16 research outputs found

    Una lectura culta, amena y didáctica : lo middlebrow queer y la construcción de identidades en la narrativa popular gay española 1999-2009

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    Este ensayo examina un grupo de ficciones populares escritas por y para hombres gay en España desde 1999 a la actualidad que entran bajo la forma cultural de consumo "middlebrow". Asimismo, apunta a un proyecto política y culturalmente significativo de construcción de la imagen y la identidad basado en experiencias de la vida cotidiana, que se da paralelamente a un estudio del pensamiento y la cultura queer en la España postfranquista para contribuir a los análisis de las representaciones de construcción de identidades, socialización y educación sentimental en la cultura popular contemporánea. Estas novelas son a menudo hiperbólicas, pero siempre plantean representaciones realistas y accesibles de las vidas de hombres que tienen sexo con hombres en un país que ahora provee de espacios para la práctica y encarnación del deseo no heteronormativo, contribuyendo así significativamente a la homociabilidad textualizada en este contexto europeo.This essay examines a number of popular fictions written for and by gay men in Spain since 1999 to the present under a consumption cultural form that the author terms 'middlebrow'. Furthermore, it aims at pointing out to a political and cultural project of constructing images and identities based on experiences of everyday life parallel to the study of queer culture in post-Franco Spain, in order to contribute to the analysis of representations of identities, socialization and sentimental education in contemporary popular culture. The novels are often hyperbolical, but work at the level of a realist and accessible representation of the lives of men that have sex with men in a country that currently provides spaces for the practices and the embodiment of non heteronormative desire, thus contributing to a textualized homosociability in the European context

    The making of Jorge Luis Borges as an Argentine cultural icon

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    Jorge Luis Borges, a literary figure intimately linked to Argentina's sense of cultural identity, has evoked both veneration and vilification among the country's intellectuals and the general public. Despite the vast amount of work written about his life and work in Argentina and abroad, no comprehensive examination of the construction of the author as an Argentine cultural icon has been produced so far. This thesis focuses on Borges as cultural signifier and it examines the often conflicting facets of the construction of Borges as icon. It argues that the ideas, hopes, fears and demands that Argentine people have placed upon the author - thus constructing the icon - are also those that allow them to define their cultural identity. Thus, the study sheds light on the mechanisms of the ongoing construction of Argentine identity and exposes the complexity of the process by drawing from critical, political and media discourses.The main images and conceptions of Borges examined and contested in the present work include his perceived social, political and intellectual elitism; his perceived positioning as a writer detached from Argentina's socio-political reality; the interpretation of his admiration for English literature as a way of disregarding Argentine culture; and finally the image of the author as a perpetual old blind sage with no links to popular culture. The study of these images and conceptions is elaborated through the analysis of biographies, photographs, comic strips and the promotion of so-called 'Borgesian' spaces in the city of Buenos Aires. These are studied in relation to the socio-political, historical and cultural contexts in which they were produced.This study is based on the view that the intertwined processes of the construction of the icon and of identity formation are fluid and in constant development. In this way, the thesis does not seek to reveal an essence of Borges; it aims to uncover the complexity of the operations that constitute the definition of Argentine cultural identity through Borges, focusing on the process rather than on an end result.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    French and Spanish Queer Film:Audiences, Communities and Cultural Exchange

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    This book advances the current state of film audience research and of our knowledge of sexuality in transnational contexts, by analysing how French LGBTQ films are seen in Spain and Spanish ones in France, as well as how these films are seen in the UK. It studies films from various genres and examines their reception across four languages (Spanish, French, Catalan, English) and engages with participants across a range of digital and physical audience locations. A focus on LGBTQ festivals and on issues relating to LGBTQ experience in both countries allows for the consideration of issues such as ageing, sense of community and isolation, affiliation and investment, and the representation of issues affecting trans people. The book examines films that chronicle the local, national and sub-national identities while also addressing foreign audiences. It draws on a large sample of individual responses through post-screening questionnaires and focus groups as well as on the work of professional film critics and on-line commentators.</p