34 research outputs found

    The United States Policy Contours in Afghanistan

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    ABSTRACT The contour of US engagement policy in Afghanistan revolves around various factors as neutralization of the Afghan Taliban threat by military means, training and arming the Afghan National Army and the Police, to strengthen the capacity of the Kabul government to govern effectively. This article highlights the influence of the US political engagement on the Afghan power dispensation and to illustrate the US foreign policy parameters in the regional political dynamics. The initial policy parameter has been shifted to reconciliation options in order to secure peace in Afghanistan but the success of which demands some basic agreements among power contenders and stake holders inside Afghanistan

    Clinicopathological Study of Patients Presenting with Adnexal Masses

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    Background: To assess the clinicopathological outcome of women with adnexal masses . Method: In this observational study patients with a diagnosis of adnexal mass, who underwent laparotomy, were included. All the patients were evaluated by a complete history, general abdominal and pelvic examination, followed by ultrasonography. Their preoperative findings are then correlated with surgical findings and histopathological diagnosis. Descriptive statistics are applied and results shown in the form of frequencies and percentages. Result: In 50 patients commonest presenting symptom was pain abdomen followed by mass abdomen. Ultrasound features correlate well with histopathological features. Majority (94.6%) patients had benign adnexal pathology and 5.4% had malignant pathology. Most common neoplasms were surface epithelial tumours followed by dermoid cyst. Conclusion:Demographic detail, ultrasonography and CA-125 are good preoperative indicators of malignant nature or benign nature of adnexal masses. Most common adnexal tumours are surface epithelial tumours followed by dermoid cysts and malignant tumours are common in postmenopausal group

    Impact of Innovation on Economic Growth of G8 Countries- Analysis Over 1996-2020

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    Purpose: The study aimed to analyze the relationship between innovation and economic growth in the G8 countries over the period 1996-2020.   Theoretical framework: The theoretical framework id built upon the neo-classical growth theory, endogenous growth theory, and the innovation systems approach.   Design/methodology/approach: The research used the Vector Auto Regression (VAR) model and penal regression, and found evidence of a positive and significant relationship between innovation and economic growth through the results of the Johansen co-integration test. The Granger causality Wald test also indicated that lgdp (GDP) Granger causes irrd (research and development), ipan (patent application), lpar (participation rate), lhte (high-tech exports), lede (educational expenditure), and istj (scientists and engineers), with strong evidence against the null hypothesis.   Results: The test results presented in the table provide information on the rank of the co-integrating relationships. The maximum and minimum values of the trace statistics and eigenvalues are reported at each rank, along with the critical values at 5% and 1% significance levels. Granger causes the other time series results suggests that lgdp Granger causes irrd (p-value = 0.034), ipan (p-value = 0.005), lpar (p-value = 0.001), lhte (p-value = 0.029), lede (p-value = 0.000), and istj (p-value = 0.000). The p-value for the overall test (lgdp vs. all) is 0.000, indicating that lgdp Granger causes all the other time series.   Findings:  The fixed effects regression model showed a significant relationship with an F-statistic of 2.54 and a corresponding p-value of 0.0218. The study provided policy recommendations to support innovation-led economic growth in the G8 countries

    Synthesis of pyrimidines, aromatic and heteroaromatic acids as Biginelli reaction catalysts

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    Aromatic as well as heteroaromatic acids were found to beexcellent catalysts for the Biginelli three component synthesisof dihydropyrimidinones. Benzoic acid, substituted benzoic acids, five- and six- membered heterocyclic acids can be used for this purpose

    Enhanced physical endurance and improved memory performance following taurine administration in rats

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    Energy drinks enhance physical endurance and cognitive ability. The ingredients present in these drinks are considered as ergogenic and have memory boosting effects. In the present study effects of taurine administration for one week was monitored on physical exercise and memory performance in rats. Animals were divided into two groups namely control and test. Taurine was injected intraperitoneally to the test group at the dose of 100mg/kg. After one week of treatment rats were subjected to physical exercise and memory task. Results of this study revealed that rats injected with taurine for one week exhibited improved muscular strength as well as enhanced memory performance in Morris water maze and elevated plus maze. Biomarker of lipid peroxidation was significantly reduced in brain and plasma of test animals. Taurine administration also resulted in higher levels of corticosterone in this study. The results highlight the significance of taurine ingestion in energy demanding and challenging situations in athletes and young subjects

    Neurocysticercosis: A Review

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    Neurocysticercosis (NCC) develops after cestode (Taenia solium) larvae penetrate the central nervous system. It is an important health problem in several developing nations, including those in Latin America, Africa, East Asia, and India. Parasites can establish themselves in the brain parenchyma, subarachnoid space, ventricular system, or spinal cord, creating a variety of pathological alterations that contribute to the disease's clinical pleomorphism. Several methods, mainly CT and MRI scans, are used to diagnose the disease, with each contributing to our understanding of the pathology of the parasite. The most frequent clinical symptom is seizures, although a significant number of individuals suffer focal impairments, hydrocephalus, hypertension, and cognitive decline. Cysticidal medicines (albendazole and praziquantel) have improved the prognosis of most neurocysticercosis patients. In many situations, the administration of these medications has been found to decrease the parasite load inside the central nervous system and improve the clinical outcome of the condition. Future research should focus on disease elimination by implementing control measures against all stages of the T. solium life cycle, including human carriers of the adult tapeworm, infected pigs, and eggs in the environment

    Gwadar-Kashgar Economic Corridor: Challenges and Imperatives for Pakistan and China

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    Abstract Gawadar Port is a great strategic asset for Pakistan. Coupled with the natural deep sea port, geo-strategic importance of its location, dependency of land locked CARs/ China and changing international nexus in the region has increased the importance of establishing Gwadar-Kashgar Economic Corridor (GKEC) to accrue maximum benefits and strengthen strategic partnerships with regional powers. GKEC is perhaps a project, which has tremendous potential for future economic uplift and strategic partnerships for Pakistan. The Kashgar-Gwadar Economic Corridor (KGEC) has capacity to generate economic revival for Pakistan and prosperity in the western region of China. This paper will analyze some very important questions like what is geostrategic importance of Gwadar-Kashgar Economic Corridor? What are challenges for Pakistan and China in development of this economic corridor? It will describe imperatives for Pakistan and China as well. GKEC will prove to be a game changer on regional canvas and is expected to bring prosperity and improved quality of life in general to region and in particular to Pakistan. There is a dire need to take on board all the regional and global players by addressing their concerns for early establishment of GKEC.&nbsp

    ظفر اقبال ظفر کی شاعری میں اہلِ بیت سے عقیدت کا اظہار

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    Zafar Iqbal Zafar belongs to Tehsil Shujabad District Multan. He Started his poetic carrier in 2000 with a book of poems and ghazals named; Aao Khushbu Chunain. His most work is about elegy (Marsia Goi). He wrote his six books about religious tragedy. Zafar Iqbal Zafar wrote about open verse, close verse, structure of Ghazal, Elegy, tragic poems. He tried to express the objectives of Hussain (R.A). He tried hard to differentiate between Maktab-e-Hussain and Maqtal-e-Hussain. He narrates about Hussain's place in hearts and discloses his greatness. In-short he advises today’s Muslims to follow his footsteps by narrating his great objective of sacrifice which Hussain (R.A) gave for Islam.</p