166 research outputs found

    On octohedral and cubic alum

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    Légitime défense et acteurs non étatiques : évolution en droit international et impact sur la neutralité suisse ?

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    Article 6.8 and Annex II of the WTO agreement on antidumping

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    Defence date: 9 July 2019Examining Board: Prof. Petros C. Mavroidis, European University Institute, Columbia Law School, University of Neuchâtel, World Trade Organization (Supervisor); Prof. Giorgio Monti, European University Institute; Prof. Edwin Vermulst, World Trade Institute, University of Barcelona, VVGB Law; Prof. Gabrielle Marceau, World Trade Organization, University of GenevaArticle 6.8 of the Antidumping Agreement (AD) allows domestic investigating authorities to make determinations on the basis of the best information available (BIA) when any interested party does not cooperate during an antidumping investigation under the discipline of Annex II of the AD. Since its introduction, this provision has been the source of extensive and neverending litigation in front of both domestic investigating authorities and the Dispute Settlement Body. In this thesis, we research to what extent the findings of the Panels and the Appellate Body regarding Article 6.8 AD are consistent with the mandate set out in Articles 3.2, 11 DSU and 17.6 AD and to what extent they are reasonable from an economic perspective. To answer the first question, we first discuss Articles 3.2, 11 DSU and 17.6 AD to establish what is the mandate of the Panels and the Appellate Body under the Dispute Settlement Body. We then examine the findings of the Panels and the Appellate Body in the interpretation of the seven terms of Article 6.8 AD under the previously established mandate. To answer the second question, we summarize the latest developments in the economic theory of adjudication and litigation. We then discuss the findings of the Panels and the Appellate Body using this economic standard. In the conclusion, we compare the results of our analysis with current negotiations on Article 6.8 AD in the Doha Round framework and further discuss the opportunity to create a single united international investigating authority

    Traité théorique et pratique de l'impression des tissus

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    A la portada: Ouvrage avec 165 figures et 429 echantillons intercales dans le texte et accompagne d'un Atlas in-4 de 20 planchesNotesÍndex al primer v

    A Ramsey apparatus for proton spins in flowing water

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    We present an apparatus that applies Ramsey's method of separated oscillatory fields to proton spins in water molecules. The setup consists of a water circuit, a spin polarizer, a magnetically shielded interaction region with various radio frequency elements, and a nuclear magnetic resonance system to measure the spin polarization. We show that this apparatus can be used for Rabi resonance measurements and to investigate magnetic and pseudomagnetic field effects in Ramsey-type precision measurements with a sensitivity below 100 pT

    Bayesian Modelling of PWR Vessels Flaw Distributions

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    We present a full Bayesian method for estimating the density and size distribution of subclad-flaws in French Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) vessels. This model takes into account in service inspection (ISI) data, a flaw size-dependent probability of detection function (different function types are possible) with a threshold of detection, and a flaw sizing error distribution (different distribution types are possible). It is identified through a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm. The article includes discussion for choosing the prior distribution parameters and an illustrative application is presented highlighting its ability to provide good parameter estimates even when a small number of flaws is observed