53 research outputs found

    The international traineeships network at UPF

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    This work is a preliminary study aimed at assessing the impact of international traineeships at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) in the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme. The deployment of post-EHEA traineeships has already been studied in previous works, and a comparison is performed between local and international traineeships. The study is based on a survey among students taking part in these international traineeships, by adapting the previous questionnaire and including contextual aspects.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Gender in the editorial boards of scientific journals: a study on the current state of the art

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    Gender issues have been studied in a broad range of fields and in many areas of society, including social relations, politics, labour, and also academia. However, gender in the membership of editorial boards of scientific journals is a topic that only recently has started to attract the attention of researchers, and there is little literature on this subject as of today. The objective of this work is to present a study of the current state of editorial boards with regard to gender. The methodology is based on a literature review of gender issues in academia, and more specifically in the incipient field of gender in editorial boards. The main findings of this work, according to the reviewed bibliography, are that women are underrepresented in academic institutions, that this underrepresentation is increasingly marked in higher rank positions in academia and in editorial boards, and that this carries the risk of narrowing the nature and scope of the research in some fields of knowledg

    Out-of-classroom experiences: a survey of students’ perceptions of the learning process during internships

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    [EN] A survey has been conducted during the 2013-2014 academic year among the first graduating class after the EHEA in the Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), with the aim of comprehending the students’ perception of the learning process developed through the out-of-classroom activities of professional internships. In this work such activities are considered an integral part of the knowledge acquisition process, on the basis of the constructivism paradigm of learning-by-doing. The results of the survey show that, in general, student’s perceptions are positive about the overall process, although the weakest point is in the perceived connexion between the theory explained in the classroom and its practical application in the workplace. The conclusion is that from the students’ point of view the introduction of the new post-EHEA internship courses at UPF has been successful in many aspects, while in some other aspects, particularly in the relationship between theory and practice, some further analysis is recommended.Alemany-Costa, J.; Perramon Tornil, X. (2015). Out-of-classroom experiences: a survey of students’ perceptions of the learning process during internships. En 1ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HIGHER EDUCATION ADVANCES (HEAD' 15). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 370-377. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd15.2015.48437037

    Towards a Practicum that guarantees the quality: design and implementation of a monitoring protocol of the Practicum

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    [ES] Este artículo presenta un proyecto que se está llevando a cabo en la Universitat Pompeu Fabra para garantizar la calidad de las prácticas externas que se han de realizar en el contexto de los nuevos grados adaptados al EEES. Un aspecto fundamental para esta garantía de calidad radica en un seguimiento adecuado del desarrollo de las prácticas en organizaciones y empresas. Por ello, uno de los objetivos de nuestro proyecto es la definición de un protocolo de seguimiento del Practicum basado en las competencias a desarrollar durante las prácticas. También forma parte del proyecto la implementación de este protocolo de seguimiento mediante el uso de las TIC, concretamente a través de un módulo integrado en la plataforma Moodle que permite la gestión del Practicum conjuntamente con el resto de asignaturas.[EN] This article presents a current project of the Pompeu Fabra University which aims at assuring the quality of the external practices that undergraduate students have to do in the context of the European Higher Education Area. A fundamental aspect to guarantee the quality stems from an adequate monitoring of the practices development in the companies and organizations. For this reason, one of the objectives of our project is to define a Practicum monitoring protocol based on the competences to be developed during the practices. This project, also, includes the implementation of this monitoring protocol using ICT, specifically through an integrated block in the Moodle platform that permits to manage the Practicum together with others subjects.Alemany Costa, J.; Perramon Tornil, X. (2011). Hacia un Practicum que garantice la calidad: diseño e implementación de un protocolo de seguimiento del Practicum. REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria. 9(3):161-179. https://doi.org/10.4995/redu.2011.6159OJS16117993Bas Peña, E. (2007). Practicum y "buenas prácticas": la evaluación como instrumento de mejora. En A. Cid, M. Muradás, M.a. Zabalza, M. González, M. Raposo y L. Iglesias (Coord.), Buenas prácticas en el practicum. Santiago de Compostela: Imprenta Universitaria.Cid, A., Pérez, A. y Sarmiento, J. A. (2011). La tutoría en el Practicum. Revisión de la literatura. Revista de Educación, 354, 127-154.Domínguez Prieto, E., Fernández López, L. (2005). La calidad vista desde el practicum. En M. Raposo, A. Cid, M. Sanmamed et al. (Coord.), El practicum en el nuevo contexto del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. Santiago de Compostela: Imprenta Universitaria.Erkizia Olaizola, A. (2007). El efecto de la implementación de las nuevas tecnologías en los procesos de gestión de prácticas en empresas. En A. Cid, M. Muradás, M.A. Zabalza, M. González, M. Raposo y L. Iglesias (Coord.), Buenas prácticas en el practicum. Santiago de Compostela: Imprenta Universitaria.Jaques, D., Gibbs, G. y Rust, C. (1993). Designing and Evaluating Courses. New South Wales: Educational Methods Unit, Oxford Brooke University.Kolb, D. (1984). Experiential Learning. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc.Martínez Figueira, E., Raposo Rivas, M. (2011). Funciones generales de la tutoría en el Practicum: entre la realidad y el deseo en el desempeño de la acción tutorial. Revista de Educación, 354, 155-181.Molina, E. (dir.) (2004). Formación práctica de los estudiantes de Pedagogía en las Universidades españolas. Profesorado, revista de currículum y formación del profesorado, 8 (2). Recuperado el 13 de octubre de 2011, de www.ugr.es/local/recfpro/Rev82.htmlMoodle. Open source community based tolos for learning. Recuperado de: http://moodle.org/Raposo Rivas, M., Sarceda Gorgoso, M. C. (2007). La integración de las TIC en la supervisión del practicum. En A. Cid, M. Muradás, M.A. Zabalza, M. González, M. (Coord.), Buenas prácticas en el practicum. Santiago de Compostela: Imprenta Universitaria.Raposo y L. Iglesias (Coord.). Buenas prácticas en el practicum. Santiago de Compostela: Imprenta Universitaria.Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Facultat de Ciències Econòmiques i Empresarials. Recuperado de: http://www.upf.edu/facecon/Zabalza, M. A. (2011). El Practicum en la formación universitaria: estado de la cuestión. Revista de Educación, 354, 21-43

    The internship in the EHEA adaptation process. The UPF’s first year of graduate students’ opinion.

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    [ES] Para evaluar el proceso de adaptación de las prácticas a los nuevos grados en la Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) se está realizando un estudio en tres fases: una primera de análisis de la situación antes de la implementación del EEES, una segunda para conocer las previsiones de cambios en la implementación desde el punto de vista de los coordinadores-responsables, y una tercera, actualmente en curso, para comprobar el nivel de satisfacción de los estudiantes. El trabajo que se presenta en este artículo se centra en la metodología para obtener estas opiniones de los estudiantes dirigidas a detectar los aspectos susceptibles de mejora en la realización de las prácticas externas. Como primeras conclusiones podemos destacar que la incorporación de las prácticas externas como asignatura curricular en los estudios de grado ha sido un acierto, pues ha aumentado el grado de satisfacción de los primeros estudiantes de grado. La satisfacción del estudiante es aceptablemente alta en lo que se refi[EN] A three-stage study is being performed in order to assess the adaptation of the traineeships to the EHEA Degrees at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF). First, the situation previous to the EHEA deployment was considered. Second, the necessary changes due to the EHEA as forecasted were considered. Third, the current research, which is still in progress, aims to check student satisfaction in traineeships. This working paper describes thoroughly the methodology, and identifies room for improvement in traineeship performance. As a first conclusion we have found that the incorporation of the traineeships as a curricular subject in the degree studies has been a success, because the students’ satisfaction level has increased. Their satisfaction is acceptably high with technical aspects (assignment process, preliminary information, monitoring, etc.) and it is very high with their motivation. Four out of five students believe it has been very important for them do the internships well. Furthermore,Alemany Costa, J.; Perramon Tornil, X.; Panadès Estruch, L. (2014). Las prácticas externas en el proceso de adaptación al EEES. El punto de vista de la primera promoción de grado en la UPF. REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria. 12(4):115-139. https://doi.org/10.4995/redu.2014.5617OJS11513912

    Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Resolve Airway Inflammation, Hyperreactivity, And Histopathology In A Mouse Model Of Occupational Asthma

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    Occupational asthma (OA) is characterized by allergic airway inflammation and hyperresponsiveness, leading to progressive airway remodeling and a concomitant decline in lung function. The management of OA remains suboptimal in clinical practice. Thus, establishing effective therapies might overcome the natural history of the disease. We evaluated the ability of human adipose-tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells (hASCs), either unmodified or engineered to secrete the IL-33 decoy receptor sST2, to attenuate the inflammatory and respiratory symptoms in a previously validated mouse model of OA to ammonium persulfate (AP). Twenty-four hours after a dermal AP sensitization and intranasal challenge regimen, the animals received intravenously 1 x 10(6) cells (either hASCs or hASCs overexpressing sST2) or saline and were analyzed at 1, 3, and 6 days after treatment. The infused hASCs induced an anti-inflammatory and restorative program upon reaching the AP-injured, asthmatic lungs, leading to early reduction of neutrophilic inflammation and total IgE production, preserved alveolar architecture with nearly absent lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates, negligible smooth muscle hyperplasia/hypertrophy in the peribronchiolar areas, and baseline airway hyperreactivity (AHR) to methacholine. Local sST2 overexpression barely increased the substantial efficacy displayed by unmodified hASCs. Thus, hASCs may represent a viable multiaction therapeutic capable to adequately respond to the AP-injured lung environment by resolving inflammation, tissue remodeling, and bronchial hyperresponsiveness typical of OA

    Context-aware assessment in out-of-classroom activities by means of mobile technologies

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    [EN] This paper proposes a framework for context-aware assessment of out-ofclassroom subjects with the support of mobile technologies. The paper discusses: (a) the principles and implications of out-of-classroom activities, e.g. internships, outdoors practicals of topography, of agricultural or marine engineering, virtual university courses, etc.; and (b) context-aware assessment, in which some context elements (location, date and time, environmental circumstances) may be incorporated into the assessment by means of mobile technology. The aim of this framework is to provide the tools that will allow for an enhanced evaluation, by taking into account the context of the activities being carried out. Given the characteristics of the activities, the assessment will be based on submissions prepared by the students, which will automatically incorporate context information that can be relevant for the assessment. The framework will be tested with several groups of students participating in internships and/or international mobility programmes, from different universities (public, private, semi-public).Perramon, X.; Alemany Costa, J.; Torres Kompen, R.; Kenneth, C. (2016). Context-aware assessment in out-of-classroom activities by means of mobile technologies. En 2nd. International conference on higher education advances (HEAD'16). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 92-99. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD16.2015.2556OCS929

    Evolución del fútbol femenino federado en Terrassa (2011/2012 - 2018/2019): líneas futuras de investigación en la relación entre deporte y estudios marcados por estereotipos

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    En el presente trabajo se expone la evolución desde la temporada 2011/2012 hasta la actual 2018/2019 de los equipos federados de fútbol femenino en la ciudad de Terrassa, un deporte tradicionalmente considerado masculino. Dicha evolución se compara con la situación a nivel europeo (UEFA) y con la evolución de equipos masculinos. A partir de los resultados, se exponen líneas futuras de investigación en relación a los estereotipos entre el deporte y la orientación de los estudios en tecnologías, analizando desde un punto de vista teórico si puede existir una relación entre ambos que facilite la superación de ciertos prejuicios por género que perjudican el equilibrio en la evolución de nuestra socieda

    Situación de los estudios de ingeniería desde una perspectiva de género: estudio preliminar de la empleabilidad percibida y el soporte organizativo

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    En los últimos años se ha producido un descenso general en la matrícula de un conjunto de grados universitarios que comúnmente se ha denominado STEM (i.e., ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas). Este descenso ha generado mucho interés y preocupación en diferentes ámbitos económicosociales. El objetivo de este trabajo es ofrecer una revisión de las diferentes investigaciones que tratan de esclarecer las causas de dicha situación. Además, conocedores de la importancia de la empleabilidad percibida, su fomento y el soporte organizativo para los estudiantes de ingeniería, se presentan los resultados preliminares de una encuesta sobre estas tres variables en función del sexo. Finalmente se discuten los resultados y se exponen líneas futuras de investigació