33 research outputs found


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    Introduction: Pregnancy is associated with many psychological and physiological changes. Such changes caused a variety of complaints in pregnant women. Sleep disturbance and fatigue are the most common complaints reported by pregnant women. The other risks that might be experienced by pregnant women is an increase in blood pressure, especially during the third trimester. The purpose of this study is to determine if yophytta exercise could improve insomnia, fatigue and blood pressure problems in pregnant women based on Roy's theory. Methods: This was pre-experimental study used one group pre-posttest design. Nine pregnant women participated in a yophytta exercise programme for a month, and given a pretest and posttest (fill out a questionnaire KSPBJ-IRS for CFQ for insomnia and fatigue, as well as the measurement of cortisol levels and blood pressure). Result and Analysis: The results showed that significant value is 0.008 for insomnia and fatigue, 0.019 for cortisol levels, 0.006 and 0,004 for systole and diastole blood pressure. Which means there is a significant difference between insomnia, fatigue, and blood pressure before and after intervention. Discuss and Conclusion: Yophytta exercise is one way for pregnant women to perform adaptation response as a coping mechanism to overcome the problems experienced during pregnancy, especially in the third trimester as insomnia and fatigue; and avoiding the occurrence of gestational hypertension or preeclampsia eclampsia. The outcome of this study showed that insomnia, fatigue and blood pressure in pregnant women can be reduced with yophytta exercises. Keywords: Yophytta, Exercise, Insomnia, Cortisol, Fatigue, Blood Pressure, Pregnanc

    Factor Analysis of Caesarean Section at Panti Waluya Hospital, Malang

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    The incidence of caesarean section in Indonesia has increased every year. Caesarean section is an alternative to delivery when vaginal delivery cannot be done. The problems studied are the factors that influence the action of cesarean section delivery. The purpose of the study was to analyze the factors of delivery by caesarean section at Panti Waluya Hospital, Malang. The design of the study used cross sectional. The population in this study was all parturition mothers who were in the medical records of Panti Waluya Hospital Malang in January-May 2021. The sampling technique in this study used Simple Radom sampling, obtained 55 samples that met the inclusion criteria (ie data in the medical record). The study was carried out at the Panti Waluya Hospital in Malang in May 2021. The instrument used observation sheet. The data taken came from secondary data, namely the patient's medical record. The independent variables of the study were maternal age, gestational age, employment status, parity, disease history, income, insurance, education, delivery distance. The dependent variable of the study was caesarean section. The data analysis used Fisher exact test and logistic regression test. The results showed that history of disease and delivery interval had a significant correlation with delivery, and the variable that was the determinant of CS delivery was history of disease (p=0.012; OR=8.463). It is necessary to carry out routine ANC for pregnant women, in order to avoid risk factors for childbirth by caesarean section

    SENAM YOPHYTTA DALAM UPAYA PERBAIKAN INSOMNIA, KELELAHAN DAN TEKANAN DARAH PADA IBU HAMIL BERBASIS TEORI ROY Yophytta Exercise Improvement Efforts In Insomnia, Fatigue And Blood Pressure Of Pregnant Women Based On The Roy’s Theory

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    ABSTRAK Latarbelakang: kehamilan banyak dihubungkan dengan perubahan psikologis dan psikososial. Berbagai perubahan yang dialami oleh ibu hamil seperti gangguan tidur dan kelelahan banyak menjadi keluhan dari ibu hamil. Resiko lain yang sering dialami oleh ibu hamil adalah peningkatan tekanan darah, terutama pada trimester III. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh senam yophytta terhadap insomnia, kelelahan dan tekanan darah ibu hamil berbasis teori Roy.Metode; penelitian ini menggunakan metode pre eksperimental dengan pre post test design. Subyek penelitian menggunakan 9 wanita hamil dan program latihan senam yophytta ini dilaksanakan selama 1 bulan, subyek penelitian akan mendapat pre test dan post test, instrument penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuesioner KSPBJ-IRS for CFQ untuk pengukuran insomnia dan kelelahan, kemudian subyek akan dilakukan pemeriksaan kadar kortisol dan pengukuran tekanan darah. Hasil dan Analisis: hasil penelitian menunjukan hasil yang signifikan antara insomnia dan kelelahan dengan nilai 0,008, nilai untuk kadar kortisol 0,019, untuk nilai tekanan darah systole dan diastole adalah 0,006 dan 0,004. Dimana signifikansi nilai beda antara insomnia, kelelahan dan tekanan darah sebelum dan sesudah perlakukan. Kesimpulan dan saran: senam yophytta merupakan salah satu latihan pada wanita hamil sebagai bentuk respon adaptasi atau sebuah koping mekanisme untuk menghadapi masalah/keluhan selama kehamilan. Terutama pada trimester III yaitu insomnia dan kelelahan serta mencegah hipertensi pada kehamilan atau pre eklamsia/eklamsia. Senam yophytta dapat mengurangi insomnia, kelelahan dan stabilisasi tekanan darah pada wanita hamil Kata Kunci: Senam Yophytta, Insomnia, Kelelahan, Kadar Kortisol , Tekanan darah, Kehamila

    Pengetahuan tentang Diit Rendah Garam Berhubungan dengan Tekanan Darah pada Pasien Hipertensi di Klinik Panti Rahayu (Knowledge About Low Salt Diit Associated With Blood Pressure In Hypertension Patients At The Panti Rahayu Clinic)

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    Pendahuluan: Prevalensi penyakit hipertensi meningkat sepanjang tahun. Hipertensi tidak mengenal usia karena rendahnya pengetahuan dan pola hidup sehat. Pola hidup masyarakat yang lebih praktis berdampak pada pelaksanaan diit hipertensi yang tidak tepat dan memicu berbagai penyakit. Berdasarkan fenomena tersebut perlu pemahaman untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai diit hipertensi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan tentang diit rendah garam dengan tekanan darah. Metode: Desain penelitian menggunakan analitik observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi sebanyak 91 orang dan sampel dalam penelitian sebanyak 74  orang yang diambil menggunakan stratified random sampling, Pengumpulan data primer menggunakan kuesioner dan data dianalisis menggunakan Chi Square. Hasil dan Analisis: Hasil didapatkan lebih dari separuh responden (74.4%) mempunyai pengetahuan kategori kurang, lebih dari separuh responden (70.2%) mempunyai tekanan darah kategori hipertensi tahap 1, dan terdapat hubungan pengetahuan diit rendah garam dengan tekanan darah (0.023). Diskusi: Disarankan bagi peneliti selanjutnya mengidentifikasi pola makan dengan peningkatan tekanan darah


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    The cultural practice of female circumcision in Kalimantan, is not only based on local traditions and culture, but is also a must for the Muslim community. The circumcision is believed to be a worship that must be carried out, although religious guidance regarding female circumcision is still a matter of debate. The purpose of the study was to find out how the cultural practice of female circumcision.  This study used a descriptive qualitative design. The research was carried out in Kalimantan. The participants are parents, traditional healers, and health workers. The sampling technique was purposive with the inclusion criteria of living in the research area for at least 10 years and having seen firsthand the practice of circumcision against women. The collected data is then analyzed using the concepts proposed by Miles and Huberman. Most of the participants really respect the existence of female circumcision on the basis of religion or because of the words of parents who say that the girl must be circumcised. Most of the participants said they were not aware of the controversy about female circumcision, even heard that was prohibited. They believe that circumcision is mandatory and do not know that if it is done carelessly, it will be fatal. The cultural practice of female circumcision is still carried out from generation to generation because it is believed to be able to cleanse one's body from all dirt or najis

    Factors Affecting Mother's Behavior on The Compliance of Antenatal Care Visits

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    Antenatal care is very important in ensuring that both the mother and the fetus will survive during pregnancy and during delivery. ANC service is a planned program in the form of observation, education, and medical treatment for pregnant women. The purpose of the research was to determine the factors that influence the mother's behavior on the compliance of Antenatal Care Visits at the Anggrek and Mawar Posyandu, Tlogomas Village, Malang City. The research design used analytic observation. The population of this research was all pregnant women in Posyandu Anggrek and Mawar, Tlogomas Village, Malang City as many as 17 people. The sample was 17 respondents taken by total sampling technique. The data collection technique used an instrument in the form of a questionnaire. The data analysis method used the Chi Square test (p value <0.05). The results showed that most of the respondents (64.7%) had sufficient knowledge, most of the respondents (70.6%) had the attitude of the sufficient category, and most of the respondents (52.9%) had the husband's support in the sufficient category and most of the respondents (64.7%) had the level of compliance of visits in the right category. The results of the chi square test showed that there was a correlation between knowledge, attitudes and husband's support factors on the compliance of Antenatal Care Visits at the Anggrek and Mawar Posyandu, Tlogomas Village, Malang City. Further researchers are expected to conduct similar research by exploring other factors that can affect the compliance of ANC visits such as economic factors, distance from health facilities and this research is carried out by visiting respondents one by one so that it is less effective

    The Development of Environment Based Textbook in Biology Course at Tribhuwana Tunggadewi University

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    Environmental issues are rooted in human behavior is often found in everyday life, one contributing factor was not maximal the environment learning outcomes in the education. The purpose of this study is to develop environment based textbook in Biology course suited to the needs and character of college students. The development model used in this research and development are modified Thiagarajan et al model consists of three stages: define, design, and develop. The technique of collecting data using questionnaires validation for experts, and small-scale trials. The result of the development of textbooks showing the average results of the validation and testing is in the category with a good fit for use in accordance with the table eligibility criteria and product revision level

    Hubungan Jenis Metode Kontrasepsi dengan Kehamilan Tidak Diinginkan (KTD) pada Pasangan Usia Subur (PUS) (Correlation between Contraceptive Method and Unwanted Pregnancy in Fertile Age Couple)

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    Pendahuluan: Program KB di Indonesia masih belum mencapai target yang diinginkan. Penggunaan metode kontrasepsi yang kurang tepat dapat meningkatkan AKI. Salah satu faktor penyebabnya adalah PUS yang mengalami KTD. Wanita yang mengalami KTD memiliki resiko tinggi jika tetap mempertahankan maupun mengakhiri kehamilannya. Metode: Studi analitik observasional menggunakan case control design dengan pendekatan retrospective. Diperoleh 30 sampel Ibu hamil di Puskesmas Dinoyo Malang pada bulan Mei tahun 2016 dengan teknik purposive sampling. Kriteria inklusi adalah PUS yang pernah menggunakan alat kontrasepsi, usia 15-49 tahun. Menggunakan instrument kuesioner dan kohort dari Puskesmas Dinoyo Malang. Hasil: Uji statistik dengan Odds Ratio didapatkan hasil bahwa terdapat hubungan antara jenis metode kontrasepsi terhadap KTD pada PUS dengan nilai signifikansi sebesar 0.01

    The Development of Teaching Material for Sexual Education as an Effort to Prevent LGBT, Sexual Abuse, and Free Sex For Junior High School Students

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    The rise of LGBT cases, sexual abuse, and free sex have recently threatened teenagers who are vulnerable to misinformation about sex. Increasing cases of violence is a clear proof of the lack of adolescent knowledge about sexual education that they should have obtained from the first year by their parents. Perceptions of people who still think taboo about sex education to adolescents become a cause that must be addressed to equip adolescents against the flow of globalization is increasingly transparent. One of the prevention efforts conducted is sexual education from an early age and more intensified in adolescence. The purpose of this study is the application of learning models and teaching materials of sexual education in accordance with the characteristics of adolescent learners, where at this age prone to sexual deviation. Sex education teaching materials synergize with the core competencies and basic competencies that have been set in the Curriculum 2013 for class IX SMP. The research and development model used in this research is Thiagarajan development model consisting of four stages, namely Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate