent pathways