1,153 research outputs found

    Altrove : viaggiatrici italiane nell’Europa del Nord

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    Despite the increasing interest in women’s travelogues, no study has so far focused on those written by Italian women about the Northern European area. This dissertation aims at filling up this gap with a comparative analysis of six reports, written by six different women who travelled the Nordic Countries between the end of the XIX and the first decades of the XX century. Besides retrieving these forgotten travelogues, this study concentrates on each author's gaze on the itinerary, expressed in a narrative that enables the readers to share both the authors’ emotional status and their frame of mind. The dissertation situates the target authors both in their historical context, drawing the Italian background of the time, and in the frame of women’s traveling, relating the authors to the previous foreign women travellers in this same area. An accurate synthesis of each travelogue allows to proceed to a comparative study among these travel books, based on their most relevant characteristics: the chosen itinerary, the encounters, the cultural impact of the target countries on each woman writer. As the itineraries take place along the usual touristic routes of the time, the research is rather concerned on the writers’ emotional experience, first of all towards the places they visit and the atypical natural landscapes they encounter along the journey. Thereafter the study analyses the authors’ thorough curiosity and deep interest towards the Other, either represented by casual encounters along the route, or seen as a category, as in the case of the Laplanders. A specific focus is devoted to Nordic women, whose social position and role, especially in the urban areas, arise the writers’ attention. The last part of the corpus examines the attitude towards culture, either focused on everyday life or concerning the different aspects of Nordic folklore; cultural institutions are also described, as well as some historical, economical, and political features that the authors consider as relevant features for their reports. Eventually, a special attention is deserved to the travellers’ attitude towards their homeland, emotionally depicted and compared to the target Countries, with a nostalgia mixed to a sense of belonging and a feeling of cultural primacy. The study places these forgotten travelogues into a more general hodoeporic perspective, with particular attention to Italian women’s writings, opening at the same time the path to a deeper analysis of each report and its author.Toisaalla – Italialaiset naismatkailijat Pohjois-Euroopassa Huolimatta lisääntyneestä kiinnostuksesta naisten matkakertomuksia kohtaan, toistaiseksi ei ole tehty tutkimusta italialaisten naisten matkakertomuksista Pohjois-Euroopan alueelta. Tämän väitöskirjan tarkoitus on vastata tähän puutteeseen vertailevalla tutkimuksella, joka käsittelee kuuden naisen matkakertomuksia Pohjoismaista 1800-luvun lopun ja 1900-luvun ensimmäisten vuosikymmenien ajalta. Unohdettujen matkakertomusten muistiin palauttamisen lisäksi, tutkimus keskittyy kirjoittajien näkemykseen matkan kulusta narratiivisessa muodossa, jonka ansiosta lukija voi tavoittaa kirjoittajan tuntemukset ja mielentilan. Väitöstutkimus sijoittaa kirjoittajat historialliseen kontekstiin ja taustoittaa aikakauden Italiaa sekä naisten matkustamista, ja yhdistää kirjoittajat saman alueen aiempiin ulkomaalaisiin naismatkaajiin. Matkakertomuksia on mahdollista tarkan kuvauksen ansiosta vertailla niille tunnusomaisten piirteiden mukaan: valittu matkareitti, kohtaamiset, kohdemaiden kulttuurin vaikutus naiskirjoittajiin. Matkat kulkevat aikakaudelle tyypillisiä reittejä, joten tutkimus keskittyy ensisijaisesti kirjoittajien tunnekokemuksiin, jotka liittyvät erityisesti paikkoihin, joissa he vierailevat, ja epätavallisiin maisemiin, joita he matkoillaan kohtaavat. Tämän jälkeen tutkimus analysoi kirjoittajien uteliaisuutta ja syvää mielenkiintoa toiseutta kohtaan, joka ilmenee matkan varrella satunnaisina kohtaamisina, tai kategorisesti nähtynä, esimerkiksi lappalaisten tapauksessa. Erityinen huomio kohdistuu pohjoisen naisiin, joiden sosiaalinen asema ja rooli, erityisesti kaupunkialueilla, kiinnittää kirjoittajien huomion. Korpuksen viimeinen osa käsittelee asennetta kulttuuria kohtaan, liittyen joko arkielämään tai pohjoiseen kansanperinteeseen. Kulttuuriset instituutiot kuvataan, samoin kuin jotkin historialliset, taloudelliset ja poliittiset tekijät, joita kirjoittajat pitävät relevantteina teksteissään. Lopuksi huomioidaan myös matkaajien asenne kotimaataan kohtaan, emotionaalinen kuvaustapa ja vertailu kohdemaihin, sekä koti-ikävä, johon sekoittuu yhteenkuuluvuuden tunne ja kulttuurinen ylemmyyden tunne. Tutkimus sijoittaa nämä unohdetut matkakertomukset myös laajempaan tutkimuskenttään, antaa erityishuomion italialaisnaisten kirjoituksille, ja analysoi syvemmin jokaista kertomusta sekä niiden kirjoittajia

    Ambasciatrici di cultura: sguardi di italiane sulla Finlandia

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    Due rappresentanti della cultura italiana in viaggio in Finlandia negli anni ’30 del secolo scorso riflettono sull’immagine del Paese nordico. La loro narrazione introduce il pubblico italiano in un ambiente esotico, del quale vengono evidenziati aspetti relativi non solo alla quotidianità, ma anche alla storia, all’economia, alla struttura sociale. Utilizzando uno stesso strumento, la scrittura, le due donne realizzano due testi molto diversi fra loro, ricchi di elementi soggettivi e di osservazioni singolari.</p

    Psychotic and nonpsychotic mood disorders in autoimmune encephalitis: diagnostic issues and research implications

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    Recent research on autoimmune disorders suggests additional links between systemic and central nervous system (CNS) pathophysiology, among which the identification of antibody-induced limbic encephalitis provided the strongest evidence for the potential involvement of autoimmunity in the pathogenesis of severe mood and psychotic symptoms. In these illnesses, psychiatric symptoms predominate in the initial phase of the disorder in up to 70% of the cases, and they often lead patients to early psychiatric evaluation. For this reason, it is very important to increase the limited knowledge among psychiatrists about these autoimmune neuropsychiatric diseases, which can mimic psychiatric syndromes, in particular, those typically presented in severe mood disorders and schizophrenia. On the other hand, similarities in clinical presentation suggest that neuroinflammation and systemic immune dysregulation may play a role in the pathophysiology of severe mood and psychotic disorders. A complex interaction between periphery and immune cells of the CNS may result in cellular damage through mechanisms involving excitotoxicity, oxidative stress, and mitochondrial dysfunction. These pathways are possibly shared between comorbid medical disorders and severe mood and psychotic disorders and may reflect common underlying vulnerability

    Atti delle II giornate di formazione per insegnanti di italiano L2/LS a Cipro

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    This practical experience shows the introductory class to a single course on Antonio Tabucchi, as part of a M.A. degree course in Italian (Literature and Translation Studies). The course duration is six months. The class is based on one of Antonio Tabucchi’s short stories, “Messaggio dalla penombra” (A. Tabucchi, “I volatili del Beato Angelico”, Sellerio 1987), dealt with an integrated approach (Liddicoat, Scarino, 2013:4) that starts with a motivating listening task, and gradually increases the students’ active participation, from a guided to a completely autonomous and independent learning. The teacher’s role is that of facilitating the students’ insight and eliciting their own guesses while listening and reading the short story. The humanistic-affective approach used (Caon, 2006:3), favouring above all concentration through a relaxing environment in the class, encourages students to express their hypotheses and to exploit their own receptive abilities of the text; moreover, this approach stimulates the students’ interest and involvement, turning a simple reading task into a lively dialogue with the author. KEY WORDS Short story, listening, reading, dialogue, involvement, empathy.  </div

    Alessandra Orlandini Carcreff: Sciamanesimi. Storia, miti e simboli dal Grande Nord al Mediterraneo

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    Lo sciamanesimo, nato nelle regioni settentrionali eurasiatiche, trae origine da un sentimento animista ancestrale. Lo sciamano è il tramite tra gli uomini e gli spiriti: in stato di trance, riceve i responsi dagli dèi, guarisce i malati e accompagna nell’aldilà i moribondi.In questo volume si cercheranno le tracce di un sentimento sciamanico primordiale nel mondo siberiano e in quello degli antichi Scandinavi, presso i Celti, e, inaspettatamente, presso gli Egizi, i Greci e i Romani. Si analizzeranno l’universo dello sciamano, i ruoli che assume, i modi della sua iniziazione, le sedute di trance, la mitologia, le piante e gli animali sacri che lo accompagnano. Si scoprirà come persino il mondo attuale riveli influssi sciamanici più o meno evidenti, nella musica, nella letteratura, nel cinema, nei videogiochi. Infine si mostrerà come certe pratiche sciamaniche possano ancora contrassegnare il rapporto dell’uomo con la natura e come la trascendenza dell’insegnamento sciamanico possa toccare nel profondo l’animo contemporaneo.</p

    Emozioni finlandesi – Gli itinerari di M. A. Loschi

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    Il libro di M.A.Loschi, Itinerari Finlandesi, si presenta dal titolo come un diario di viaggio che, tuttavia, si sviluppa attraverso uno stile narrativo originale, atipico per il genere. Se all’”itinerario” viene dedicata la maggior parte dei dodici capitoli, quelli restanti  affrontano argomenti non direttamente pertinenti a un travelogue, rivelando l’intenzione di inserire la descrizione del suo viaggio in un contesto  più ampio, che da una parte fornisca al lettore un’immagine  completa del Paese e  dall’altra conferisca al libro uno spessore culturale e scientifico, mettendo in relazione la testimonianza fornita dal viaggio alla situazione storico-politica ed economica.</p