173 research outputs found


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    A Corpus Analysis of the Syntactic Distributions of the Verb \u27GET\u27 : Meanings and Usages

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    This paper is a corpus analysis of the syntactic distributions of . We examine the 198 most common usages of based on Corpus of American Soap Operas (CASO) databanks, a subset of the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA). We also provide 12 subcategorization frames to account for all the syntactic environments in which occurs in the database. This comprehensive investigation confirms that is unique among all English verbs by the sheer number of complements that it selects. Its varied uses and its frequency of occurrence in everyday English make a hard verb to master for native and non-native speakers alike. Non-native speakers may not understand many of the idiomatic expressions and collocations involving . Native speakers, on the other hand, may not be aware that a fair amount of its usages and collocations are too informal. Consequently, care should be used when appears in academic writing. We first analyzed the numerous uses of , only then did we categorize usages from CASO/ COCA. Some of the usages that we did not find in either CASO or COCA

    Dispersion relation analysis of magnetic field fluctuations in solar wind turbulence on ionkinetic scales

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    Der Sonnenwind zeichnet sich durch turbulente Fluktuationen in der Plasmageschwindigkeit sowie dem magnetischen und elektrischen Feld über viele Größenordnungen aus. In der schwachen-Turbulenz-Theorie können kleine Fluktuationen durch schwach wechselwirkende Normalmoden beschrieben werden. Die Wellen behalten dabei ihre charakteristischen Dispersionsrelationen Mit den in-situ Messungen der Multi-Satelliten Mission Cluster können die Dispersionsrelationen direkt und ohne Annahme der Taylor-Hypothese im Sonnenwind bestimmt werden. Die beobachteten Relationen auf ionenkinetischen Skalen decken Frequenz- und Wellenzahlbereiche verschiedener möglicher Normalmoden ab, lassen aber keine eindeutige Identifikation mit diesen zu. Um die Streuung zu erklären, werden in dieser Arbeit zwei Effekte betrachtet, die in der turbulenten Strömung die Dispersionsrelationen modifizieren können. Die erste Studie berücksichtigt die lokal variierenden Hintergrundgrößen bei der Berechnung der theoretischen Dispersionsrelationen. Im Vergleich mit diesen können 60% der detektierten Wellen mit Normalmoden assoziiert werden. Somit erklären die variierenden Hintergrundparameter nur einen Teil der Frequenzstreuung. In der zweiten Studie zeigt das Frequenz-Wellenzahl-Spektrum aufgrund einer um Null zentrierten Gauß-Verteilung qualitative Gemeinsamkeiten mit dem Spektrum des Random-Sweeping-Modells, bei dem kleinskalige Strukturen durch großskalige zufällig advektiert werden. Die Standardabweichung der beobachteten Verteilung skaliert dabei stärker mit der Wellenzahl als von verschiedenen Modellen der Hydro- und Magnetohydrodynamik vorhergesagt und zeigt, dass die zufällige Advektion in der Sonnenwindturbulenz auf ionenkinetischen Skalen sehr viel stärker ist. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen, dass die kleinen magnetischen Fluktuationen auf ionenkinetischen Skalen als langlebige und kohärente Wellen interpretiert werden können. Ihre Dispersionsrelationen sind jedoch aufgrund des Random-Sweeping-Effekts nicht klar erkennbar. Die Konzentration der Verteilung um sehr kleine Frequenzen deutet darauf hin, dass diese die dominierenden Komponenten des Wellenfeldes sind. Höherfrequente Moden sind jedoch nicht ausgeschlossen. Die starke und systematische Frequenzverbreiterung zeigt, dass Normalmoden und Seitenbandwellen bei Beschreibung der Sonnenwindturbulenz auf ionenkinetischen Skalen berücksichtigt werden müssen.The solar wind is characterized by turbulent magnetic field and plasma fluctuations on a broad range of scales. In the scenario of weak turbulence, which is characterized by small fluctuations, energy is believed to be cascaded from larger to smaller scales due to weak wave-wave-interactions of normal modes, which retain their dispersion relations. In-situ measurements from the multi-spacecraft mission Cluster provide the direct observation of dispersion relations in the solar wind without assuming Taylor hypothesis. The results show scattered frequencies at wavelengths around the ion inertial length that cover wave number and frequency ranges of different normal modes but without clear connection to them. In order to explain this scattering two effects of the turbulent environment that will modify the dispersion relations are investigated in this thesis. The first study considers locally varying background conditions in computing the theoretical dispersion relations of different normal modes. About 60% of the observed waves are associated with the possible normal modes. However, 40% of the population cannot be associated. Thus, varying conditions could only partly explain the frequency scattering. In the second study, the dispersion relation analysis is improved and the observed Gaussian frequency distribution around zero frequencies shows evidence of frequency broadening due to large waves and eddies by a test for random-sweeping model. This model describes the broadening as the result of the random advection of small-scale waves due to large-scale fluctuations. The observed standard deviation scales stronger with the wavenumber than predicted from the hydro- and ideal magnetohydrodynamic turbulence models and may be a consequence of a more complex sweeping in plasma turbulence at ion kinetic scales. In summary, solar wind turbulence exhibits small fluctuations on ion kinetic scales that can be associated with plane wave structures. However, their dispersion relations in the co-moving frame are strongly affected by the random sweeping. The frequency distribution suggests the zero-frequency and low-frequency kinetic Alfvén waves as a main constituents in solar wind turbulence but also higher frequency waves are possible. The strong and systematic frequency broadening shows that normal modes and sideband waves must be considered in the wave picture of solar wind turbulence on the ion kinetic scales

    Supervision ehrenamtlicher Mitarbeiter in der TelefonSeelsorge

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    Das Besondere an der Arbeit in der TelefonSeelsorge ist, dass sie fast ausschließlich von ehrenamtlichen MitarbeiterInnen geleistet wird. Nach deren Ausbildung gehört auch Supervision zum begleitenden Programm. Die vorliegende Arbeit beleuchtet 1.Begriffe wie Ehrenamt, Motivation Ehrenamtlicher, Seelsorge, Beratung, Supervision, sowie Notwendigkeit derselben und Herausforderungen, sowie 2.eine Auseinandersetzung der hauptamtlichen Leiterin in ihren Rollen als Chefin, Seelsorgerin, Ausbilderin und Supervisorin. Es wird außerdem die Arbeitssituation während des Telefondienstes, die Themen, mit denen ehrenamtliche MitarbeiterInnen in Berührung kommen, Herausforderungen am Telefon, die Rolle des TelefonSeelsorgers und die Schlussfolgerungen daraus für die Supervision dargestellt. Die Auseinandersetzung mit ihren Berufsrollen, die Gefahren, Vorzüge, Vor- und Nachteile, sowie Konsequenzen daraus für ihre Praxis zeigt die Verfasserin anhand der TelefonSeelsorge Gera auf

    Communication Between Process and Structure: Modelling and Simulating Message Reference Networks with COM/TE

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    Focusing on observable message signs and referencing structures, communication processes can be described and analysed as message reference networks which are characterized by dynamic pattern evolution. Computational simulation provides a way of obtaining insights into the factors driving such processes. Our paper describes a theoretical framework for communication-oriented modelling — the COM approach — that is centred around the notion of social visibility as a reputation mechanism. The approach contrasts with agent-based social networks on the one hand, and with bibliometric document networks on the other. In introducing our simulation environment COM/TE, typical properties of message reference networks are discussed in terms of a case study which deals with the impact of different media and styles of communication on emergent patterns of social visibility.Communication, Communication-Oriented Modelling, Message Sign, Dynamic Networks, Bottom-up Approach, Temporality, Social Visibility, Reputation, Socionics

    Perceptions of Genetic Counseling from Adults with Bipolar Disorder

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    Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder that affects about 1% of the population, representing a significant public health issue. Bipolar disorder can be associated with substance abuse problems, unemployment, increased marital dysfunction, and increased use of health services. Twin studies provide evidence that genetics plays a role in the etiology of bipolar disorder with heritability estimates as high as 93% in some studies. Molecular genetic studies were initially promising, but no genes with large effect sizes have been discovered. There is also evidence that suggests a multifactorial inheritance pattern. Consequently, genetic testing is not yet available. However, as advances are made in the understanding of genetics and psychiatric disorders, it is expected that the demand for genetic counseling for bipolar disorder will increase. Genetic counselors are well-equipped to educate patients and family members about the condition, to discuss their concerns about the risk of bipolar disorder, and to offer genetic testing should it become available. For this qualitative study, interviews were conducted to explore the opinions and perceptions of individuals with bipolar disorder and/or their siblings. The open-ended questions were designed to elicit the thoughts and attitudes about bipolar disorder and genetic counseling. Thematic analysis was performed on the transcripts from 10 interviews and the following themes were identified: excessive disease burden, variable causal attributions, desire for diagnostic test for BPD, and reproductive considerations