1,427 research outputs found

    Ferromagnetism Induced by Uniaxial Pressure in the Itinerant Metamagnet Sr3Ru2O7

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    We report a uniaxial-pressure study on the magnetisation of single crystals of the bilayer perovskite Sr3Ru2O7, a metamagnet close to a ferromagnetic instability. We observed that the application of a uniaxial pressure parallel to the c-axis induces ferromagnetic ordering with a Curie temperature of about 80 K and critical pressures of about 4 kbar or higher. This value for the critical pressure is even higher than the value previously reported (~ 1 kbar), which might be attributed to the difference of the impurity level. Below the critical pressure parallel to the c-axis, the metamagnetic field appears to hardly change. We have also found that uniaxial pressures perpendicular to the c-axis, in contrast, do not induce ferromagnetism, but shift the metamagnetic field to higher fields.Comment: Accepted for publication in Proc of 24th Int. Conf. on Low Temperature Physics (LT24); 2 page

    Poor electronic screening in lightly doped Mott insulators observed with scanning tunneling microscopy

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    The effective Mott gap measured by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) in the lightly doped Mott insulator (Sr1xLax)2IrO4(\rm{Sr}_{1 -x}\rm{La}_x)_2\rm{IrO}_4 differs greatly from values reported by photoemission and optical experiments. Here, we show that this is a consequence of the poor electronic screening of the tip-induced electric field in this material. Such effects are well known from STM experiments on semiconductors, and go under the name of tip-induced band bending (TIBB). We show that this phenomenon also exists in the lightly doped Mott insulator (Sr1xLax)2IrO4(\rm{Sr}_{1 -x}\rm{La}_x)_2\rm{IrO}_4 and that, at doping concentrations of x4%x\leq 4 \%, it causes the measured energy gap in the sample density of states to be bigger than the one measured with other techniques. We develop a model able to retrieve the intrinsic energy gap leading to a value which is in rough agreement with other experiments, bridging the apparent contradiction. At doping x5%x \approx 5 \% we further observe circular features in the conductance layers that point to the emergence of a significant density of free carriers in this doping range, and to the presence of a small concentration of donor atoms. We illustrate the importance of considering the presence of TIBB when doing STM experiments on correlated-electron systems and discuss the similarities and differences between STM measurements on semiconductors and lightly doped Mott insulators.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Solid Electrolyte Interphase Formation in Tellurium Iodide Perovskites during Electrochemistry and Photoelectrochemistry

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    Halide perovskites are promising photoelectrocatalytic materials. Their further development requires understanding of surface processes during electrochemistry. Thin films of tellurium-based vacancy-ordered perovskites with formula A2TeI6, A = Cs, methylammonium (MA), were deposited onto transparent conducting substrates using aerosol-assisted chemical vapor deposition. Thin film stability as electrodes and photoelectrodes was tested in dichloromethane containing tetrabutylammonium PF6 (TBAPF6). Using photoemission spectroscopy, we show that the formation of a solid electrolyte interphase on the surface of the Cs2TeI6, consisting of CsPF6, enhances the stability of the electrode and allows extended chopped-light chronoamperometry measurements at up to 1.1 V with a photocurrent density of 16 μA/cm2. In contrast, (CH3NH3)2TeI6 does not form a passivating layer and rapidly degrades upon identical electrochemical treatment. This demonstrates the importance of surface chemistry in halide perovskite electrochemistry and photoelectrocatalysis

    Carrier density crossover and quasiparticle mass enhancement in a doped 5dd Mott insulator

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    High-temperature superconductivity in cuprates emerges upon doping the parent Mott insulator. Robust signatures of the low-doped electronic state include a Hall carrier density that initially tracks the number of doped holes and the emergence of an anisotropic pseudogap; the latter characterised by disconnected Fermi arcs, closure at a critical doping level p0.19p^* \approx 0.19, and, in some cases, a strongly enhanced carrier effective mass. In Sr2_2IrO4_4, a spin-orbit-coupled Mott insulator often regarded as a 5dd analogue of the cuprates, surface probes have revealed the emergence of an anisotropic pseudogap and Fermi arcs under electron doping, though neither the corresponding pp^* nor bulk signatures of pseudogap closing have as yet been observed. Here, we report electrical transport and specific heat measurements on Sr2x_{2-x}Lax_xIrO4_4 over an extended doping range 0 x\leq x \leq 0.20. The effective carrier density nHn_{\rm H} at low temperatures exhibits a crossover from nHxn_{\rm H} \approx x to nH1+xn_{\rm H} \approx 1+x near xx = 0.16, accompanied by \textcolor{blue}{a five-orders-of-magnitude increase in conductivity} and a six-fold enhancement in the electronic specific heat. These striking parallels in the bulk pseudogap phenomenology, coupled with the absence of superconductivity in electron-doped Sr2_2IrO4_4, disfavour the pseudogap as a state of precursor pairing and thereby narrow the search for the key ingredient underpinning the formation of the superconducting condensate in doped Mott insulators

    Dynamically driven inflow onto the galactic center and its effect upon molecular clouds

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    Funding: ERC via the ERC Synergy Grant “ECOGAL” (grant 855130) (M.C.S., R.G.T., S.C.O.G., and R.S.K). R.J.S. gratefully acknowledges an STFC Ernest Rutherford fellowship (grant ST/N00485X/1).The Galactic bar plays a critical role in the evolution of the Milky Way's Central Molecular Zone (CMZ), driving gas toward the Galactic Center via gas flows known as dust lanes. To explore the interaction between the CMZ and the dust lanes, we run hydrodynamic simulations in arepo, modeling the potential of the Milky Way's bar in the absence of gas self-gravity and star formation physics, and we study the flows of mass using Monte Carlo tracer particles. We estimate the efficiency of the inflow via the dust lanes, finding that only about a third (30% ± 12%) of the dust lanes' mass initially accretes onto the CMZ, while the rest overshoots and accretes later. Given observational estimates of the amount of gas within the Milky Way's dust lanes, this suggests that the true total inflow rate onto the CMZ is 0.8 ± 0.6 M⊙ yr−1. Clouds in this simulated CMZ have sudden peaks in their average density near the apocenter, where they undergo violent collisions with inflowing material. While these clouds tend to counter-rotate due to shear, co-rotating clouds occasionally occur due to the injection of momentum from collisions with inflowing material (∼52% are strongly counter-rotating, and ∼7% are strongly co-rotating of the 44 cloud sample). We investigate the formation and evolution of these clouds, finding that they are fed by many discrete inflow events, providing a consistent source of gas to CMZ clouds even as they collapse and form stars.Peer reviewe

    Alcohol dependence in a community sample of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians : Harms, getting help and awareness of local treatments

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    Background Few studies have examined links between current alcohol dependence and specific harms among Indigenous Australians. We investigated these associations as well as help seeking for drinking, awareness of local treatments and recommendations to help family or friends cut down or stop drinking in two Indigenous communities. Methods A representative sample of Indigenous Australians was surveyed in one urban and one remote community in South Australia. Data were collected via the Grog Survey App. Participants were dependent if they reported two or more symptoms of alcohol dependence (ICD-11). Pearson chi-square tests were used to describe relationships between employment by gender, and dependence by awareness of medicines and local treatment options. Multivariate logistic regressions were used to predict the odds of dependent drinkers experiencing harms and getting help for drinking, controlling for age, gender, schooling and income. Results A total of 775 Indigenous Australians took part in the study. After controlling for confounders, dependent drinkers were nearly eight times more likely to report a harm and nearly three times more likely to get help for their drinking—compared with non-dependent drinkers. Participants recommended accessing local support from an Aboriginal alcohol and other drugs worker, or a detoxification/ rehabilitation service. Discussion and conclusions More support and funding is needed for Indigenous Australians to ensure local treatment options for dependent drinkers are readily available, appropriate and accessible. Involvement of local Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander health professionals in delivery of care can help ensure that it is appropriate to an individual’s culture and context

    Simulations of the Milky Way's central molecular zone -- I. Gas dynamics

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    We use hydrodynamical simulations to study the Milky Way's central molecular zone (CMZ). The simulations include a non-equilibrium chemical network, the gas self-gravity, star formation and supernova feedback. We resolve the structure of the interstellar medium at sub-parsec resolution while also capturing the interaction between the CMZ and the bar-driven large-scale flow out to R\sim 5\kpc. Our main findings are as follows: (1) The distinction between inner (R120R\lesssim120~pc) and outer (120R450120\lesssim R\lesssim450~pc) CMZ that is sometimes proposed in the literature is unnecessary. Instead, the CMZ is best described as single structure, namely a star-forming ring with outer radius R200R\simeq 200~pc which includes the 1.3^\circ complex and which is directly interacting with the dust lanes that mediate the bar-driven inflow. (2) This accretion can induce a significant tilt of the CMZ out of the plane. A tilted CMZ might provide an alternative explanation to the \infty-shaped structure identified in Herschel data by Molinari et al. 2011. (3) The bar in our simulation efficiently drives an inflow from the Galactic disc (R3R\simeq 3~kpc) down to the CMZ (R200R\simeq200~pc) of the order of 1Myr11\rm\,M_\odot\,yr^{-1}, consistent with observational determinations. (4) Supernova feedback can drive an inflow from the CMZ inwards towards the circumnuclear disc of the order of 0.03Myr1\sim0.03\,\rm M_\odot\,yr^{-1}. (5) We give a new interpretation for the 3D placement of the 20 and 50 km s1^{-1} clouds, according to which they are close (R30R\lesssim30~pc) to the Galactic centre, but are also connected to the larger-scale streams at R100R\gtrsim100~pc.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. Movies of the simulations can be found at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwnzfO-xLxzRDz9XsexfPo

    Short screening tools for risky drinking in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians : Modified AUDIT-C and a new approach

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    Background Alcohol consumption among Indigenous Australians can involve a stop-start pattern of drinking, with consumption well above recommended guidelines on each occasion. Such intermittent drinking patterns can make screening for risky drinking difficult. This study evaluates the ability of several short alcohol screening tools, contained in the Grog Survey Application, to detect short- or long-term risky drinking as defined by Australian guidelines. Tested tools include a modification of Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test-Consumption (AUDIT-Cm). Methods Alcohol consumption was assessed in current drinkers in the past year (n = 184) using AUDIT-Cm and using the last four drinking occasions (Finnish method). Sensitivity and specificity were assessed relative to the Finnish method, for how AUDIT-Cm score (3 + for women, 4 + for men), and how subsets of AUDIT-Cm questions (AUDIT-1m and AUDIT-2m; and AUDIT-3mV alone) were able to determine short- or long-term risk from drinking. Responses to AUDIT-Cm were used to calculate the average standard drinks consumed per day, and the frequency at which more than four standard drinks were consumed on single occasions. Finally, shorter versions of the Finnish method (1, 2, or 3 occasions of drinking) were compared to the full Finnish method, by examining the percentage of variance retained by shorter versions. Results AUDIT-Cm has a high sensitivity in detecting at-risk drinking compared with the Finnish method (sensitivity = 99%, specificity = 67%). The combination of AUDIT-1m and AUDIT-2m was able to classify the drinking risk status for all but four individuals in the same way as the Finnish method did. For the Finnish method, two drinking sessions to calculate drinks per drinking occasion, and four to calculate frequency resulted in nearly identical estimates to data on all four of the most recent drinking occasions (r2 = 0.997). Conclusions The combination of AUDIT-1m and AUDIT-2m may offer advantages as a short screening tool, over AUDIT-3mV, in groups where intermittent and high per occasion drinking is common. As an alternative to the full Finnish method, the quantity consumed on the last two occasions and timing of the last four occasions may provide a practical short screening tool

    Acceptability and feasibility of a computer-based application to help Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians describe their alcohol consumption

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    We examined acceptability and feasibility of a tablet application (“App”) to record self-reported alcohol consumption among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians. Four communities (1 urban; 3 regional/remote) tested the App, with 246 adult participants (132 males, 114 females). The App collected (a) completion time; (b) participant feedback; (c) staff observations. Three research assistants were interviewed. Only six (1.4%) participants reported that the App was “hard” to use. Participants appeared to be engaged and to require minimal assistance; nearly half verbally reflected on their drinking or drinking of others. The App has potential for surveys, screening, or health promotion