2,952 research outputs found

    Velocity shear and current driven instability in a collisional F-region

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    We have studied how the presence of collisions affects the behavior of instabilities triggered by a combination of shears and parallel currents in the ionosphere under a variety of ion to electron temperature ratios. To this goal we have numerically solved a kinetic dispersion relation, using a relaxation model to describe the effects of ion and electron collisions. We have compared our solutions to expressions derived in a fluid limit which applied only to large electron to ion temperature ratios. We have limited our study to threshold conditions for the current density and the shears. We have studied how the threshold varies as a function of the wave-vector angle direction and as a function of frequency. As expected, we have found that for low frequencies and/or elevated ion to electron temperature ratios, the kinetic dispersion relation has to be used to evaluate the threshold conditions. We have also found that ion velocity shears can significantly lower the field-aligned threshold current needed to trigger the instability, especially for wave-vectors close to the perpendicular to the magnetic field. However the current density and shear requirements remain significantly higher than if collisions are neglected. Therefore, for ionospheric F-region applications, the effect of collisions should be included in the calculation of instabilities associated with horizontal shears in the vertical flow. Furthermore, in many situations of interest the kinetic solutions should be used instead of the fluid limit, in spite of the fact that the latter can be shown to produce qualitatively valid solutions

    Fate and trophic transfer of rare earth elements in temperate lake food webs

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    Many mining projects targeting rare earth elements (REE) are in development in North America, but the background concentrations and trophic transfer of these elements in natural environments have not been well characterized. We sampled abiotic and food web components in 14 Canadian temperate lakes unaffected by mines to assess the natural ecosystem fate of REE. Individual REE and total REE concentrations (sum of individual element concentrations, ΣREE) were strongly related with each other throughout different components of lake food webs. Dissolved organic carbon and dissolved oxygen in the water column, as well as ΣREE in sediments, were identified as potential drivers of aqueous ΣREE. Log10 of median bioaccumulation factors ranged from 1.3, 3.7, 4.0, and 4.4 L/kg (wet weight) for fish muscle, zooplankton, predatory invertebrates, and nonpredatory invertebrates, respectively. [ΣREE] in fish, benthic macroinvertebrates, and zooplankton declined as a function of their trophic position, as determined by functional feeding groups and isotopic signatures of nitrogen (δ15N), indicating that REE were subject to trophic dilution. Low concentrations of REE in freshwater fish muscle compared to their potential invertebrate prey suggest that fish fillet consumption is unlikely to be a significant source of REE to humans in areas unperturbed by mining activities. However, other fish predators (e.g., piscivorous birds and mammals) may accumulate REE from whole fish as they are more concentrated than muscle. Overall, this study provides key information on the baseline concentrations and trophic patterns for REE in freshwater temperate lakes in Quebec, Canada

    On postglacial sea level—III. Incorporating sediment redistribution

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    We derive a generalized theory for gravitationally self-consistent, static sea level variations on earth models of arbitrary complexity that takes into account the redistribution of sediments. The theory is an extension of previous work that incorporated, into the governing equations, shoreline migration due to local sea level variations and changes in the geometry of grounded, marine-based ice. In addition, we use viscoelastic Love number theory to present a version of the new theory valid for spherically symmetric earth models. The Love number theory accounts for the gravitational, deformational and rotational effects of the sediment redistribution. As a first, illustrative application of the new theory, we compute the perturbation in sea level driven by an idealized pulse of sediment transport into the Gulf of Mexico. We demonstrate that incorporating a gravitationally self-consistent water load in this case significantly improves the accuracy of sea level predictions relative to previous simplified treatments of the sediment redistribution

    A Generalization of the Convex Kakeya Problem

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    Given a set of line segments in the plane, not necessarily finite, what is a convex region of smallest area that contains a translate of each input segment? This question can be seen as a generalization of Kakeya's problem of finding a convex region of smallest area such that a needle can be rotated through 360 degrees within this region. We show that there is always an optimal region that is a triangle, and we give an optimal \Theta(n log n)-time algorithm to compute such a triangle for a given set of n segments. We also show that, if the goal is to minimize the perimeter of the region instead of its area, then placing the segments with their midpoint at the origin and taking their convex hull results in an optimal solution. Finally, we show that for any compact convex figure G, the smallest enclosing disk of G is a smallest-perimeter region containing a translate of every rotated copy of G.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Sign Rules for Anisotropic Quantum Spin Systems

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    We present new and exact ``sign rules'' for various spin-s anisotropic spin-lattice models. It is shown that, after a simple transformation which utilizes these sign rules, the ground-state wave function of the transformed Hamiltonian is positive-definite. Using these results exact statements for various expectation values of off-diagonal operators are presented, and transitions in the behavior of these expectation values are observed at particular values of the anisotropy. Furthermore, the effects of sign rules in variational calculations and quantum Monte Carlo calculations are considered. They are illustrated by a simple variational treatment of a one-dimensional anisotropic spin model.Comment: 4 pages, 1 ps-figur

    The association between human endogenous retroviruses and multiple sclerosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: The interaction between genetic and environmental factors is crucial to multiple sclerosis (MS) pathogenesis. Human Endogenous Retroviruses (HERVs) are endogenous viral elements of the human genome whose expression is associated with MS. Objective: To perform a systematic review and meta-analysis and to assess qualitative and quantitative evidence on the expression of HERV families in MS patients. Methods: Medline, Embase and the Cochrane Library were searched for published studies on the association of HERVs and MS. Meta-analysis was performed on the HERV-W family. Odds Ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) were calculated for association. Results: 43 reports were extracted (25 related to HERV-W, 13 to HERV-H, 9 to HERV-K, 5 to HRES-1 and 1 to HER-15 family). The analysis showed an association between expression of all HERV families and MS. For HERV-W, adequate data was available for meta-analysis. Results from meta-analyses of HERV-W were OR = 22.66 (95%CI 6.32 to 81.20) from 4 studies investigating MSRV/HERV-W(MS-associated retrovirus) envelope mRNA in peripheral blood mononuclear cells, OR = 44.11 (95%CI 12.95 to 150.30) from 6 studies of MSRV/ HERV-W polymerase mRNA in serum/plasma and OR = 6.00 (95%CI 3.35 to 10.74) from 4 studies of MSRV/HERV-W polymerase mRNA in CSF

    Dynamic modeling of mean-reverting spreads for statistical arbitrage

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    Statistical arbitrage strategies, such as pairs trading and its generalizations, rely on the construction of mean-reverting spreads enjoying a certain degree of predictability. Gaussian linear state-space processes have recently been proposed as a model for such spreads under the assumption that the observed process is a noisy realization of some hidden states. Real-time estimation of the unobserved spread process can reveal temporary market inefficiencies which can then be exploited to generate excess returns. Building on previous work, we embrace the state-space framework for modeling spread processes and extend this methodology along three different directions. First, we introduce time-dependency in the model parameters, which allows for quick adaptation to changes in the data generating process. Second, we provide an on-line estimation algorithm that can be constantly run in real-time. Being computationally fast, the algorithm is particularly suitable for building aggressive trading strategies based on high-frequency data and may be used as a monitoring device for mean-reversion. Finally, our framework naturally provides informative uncertainty measures of all the estimated parameters. Experimental results based on Monte Carlo simulations and historical equity data are discussed, including a co-integration relationship involving two exchange-traded funds.Comment: 34 pages, 6 figures. Submitte