822 research outputs found

    Transitions in coral reef accretion rates linked to intrinsic ecological shifts on turbid-zone nearshore reefs

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from the Geological Society of America via the DOI in this record.Nearshore coral communities within turbid settings are typically perceived to have limited reef-building capacity. However, several recent studies have reported reef growth over millennial time scales within such environments and have hypothesized that depth-variable community assemblages may act as equally important controls on reef growth as they do in clear-water settings. Here, we explicitly test this idea using a newly compiled chronostratigraphic record (31 cores, 142 radiometric dates) from seven proximal (but discrete) nearshore coral reefs located along the central Great Barrier Reef (Australia). Uniquely, these reefs span distinct stages of geomorphological maturity, as reflected in their elevations below sea level. Integrated age-depth and ecological data sets indicate that contemporary coral assemblage shifts, associated with changing light availability and wave exposure as reefs shallowed, coincided with transitions in accretion rates at equivalent core depths. Reef initiation followed a regional ∌1 m drop in sea level (1200–800 calibrated yr B.P.) which would have lowered the photic floor and exposed new substrate for coral recruitment by winnowing away fine seafloor sediments. We propose that a two-way feedback mechanism exists where past growth history influences current reef morphology and ecology, ultimately driving future reef accumulation and morphological change. These findings provide the first empirical evidence that nearshore reef growth trajectories are intrinsically driven by changes in coral community structure as reefs move toward sea level, a finding of direct significance for predicting the impacts of extrinsically driven ecological change (e.g., coral-algal phase shifts) on reef growth potential within the wider coastal zone on the Great Barrier Reef.This work was supported by Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) grant NE/J023329/1 to Perry and Smithers and NERC Radiocarbon Dating Allocations 1727.1013 and 1838.1014 to Morgan, Perry, and Gulliver

    Projections of coral cover and habitat change on turbid reefs under future sea-level rise

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from the Royal Society via the DOI in this recordData accessibility: All field datasets are available from the NERC datacentre: http://www.bgs.ac.uk/services/ngdc/accessions/index.html?simpleText=Great%20Barrier%20Reef#item76769. The model data that support the findings of this study are openly available at: https://github.com/rudyarthur/coral.Global sea-level rise (SLR) is projected to increase water depths above coral reefs. Although the impacts of climate disturbance events on coral cover and three-dimensional complexity are well documented, knowledge of how higher sea levels will influence future reef habitat extent and bioconstruction is limited. Here, we use 31 reef cores, coupled with detailed benthic ecological data, from turbid reefs on the central Great Barrier Reef, Australia, to model broad-scale changes in reef habitat following adjustments to reef geomorphology under different SLR scenarios. Model outputs show that modest increases in relative water depth above reefs (Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 4.5) over the next 100 years will increase the spatial extent of habitats with low coral cover and generic diversity. More severe SLR (RCP8.5) will completely submerge reef flats and move reef slope coral communities below the euphotic depth, despite the high vertical accretion rates that characterize these reefs. Our findings suggest adverse future trajectories associated with high emission climate scenarios which could threaten turbid reefs globally and their capacity to act as coral refugia from climate change.Natural Environment Research Council (NERC

    Reef fish carbonate production assessments highlight regional variation in sedimentary significance (article)

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    This is the final published version.Available from GSA via the DOI in this record.The dataset associated with this article is located in ORE at: https://doi.org/10.24378/exe.485Recent studies show that all marine bony fish produce mud-sized (<63 ”m) carbonate at rates relevant to carbonate sediment budgets, thus adding to the debate about the often enigmatic origins of fine-grained marine carbonates. However, existing production data are geographically and taxonomically limited, and because different fish families are now known to produce different carbonate polymorphs—an issue relevant to predicting their preservation potential—these limitations represent an important knowledge gap. Here we present new data from sites in the Western Pacific Ocean, based on an analysis of 45 fish species. Our data show that previously reported production outputs (in terms of rates and family-specific mineralogies) are applicable across different biogeographic regions. On this basis, we model carbonate production for nine coral reef systems around Australia, with production rates averaging 2.1–9.6 g m–2 yr–1, and up to 105 g m–2 yr–1 at discrete sites with high fish biomass. With projected production rates on lower-latitude reefs up to two-fold higher, these outputs indicate that carbonate production rates by fish can be comparable with other fine-grained carbonate-producing taxa such as codiacean algae. However, carbonates produced by Australian reef fish assemblages are dominated by a highly unstable amorphous polymorph; a marked contrast to Caribbean assemblages in which Mg calcite dominates. These findings highlight important regional differences in the sedimentary relevance and preservation potential of fish carbonates as a function of historical biogeographic processes that have shaped the world’s marine fish faunas.Salter, Perry, and Wilson were funded through Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) grants NE/K003143/1 and NE/G010617/1. Harborne was funded through NERC fellowship NE/F015704/1 and Australian Research Council (ARC) fellowship DE120102459

    Carbonate budgets as indicators of functional reef “health”: a critical review of data underpinning census-based methods and current knowledge gaps

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via the DOI in this record.The carbonate budget of a reef describes the net rate of carbonate production resulting from various biologically-, physically- and chemically-driven production and erosion processes. Thus, budget state metrics can provide important information on a reef’s growth potential and on the capacity of reefs to sustain key geo-ecological services such as habitat provision and coastal protection. Whilst various approaches for estimating carbonate budgets exist, census-based methods have gained recent interest because they quantify the contribution of different functional groups and taxa, and allow assessments of the links between changing reef ecology and budget states. However, the present paucity of supporting data on growth and erosion rates for the majority of coral species and reef-associated taxa represents a constraint on these budget estimates and limits meaningful between-site comparisons. In light of the growing interest in using carbonate budgets as a functional reef “health” assessment tool, this review thus considers our current state of knowledge regarding the geographic coverage of existing reef budget states and the availability of relevant supporting data. We use this to highlight current knowledge gaps, future challenges, and opportunities that emerging techniques may offer. The primary aim of this review is to encourage increased research efforts on budget states and underlying metrics in order to better constrain reef carbonate budget estimates from across a broad range of sites and environments.Bertarelli FoundationRoyal Societ

    Bleaching-driven reef community shifts drive pulses of increased reef sediment generation

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from the Royal Society via the DOI in this recordData accessibility: Benthic ecological data, and parrotfish abundance and biomass data used in this study are deposited at the Dryad Digital Repository: https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.08kprr4zcThe ecological impacts of coral bleaching on reef communities are well documented, but resultant impacts upon reef-derived sediment supply are poorly quantified. This is an important knowledge gap because these biogenic sediments underpin shoreline and reef island maintenance. Here, we explore the impacts of the 2016 bleaching event on sediment generation by two dominant sediment producers (parrotfish and Halimeda spp.) on southern Maldivian reefs. Our data identifies two pulses of increased sediment generation in the 3 years since bleaching. The first occurred within approximately six months after bleaching as parrotfish biomass and resultant erosion rates increased, probably in response to enhanced food availability. The second pulse occurred 1 to 3 years post-bleaching, after further increases in parrotfish biomass and a major (approx. fourfold) increase in Halimeda spp. abundance. Total estimated sediment generation from these two producers increased from approximately 0.5 kg CaCO3 m−2 yr−1 (pre-bleaching; 2016) to approximately 3.7 kg CaCO3 m−2 yr−1 (post-bleaching; 2019), highlighting the strong links between reef ecology and sediment generation. However, the relevance of this sediment for shoreline maintenance probably diverges with each producer group, with parrotfish-derived sediment a more appropriate size fraction to potentially contribute to local island shorelines.Leverhulme TrustBertarelli Foundatio

    Towards a formal description of foraminiferal assemblage formation in shallow-water environments: Qualitative and quantitative concepts

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    © 2014 Elsevier B.V. The use of foraminifera in palaeoenvironmental reconstructions (e.g. sea level) may be complicated by processes such as infaunal test production, taphonomic degradation and bioturbation which act to modify contemporary analogue (surface) assemblages during and subsequent to burial. Understanding the palaeoenvironmental significance of these processes is limited by the absence of a clear theoretical description of the mechanics of foraminiferal assemblage formation. A conceptual framework is proposed which describes assemblage formation in terms of the balance of test inputs and losses within a volume of sediment undergoing burial through the upper sedimentary zones of test production, taphonomic processes and bioturbation. A corresponding mathematical model is described and shown to explain empirical dead test distributions in terms of empirically-defined standing crops, sedimentation and mixing rates, together with model estimates of standing crop turnover and/or taphonomic decay rates. This approach provides a quantitative basis for understanding assemblage formation and for comparing assemblage forming processes between species, environments and study sites. Rates of standing crop turnover and taphonomic loss are identified as the primary unknowns in the study of foraminiferal assemblage formation. These multiple unknowns make interpretations of cored data ambiguous, emphasising the need for a detailed and coherent framework of theory and assumptions for understanding the mechanics assemblage formation if interpretations are to be clear and conclusive

    Wound-healing capabilities of whale sharks (Rhincodon typus) and implications for conservation management

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    Wound healing is important for marine taxa such as elasmobranchs, which can incur a range of natural and anthropogenic wounds throughout their life history. There is evidence that this group shows a high capacity for external wound healing. However, anthropogenic wounds may become more frequent due to increasing commercial and recreational marine activities. Whale sharks are particularly at risk of attaining injuries given their use of surface waters and wildlife tourism interest.There is limited understanding as to how whale sharks recover from injuries, and often insights are confined to singular opportunistic observations. The present study makes use of a unique and valuable photographic data source from two whale shark aggregation sites in the Indian Ocean. Successional injury-healing progression cases were reviewed to investigate the characteristics of injuries and quantify a coarse healing timeframe. Wounds were measured over time using an image standardization method. This work shows that by Day 25 major injury surface area decreased by an average of 56% and the most rapid healing case showed a surface area reduction of 50% in 4 days. All wounds reached a point of 90% surface area closure by Day 35. There were differences in healing rate based on wound type, with lacerations and abrasions taking 50 and 22 days to reach 90% healing, respectively. This study provides baseline information for wound healing in whale sharks and the methods proposed could act as a foundation for future research. Use of a detailed classification system, as presented here, may also assist in ocean scale injury comparisons between research groups and aid reliable descriptive data. Such findings can contribute to discussions regarding appropriate management in aggregation areas with an aim to reduce the likelihood of injuries, such as those resulting from vessel collisions, in these regions or during movements between coastal waters
