22 research outputs found

    Selenium concentration of Finnish foods: Effects of reducing the amount of selenate in fertilizers

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    The original two supplementation levels of selenium in multinutrient fertilizers (Se 16 and 6 mg kg-1 fertilizer as sodium selenate; started in 1985) were reduced to one (6 mg kg-1 fertilizer) in 1991. The 16 mg supplementation level was intended for use in cereal production. Due to the lowering of the level of Se application, the Se content of spring cereals (spring wheat, oats and barley) has decreased more than that of any other food in the monitoring programme. The present level, 0.1 mg kg-1 for cereal grains, is about 40% of the concentrations common in 1990. The Se concentrations have decreased less in other foods than in cereals. The present Se concentrations in milk products, meat and liver are about 70, 60 and 50%, respectively, of the concentrations in 1990. The average daily human Se intake was 0.08 mg day-1 at an energy level of 10 MJ in 1994. Animal protein is the main source of Se. About 40% of the intake comes from meat, 24% from dairy products and eggs, and 11% from fish

    Dietary fibre and available carbohydrates in Finnish cereal products

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    The contents of dietary fibre and available carbohydrates in Finnish cereal products were analysed using the Englyst total carbohydrate method. The tabulation gives the carbohydrate compositions of 44 cereal foods. The cereal-based estimated daily intakes were: total soluble sugars 14.8 g, starch 103 g and dietary fibre 11.6g (energy level 10 MJ)

    Cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease, and diabetes mortality burden of cardiometabolic risk factors from 1980 to 2010: A comparative risk assessment

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    Background: High blood pressure, blood glucose, serum cholesterol, and BMI are risk factors for cardiovascular diseases and some of these factors also increase the risk of chronic kidney disease and diabetes. We estimated mortality from cardiovascular diseases, chronic kidney disease, and diabetes that was attributable to these four cardiometabolic risk factors for all countries and regions from 1980 to 2010. Methods: We used data for exposure to risk factors by country, age group, and sex from pooled analyses of population-based health surveys. We obtained relative risks for the effects of risk factors on cause-specific mortality from meta-analyses of large prospective studies. We calculated the population attributable fractions for each risk factor alone, and for the combination of all risk factors, accounting for multicausality and for mediation of the effects of BMI by the other three risks. We calculated attributable deaths by multiplying the cause-specific population attributable fractions by the number of disease-specific deaths. We obtained cause-specific mortality from the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors 2010 Study. We propagated the uncertainties of all the inputs to the final estimates. Findings: In 2010, high blood pressure was the leading risk factor for deaths due to cardiovascular diseases, chronic kidney disease, and diabetes in every region, causing more than 40% of worldwide deaths from these diseases; high BMI and glucose were each responsible for about 15% of deaths, and high cholesterol for more than 10%. After accounting for multicausality, 63% (10·8 million deaths, 95% CI 10·1-11·5) of deaths from these diseases in 2010 were attributable to the combined effect of these four metabolic risk factors, compared with 67% (7·1 million deaths, 6·6-7·6) in 1980. The mortality burden of high BMI and glucose nearly doubled from 1980 to 2010. At the country level, age-standardised death rates from these diseases attributable to the combined effects of these four risk factors surpassed 925 deaths per 100 000 for men in Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Mongolia, but were less than 130 deaths per 100 000 for women and less than 200 for men in some high-income countries including Australia, Canada, France, Japan, the Netherlands, Singapore, South Korea, and Spain. Interpretation: The salient features of the cardiometabolic disease and risk factor epidemic at the beginning of the 21st century are high blood pressure and an increasing effect of obesity and diabetes. The mortality burden of cardiometabolic risk factors has shifted from high-income to low-income and middle-income countries. Lowering cardiometabolic risks through dietary, behavioural, and pharmacological interventions should be a part of the global response to non-communicable diseases. Funding: UK Medical Research Council, US National Institutes of Health. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd

    Chemical and organoleptic evaluation of some Finnish apple varieties

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    vokKirjasto Aj-KEräiden suomalaisten omenalajikkeiden kemiallinen ja aistinvarainen laatutukimu

    Eräiden suomalaisten omenalajikkeiden kemiallinen ja aistinvarainen laatututkimus

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    Chemical and organoleptic analyses were carried out on ten important locally grown apple varieties. Most of the varieties were characterized by high titratable acidity and fairly low total sugar concentration. Consequently the sugar-to-acid ratio (a suggested indicator of the eating quality of apples) remained low. However, some of the varieties with high acidity (Red Atlas, Raike) were scored high in the preference test, confirming that other factors in addition to the sugar-to-acid ratio have an influence on the palatability of apple juices. Generally it seems that juice from most of the studied varieties should be mixed with low acid, high sugar juices to be suitable for commerical juice production.Kymmenen kotimaista omenalajiketta (Melba, Charlottenthal, pun. Atlas, Antonovka, Raike, Snygg, Erstaa, Kaneli, Lobo ja Äkerö) analysoitiin kemiallisesti ja aistinvaraisesti tarkoituksena löytää sopivia lajikkeita teolliseen tuoremehun valmistukseen. Tutkituille lajikkeille tunnusomaista oli yleensä korkea tiirattava happoisuus sekä suhteellisen alhainen sokeripitoisuus. Tästä syystä myös sokeri-happosuhde, jota on pidetty parhaana omenan makuominaisuuksia kuvaavana kemiallisena kriteerinä, jäi alhaiseksi. Toisaalta aistinvaraisessa tutkimuksessa arvostettiin varsin korkealle joitakin sellaisia lajikkeita (pun. Atlas, Raike; kummallakin voimakas hedelmäinen aromi), joiden sokeri-happosuhde oli alhainen. Tämä vahvistaa käsitystä, ettei ko. suhde yksinään anna riittävän luotettavaa kuvaa omenan makuominaisuuksista. Prosessointiominaisuuksiensa ja mehusaaliinsa puolesta erityisesti Antonovka, mutta myös Äkerö ja pun. Atlas soveltuisivat hyvin teolliseen tuoremehun valmistukseen. Nämä lajikkeet ovat suhteellisen happamia (Antonovka myös heikkoarominen). ja siten yksinään käytettyinä liian voimakkaan makuisia maittavan mehun raaka-aineeksi. Tutkituista lajikkeista ainoastaan Lobo, joka prosessointiominaisuuksiltaan on tyydyttävä, on riittävän sokeripitoinen ja vähähappoinen soveltuakseen käytettäväksi seoksena happamien mehujen kanssa maun pehmentäjänä

    Trends in the cadmium contents of bovine and porcine liver in the 1992-1995

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    Chemical and organoleptic evaluation of some Finnish apple varieties

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    Chemical and organoleptic analyses were carried out on ten important locally grown apple varieties. Most of the varieties were characterized by high titratable acidity and fairly low total sugar concentration. Consequently the sugar-to-acid ratio (a suggested indicator of the eating quality of apples) remained low. However, some of the varieties with high acidity (Red Atlas, Raike) were scored high in the preference test, confirming that other factors in addition to the sugar-to-acid ratio have an influence on the palatability of apple juices. Generally it seems that juice from most of the studied varieties should be mixed with low acid, high sugar juices to be suitable for commerical juice production

    Selenium concentration of Finnish foods: Effects of reducing the amount of selenate in fertilizers

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    Seleenilannoituskäytäntöä muutettiin siten, että vuodesta 1991 alkaen kaikissa moniravinnelannoitteissa on ollut yhtä paljon natriumselenaattia (Se 6 mg kg-1 lannoitetta) aikaisemmin käytetyn kahden seleenilisäyksen sijasta. Toimenpiteellä haluttiin ennen kaikkea estää eläinten rehuissa esiintyneitä suuria seleenipitoisuuksia, joita oli havaittu eräissä yksittäistapauksissa. Kaikkien seurattujen elintarvikkeiden seleenipitoisuudet olivat laskeneet lannoituskäytännön muutoksen vuoksi. Kevätviljojen seleenipitoisuudet olivat laskeneet eniten (yli 60 %), koska vuosina 1985-1990 lannoitteissa käytetty seleenitaso 16 mg kg-1 oli tarkoitettu viljanviljelyyn. Muiden elintarvikkeiden seleenipitoisuudet olivat laskeneet vähemmän kuin kevätviljojen. Lihan seleenipitoisuus oli laskenut n. 30 %, maidon ja juuston yli 30 %. Muutos on ollut pienin naudan ja sian maksan kohdalla (10-20 %). Elintarvikkeiden seleenipitoisuuksien lasku oli vaikuttanut myös suomalaisten keskimääräiseen päivittäiseen seleenin saantiin Suomessa. Vuonna 1994 seleenin saanti oli 10 MJ:n energiatasolla 0,08 mg d-1. Seleenin saantimme vastasi hyvin kansainvälisiä suosituksia ja oli riittävä ja turvallinen.The original two supplementation levels of selenium in multinutrient fertilizers (Se 16 and 6 mg kg-1 fertilizer as sodium selenate; started in 1985) were reduced to one (6 mg kg-1 fertilizer) in 1991. The 16 mg supplementation level was intended for use in cereal production. Due to the lowering of the level of Se application, the Se content of spring cereals (spring wheat, oats and barley) has decreased more than that of any other food in the monitoring programme. The present level, 0.1 mg kg-1 for cereal grains, is about 40% of the concentrations common in 1990. The Se concentrations have decreased less in other foods than in cereals. The present Se concentrations in milk products, meat and liver are about 70, 60 and 50%, respectively, of the concentrations in 1990. The average daily human Se intake was 0.08 mg day-1 at an energy level of 10 MJ in 1994. Animal protein is the main source of Se. About 40% of the intake comes from meat, 24% from dairy products and eggs, and 11 % from fish.vokSeleenilannoituksen muutoksen vaikutus suomalaisten elintarvikkeiden seleenipitoisuutee

    Seleenilannoituksen muutoksen vaikutus suomalaisten elintarvikkeiden seleenipitoisuuteen

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    The original two supplementation levels of selenium in multinutrient fertilizers (Se 16 and 6 mg kg-1 fertilizer as sodium selenate; started in 1985) were reduced to one (6 mg kg-1 fertilizer) in 1991. The 16 mg supplementation level was intended for use in cereal production. Due to the lowering of the level of Se application, the Se content of spring cereals (spring wheat, oats and barley) has decreased more than that of any other food in the monitoring programme. The present level, 0.1 mg kg-1 for cereal grains, is about 40% of the concentrations common in 1990. The Se concentrations have decreased less in other foods than in cereals. The present Se concentrations in milk products, meat and liver are about 70, 60 and 50%, respectively, of the concentrations in 1990. The average daily human Se intake was 0.08 mg day-1 at an energy level of 10 MJ in 1994. Animal protein is the main source of Se. About 40% of the intake comes from meat, 24% from dairy products and eggs, and 11% from fish.Seleenilannoituskäytäntöä muutettiin siten, että vuodesta 1991 alkaen kaikissa moniravinnelannoitteissa on ollut yhtä paljon natriumselenaattia (Se 6 mg kg-1 lannoitetta) aikaisemmin käytetyn kahden seleenilisäyksen sijasta. Toimenpiteellä haluttiin ennen kaikkea estää eläinten rehuissa esiintyneitä suuria seleenipitoisuuksia, joita oli havaittu eräissä yksittäistapauksissa. Kaikkien seurattujen elintarvikkeiden seleenipitoisuudet olivat laskeneet lannoituskäytännön muutoksen vuoksi. Kevätviljojen seleenipitoisuudet olivat laskeneet eniten (yli 60 %), koska vuosina 1985- 1990 lannoitteissa käytetty seleenitaso 16 mg kg-1 oli tarkoitettu viljanviljelyyn. Muiden elintarvikkeiden seleenipitoisuudet olivat laskeneet vähemmän kuin kevätviljojen. Lihan seleenipitoisuus oli laskenut n. 30 %, maidon ja juuston yli 30 %. Muutos on ollut pienin naudan ja sian maksan kohdalla (10-20 %). Elintarvikkeiden seleenipitoisuuksien lasku oli vaikuttanut myös suomalaisten keskimääräiseen päivittäiseen seleenin saantiin Suomessa. Vuonna 1994 seleenin saanti oli 10 MJ:n energiatasolla 0,08 mg d-1. Seleenin saantimme vastasi hyvin kansainvälisiä suosituksia ja oli riittävä ja turvallinen