777 research outputs found

    Aleutian Allusions: Mackenzie King’s Diary and the Invasion of Kiska in 1943

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    Alien Registration- Perras, Diana (Brunswick, Cumberland County)

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    Droit d'asile et nouvel ordre mondial - crispations sur la frontière : l'envers de la globalisation

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    The fail of communist ideology and the subsequent breaking up of the old empire has allowed an acceleration of the process of world wide exchange liberalization. Population flow adapts itself to the movement naturally, helped by the development of communications, transportation and transnational networks in different parts of the industrialized world. Conflicts, wars, human rights violations and non democratic Systems also contribute extensively to increase the south-north migratory pressures. This contemporary context has led the international community to consider international migrations to be a major threat to world stability and global security. In this context, the right to seek and to enjoy a safe haven becomes a mere illusion. The survival of the right of asylum is linked to the recognition of the failure of the actual international System. The reality of today's refugee movement calls for new types of solidarities and cooperation which should be inspired by the principles of democracy and human rights protection

    Morton, Desmond — Fight or Pay: Soldiers' Families in the Great War

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    Exploring the Perceived Effects of Student Online Sharing of Environmental Artwork

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    This case study research examined the process of secondary school students creating and sharing site-specific artworks online as part of their environmental art production assignment. Student participant perceptions of the production of their place-based sculptures, as well as their palimpsest artworks, are examined within the context of interactive posting of images and commentary within a social media platform. Participants’ responses point to several critical factors in the organization and active operation of visual art assignments in which students engaged via a digital sharing site (e.g., students’ online posting needs resemble their offline communication needs). Although enthusiastic about producing environmental artwork, students did not appear to demonstrate the same level of interest in the online sharing element. The following factors emerged as being influential regarding online student enthusiasm: the establishment of trust by way of familiarization of the platform and the other participants; the inclusion of accepted mentors and/or teachers; the assurance of safety of the site; the building of some sort of joint purpose and community; the affirmation that posting would not lower their grade; and the possibility of additional face-to-face sharing of artworks if the circumstances would allow for it. All of these factors were also likely heightened due to the sensitive nature of sharing one’s art production in process, especially during adolescence

    Le marché des stupéfiants dans une société mondialisée

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    I trattati di cooperazione internazionale esistono da decenni, così come il traffico internazionale di droga. Tuttavia, essi non sono ancora riusciti a lottare efficacemente contro tale tipo di traffico. Questo articolo ripercorre la storia del traffico internazionale e rinvia particolarmente a certi esempi noti come quelli della Colombia e dell’Afganistan. Les traités de coopération internationale existent depuis des décennies, tout comme le trafic international de drogues. Toutefois, ils n’ont pas encore réussi à lutter efficacement contre le trafic international de drogues. Ce texte révise l’histoire du trafic international et renvoie plus particulièrement à certains exemples connus comme ceux de la Colombie et de l’Afghanistan. International co-operation treaties exist for decades, as well as the international drug traffic. However, they did not yet succeed in efficiently fighting international drug trafficking. This paper reviews the history of international traffic and illustrate the discussion with known examples like those of Colombia and Afghanistan
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